Republicans Fail to Take Congressional Seat They Were Widely Expected to Win. Dobbs?

I don't expect NY to be any different from CA.
They have rigged the system and made it next to impossible for a fair election to take place.
Even Newsmax is acting like this is a surprise....which it isn't.

After all.....New York elected this dumb-ass to office.

View attachment 686477

Clearly New Yorkers love living in a 3rd world shithole.
Maybe they just plain don't favor magaturds. :dunno:
he's leading the witness, your honor!!!!
This race is a great sign for Democrats. Between Dobbs, and voting against veterans, and voting for Big Pharma, and Senator Rick Voldermort talking about doing away with Social Security and Medicare, Republicans are imploding.
Walker is a moron, and the only crime Kelly has done is being a Democrat which isn’t a crime.
Gee Lousie where did you Drudge up that bilge.
This current potus and his Democrats are openly violating
Border Security Laws.That is an Obvious Impeachable offense.
Plus Bidens latest Unconstitutional act is to make an Executive Order
directive forgiving Student load debt.$ 800 Billion over 9 years ?
Meaning around 87 % of tax payers will be saddled with about
$ 2,100 a year in new taxation.
All so the Democrats prized constituency { 60 % of college kids }
can make their chests expand in pride that they have their back
and wallets covered by this ignurn't fool Potus.
Who's not kiddin' anyone.Biden Loves those who go to college
and get masters degrees.So they can go on to teach in college or
be administrators or work in some Government think tank.
As Kafkaesque as it gets.
Virtually have to dig to the bottom of the barrel for that
header thread.In the Real World where there are ONLY 2 sexes
{ male and female } and a Fetus IS a Human being and openly
allowing Illegals to sneak into our Country and get Rewarded.
Changing the language as George Orwell predicted.
Being taught { instructed } that God is merely an afterthought.
Religion is not necessary.Just Love and Admiration for Big Brother.
Not even Illegals want to go down that path.
Trump PROVED repeatedly how Popular he be backing candidates.
What part of his 163-10 Record on August 3rd with a perfect
night in Kansas,Michigan and Missouri confounds some.
I don't give two craps what people do in their bedrooms, and frankly don't want to know. Unless they're killing their own unborn babies in their bedrooms for some reason. Are they doing that?

That's for starters.

For enders, only in 21st century, post-journalism America can Republicans win 2 of 3 special elections and this is a loss--and oh noes, bigger losses ahead.
Sells news.
Virtually have to dig to the bottom of the barrel for that
header thread.In the Real World where there are ONLY 2 sexes
{ male and female } and a Fetus IS a Human being and openly
allowing Illegals to sneak into our Country and get Rewarded.
Changing the language as George Orwell predicted.
Being taught { instructed } that God is merely an afterthought.
Religion is not necessary.Just Love and Admiration for Big Brother.
Not even Illegals want to go down that path.
Trump PROVED repeatedly how Popular he be backing candidates.
What part of his 163-10 Record on August 3rd with a perfect
night in Kansas,Michigan and Missouri confounds some.
No, Einstein, god is not only not an afterthought, god (is [italics]) death, just as absolute knowledge is death.

"Sorry to disagree, but the November 2022 elections will be won by the democrats in both houses. I'm not saying fairly. But they will be won by the democrats.....Don't people realize that Biden's student loan forgiveness program is a transparent - and supremely cynical - attempt to energize young voters to vote democrat this November so as to preserve their majority in Congress? Oh, wait, no - you're too stupid, because you're Americans."
No, Einstein, god is not only not an afterthought, god (is [italics]) death, just as absolute knowledge is death.

"Sorry to disagree, but the November 2022 elections will be won by the democrats in both houses. I'm not saying fairly. But they will be won by the democrats.....Don't people realize that Biden's student loan forgiveness program is a transparent - and supremely cynical - attempt to energize young voters to vote democrat this November so as to preserve their majority in Congress? Oh, wait, no - you're too stupid, because you're Americans."
There are Only 2 sexes and only One United States.
Tell americans how dumb they are if they believe that.
That's the new Takeover narrative.Using Americans as if the
latest test tube guinea pigs.Will never fly.
Which explains why Trump won 2,497 counties in 2020.
And Biden won 477 counties.
The democrats don't just stink in Math,but as human beings.
It's provable.The Love of Will to hate fellow Americans and
Americanism.To Remold America in their own Hateful images.
Love and Will { 1969 }
" Human will begins in a " no ".The " no " is a protest against a wprld
we never made,and it is also the assertion of one's self in the endeavor
to remold and reform the world. "
-- Rollo May { existential therapist,humanist }.

Human *will is God's gift to humanity.For without it
Man is little more than animal puppets.
Like in - Animal Farm -.

Our will or a Will is " the faculty of the mind that selects,at the
moment of decision,a desire among the various desires present.
Limiting the availablity of human desires is what Prisons are
made for.Therefore Biden is purposedly limiting the desires of
We the People then Lying as if he is Increasing those desires.
That's one definition of ... Evil
Marc Molinero is an A+ candidate recruited to flip New York's 19th Congressional District in today's special election. Every poll had him up and conventional wisdom among both parties was that he was going to win it handily. It turns out he lost tonight by about two points.

This is the third special election for Congress since the Dobbs decision came out and in every one of them Democrats have overperformed expectations. The MN-01 and NE-01 special elections were expected to be blow outs for the Republicans. They barely won both of them by the skin of their teeth and tonight they failed to flip NY-19.

It would seem that conservatives "Leroy Jenkinsed" their red wave because they just can't stay out of other people's bedrooms. They'll still likely take the House, but by a much smaller majority than they would have and they can probably kiss the Senate goodbye at this point.
Republicans don't understand, women remember the things that are done to them and they always get even
Yeah....but that's just a hoax.
Most of the GOP supports the right to abortion.
well they don't seem to be giving that impression

GOP Candidates Take Extreme Positions In Races Where Abortion Access Is On The Line​

Michigan Republican gubernatorial nominee Tudor Dixon told a local news show on Aug. 19 that she doesn’t support an exception for rape in an abortion ban because the birth of the child provided “healing” for the mother.

Dixon’s statement is the latest in a series of anti-abortion statements she has made that are woefully unpopular. And she isn’t alone.

Republican nominees for governor and attorney general in a handful of key states, including Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, would ban abortion or engage in far stricter enforcement of an existing ban if elected. The big problem for them is that their anti-abortion positions are completely out of step with voters.

Not only do they support total or near-total bans on abortion ― itself a very unpopular position ― but they also oppose exceptions for rape, incest or the health or life of the mother. (Abortions in cases of rape and incest are a very small percentage of abortions overall, and exceptions are often very hard for people to access.) Some candidates have even promised to crack down on medication abortion and, in one case, expressed opposition to the right to birth control.

plenty more

I also saw a few talking about them not all being like that but when I looked it was just that they would not ban abortions for rape, incest or to save the mother's life. Thank God the people of the US have shown their sanity.
They pay rent. They pay taxes. And they contribute to the local economies.
Yet you can't prove any of this.
They're costing us billions.....and you think that this is a plus to the economy.
Before the Biden Adm started taking care of illegals it was costing taxpayers $162 billion per year.
I wouldn't be surprised it the costs have quadrupled since then.
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How quickly the Moon Bats forget about Virginia turning Red and the other seats they have picked up including a recent one in Texas that was a D+10 district.

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