Republicans don't care about issues that actually matter


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
Primarily because they generally aren't smart enough to understand them. Here's a list:

1) The settled science on climate change

2) The harm of the income disparity on the poor and middle class

3) The high cost of healthcare services in comparison to other nations

4) Our crumbling infrastructure system (our electrical grid will one day fail and it will be catastrophic)

5) The drain on the economy from corporate welfare

6) Republicans in office not giving a shit about their voters.
I can't recall the last time Republicans actually cared about a serious issue. Instead, they emote and obsess about issues and make the biggest fuss over issues that are insignificant in relationship to the ones that actually affect our lives. They emote about transexuals using women's bathrooms. They emote about illegal immigrants taking our jobs. They emote about the bogeyman that's trying to get us all. They emote about liberals, they emote about women's rights, they emote about climate change, they emote and fixate on things as if they all have obsessive compulsive disorder. It's worse now than it's ever been, thanks to the proliferation of right wing hate media such as Breitbart and Infowars, the rise of the alt-right, and of course the old dinosaurs like Rush & Savage are still feeding their sickness.

Over the past 15 years or so, I've watched the right evolve from the kooky guy who likes to run his mouth at barbecues but we all tolerate because they're kind of funny, to absolute basket cases utterly consumed with hate. The proliferation of right wing militias and violent alt-rightists is honestly getting scary.
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Primarily because they generally aren't smart enough to understand them. Here's a list:

1) The settled science on climate change

2) The harm of the income disparity on the poor and middle class

3) The high cost of healthcare services in comparison to other nations

4) Our crumbling infrastructure system (our electrical grid will one day fail and it will be catastrophic)

5) The drain on the economy from corporate welfare

6) Republicans in office not giving a shit about their voters.
For the love of God, he's been in for a month.

1. Not as settled as most would have you believe. We still don't have a sure way of measuring mans' contribution.

2. And he was supposed to change this in a matter of weeks? Of course you do realize that something like 90% of Americans live above the world middle income level.

3. And the last adm did a bang up job addressing that problem.

4. Again 4 weeks in? And the last adm spent how much and accomplished what?

5. This I'll agree with but don't stop with corporations, there's a lot of that going around. Hell you can add govt unions to that list.

6. Reps in office are part of the reason Trump is in the White House.
I can't recall the last time Republicans actually cared about a serious issue. Instead, they emote and obsess about issues and make the biggest fuss over issues that are insignificant in relationship to the ones that actually affect our lives. They emote about transexuals using women's bathrooms. They emote about illegal immigrants taking our jobs. They emote about the bogeyman that's trying to get us all. They emote about liberals, they emote about women's rights, they emote about climate change, they emote and fixate on things as if they all have obsessive compulsive disorder. It's worse now than it's ever been, thanks to the proliferation of right wing hate media such as Breitbart and Infowars, the rise of the alt-right, and of course the old dinosaurs like Rush & Savage are still feeding their sickness.

Over the past 15 years or so, I've watched the right evolve from the kooky guy who likes to run his mouth at barbecues but we all tolerate because they're kind of funny, to absolute basket cases utterly consumed with hate. The proliferation of right wing militias and violent alt-rightists is honestly getting scary.
What a rambling crock. If you want to see irrational, emotional tantrums, look to the left. Everything the left does is based on feelings not rational thought. Constant never ending whining.
Primarily because they generally aren't smart enough to understand them. Here's a list:

1) The settled science on climate change

2) The harm of the income disparity on the poor and middle class

3) The high cost of healthcare services in comparison to other nations

4) Our crumbling infrastructure system (our electrical grid will one day fail and it will be catastrophic)

5) The drain on the economy from corporate welfare

6) Republicans in office not giving a shit about their voters.

You are repeating liberal myths.

It's actually liberal solutions to things that caused the income gap. Government interference favors wealthy donors, pacifies the poor supporters, and screws the middle class every time.

"In recent decades, the federal government has enabled monopolization in many industries—for example, in cable TV and high speed Internet, banking and health care—by failing to use its antitrust and regulatory powers to curb abusive practices.

Comcast enjoys monopoly access to most homes it services. Each year, it raises rates for cable TV bundled with high-speed Internet faster than the rate of inflation, because federal policies prohibit local governments from regulating cable prices as those do for electric and water utilities.

Its fee structure discourages subscribers from purchasing only high-speed Internet and independently obtaining entertainment content over the Net. Now Comcast proposes to acquire Time Warner Cable and establish a virtual national monopoly, giving it huge bargaining leverage with content providers, such as ESPN, Turner and Fox , even though it already owns NBC.

Comcast is transforming a public utility into an international media giant on the backs of overtaxed subscribers. Yet federal regulators will likely approve its acquisition of Comcast, because it has “close ties” with the Obama White House.

Similarly, Dodd-Frank financial reforms impose regulatory costs so onerous that small banks are selling out to bigger ones. In the bargain, small business loans and mortgages are tougher to obtain, and grandma can’t get a decent rate on CDs. Bank executives pull down huge bonuses but also make generous contributions to political candidates.

ObamaCare has effectively monopolized many local markets for health insurance and hospital care, and reinforces pharmaceutical companies’ ability to charge higher drug prices than prevail in other wealthy countries like Germany and Holland.

To salve the masses, Washington politicians exempt nearly 50 percent of voters from income taxes, and offer subsidized health care, food stamps and the earned income tax credit for lower income Americans.

All are great vote buying schemes financed by heavy taxes on most upper income Americans.

But those politicians skillfully exclude from those high taxes the very top of the one percent—the oligarchs in communications, finance and other industries are often paid in stock options, which are subject to much lower capital-gains tax rates.

A recent Wall Street Journal poll found the majority of Americans view the economic and political system stacked against them and dissatisfied with Obama’s handling of the economy.

Meanwhile, the economics profession—composed mostly of left leaning academics—is enamored with French economist and author Thomas Piketty’s thesis, in the new bestseller, "Capital in the Twenty-First Century," that growing inequality is the natural outcome of capitalism and confiscatory taxes are the answer.

Both notions are wrong.

Washington corruption -- in the pattern of Vladimir Putin -- is driving inequality and sinking family incomes. Higher taxes may catch your family doctor in the near future but politicians will still find a way to exempt their supporters among the very wealthy.

Politicians offering ordinary voters a free ride on taxes, subsidized health care and other enticements are really picking their pockets by giving the country away to the oligarchs."

The terrible truth about income inequality

Scientists come forth all the time to explain how skewed the science is on global warming. It's been admitted that it's more about wealth redistribution and changing the way our economy works. The solutions have nothing to do with climate and everything to do with killing capitalism.

Obamacare favored Big Pharms and contributes to the income gap. The big companies clean up, the poor get subsidized and middle class gets the bill.
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I can't recall the last time Republicans actually cared about a serious issue. Instead, they emote and obsess about issues and make the biggest fuss over issues that are insignificant in relationship to the ones that actually affect our lives. They emote about transexuals using women's bathrooms. They emote about illegal immigrants taking our jobs. They emote about the bogeyman that's trying to get us all. They emote about liberals, they emote about women's rights, they emote about climate change, they emote and fixate on things as if they all have obsessive compulsive disorder. It's worse now than it's ever been, thanks to the proliferation of right wing hate media such as Breitbart and Infowars, the rise of the alt-right, and of course the old dinosaurs like Rush & Savage are still feeding their sickness.

Over the past 15 years or so, I've watched the right evolve from the kooky guy who likes to run his mouth at barbecues but we all tolerate because they're kind of funny, to absolute basket cases utterly consumed with hate. The proliferation of right wing militias and violent alt-rightists is honestly getting scary.
What a rambling crock. If you want to see irrational, emotional tantrums, look to the left. Everything the left does is based on feelings not rational thought. Constant never ending whining.

Great argument there. Tell me, were you ever captain of the debate team in high school?

"Nuh uh!!!! It's the the left that does that!!!! Mommyyyy!!!!!"
I can't recall the last time Republicans actually cared about a serious issue. Instead, they emote and obsess about issues and make the biggest fuss over issues that are insignificant in relationship to the ones that actually affect our lives. They emote about transexuals using women's bathrooms. They emote about illegal immigrants taking our jobs. They emote about the bogeyman that's trying to get us all. They emote about liberals, they emote about women's rights, they emote about climate change, they emote and fixate on things as if they all have obsessive compulsive disorder. It's worse now than it's ever been, thanks to the proliferation of right wing hate media such as Breitbart and Infowars, the rise of the alt-right, and of course the old dinosaurs like Rush & Savage are still feeding their sickness.

Over the past 15 years or so, I've watched the right evolve from the kooky guy who likes to run his mouth at barbecues but we all tolerate because they're kind of funny, to absolute basket cases utterly consumed with hate. The proliferation of right wing militias and violent alt-rightists is honestly getting scary.
What a rambling crock. If you want to see irrational, emotional tantrums, look to the left. Everything the left does is based on feelings not rational thought. Constant never ending whining.

Great argument there. Tell me, were you ever captain of the debate team in high school?

"Nuh uh!!!! It's the the left that does that!!!! Mommyyyy!!!!!"
Was that supposed to make sense?
Who decides which issues matter? You? Lol

When your number one issue is GloBULL warming you're lost and confused, there isn't a damn thing settled about that wealth redistribution scam.
No, you're just not smart enough to understand either issue. It's that simple. Your stupidity needs to he left behind while the adults in the room do something about these issues.
Primarily because they generally aren't smart enough to understand them. Here's a list:

1) The settled science on climate change

2) The harm of the income disparity on the poor and middle class

3) The high cost of healthcare services in comparison to other nations

4) Our crumbling infrastructure system (our electrical grid will one day fail and it will be catastrophic)

5) The drain on the economy from corporate welfare

6) Republicans in office not giving a shit about their voters.
What a remarkably stupid thing to say.
Who decides which issues matter? You? Lol

When your number one issue is GloBULL warming you're lost and confused, there isn't a damn thing settled about that wealth redistribution scam.
No, you're just not smart enough to understand either issue. It's that simple. Your stupidity needs to he left behind while the adults in the room do something about these issues.

Get on your own topic, I have absolutely no use for your middle school BS

If GloBULL warming was settled they wouldn't keep getting caught fudging the data....any ADULT realizes that and most children

Speaks volumes for you, eh?
Primarily because they generally aren't smart enough to understand them. Here's a list:

1) The settled science on climate change

2) The harm of the income disparity on the poor and middle class

3) The high cost of healthcare services in comparison to other nations

4) Our crumbling infrastructure system (our electrical grid will one day fail and it will be catastrophic)

5) The drain on the economy from corporate welfare

6) Republicans in office not giving a shit about their voters.
What a remarkably stupid thing to say.
You know I'm right.

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