Republicans financial fantasy land

30+ years ago Ronald Reagan sold America on the idea that if we just lower taxes (mostly for the 1%) the resulting economic growth would pay down the deficit, Result: The deficit grew...a lot! Bush 41 came along and told America the same lie, Result: The deficit grew...a lot! Bush 43 came along with the Bush tax cuts, promising the same economic growth and deficit reduction, Result: The deficit grew...a lot!. Does anyone notice a pattern here. Lowering taxes is not going to produce enough $$ to pay them. Now Trump and Co. is selling this same old trickle down garbage. Why do Republicans insist in living in this financial fantasy land??

Trump's shiny tax-cut plan has a $1.5 trillion problem

No, Trump’s Tax Cuts Won’t Pay for Themselves

Obama doubled the national debt without lowering taxes. That dipshit added more to the debt than all previous presidents COMBINED.

Why do you lemmings keep repeating this lie?

Only one President has every doubled the national debt and that was Reagan, and he came pretty darn close to tripling it.

The national debt went up 87% under Obama, just slightly more than the 86% it went up under Bush II.

when obozo took office the debt was around 10.5 trillion, when he left it was around 19,5 trillion, so you are correct, he didn't quite double it. But he did add more to it than any other president, by a very large margin. you need to look at absolute dollars added to the debt, not the %. But I understand why you don't want to do that.

Actually the absolute dollars is the wrong way to look at it as the value of those dollars change over time. Reagan's almost tripling of the debt is worse than Obama's 87%, even if the dollars were less back then.
But he did add more to it than any other president

And prior to him, Bush the Dumber added more than any other President. Prior to him, Clinton added more than any other President. Prior to him, (and skipping Bush the Elder because he only had one term) Reagan added more than any other President.

Deficit posturing happened only during Obama and Clinton, not the others.

Which means all your screeching about the debt is bullshit.
no propaganda here, just facts. Look at Obama's quotes, look at his wife's quotes. They are who and what I said they are. You can try to spin and lie all you want, but the American people know better. That's why they rejected Hillary last November.

Nothing but propaganda. No facts. Just shit you Russians are spreading across social media.
30+ years ago Ronald Reagan sold America on the idea that if we just lower taxes (mostly for the 1%) the resulting economic growth would pay down the deficit, Result: The deficit grew...a lot! Bush 41 came along and told America the same lie, Result: The deficit grew...a lot! Bush 43 came along with the Bush tax cuts, promising the same economic growth and deficit reduction, Result: The deficit grew...a lot!. Does anyone notice a pattern here. Lowering taxes is not going to produce enough $$ to pay them. Now Trump and Co. is selling this same old trickle down garbage. Why do Republicans insist in living in this financial fantasy land??

Trump's shiny tax-cut plan has a $1.5 trillion problem

No, Trump’s Tax Cuts Won’t Pay for Themselves

Obama doubled the national debt without lowering taxes. That dipshit added more to the debt than all previous presidents COMBINED.

Why do you lemmings keep repeating this lie?

Only one President has every doubled the national debt and that was Reagan, and he came pretty darn close to tripling it.

The national debt went up 87% under Obama, just slightly more than the 86% it went up under Bush II.
How much did it go up under Clinton?
Bullshit. From his first day in office Obama tried to destroy our economy, our culture, our heritage, and our constitution.

Fuck you and your Russian propaganda. We see you for what you are; a propagandist.

What's interesting about your profile is that it was created right in the middle of Putin's troll ramp-up. So what you seem to be doing here is testing out propaganda that you will then disseminate across broader social media.

We're hip to your game now. We have your playbook.

no propaganda here, just facts. Look at Obama's quotes, look at his wife's quotes. They are who and what I said they are. You can try to spin and lie all you want, but the American people know better. That's why they rejected Hillary last November.

If they "rejected" Hillary, why did 3 million more Americans vote for her.

Trump won by a fluke, and his fuzzy math of tax cuts allegedly reducing deficits is a con job for RW suckers to believe, on a par with unicorns pooping ice cream.
30+ years ago Ronald Reagan sold America on the idea that if we just lower taxes (mostly for the 1%) the resulting economic growth would pay down the deficit, Result: The deficit grew...a lot! Bush 41 came along and told America the same lie, Result: The deficit grew...a lot! Bush 43 came along with the Bush tax cuts, promising the same economic growth and deficit reduction, Result: The deficit grew...a lot!. Does anyone notice a pattern here??? Lowering taxes is not going to produce enough $$ to pay them. Now Trump and Co. is selling this same old trickle down garbage. Why do Republicans insist in living in this financial fantasy land??

Trump's shiny tax-cut plan has a $1.5 trillion problem

No, Trump’s Tax Cuts Won’t Pay for Themselves
Reagan's tax cuts actually resulted in an income/wealth disparity in which the top earners paid more a % of taxes and the lesser earners a lesser %.

The Reagan Tax Cuts: Lessons for Tax Reform

And while tax receipts increased from 80-88, they did so slower than spending.

The real somparison would be between this and W's tax cuts. And there's no comparison to spending under Obama, because we had crashing revenue with a recession, followed by a return to the size of the deficits before the recession.

You can find the budget tables here.

Historical Tables
Bullshit. From his first day in office Obama tried to destroy our economy, our culture, our heritage, and our constitution.

Fuck you and your Russian propaganda. We see you for what you are; a propagandist.

What's interesting about your profile is that it was created right in the middle of Putin's troll ramp-up. So what you seem to be doing here is testing out propaganda that you will then disseminate across broader social media.

We're hip to your game now. We have your playbook.

since you mentioned Russia. Tell us specifically what they did that changed the outcome of our election. Where did they do it? whose votes were changed? How many were changed? which states EC count was affected? by how much?

either provide those details or STFU about Russia affecting our election.
30+ years ago Ronald Reagan sold America on the idea that if we just lower taxes (mostly for the 1%) the resulting economic growth would pay down the deficit, Result: The deficit grew...a lot! Bush 41 came along and told America the same lie, Result: The deficit grew...a lot! Bush 43 came along with the Bush tax cuts, promising the same economic growth and deficit reduction, Result: The deficit grew...a lot!. Does anyone notice a pattern here. Lowering taxes is not going to produce enough $$ to pay them. Now Trump and Co. is selling this same old trickle down garbage. Why do Republicans insist in living in this financial fantasy land??

Trump's shiny tax-cut plan has a $1.5 trillion problem

No, Trump’s Tax Cuts Won’t Pay for Themselves

Obama doubled the national debt without lowering taxes. That dipshit added more to the debt than all previous presidents COMBINED.

Why do you lemmings keep repeating this lie?

Only one President has every doubled the national debt and that was Reagan, and he came pretty darn close to tripling it.

The national debt went up 87% under Obama, just slightly more than the 86% it went up under Bush II.
How much did it go up under Clinton?

32% if I remember correctly.
Bullshit. From his first day in office Obama tried to destroy our economy, our culture, our heritage, and our constitution.

Fuck you and your Russian propaganda. We see you for what you are; a propagandist.

What's interesting about your profile is that it was created right in the middle of Putin's troll ramp-up. So what you seem to be doing here is testing out propaganda that you will then disseminate across broader social media.

We're hip to your game now. We have your playbook.

no propaganda here, just facts. Look at Obama's quotes, look at his wife's quotes. They are who and what I said they are. You can try to spin and lie all you want, but the American people know better. That's why they rejected Hillary last November.

If they "rejected" Hillary, why did 3 million more Americans vote for her.

Trump won by a fluke, and his fuzzy math of tax cuts allegedly reducing deficits is a con job for RW suckers to believe, on a par with unicorns pooping ice cream.

because California has a lot of people, the majority of which are left wing loons.

tax cuts help working americans, they do nothing for those who don't work (democrat voters)
30+ years ago Ronald Reagan sold America on the idea that if we just lower taxes (mostly for the 1%) the resulting economic growth would pay down the deficit, Result: The deficit grew...a lot! Bush 41 came along and told America the same lie, Result: The deficit grew...a lot! Bush 43 came along with the Bush tax cuts, promising the same economic growth and deficit reduction, Result: The deficit grew...a lot!. Does anyone notice a pattern here. Lowering taxes is not going to produce enough $$ to pay them. Now Trump and Co. is selling this same old trickle down garbage. Why do Republicans insist in living in this financial fantasy land??

Trump's shiny tax-cut plan has a $1.5 trillion problem

No, Trump’s Tax Cuts Won’t Pay for Themselves

Obama doubled the national debt without lowering taxes. That dipshit added more to the debt than all previous presidents COMBINED. That is called mismanagement, or was it an attempt to destroy the nation that he and his wife hated so much? History will decide.
Obama went in with an economy completely blown to smithereens by the GOP. He handed Trump record stock market numbers and a strong economy.

Bullshit. From his first day in office Obama tried to destroy our economy, our culture, our heritage, and our constitution. He and his wife hated this country and were determined to punish it for what they saw as its racist past.

Worst president in history is too kind for obama
All wrong of course. 8 years of stability after Dubya fucked the economy and sent troops to die for nothing, and you lose your mind. LOL
30+ years ago Ronald Reagan sold America on the idea that if we just lower taxes (mostly for the 1%) the resulting economic growth would pay down the deficit, Result: The deficit grew...a lot! Bush 41 came along and told America the same lie, Result: The deficit grew...a lot! Bush 43 came along with the Bush tax cuts, promising the same economic growth and deficit reduction, Result: The deficit grew...a lot!. Does anyone notice a pattern here??? Lowering taxes is not going to produce enough $$ to pay them. Now Trump and Co. is selling this same old trickle down garbage. Why do Republicans insist in living in this financial fantasy land??

Trump's shiny tax-cut plan has a $1.5 trillion problem

No, Trump’s Tax Cuts Won’t Pay for Themselves
Reagan's tax cuts actually resulted in an income/wealth disparity in which the top earners paid more a % of taxes and the lesser earners a lesser %.

The Reagan Tax Cuts: Lessons for Tax Reform

And while tax receipts increased from 80-88, they did so slower than spending.

The real somparison would be between this and W's tax cuts. And there's no comparison to spending under Obama, because we had crashing revenue with a recession, followed by a return to the size of the deficits before the recession.

You can find the budget tables here.

Historical Tables

Obama continued the Bush tax cuts, so they are the bush/Obama tax cuts. If they were so bad, why did Obama continue them?
30+ years ago Ronald Reagan sold America on the idea that if we just lower taxes (mostly for the 1%) the resulting economic growth would pay down the deficit, Result: The deficit grew...a lot! Bush 41 came along and told America the same lie, Result: The deficit grew...a lot! Bush 43 came along with the Bush tax cuts, promising the same economic growth and deficit reduction, Result: The deficit grew...a lot!. Does anyone notice a pattern here. Lowering taxes is not going to produce enough $$ to pay them. Now Trump and Co. is selling this same old trickle down garbage. Why do Republicans insist in living in this financial fantasy land??

Trump's shiny tax-cut plan has a $1.5 trillion problem

No, Trump’s Tax Cuts Won’t Pay for Themselves

Obama doubled the national debt without lowering taxes. That dipshit added more to the debt than all previous presidents COMBINED. That is called mismanagement, or was it an attempt to destroy the nation that he and his wife hated so much? History will decide.
Obama went in with an economy completely blown to smithereens by the GOP. He handed Trump record stock market numbers and a strong economy.

Bullshit. From his first day in office Obama tried to destroy our economy, our culture, our heritage, and our constitution. He and his wife hated this country and were determined to punish it for what they saw as its racist past.

Worst president in history is too kind for obama
All wrong of course. 8 years of stability after Dubya fucked the economy and sent troops to die for nothing, and you lose your mind. LOL

you live in a fantasy land full of bullshit left wing talking points and lies.

but we do agree that the Iraq war was a stupid waste of lives and money----------but remember both parties voted to authorize and fund it.
30+ years ago Ronald Reagan sold America on the idea that if we just lower taxes (mostly for the 1%) the resulting economic growth would pay down the deficit, Result: The deficit grew...a lot! Bush 41 came along and told America the same lie, Result: The deficit grew...a lot! Bush 43 came along with the Bush tax cuts, promising the same economic growth and deficit reduction, Result: The deficit grew...a lot!. Does anyone notice a pattern here. Lowering taxes is not going to produce enough $$ to pay them. Now Trump and Co. is selling this same old trickle down garbage. Why do Republicans insist in living in this financial fantasy land??

Trump's shiny tax-cut plan has a $1.5 trillion problem

No, Trump’s Tax Cuts Won’t Pay for Themselves

Obama doubled the national debt without lowering taxes. That dipshit added more to the debt than all previous presidents COMBINED.

Why do you lemmings keep repeating this lie?

Only one President has every doubled the national debt and that was Reagan, and he came pretty darn close to tripling it.

The national debt went up 87% under Obama, just slightly more than the 86% it went up under Bush II.
How much did it go up under Clinton?

32% if I remember correctly.
Bill Clinton added $1.396 trillion,

Bush one added $1.55 trillion

Reagan added $1.86 trillion

Not all that far apart...

but Clinton gets a pass?
30+ years ago Ronald Reagan sold America on the idea that if we just lower taxes (mostly for the 1%) the resulting economic growth would pay down the deficit, Result: The deficit grew...a lot! Bush 41 came along and told America the same lie, Result: The deficit grew...a lot! Bush 43 came along with the Bush tax cuts, promising the same economic growth and deficit reduction, Result: The deficit grew...a lot!. Does anyone notice a pattern here. Lowering taxes is not going to produce enough $$ to pay them. Now Trump and Co. is selling this same old trickle down garbage. Why do Republicans insist in living in this financial fantasy land??

Trump's shiny tax-cut plan has a $1.5 trillion problem

No, Trump’s Tax Cuts Won’t Pay for Themselves

Obama doubled the national debt without lowering taxes. That dipshit added more to the debt than all previous presidents COMBINED. That is called mismanagement, or was it an attempt to destroy the nation that he and his wife hated so much? History will decide.
Obama went in with an economy completely blown to smithereens by the GOP. He handed Trump record stock market numbers and a strong economy.

Bullshit. From his first day in office Obama tried to destroy our economy, our culture, our heritage, and our constitution. He and his wife hated this country and were determined to punish it for what they saw as its racist past.

Worst president in history is too kind for obama
All wrong of course. 8 years of stability after Dubya fucked the economy and sent troops to die for nothing, and you lose your mind. LOL

stability? WTF, highest unemployment numbers since the 1930s, more on welfare and in poverty than ever before, more on food stamps than ever before, a terrible healthcare bill, weakened military, bowing to Saudi kings and Japanese emperors. Obama was a terrible president
The deficit grew under Hussein and Americans got nothing for it. The only people who benefited were rogue nations like Iran and Hussein campaign contributors who received a golden parachute just before their companies went bankrupt at taxpayer expense. The economy was stagnant under Hussein for eight years and libs didn't seem to care.. The only time libs worry about the deficit is during republican administrations. In less than a year under President Trump's leadership the DOW is in record territory almost weekly, unemployment is down and the 401k's of hypocrite democrats are solvent and yet the left remains incoherent and angry and crazy.
30+ years ago Ronald Reagan sold America on the idea that if we just lower taxes (mostly for the 1%) the resulting economic growth would pay down the deficit, Result: The deficit grew...a lot! Bush 41 came along and told America the same lie, Result: The deficit grew...a lot! Bush 43 came along with the Bush tax cuts, promising the same economic growth and deficit reduction, Result: The deficit grew...a lot!. Does anyone notice a pattern here. Lowering taxes is not going to produce enough $$ to pay them. Now Trump and Co. is selling this same old trickle down garbage. Why do Republicans insist in living in this financial fantasy land??

Trump's shiny tax-cut plan has a $1.5 trillion problem

No, Trump’s Tax Cuts Won’t Pay for Themselves

Obama doubled the national debt without lowering taxes. That dipshit added more to the debt than all previous presidents COMBINED.

Why do you lemmings keep repeating this lie?

Only one President has every doubled the national debt and that was Reagan, and he came pretty darn close to tripling it.

The national debt went up 87% under Obama, just slightly more than the 86% it went up under Bush II.
How much did it go up under Clinton?

32% if I remember correctly.
Bill Clinton added $1.396 trillion,

Bush one added $1.55 trillion

Reagan added $1.86 trillion

Not all that far apart...

but Clinton gets a pass?

and Obama added $9 trillion. but the libs don't care.
30+ years ago Ronald Reagan sold America on the idea that if we just lower taxes (mostly for the 1%) the resulting economic growth would pay down the deficit, Result: The deficit grew...a lot! Bush 41 came along and told America the same lie, Result: The deficit grew...a lot! Bush 43 came along with the Bush tax cuts, promising the same economic growth and deficit reduction, Result: The deficit grew...a lot!. Does anyone notice a pattern here. Lowering taxes is not going to produce enough $$ to pay them. Now Trump and Co. is selling this same old trickle down garbage. Why do Republicans insist in living in this financial fantasy land??

Trump's shiny tax-cut plan has a $1.5 trillion problem

No, Trump’s Tax Cuts Won’t Pay for Themselves

Obama doubled the national debt without lowering taxes. That dipshit added more to the debt than all previous presidents COMBINED. That is called mismanagement, or was it an attempt to destroy the nation that he and his wife hated so much? History will decide.
Obama went in with an economy completely blown to smithereens by the GOP. He handed Trump record stock market numbers and a strong economy.

Bullshit. From his first day in office Obama tried to destroy our economy, our culture, our heritage, and our constitution. He and his wife hated this country and were determined to punish it for what they saw as its racist past.

Worst president in history is too kind for obama
All wrong of course. 8 years of stability after Dubya fucked the economy and sent troops to die for nothing, and you lose your mind. LOL

you live in a fantasy land full of bullshit left wing talking points and lies.

but we do agree that the Iraq war was a stupid waste of lives and money----------but remember both parties voted to authorize and fund it.
Only one doubled down and called people traitors who wanted to end it. I’ll bet a million dollars you voted for Dubya twice. Or threw your vote away on a 3rd party, basically a vote for Dubya.
30+ years ago Ronald Reagan sold America on the idea that if we just lower taxes (mostly for the 1%) the resulting economic growth would pay down the deficit, Result: The deficit grew...a lot! Bush 41 came along and told America the same lie, Result: The deficit grew...a lot! Bush 43 came along with the Bush tax cuts, promising the same economic growth and deficit reduction, Result: The deficit grew...a lot!. Does anyone notice a pattern here. Lowering taxes is not going to produce enough $$ to pay them. Now Trump and Co. is selling this same old trickle down garbage. Why do Republicans insist in living in this financial fantasy land??

Trump's shiny tax-cut plan has a $1.5 trillion problem

No, Trump’s Tax Cuts Won’t Pay for Themselves

Obama doubled the national debt without lowering taxes. That dipshit added more to the debt than all previous presidents COMBINED.

Why do you lemmings keep repeating this lie?

Only one President has every doubled the national debt and that was Reagan, and he came pretty darn close to tripling it.

The national debt went up 87% under Obama, just slightly more than the 86% it went up under Bush II.
How much did it go up under Clinton?

32% if I remember correctly.
Bill Clinton added $1.396 trillion,

Bush one added $1.55 trillion

Reagan added $1.86 trillion

Not all that far apart...

but Clinton gets a pass?

Again, looking at just total dollars is incorrect as the value of the dollar is fluid.

Also, Bush I did that in just 4 years, the rest had 8. I think that is rather substantial.

Reagan added 180% (roughly) while Clinton added 32%, not all that close at all.
Obama doubled the national debt without lowering taxes. That dipshit added more to the debt than all previous presidents COMBINED. That is called mismanagement, or was it an attempt to destroy the nation that he and his wife hated so much? History will decide.
Obama went in with an economy completely blown to smithereens by the GOP. He handed Trump record stock market numbers and a strong economy.

Bullshit. From his first day in office Obama tried to destroy our economy, our culture, our heritage, and our constitution. He and his wife hated this country and were determined to punish it for what they saw as its racist past.

Worst president in history is too kind for obama
All wrong of course. 8 years of stability after Dubya fucked the economy and sent troops to die for nothing, and you lose your mind. LOL

you live in a fantasy land full of bullshit left wing talking points and lies.

but we do agree that the Iraq war was a stupid waste of lives and money----------but remember both parties voted to authorize and fund it.
Only one doubled down and called people traitors who wanted to end it. I’ll bet a million dollars you voted for Dubya twice. Or threw your vote away on a 3rd party, basically a vote for Dubya.

Yes I did, because Gore or Kerry would have been much worse. I am not a bushie, and I wish we did not always have to vote against someone rather than for someone. But that's the way its been for a long time.
30+ years ago Ronald Reagan sold America on the idea that if we just lower taxes (mostly for the 1%) the resulting economic growth would pay down the deficit, Result: The deficit grew...a lot! Bush 41 came along and told America the same lie, Result: The deficit grew...a lot! Bush 43 came along with the Bush tax cuts, promising the same economic growth and deficit reduction, Result: The deficit grew...a lot!. Does anyone notice a pattern here. Lowering taxes is not going to produce enough $$ to pay them. Now Trump and Co. is selling this same old trickle down garbage. Why do Republicans insist in living in this financial fantasy land??

Trump's shiny tax-cut plan has a $1.5 trillion problem

No, Trump’s Tax Cuts Won’t Pay for Themselves

Obama doubled the national debt without lowering taxes. That dipshit added more to the debt than all previous presidents COMBINED. That is called mismanagement, or was it an attempt to destroy the nation that he and his wife hated so much? History will decide.
Obama went in with an economy completely blown to smithereens by the GOP. He handed Trump record stock market numbers and a strong economy.

Bullshit. From his first day in office Obama tried to destroy our economy, our culture, our heritage, and our constitution. He and his wife hated this country and were determined to punish it for what they saw as its racist past.

Worst president in history is too kind for obama
All wrong of course. 8 years of stability after Dubya fucked the economy and sent troops to die for nothing, and you lose your mind. LOL

stability? WTF, highest unemployment numbers since the 1930s, more on welfare and in poverty than ever before, more on food stamps than ever before, a terrible healthcare bill, weakened military, bowing to Saudi kings and Japanese emperors. Obama was a terrible president
Yes, republicans completely tanked the economy. I already mentioned that. Thank God a Democrat was able to come in and right the ship. Btw, hundreds of thousands more people out of the work force since Trump came in. How’s that for unemployment? :rolleyes:

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