Republicans do it again

Maybe you ought to look at those numbers. I received my share and I'm not on wall street. My kids families got theirs as well. Maybe you ought to get a job and earn something and you will get some back too. Fancy that.

So youre saying each family received an extra $4000 per year take home pay.

If you can't prove that, and I know you can't, shut up. You are lying.
D.C. elected, selected Democrats are the tax and spenders.

Republicans do it again​

Our heroes. :smoke:

Screen Shot 2021-07-30 at 1.52.29 PM.png

Worse, these 18 have enabled the democrats to now move forward and slap their own backs about another great thing they've accomplished for next year's election!

When you have to borrow money you don't have to fix something, that means that you not only have bitten off more than you can chew but that now it is going to cost THAT MUCH MORE just to maintain what all new you've "gained."

And guess who covers our debt? China.
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How embarrassing for the repigs. They sat there for 4 years and did nothing, while trump made America great again, but waited for uncle Joe to come then passed the bill. The bleeding obvious was in front of them. Fix the stuffed system or get chucked out.

What are they gonna do with them at the mid terms? Vote the ALL out?

Not all republicans are brain dead like their supporters.
Glad you got your jabs like a good little Biden stooge and won't be around three years from now or sooner. RIP. View attachment 523000


32 governors to submit to military or face charges of treason​

The first video is just sick fantasy by people who lost.

The second video is a piece of work!! Trump was asked to run by the military, and the plans were made as far back as 2001?? And there was TIME TRAVEL involved in Trump's election and campaign?? Really????

I had to stop watching when they started talking about the Chinese families that run things in China, who are all REPTILIAN Halfbreeds??

I mock your predictions and you defend it with fantasy videos of murder and a video that involves a time traveling Donald Trump and reptilian halfbreeds???

Wow. Just wow. Nothing I could say comes close to the lunacy you put out there.
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Glad you got your jabs like a good little Biden stooge and won't be around three years from now or sooner. RIP. View attachment 523000


32 governors to submit to military or face charges of treason​

:yes_text12: :TH_WAY~113: What’s funny about winter is he takes the word over the corporate controlled media that this vaccine is good for you over the best doctors in the world. :abgg2q.jpg: :rofl:
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Those are not Republicans, they are traitors, just as fake Republicans as Biden is a fake President. Those are all RINOs, Republican In Name Only. And most all of them are going to end up tried for treason in military tribunals.
Logic and common sense that the ones he/she mentioned are RINO,s in bed with the Dems obviously does not register with this poster.
Glad you got your jabs like a good little Biden stooge and won't be around three years from now or sooner. RIP. View attachment 523000


32 governors to submit to military or face charges of treason​

Thank you. There are only so many ways to say right wingers are crazy without being repetitive. Your posts save me from having to do that. All I have to do is point to the crazy shit you post, and your craziness is demonstrated. Post often.
Oh the irony.

You never belated a word when trump gave a trillion to wall street and massive tax cuts.
You're hypocrite.
When you say give does that mean the Federal Government ordered the privately owned Federal Reserve to print up a trillion dollars and give it to Wall Street? Or did he lower the taxes they had to pay? We do know that the Infrastructure Bill has a lot of things that are not that in it. And it paves the way from my understanding for a massive Reconciliation Bill to cost 3.5 trillion dollars and most likely a couple trillion more then that with a simple majority vote. If there are no tax breaks in that then the taxpayer will be on the hook for the most massive spending in our history. As each time the record gets worse and worse.
What’s shameful is the right’s unwarranted opposition to sound, responsible governance.

Indeed, Republicans are incapable of sound, responsible governance.
If you think these stupid Democrats are providing sound responsible governance then you are a fucking moron.

That bill has hardly anything to do with real infrastructure and is mostly payoff to Left Wing special interest groups.

How much infrastructure is in Biden's infrastructure plan?
How embarrassing for the repigs. They sat there for 4 years and did nothing, while trump made America great again, but waited for uncle Joe to come then passed the bill. The bleeding obvious was in front of them. Fix the stuffed system or get chucked out.

What are they gonna do with them at the mid terms? Vote the ALL out?

Not all republicans are brain dead like their supporters.

You are confused Moon Bat.

The filthy Democrats waited until Joe Dufus stole the election from the American people and then raided the treasury for their despicable Left Wing special interest groups.

They were once again aided by a few weak minded Republicans.
You are confused Moon Bat.

The filthy Democrats waited until Joe Dufus stole the election from the American people and then raided the treasury for their despicable Left Wing special interest groups.

They were once again aided by a few weak minded Republicans.

Sorry comrade. You are a liar. The election was not stolen and you have no evidence it was. The only thing evident is your paranoia about democrats cunningly orchestrated the victory by coaxing republicans to vote trump.out.
And they did. Millions of them.

If trump had made the country great again, the infrastructure spending would not have been necessary.

You don't seem to handle facts that well. That election fraud thing is wearing out.
6 months and youve produced nothing.
Not one extra state won. Can't you see a pattern forming and that pattern is not in your favour.

Even republicans , by their willingness to vote with dems, are willing to accept trump was a complete failure. This new spending proves it.

Gets some facts or think before you post.
When you say give does that mean the Federal Government ordered the privately owned Federal Reserve to print up a trillion dollars and give it to Wall Street? Or did he lower the taxes they had to pay? We do know that the Infrastructure Bill has a lot of things that are not that in it. And it paves the way from my understanding for a massive Reconciliation Bill to cost 3.5 trillion dollars and most likely a couple trillion more then that with a simple majority vote. If there are no tax breaks in that then the taxpayer will be on the hook for the most massive spending in our history. As each time the record gets worse and worse.

It was tax breaks which were supposed to put $4000 into every household after it trickled down. Reagan and othersvtried that and didn't work then. it's trumps way of thanking the wealthy and they trousered the lot.

But how coincidental you now are concerned about the debt, which will never be repaid, but never question that same debt that trump cranked up. Why is that?
Oh the irony.

You never belated a word when trump gave a trillion to wall street and massive tax cuts.
You're hypocrite.
Just curious. Is that what you meant to say? Thought I'd give a chance to belate something else.
Sorry comrade. You are a liar. The election was not stolen and you have no evidence it was. The only thing evident is your paranoia about democrats cunningly orchestrated the victory by coaxing republicans to vote trump.out.
And they did. Millions of them.

If trump had made the country great again, the infrastructure spending would not have been necessary.

You don't seem to handle facts that well. That election fraud thing is wearing out.
6 months and youve produced nothing.
Not one extra state won. Can't you see a pattern forming and that pattern is not in your favour.

Even republicans , by their willingness to vote with dems, are willing to accept trump was a complete failure. This new spending proves it.

Gets some facts or think before you post.

You are confused Moon Bat. Must come from you getting your news from CNN or something. The fucking Democrats used the scam of unverified mail in and harvested ballots counted in Democrat controlled swing districts to steal Electoral College delegates from the American people. That is why the filthy Democrats opposed any real audit of the districts. That is why that now when we are doing the audits we are finding the massive Democrat thievery. That is a fact.

Just go take your TDS medication that the mental health specialists prescribed for you and then go lie down and take a nap. You will feel better when you wake up and you and will have a greater grasp of reality.
The first video is just sick fantasy by people who lost.

The second video is a piece of work!! Trump was asked to run by the military, and the plans were made as far back as 2001?? And there was TIME TRAVEL involved in Trump's election and campaign?? Really????

I had to stop watching when they started talking about the Chinese families that run things in China, who are all REPTILIAN Halfbreeds??

I mock your predictions and you defend it with fantasy videos of murder and a video that involves a time traveling Donald Trump and reptilian halfbreeds???

Wow. Just wow. Nothing I could say comes close to the lunacy you put out there.
Just for the chronically STUPID who have nothing whatsoever to post to support their delusional responses except their own hot air.
We are right now in the middle of a world war between good and evil. Anyone who doesn't know that various alien races have been at war over this planet for thousands of years is an absolute buffoon. Some good, some evil. Most all religious paintings show two UFOs ... one good, one evil ... in that war. Our military isn't just concerned with the simple task of tossing Biden out on his ass, the war is MUCH DEEPER than that and MUCH BIGGER. Our military is very busy behind the scenes as we speak. They will go public and toss Biden out, try him for treason in a military tribunal and execute his sorry ass, and make all of this known on the emergency broadcast system 24/7 WHEN THE TIME IS RIGHT. People like Winterborn can blather hot air all they want, it will make zero difference, NOTHING CAN STOP WHAT IS COMING and THE BEST IS YET TO COME.

Biden Has Not Been in White House Since Inauguration! Military/Secret Service Stand-off​


Gene Decode goes over United States DUMBS (Deep Underground Military Bases)​
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Please keep up colon. The statement was that families averaged $4K less in taxes. Moron.
So we've resorted to calling me names now. Is that the best your got? I know you're out of ammo when you get to that level.

4k less in taxes my ass. Anyone can read What and who got the tax cuts and it wasn't every household in America.
You are a liar and extremely ignorant to the facts.
Biden represents PURE EVIL. Anyone who supports him has been duped, played for a fool. He represents the dark cabal and their agenda for a one-world government with them in control, and part of their agenda is to depopulate the planet to only have about 500 million people and to control them with an iron fist. The Covid-19 "vaccines" are their bio weapon to do exactly that. There is no such thing as a Covid-19 virus, no such virus has ever been isolated. The "vaccines" have never been approved or certified as vaccines. Anyone stupid enough to get their jabs are idiots, and have signed their own death warrants. The "vaccine" will destroy their immune system and they will be dead shortly if it doesn't kill them in a week or so. There have been tens of thousands of deaths from those "vaccines" already. There is ample evidence that those "vaccines" will make you sterile if they don't kill you. As it turns out, most of those getting the jabs are liberals. Fine with me. I don't give a damn if every liberal in the country is killed off.

The MSM is busy promoting the "vaccines", but the only people listening to them are stupid liberals. Most conservatives are tuned in to the alternative media and the truth.
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