Republicans financial fantasy land


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
30+ years ago Ronald Reagan sold America on the idea that if we just lower taxes (mostly for the 1%) the resulting economic growth would pay down the deficit, Result: The deficit grew...a lot! Bush 41 came along and told America the same lie, Result: The deficit grew...a lot! Bush 43 came along with the Bush tax cuts, promising the same economic growth and deficit reduction, Result: The deficit grew...a lot!. Does anyone notice a pattern here??? Lowering taxes is not going to produce enough $$ to pay them. Now Trump and Co. is selling this same old trickle down garbage. Why do Republicans insist in living in this financial fantasy land??

Trump's shiny tax-cut plan has a $1.5 trillion problem

No, Trump’s Tax Cuts Won’t Pay for Themselves
30+ years ago Ronald Reagan sold America on the idea that if we just lower taxes (mostly for the 1%) the resulting economic growth would pay down the deficit, Result: The deficit grew...a lot! Bush 41 came along and told America the same lie, Result: The deficit grew...a lot! Bush 43 came along with the Bush tax cuts, promising the same economic growth and deficit reduction, Result: The deficit grew...a lot!. Does anyone notice a pattern here. Lowering taxes is not going to produce enough $$ to pay them. Now Trump and Co. is selling this same old trickle down garbage. Why do Republicans insist in living in this financial fantasy land??

Trump's shiny tax-cut plan has a $1.5 trillion problem

No, Trump’s Tax Cuts Won’t Pay for Themselves

Obama doubled the national debt without lowering taxes. That dipshit added more to the debt than all previous presidents COMBINED. That is called mismanagement, or was it an attempt to destroy the nation that he and his wife hated so much? History will decide.
30+ years ago Ronald Reagan sold America on the idea that if we just lower taxes (mostly for the 1%) the resulting economic growth would pay down the deficit, Result: The deficit grew...a lot! Bush 41 came along and told America the same lie, Result: The deficit grew...a lot! Bush 43 came along with the Bush tax cuts, promising the same economic growth and deficit reduction, Result: The deficit grew...a lot!. Does anyone notice a pattern here. Lowering taxes is not going to produce enough $$ to pay them. Now Trump and Co. is selling this same old trickle down garbage. Why do Republicans insist in living in this financial fantasy land??

Trump's shiny tax-cut plan has a $1.5 trillion problem

No, Trump’s Tax Cuts Won’t Pay for Themselves

Obama doubled the national debt without lowering taxes. That dipshit added more to the debt than all previous presidents COMBINED. That is called mismanagement, or was it an attempt to destroy the nation that he and his wife hated so much? History will decide.
Obama went in with an economy completely blown to smithereens by the GOP. He handed Trump record stock market numbers and a strong economy.
30+ years ago Ronald Reagan sold America on the idea that if we just lower taxes (mostly for the 1%) the resulting economic growth would pay down the deficit, Result: The deficit grew...a lot! Bush 41 came along and told America the same lie, Result: The deficit grew...a lot! Bush 43 came along with the Bush tax cuts, promising the same economic growth and deficit reduction, Result: The deficit grew...a lot!. Does anyone notice a pattern here. Lowering taxes is not going to produce enough $$ to pay them. Now Trump and Co. is selling this same old trickle down garbage. Why do Republicans insist in living in this financial fantasy land??

Trump's shiny tax-cut plan has a $1.5 trillion problem

No, Trump’s Tax Cuts Won’t Pay for Themselves

Obama doubled the national debt without lowering taxes. That dipshit added more to the debt than all previous presidents COMBINED. That is called mismanagement, or was it an attempt to destroy the nation that he and his wife hated so much? History will decide.

Nothing you posted refutes the OP's point, that Trickle Up (redistribution of wealth to the wealthy) economics does not work.

Additionally, you ignore the fact that Obama had a GOP Congress during the deficit explosion you whine about for 6 years and inherited a crippled economy. The fact that we are back to stable economic growth is a good thing - why F it up with a giveaway to the wealthy when there is a massive debt to pay off.

Don't you remember the GOP chiding us about spending and running up deficits? Why do they always grow silent on those issues when they're the ones sticking our grandchildren with the bill?
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Obama doubled the national debt without lowering taxes.

Yeah, because he had to pay for all that stupid shit like the War on Terror, Bush Tax Cuts, and Medicare Part-D. You're the ones who took a surplus in 2000 and turned it into record deficits by 200
30+ years ago Ronald Reagan sold America on the idea that if we just lower taxes (mostly for the 1%) the resulting economic growth would pay down the deficit, Result: The deficit grew...a lot! Bush 41 came along and told America the same lie, Result: The deficit grew...a lot! Bush 43 came along with the Bush tax cuts, promising the same economic growth and deficit reduction, Result: The deficit grew...a lot!. Does anyone notice a pattern here. Lowering taxes is not going to produce enough $$ to pay them. Now Trump and Co. is selling this same old trickle down garbage. Why do Republicans insist in living in this financial fantasy land??

Trump's shiny tax-cut plan has a $1.5 trillion problem

No, Trump’s Tax Cuts Won’t Pay for Themselves

Obama doubled the national debt without lowering taxes. That dipshit added more to the debt than all previous presidents COMBINED.

Why do you lemmings keep repeating this lie?

Only one President has every doubled the national debt and that was Reagan, and he came pretty darn close to tripling it.

The national debt went up 87% under Obama, just slightly more than the 86% it went up under Bush II.
Obama doubled the national debt without lowering taxes.

Yeah, because he had to pay for all that stupid shit like the War on Terror, Bush Tax Cuts, and Medicare Part-D. You're the ones who took a surplus in 2000 and turned it into record deficits by 2003.

That dipshit added more to the debt than all previous presidents COMBINED.

Not true, A. Obama grew debt by 80%. And B, Bush the dumber added more debt than all previous presidents combined before him, as did Reagan.

That is called mismanagement, or was it an attempt to destroy the nation that he and his wife hated so much? History will decide.

Fuck you, troll.

Nope, sorry. Bush II did not do that. Only Reagan holds that honor.
30+ years ago Ronald Reagan sold America on the idea that if we just lower taxes (mostly for the 1%) the resulting economic growth would pay down the deficit, Result: The deficit grew...a lot! Bush 41 came along and told America the same lie, Result: The deficit grew...a lot! Bush 43 came along with the Bush tax cuts, promising the same economic growth and deficit reduction, Result: The deficit grew...a lot!. Does anyone notice a pattern here??? Lowering taxes is not going to produce enough $$ to pay them. Now Trump and Co. is selling this same old trickle down garbage. Why do Republicans insist in living in this financial fantasy land??

Trump's shiny tax-cut plan has a $1.5 trillion problem

No, Trump’s Tax Cuts Won’t Pay for Themselves
30 years ago the Congress and Senate were Democrat Majority. Funny how you fail to tell that story when it was the Democrats who were spending like Drunk "Democrats"..
30 years ago the Congress and Senate were Democrat Majority. Funny how you fail to tell that story when it was the Democrats who were spending like Drunk "Democrats"..

So was Reagan great or not? You guys seem to want to ascribe only the good to him and not the bad. That's because you're a propagandist. And not a very good one.
30+ years ago Ronald Reagan sold America on the idea that if we just lower taxes (mostly for the 1%) the resulting economic growth would pay down the deficit, Result: The deficit grew...a lot! Bush 41 came along and told America the same lie, Result: The deficit grew...a lot! Bush 43 came along with the Bush tax cuts, promising the same economic growth and deficit reduction, Result: The deficit grew...a lot!. Does anyone notice a pattern here. Lowering taxes is not going to produce enough $$ to pay them. Now Trump and Co. is selling this same old trickle down garbage. Why do Republicans insist in living in this financial fantasy land??

Trump's shiny tax-cut plan has a $1.5 trillion problem

No, Trump’s Tax Cuts Won’t Pay for Themselves

Obama doubled the national debt without lowering taxes. That dipshit added more to the debt than all previous presidents COMBINED.

Why do you lemmings keep repeating this lie?

Only one President has every doubled the national debt and that was Reagan, and he came pretty darn close to tripling it.

The national debt went up 87% under Obama, just slightly more than the 86% it went up under Bush II.
Wow, so we only use percentage not the actual dollars spent? Obama's 2 terms he spent over 9 trillion dollars, more than any other president in the history of the US yet the only thing that happened was the Liberal RICH GOT MUCH RICHER and the most in poverty since the war on poverty started. Fuck you all liberals and your constant lying...
Obama's 2 terms he spent over 9 trillion dollars, more than any other president in the history of the US

So what? Prior to him, Bush the Dumber spent more than any other president in the history of the US. Where were all you deficit and debt peacocks then? Oh right, you were all supporting Bush.

Also, that $9T figure is wrong.
30+ years ago Ronald Reagan sold America on the idea that if we just lower taxes (mostly for the 1%) the resulting economic growth would pay down the deficit, Result: The deficit grew...a lot! Bush 41 came along and told America the same lie, Result: The deficit grew...a lot! Bush 43 came along with the Bush tax cuts, promising the same economic growth and deficit reduction, Result: The deficit grew...a lot!. Does anyone notice a pattern here. Lowering taxes is not going to produce enough $$ to pay them. Now Trump and Co. is selling this same old trickle down garbage. Why do Republicans insist in living in this financial fantasy land??

Trump's shiny tax-cut plan has a $1.5 trillion problem

No, Trump’s Tax Cuts Won’t Pay for Themselves

Obama doubled the national debt without lowering taxes. That dipshit added more to the debt than all previous presidents COMBINED. That is called mismanagement, or was it an attempt to destroy the nation that he and his wife hated so much? History will decide.

You got a boatload of facts wrong, as others have correctly pointed out.

Obama cut taxes in 2012. Here is the link. You are welcome to read about it and learn something, if you care about the truth and have some demonstrate some initiative:
American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012 - Wikipedia

Obama DID
30+ years ago Ronald Reagan sold America on the idea that if we just lower taxes (mostly for the 1%) the resulting economic growth would pay down the deficit, Result: The deficit grew...a lot! Bush 41 came along and told America the same lie, Result: The deficit grew...a lot! Bush 43 came along with the Bush tax cuts, promising the same economic growth and deficit reduction, Result: The deficit grew...a lot!. Does anyone notice a pattern here. Lowering taxes is not going to produce enough $$ to pay them. Now Trump and Co. is selling this same old trickle down garbage. Why do Republicans insist in living in this financial fantasy land??

Trump's shiny tax-cut plan has a $1.5 trillion problem

No, Trump’s Tax Cuts Won’t Pay for Themselves

Obama doubled the national debt without lowering taxes. That dipshit added more to the debt than all previous presidents COMBINED. That is called mismanagement, or was it an attempt to destroy the nation that he and his wife hated so much? History will decide.
more than any other president in the history of the US

Before him, Bush the Dumber spent more than any other President in the history of the US. Conservative debt and deficit peacocks were no where to be seen. Before him, Clinton spent more than any other President in the history of the US. Conservative debt and deficit peacocks were everywhere. Before him (skipping Bush the Elder because he only served one term) Reagan spent more than any other President in the history of the US. Conservative debt and deficit peacocks were no where to be seen.

I'm sensing a pattern here.
Fuck you all liberals and your constant lying...

Fuck your debt peacocking and deficit posturing. No one believes for a second you actually care about this. You're pretending you do because it's the only way you can be relevant because your shitty ideas suck.
30+ years ago Ronald Reagan sold America on the idea that if we just lower taxes (mostly for the 1%) the resulting economic growth would pay down the deficit, Result: The deficit grew...a lot! Bush 41 came along and told America the same lie, Result: The deficit grew...a lot! Bush 43 came along with the Bush tax cuts, promising the same economic growth and deficit reduction, Result: The deficit grew...a lot!. Does anyone notice a pattern here. Lowering taxes is not going to produce enough $$ to pay them. Now Trump and Co. is selling this same old trickle down garbage. Why do Republicans insist in living in this financial fantasy land??

Trump's shiny tax-cut plan has a $1.5 trillion problem

No, Trump’s Tax Cuts Won’t Pay for Themselves

Obama doubled the national debt without lowering taxes. That dipshit added more to the debt than all previous presidents COMBINED. That is called mismanagement, or was it an attempt to destroy the nation that he and his wife hated so much? History will decide.

You got a boatload of facts wrong, as others have correctly pointed out.

Obama cut taxes in 2012. Here is the link. You are welcome to read about it and learn something, if you care about the truth and have some demonstrate some initiative:
American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012 - Wikipedia

Obama DID
30+ years ago Ronald Reagan sold America on the idea that if we just lower taxes (mostly for the 1%) the resulting economic growth would pay down the deficit, Result: The deficit grew...a lot! Bush 41 came along and told America the same lie, Result: The deficit grew...a lot! Bush 43 came along with the Bush tax cuts, promising the same economic growth and deficit reduction, Result: The deficit grew...a lot!. Does anyone notice a pattern here. Lowering taxes is not going to produce enough $$ to pay them. Now Trump and Co. is selling this same old trickle down garbage. Why do Republicans insist in living in this financial fantasy land??

Trump's shiny tax-cut plan has a $1.5 trillion problem

No, Trump’s Tax Cuts Won’t Pay for Themselves

Obama doubled the national debt without lowering taxes. That dipshit added more to the debt than all previous presidents COMBINED. That is called mismanagement, or was it an attempt to destroy the nation that he and his wife hated so much? History will decide.
He didn't cut taxes, he just gave a one time tax rebate.
He didn't cut taxes, he just gave a one time tax rebate.

When Obama let the Bush Tax Cuts on the wealthy expire at the end of 2012, all you Conservatives said the sky would fall.

You were wrong then, so why the fuck would you be right today?
30+ years ago Ronald Reagan sold America on the idea that if we just lower taxes (mostly for the 1%) the resulting economic growth would pay down the deficit, Result: The deficit grew...a lot! Bush 41 came along and told America the same lie, Result: The deficit grew...a lot! Bush 43 came along with the Bush tax cuts, promising the same economic growth and deficit reduction, Result: The deficit grew...a lot!. Does anyone notice a pattern here. Lowering taxes is not going to produce enough $$ to pay them. Now Trump and Co. is selling this same old trickle down garbage. Why do Republicans insist in living in this financial fantasy land??

Trump's shiny tax-cut plan has a $1.5 trillion problem

No, Trump’s Tax Cuts Won’t Pay for Themselves

Obama doubled the national debt without lowering taxes. That dipshit added more to the debt than all previous presidents COMBINED. That is called mismanagement, or was it an attempt to destroy the nation that he and his wife hated so much? History will decide.
Obama went in with an economy completely blown to smithereens by the GOP. He handed Trump record stock market numbers and a strong economy.

Bullshit. From his first day in office Obama tried to destroy our economy, our culture, our heritage, and our constitution. He and his wife hated this country and were determined to punish it for what they saw as its racist past.

Worst president in history is too kind for obama
Bullshit. From his first day in office Obama tried to destroy our economy, our culture, our heritage, and our constitution.

Fuck you and your Russian propaganda. We see you for what you are; a propagandist.

What's interesting about your profile is that it was created right in the middle of Putin's troll ramp-up. So what you seem to be doing here is testing out propaganda that you will then disseminate across broader social media.

We're hip to your game now. We have your playbook.
30+ years ago Ronald Reagan sold America on the idea that if we just lower taxes (mostly for the 1%) the resulting economic growth would pay down the deficit, Result: The deficit grew...a lot! Bush 41 came along and told America the same lie, Result: The deficit grew...a lot! Bush 43 came along with the Bush tax cuts, promising the same economic growth and deficit reduction, Result: The deficit grew...a lot!. Does anyone notice a pattern here. Lowering taxes is not going to produce enough $$ to pay them. Now Trump and Co. is selling this same old trickle down garbage. Why do Republicans insist in living in this financial fantasy land??

Trump's shiny tax-cut plan has a $1.5 trillion problem

No, Trump’s Tax Cuts Won’t Pay for Themselves

Obama doubled the national debt without lowering taxes. That dipshit added more to the debt than all previous presidents COMBINED.

Why do you lemmings keep repeating this lie?

Only one President has every doubled the national debt and that was Reagan, and he came pretty darn close to tripling it.

The national debt went up 87% under Obama, just slightly more than the 86% it went up under Bush II.

when obozo took office the debt was around 10.5 trillion, when he left it was around 19,5 trillion, so you are correct, he didn't quite double it. But he did add more to it than any other president, by a very large margin. you need to look at absolute dollars added to the debt, not the %. But I understand why you don't want to do that.
Bullshit. From his first day in office Obama tried to destroy our economy, our culture, our heritage, and our constitution.

Fuck you and your Russian propaganda. We see you for what you are; a propagandist.

What's interesting about your profile is that it was created right in the middle of Putin's troll ramp-up. So what you seem to be doing here is testing out propaganda that you will then disseminate across broader social media.

We're hip to your game now. We have your playbook.

no propaganda here, just facts. Look at Obama's quotes, look at his wife's quotes. They are who and what I said they are. You can try to spin and lie all you want, but the American people know better. That's why they rejected Hillary last November.

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