Republicans fail to make any rational argument why society must force full term gestation on all women. Their failed arguments are examined here:

Mikeoxenormous said: There is nothing in the Constitution that says women can murder their babies. mkxnrms.23.03.26 #7,948

There is nothing in the Constitution that says a woman must be forced to subject her body to full term gestation or to not spread her legs without the blessing of Jesus Christ Almighty or Speaker Mike Johnson.

nf.23.11.22 #101 to mkxnrms.23.03.26 #7,948
Libby von H said: I know your type intimately. lobby h.23.11.22 #70

That is an extremely goofy argument Saint Libbyvonh. I ‘ll get to you soon.

kyzr said: Abortion is a state issue. kyzr!.23.11.21 #2

But forcing full term gestation on women when a state government is run by mostly white male fundamentalist REPUBLICAN Christians like Saint Mike Johnson is a violation of individual rights and violation of separation of church and state.

nf.23.11.22 #89

I see why your post count vs reaction score is what it is. That and coupled with your anti gop avatar shows you're only interested in being opposed to republicans and will do any mental gymnastics to do so.

Bottom line is abortion at any point is murder. You can't have an abortion if there is nothing to abort. That's what an abortion is, it's aborting a babies life

Soon as the fertilized egg implants then it's a baby. If you simply leave it alone then barring any unforseen circumstances in 9 months it will be born. Soon as the egg implants it begins it's 18 to 19 year growth period to becoming an adult. Aborting it at 4 weeks is the same as aborting it at 8 months or even 3 years, it's ending a life.

Supporting abortion is supporting killing children.

If a woman doesn't want to get pregnant she shouldn't have sex. If she does then she should take precautions, if she still gets pregnant then that was a risk she decided to take. "Because I don't want it" isn't an excuse for killing a child. People should have personal responsibility, abortion is the absolute opposite of that.

Even the much touted "rape and incest babies" argument isn't valid because they are the minority. And responding to a crime with murdering a child isn't a reason.

Leave out religion and politics, abortion is still killing a child no matter how you slice it
Mikeoxenormous said: There is nothing in the Constitution that says women can murder their babies. mkxnrms.23.03.26 #7,948

There is nothing in the Constitution that says a woman must be forced to subject her body to full term gestation or to not spread her legs without the blessing of Jesus Christ Speaker Mike Johnson.

Is there anything in the constitution that says unprotected sex is in anyway “force”. Is there anything in the constitution that says having consensual sex will never result in gestation?
They don’t care. It’s not about abortion anyway. It’s winning an election so they get free stuff. Anyone that thinks the left gives two shits about women just aren’t paying attention.

Who do you think is voting for abortion rights norms? WOMEN!! Republican women are voting for for abortion rights. Democratic women are voting for abortion rights. Evangelical women are voting for abortion rights.

States where abortion is on the ballot, women are registering to vote in record numbers. And they’re not gonna vote for a party that is killing their daughters or their sisters or their friends.

There are 8 million more women voters in the United States than men.

And then you repeat the even dumber line that people only vote for Democrats to get “free shit”. That’s how Republicans refer to universal healthcare, reducing prescription drug prices, clean water, clean air, safe roads and a quality education for poor children. “Free Shit”.

Anything that improves life of working Americans, improve the life of all Americans. But Republicans have a real need to keep working Americans desperately poor while the rich get richer.

In real first world countries, we call these programs “investing in our people”. Since Ronald Reagan was elected in the USA took a sharp turn to the right, and stopped and vesting in infrastructure. Aurier people, the USA, standing in the world worlds economies, has steadily declined.

Your infrastructure is now so degraded that you’re losing international investment to countries like Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Norway, and Ireland, all of whom have cradle to the grave “free shit” that Americans don’t even dream of.

Canadian seniors have a guaranteed annual income of over $19,000 a year in government pensions. Plus free healthcare, prescriptions and dental, assistance remaining in their homes, and numerous seniors only tax benefits. Your 65th birthday is your “cash for life birthday”.

Young low income families receive $500 per month per child in child tax benefits. The unemployed receive free retraining allowances and income support to go back to school. Schools provided tablets and laptops to all students during lockdown and ensured access to wifi for all families.

All universities are publicly owned. Tuition for a four year degree is a fraction of that in the usa. All student loans are interest free. Norway has free tuition all the way through University for anyone who wants it. That’s because a growing and thriving middle class is necessary for a capitalist society to succeed.

The United States of America is the only first world country where in the middle class is declining. Even worse, more people are falling back into poverty than are rising into wealth. The current Republican economic model is unsustainable.

Republican tax policies have shifted the responsibility for worker, health care, food stamps, Medicaid, and other worker benefits from the employers to the middle class, in effect subsidizing wages for the most profitable companies in the USA.

The rest of the first world has a robust and growing middle class, which is a necessity for a successful capitalist economy.
What are the three main principles of the Constitution?
1. The right to liberty.
2 The right of pursuit of happiness.
3. The right to life.
So when you say the government should not get involved with a woman who wants to murder her unborn baby, why should the government get involved once the child turns 10 and the mother wants to murder it? At what point does LIFE matter?
Abortion is regulated by STATE governments via referendums. What they do is none of your business. You get to vote in your state.
No laws yet against crossing state lines to commit murder. Yet.
Joe's doing great. Economy, great. Gas prices coming down. Jobs reports, crushing it.
Republicans aren't going to fix inflation. Remember Trump caused the inflation you are suffering. Just ask Ron and Chris Christie. The only time they'll tell the truth is in the primaries. And they told you. Trump caused inflation.
Like I said, don't trust Republicans when they say they are happy with the current abortion laws. They are liars.
If abortion is murder maybe you should do something about abortionists? Better to just worry about your own offspring.

1. If you like the job Joe Biden is doing, then you have no worries about 2024.

2. Republicans nor democrats will fix inflation, neither party can stop spending and borrowing too much.

3. Yes, Republicans are happy that RvW was overturned. Now voters in each state can manage abortion laws without Federal interference.
The pattern emerges whenever a Republican-led state imposes new restrictions on abortion: People seeking the procedure cross state lines to find treatment in places with less-restrictive laws.
Now, a prominent antiabortion lawmaker in Missouri, from where thousands of residents have traveled to next-door Illinois to receive abortions since Missouri passed one of the country’s strictest abortion laws in 2019, believes she has found a solution.

Remember Republicans are liars and very clever about slowly passing legislation that is unpopular

An unusual new provision, introduced by state Rep. Mary Elizabeth Coleman (R), would allow private citizens to sue anyone who helps a Missouri resident obtain an abortion out of state, using the novel legal strategy behind the restrictive law in Texas that since September has banned abortions in that state after six weeks of pregnancy.

Coleman has attached the measure as an amendment to several abortion-related bills that have made it through committee and are waiting to be heard on the floor of the House of Representatives.

All these little lawsuits are to build up so that eventually the Supreme Court can use ONE of them as precedent. It's just so slick and slimy. But it's okay to lie if you are lying for the lord.

You can't say abortion is murder and you are happy with the current abortion laws of our country. You would/will vote for nuts who would make abortion murder. Don't lie.
Nothing happened yet. When it does let us know.
Cool, then any woman who doesn’t afford themselves of it are solely responsible for the offspring, right?
...if she had an "Immaculate Conception" then yes. Otherwise the sperm dude is on the hook too.
Yes in carefully controlled studies birth control is 98% effective might be but in real life it’s only 85% of effective and that means 15% of women taking the pill get pregnant EVERY MONTH.

40% of the women seeking abortions in any month through using birth control at the time they got pregnant. Birth control fails.

Once again you show up and lie your lying ass off. Your statistics are made up. You just pulled them out of your considerably wide, dimpled ass.
...if she had an "Immaculate Conception" then yes. Otherwise the sperm dude is on the hook too.
That's kinda the point. Women have numerous options for getting off the hook, solely to dodge responsibility for an unwanted pregnancy. But when men suggest they should be offered the same; the screeching harpies lose their fucking minds. Where's that yearning for equality the feminists were supposedly fighting for?
1. Republicans have proven time and time again that they really are just that stupid. Texas passed a six week limit on abortion which turned into a complete disaster for the state and has been partially overturned in the courts.

Even knowing all of this, and the huge public outcry over the six week ban in Texas. Even after reports of women dying in Texas, Ron DeSantis went ahead and signed a six week ban into law in Florida.

Republican governors throughout the south, all have their own versions of abortion bans either on the books, or being held up by the courts.

2. AG’s in abortion ban states have been requesting insurance information on out of state medical treatments received by women.

Blue states have been passing laws to protect abortion providers from criminal charges for testing women from abortion ban states.

Ron DeSantis try to pass a law that required high school age girls to report on their periods to the government. All in order to determine who’s getting pregnant and leaving the state to get an abortion

3. Abortion is a matter between a woman and her doctor, and no one else. Republican lawmakers have proven that they have neither the ability or the knowledge to legislate medical procedures, and they should be legally prevented from ever doing so again.

Women do not want their healthcare, determined or controlled by people who believe that women who are victims of “real rape” can’t get pregnant. Or who express the belief that women should “stop spreading their legs” in order to prevent pregnancy.
Agree 100%. Republicans will keep losing elections unless they keep their noses out of other people's abortions.
Fewer democrats is a net positive.
Who do you think is voting for abortion rights norms? WOMEN!! Republican women are voting for for abortion rights. Democratic women are voting for abortion rights. Evangelical women are voting for abortion rights.

States where abortion is on the ballot, women are registering to vote in record numbers. And they’re not gonna vote for a party that is killing their daughters or their sisters or their friends.

There are 8 million more women voters in the United States than men.

And then you repeat the even dumber line that people only vote for Democrats to get “free shit”. That’s how Republicans refer to universal healthcare, reducing prescription drug prices, clean water, clean air, safe roads and a quality education for poor children. “Free Shit”.

Anything that improves life of working Americans, improve the life of all Americans. But Republicans have a real need to keep working Americans desperately poor while the rich get richer.

In real first world countries, we call these programs “investing in our people”. Since Ronald Reagan was elected in the USA took a sharp turn to the right, and stopped and vesting in infrastructure. Aurier people, the USA, standing in the world worlds economies, has steadily declined.

Your infrastructure is now so degraded that you’re losing international investment to countries like Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Norway, and Ireland, all of whom have cradle to the grave “free shit” that Americans don’t even dream of.

Canadian seniors have a guaranteed annual income of over $19,000 a year in government pensions. Plus free healthcare, prescriptions and dental, assistance remaining in their homes, and numerous seniors only tax benefits. Your 65th birthday is your “cash for life birthday”.

Young low income families receive $500 per month per child in child tax benefits. The unemployed receive free retraining allowances and income support to go back to school. Schools provided tablets and laptops to all students during lockdown and ensured access to wifi for all families.

All universities are publicly owned. Tuition for a four year degree is a fraction of that in the usa. All student loans are interest free. Norway has free tuition all the way through University for anyone who wants it. That’s because a growing and thriving middle class is necessary for a capitalist society to succeed.

The United States of America is the only first world country where in the middle class is declining. Even worse, more people are falling back into poverty than are rising into wealth. The current Republican economic model is unsustainable.

Republican tax policies have shifted the responsibility for worker, health care, food stamps, Medicaid, and other worker benefits from the employers to the middle class, in effect subsidizing wages for the most profitable companies in the USA.

The rest of the first world has a robust and growing middle class, which is a necessity for a successful capitalist economy.

Nice rant. Now put these abortion rights on the ballot with the proposition that all child support outside of marriage is voluntary.

I think the outcome would be far different
Bulkshit. Unintended pregnancies have been a fact of life for women since we lived in caves.

Republican men really need to stop commenting on something that they have absolutely no knowledge of whatsoever.

Of course they could studying and learn women’s biology and understand why we are so pissed about what they’re doing but they’re not smart enough to do that.

Instead, they spew their ignorance and stupidity about pregnancy and childbirth as if it meant some thing, and then get pissy when we roll her eyes at the idiocy in their posts.

Maybe we should force all men to get vasectomies, until they are socially mature enough that women will trust them to have to father their children. That would go along way towards reducing unintended pregnancies.

Let’s start a movement to snip the Fuck Bois and reduce abortion.
Perhaps women should keep men who aren't ready to be fathers away from their crotch, stupid.
1. Republicans have proven time and time again that they really are just that stupid. Texas passed a six week limit on abortion which turned into a complete disaster for the state and has been partially overturned in the courts.

Even knowing all of this, and the huge public outcry over the six week ban in Texas. Even after reports of women dying in Texas, Ron DeSantis went ahead and signed a six week ban into law in Florida.

Republican governors throughout the south, all have their own versions of abortion bans either on the books, or being held up by the courts.

2. AG’s in abortion ban states have been requesting insurance information on out of state medical treatments received by women.

Blue states have been passing laws to protect abortion providers from criminal charges for testing women from abortion ban states.

Ron DeSantis try to pass a law that required high school age girls to report on their periods to the government. All in order to determine who’s getting pregnant and leaving the state to get an abortion

3. Abortion is a matter between a woman and her doctor, and no one else. Republican lawmakers have proven that they have neither the ability or the knowledge to legislate medical procedures, and they should be legally prevented from ever doing so again.

Women do not want their healthcare, determined or controlled by people who believe that women who are victims of “real rape” can’t get pregnant. Or who express the belief that women should “stop spreading their legs” in order to prevent pregnancy.
List the names of all these women who died in Texas.

Anyone else think Dragonbreath is lying again?
Perhaps women should keep men who aren't ready to be fathers away from their crotch, stupid.
Trying to get that bitter, man hating, cat lady to take responsibility for the outcome of her decisions, and actions is futile. She's little more than a large child, and demands to be treated as such.
If abortion is murder maybe you should do something about abortionists? Better to just worry about your own offspring.

1. If you like the job Joe Biden is doing, then you have no worries about 2024.

2. Republicans nor democrats will fix inflation, neither party can stop spending and borrowing too much.

3. Yes, Republicans are happy that RvW was overturned. Now voters in each state can manage abortion laws without Federal interference.

Worry about my own offsping? You sound pro choice. The opposite of Republican.

2. True about inflation. But Democrats will do something about the growing wealth gap between rich and rest of us. We keep getting poorer and they keep getting richer. Somethings not right with this economy.

3. There is a federal ban on marijuana. Pot is legal in some states but the feds could come down on law breakers.

Mother of Virginia child who shot teacher sentenced to 21 months for using marijuana while owning gun​

abortion isn't settled. Republicans made great gains last year but they're not done. Wake up. You must be a Republican. No Democrat would spread the lie you are spreading.
I see why your post count vs reaction score is what it is. That and coupled with your anti gop avatar shows you're only interested in being opposed to republicans and will do any mental gymnastics to do so.

Bottom line is abortion at any point is murder. You can't have an abortion if there is nothing to abort. That's what an abortion is, it's aborting a babies life

Soon as the fertilized egg implants then it's a baby. If you simply leave it alone then barring any unforseen circumstances in 9 months it will be born. Soon as the egg implants it begins it's 18 to 19 year growth period to becoming an adult. Aborting it at 4 weeks is the same as aborting it at 8 months or even 3 years, it's ending a life.

Supporting abortion is supporting killing children.

If a woman doesn't want to get pregnant she shouldn't have sex. If she does then she should take precautions, if she still gets pregnant then that was a risk she decided to take. "Because I don't want it" isn't an excuse for killing a child. People should have personal responsibility, abortion is the absolute opposite of that.

Even the much touted "rape and incest babies" argument isn't valid because they are the minority. And responding to a crime with murdering a child isn't a reason.

Leave out religion and politics, abortion is still killing a child no matter how you slice it
Having a baby and raising a child takes a lot of hard work and money.
Some women decided its easier to terminate the pregnancy.
State laws regulate how abortions are managed.
Terminating a pregnancy before 15 weeks is legal in the EU, after 15 weeks the fetus becomes more developed.
8 democrat states allow late term abortions.
Voters in each state determine the limits on abortion., if any.
Abortion is terminating a pregnancy, the fetus isn't officially a child until when the voters (not you) say it is.
Abortion is regulated by STATE governments via referendums. What they do is none of your business. You get to vote in your state.

Abortion wasn’t regulated at all until the 1810. The founders didn’t even consider it, because it had always been a matter between a woman and her doctor.

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