Republicans Continue to Insult Women

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I'm not defending the Right's actions; I'm pointing out that anyone on The Left whining about a "war on women" is a bald faced hypocrite.

Apparnetly, they believe that the most essential, defining “right” of women is to murder their own children in cold blood.

This, in itself, reflects a horrendously degraded view of women in general.
Apparnetly, they believe that the most essential, defining “right” of women is to murder their own children in cold blood.

This, in itself, reflects a horrendously degraded view of women in general.
Mrs Jones is still crying because Taz yelled at her.
I bet you think men can get pregnant too.
MAGAts still showing us what they are.


We're the ones giving credence to sound science, over the insane delusions of fucked-up mental cases.

We're the ones who know the difference between men and women, and who understand why this difference is important, and how it pertains to the continuation of the human species.

We're the ones who understand that only women can become pregnant, that men cannot.

And somehow, you fucked-up loons on the left wrong think that your madness and evil somehow make you better than those of us who prefer reason and good.
where is the man's responsibility in this.....
Make up your minds. We were told women are smarter than men. So, it is easy to say "no". Abortions existed before Roe/Wade. Not one million a year. That is a disgrace. It is going to take some time for a percentage to see the light. And they may drive the nation into the ground because of the Supreme Court decision.
Make up your minds. We were told women are smarter than men. So, it is easy to say "no". Abortions existed before Roe/Wade. Not one million a year. That is a disgrace. It is going to take some time for a percentage to see the light. And they may drive the nation into the ground because of the Supreme Court decision.
I doubt the men are using the Jaws of Life to pry the womens legs apart during these encounters. Both are responsible of course, the problem is that Dimocrats show NO sense of self responsibility, ever. So being the lazy dregs they are, the baby murder is last and most convenient so as not to take up too much of their valuable time.
Keep trying to tell women what they can or cannot do with their bodies.....winning argument for INCEL MAGAts.

Keep telling lesbians they are terrible because they won't fuck a dude in a skirt with lipstick.
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