Republicans do it again

Anyone forcing anyone to get vaccinated (like universities, etc.) officials will end up in the Hague facing crimes against humanity by the Nuremburg code. Penalty is death. That includes state legislators and anyone in the Federal government. Our military is keeping track of who they are, you better believe it.
If you want to DO SOMETHING to bring this out of control Marxist / Fascist administration up short, join CSPOA and become a posse member! A Constitutional sheriff has the absolute highest authority. He can arrest and jail anyone violating our Constitution or the Nuremburg code ... including Federal "officials", Federal marshals, ANYone. Even the entire administration of universities mandating proof of vaccination.

I'll tell you one thing ... any dipshit who tries to force me to get the "vaccine" WILL BE CARTED OFF IN A BODY BAG. They might kill me a few seconds later, but I will die anyway if I get their fucking vaccine, and I will take four or five of them with me! Make no mistake about it!
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Careful – you’re going to run out of ‘real’ Republicans.

I've found one I like and respect:


Though I'm sure like every other two bit leftwing troll here, that just makes you say: lololol because no one can expect much true dialog from a progressive. You all get very angry when made to explain or justify your rationale in two way debate.
Lots of luck, idiots like Winterborn who trotted right out and got their jabs and swallowed the lies of Biden, Fauci and the corrupt mainstream media. You all just got injected with a bio-weapon designed to kill your stupid asses.

The Video That'll Lead To Fauci's Arrest - PROOF The Spike Protein Is An Intentional Bio-Weapon​

If things I have posted up to now have your little panties all wadded up in a bunch, this ought to douse them with gasoline and ignite them with a match. If this resonates with you as truth you are wide awake, otherwise you are a dumb ass asleep at the wheel and in for a very rude awakening when the military finally acts to go public and toss Biden out on his ass and execute the son of a bitch for treason.


Biden represents PURE EVIL. Anyone who supports him has been duped, played for a fool. He represents the dark cabal and their agenda for a one-world government with them in control, and part of their agenda is to depopulate the planet to only have about 500 million people and to control them with an iron fist. The Covid-19 "vaccines" are their bio weapon to do exactly that. There is no such thing as a Covid-19 virus, no such virus has ever been isolated. The "vaccines" have never been approved or certified as vaccines. Anyone stupid enough to get their jabs are idiots, and have signed their own death warrants. The "vaccine" will destroy their immune system and they will be dead shortly if it doesn't kill them in a week or so. There have been tens of thousands of deaths from those "vaccines" already. There is ample evidence that those "vaccines" will make you sterile if they don't kill you. As it turns out, most of those getting the jabs are liberals. Fine with me. I don't give a damn if every liberal in the country is killed off.

The MSM is busy promoting the "vaccines", but the only people listening to them are stupid liberals. Most conservatives are tuned in to the alternative media and the truth.
I dont know about the other stuff you posted is true or not but you totally nailed it here and took everybody to school except for one mistake you made. even though there are people dying within weeks or days of taking the vaccine,that was now what the elite wanted,it is backfiring on them cause it is designed to slowly kill you off in a three to five year period so the people dont like their deaths to the vaccines but like i said it is backfiring on them cause so many have died within days or weeks of taking it so it is not a secret like they hoped it to be.
Oh the irony.

You never belated a word when trump gave a trillion to wall street and massive tax cuts.
You're hypocrite.
You can prove we didn't complain ?

Just like many of us were against the stupid Bush Wars (and to be clear both Bush and the wars were stupid).

And you never acknowledged that either.
The 2020 election was completely fraudulent. There was massive foreign intervention as shown in Mike Lindell's Absolute Proof video, evidence that came from the military. Trump signed the Insurrection Act before he left office, placing total control in the hands of the military. That foreign intervention was an act of war. This gives the military every constitutional authority to do whatever is necessary to defeat the enemy. WHATEVER IS NECESSARY!

So exactly who is "the enemy"? The entire deep state, the entire dark cabal. That means 3/4 of Congress, every member who refused to object to electors from fraudulent states on Jan 6 including Pence, every one of which committed high treason right there. Every one of them will end up tried for treason in military tribunals and EXECUTED.

Why is it taking so long for the military to act? Well, they ARE ACTING RIGHT NOW. There have already been hundreds of arrests, tribunals at Gitmo, and hundreds of executions. The dark cabal is much bigger and deeper than originally thought. The military is right now very busy cleaning out all of the Deep Underground tunnels. They have found massive child trafficking and rescued thousands of children. Those tunnels must be completely cleaned out before the military goes public and tosses Biden out on his treasonous ass and executes the son of a bitch. Every satellite we have is weaponized with energy weapons to be used when the dark cabal takes over. Those are controlled by black hats in the military. All of those military black hats must be ferreted out and executed to prevent those weapons from being used. The covid-19 thing was designed to be used to STEAL THE ELECTION. Everyone responsible for Covid-19 and the bio-weapon "vaccines", everyone responsible for pushing their use, must be found, tried and executed. That includes major news anchors and their superiors. That includes Zuckerburg and every Facebook "fact checker". That includes EVERYone in any way responsible for suppressing the truth in all social media. EVERYONE. Finding all of these ass holes takes time.

The various state audits will accomplish nothing except to WAKE PEOPLE UP. There is nowhere for them to take the evidence they find. The DOJ is corrupt, Congress is corrupt, the Supreme Farce is corrupt. The military may be waiting for all of those audits to completed to WAKE PEOPLE UP before they go public and really act to take this country back so that most people will support what is going on and to hopefully prevent a civil war. The DOJ needs to be cleaned out. The FBI needs to be cleaned out. The entire treasonous members of Congress must all be cleaned out. The Supreme Farce needs to be cleaned out. Traitors everywhere, every one of which must be tried and executed. The military has a massive job to do. Be patient and wait. We will come out of this in a brand new, clean world!
You can prove we didn't complain ?

Just like many of us were against the stupid Bush Wars (and to be clear both Bush and the wars were stupid).

And you never acknowledged that either.

Of course they are now. And I'm supposed to believe you. Try pulling the other leg.
If this is true, and it probably is, this is how horribly evil the Biden administration and Fauci are.
If you are a liberal, WAKE THE FUCK UP!!!!
If you were dumb enough to get the jab, you are a certified, #1, class A DUMB SHIT! Any dip shit who tries to force the "vaccine" on me will be carted off in a body bag!

COVID Hybrid Birth Horror!​

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We expect the Democrats to always do the wrong the wrong thing. That is a given. Unfortunately most of the time when they screw the country they aided to some degree by the RINOs.

This filthy "infrastructure" bill is a disaster. More pork spending and there will be nothing to show for it.

Looks like 18 Republicans have no problem with the Democrats putting us futher in debt and feeding the Democrat special interests.


Senate breaks filibuster on test vote on bipartisan infrastructure bill. The vote was 67-27. It needed 60 yeas Unclear when the Senate will vote to finish the bill. Could be today. Or down the road.

Chad Pergram


A) On procedural vote to break a filibuster on the infrastructure bill, 18 GOPers voted yes alongside Dems. They were: Blunt, Capito, Cassidy, Collins, Cornyn, Cramer, Crapo, Fischer, Grassley, Hoeven, McConnell, Murkowski, Portman, Risch, Romney, Rounds, Tillis & Young
Yep. You're fucked, magaturd.


Poor Winterborn and buddies.

BEYOND ALTA & THE BIG WOO With Jean-Claude@BeyondMystic #WOO #Silver #Crypto #War​


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