Republicans financial fantasy land

The plan being discussed in congress now, increases the tax rates on the top 5% and reduces them for the middle class.

No it doesn't. According to the tax plan itself, by 2027 the middle and lower classes will be paying more in taxes than they do now, while the wealthy will pay far less.

The poor pay zero already, soooooooooooooooooooooo

Yeah, why? Because you cut their taxes. So this is the perpetual-motion machine of Conservative masturbation; you cut taxes, which results in more people not paying taxes, and your solution to that is to...cut taxes.

Masturbatory. Your argument about taxes and poor people is the equivalent of a monkey playing with itself in the corner of its cage at the zoo.
Do you understand that you cannot cut taxes for people that don't pay taxes? The plan being discussed in congress now, increases the tax rates on the top 5% and reduces them for the middle class. The poor pay zero already, soooooooooooooooooooooo

You guys all said that if Obama let the Bush Tax Cuts expire for the wealthy, the sky would fall.

You were all wrong about all of it.

So why the fuck would you be right today?

I never said that. be careful how you use "you guys all" . The truth is that the tax code has so many loopholes, exemptions, and deductions that apply to the rich that it doesn't really matter what the tax rate is.

Now, who put those loopholes, exemptions, and deductions in the tax code? any idea?

if you check into which party has controlled congress for most of the last 100 years, you will have your answer. Hint: its not the GOP.
and you know Russia did that?

Yes. One of the trolls even confessed to it.

Which begs the question....are you one of those trolls? I happen to think so because you certainly aren't a native English speaker, that's for fuckin' sure.

How do YOU know? How did they send this propaganda? Was the release of the evidence of corruption in the DNC and the Clinton campaign part of the "propaganda"?

Yes, it was part of the propaganda. How did they "send" propaganda? By purchasing ads on Facebook and Twitter and using the data and analytics to target specific types of voters in specific states and districts. They also employed hundreds of trolls who created hundreds of thousands -perhaps millions- of fake social media accounts that spread the propaganda generated in places like the troll farm in St. Petersburg, Russia. Exactly the type of shit you're doing here.

Those Russian trolls use boards like this one to hone and craft their propaganda before they disseminated it across social media. USMB is a platform used by Russian trolls to craft this shit. You're probably one of them, given your profile was "created" the exact time Putin's trolls were ramping up their efforts.

Next, why would Russia prefer a president that they could not control (Trump) over one that they could blackmail into doing exactly what they wanted (Hillary) ?

They have kompromat on Trump, they don't have kompromat on Clinton. Why wouldn't Putin blackmail Clinton before, when she was taking a hard line stance against Russia, imposing sanctions, and calling their elections legitimate? Wouldn't that be the time for Putin to employ his kompromat? Why would he wait?

you are repeating talking points that have been proven false. Do you live under a rock?

You haven't proven shit. In fact, you haven't even proven you're an American.
The plan being discussed in congress now, increases the tax rates on the top 5% and reduces them for the middle class.

No it doesn't. According to the tax plan itself, by 2027 the middle and lower classes will be paying more in taxes than they do now, while the wealthy will pay far less.

The poor pay zero already, soooooooooooooooooooooo

Yeah, why? Because you cut their taxes. So this is the perpetual-motion machine of Conservative masturbation; you cut taxes, which results in more people not paying taxes, and your solution to that is to...cut taxes.

Masturbatory. Your argument about taxes and poor people is the equivalent of a monkey playing with itself in the corner of its cage at the zoo.

so you want the poor to pay more taxes? interesting coming from a dem/lib.

you are also wrong about the current tax plan, those provisions have been taken out. The most important part of if is cutting the corporate rate down to what the rest of the world charges its businesses. That will stimulate the economy and create jobs almost instantly after it is signed.
30+ years ago Ronald Reagan sold America on the idea that if we just lower taxes (mostly for the 1%) the resulting economic growth would pay down the deficit, Result: The deficit grew...a lot! Bush 41 came along and told America the same lie, Result: The deficit grew...a lot! Bush 43 came along with the Bush tax cuts, promising the same economic growth and deficit reduction, Result: The deficit grew...a lot!. Does anyone notice a pattern here. Lowering taxes is not going to produce enough $$ to pay them. Now Trump and Co. is selling this same old trickle down garbage. Why do Republicans insist in living in this financial fantasy land??

Trump's shiny tax-cut plan has a $1.5 trillion problem

No, Trump’s Tax Cuts Won’t Pay for Themselves

Obama doubled the national debt without lowering taxes. That dipshit added more to the debt than all previous presidents COMBINED.

Why do you lemmings keep repeating this lie?

Only one President has every doubled the national debt and that was Reagan, and he came pretty darn close to tripling it.

The national debt went up 87% under Obama, just slightly more than the 86% it went up under Bush II.

O increased the debt more than all presidents combined.
and you know Russia did that?

Yes. One of the trolls even confessed to it.

Which begs the question....are you one of those trolls? I happen to think so because you certainly aren't a native English speaker, that's for fuckin' sure.

How do YOU know? How did they send this propaganda? Was the release of the evidence of corruption in the DNC and the Clinton campaign part of the "propaganda"?

Yes, it was part of the propaganda. How did they "send" propaganda? By purchasing ads on Facebook and Twitter and using the data and analytics to target specific types of voters in specific states and districts. They also employed hundreds of trolls who created hundreds of thousands -perhaps millions- of fake social media accounts that spread the propaganda generated in places like the troll farm in St. Petersburg, Russia. Exactly the type of shit you're doing here.

Those Russian trolls use boards like this one to hone and craft their propaganda before they disseminated it across social media. USMB is a platform used by Russian trolls to craft this shit. You're probably one of them, given your profile was "created" the exact time Putin's trolls were ramping up their efforts.

Next, why would Russia prefer a president that they could not control (Trump) over one that they could blackmail into doing exactly what they wanted (Hillary) ?

They have kompromat on Trump, they don't have kompromat on Clinton. Why wouldn't Putin blackmail Clinton before, when she was taking a hard line stance against Russia, imposing sanctions, and calling their elections legitimate? Wouldn't that be the time for Putin to employ his kompromat? Why would he wait?

you are repeating talking points that have been proven false. Do you live under a rock?

You haven't proven shit. In fact, you haven't even proven you're an American.

the truth is not propaganda. What wikileaks put out was true. The DNC and the hillary campaign cheated and got caught. Hillary Clinton has never taken a hard line against Russia. They own her, they have already bribed her through the Clinton foundation.

damn, do you ever listen to anything except MSNBC? Don't rely on Fox, do some checking for yourself. The Trump/Russia collusion witchhunt isn't going to find any witches, they are all surrounding Hillary and bubba.
and you know Russia did that?

Yes. One of the trolls even confessed to it.

Which begs the question....are you one of those trolls? I happen to think so because you certainly aren't a native English speaker, that's for fuckin' sure.

How do YOU know? How did they send this propaganda? Was the release of the evidence of corruption in the DNC and the Clinton campaign part of the "propaganda"?

Yes, it was part of the propaganda. How did they "send" propaganda? By purchasing ads on Facebook and Twitter and using the data and analytics to target specific types of voters in specific states and districts. They also employed hundreds of trolls who created hundreds of thousands -perhaps millions- of fake social media accounts that spread the propaganda generated in places like the troll farm in St. Petersburg, Russia. Exactly the type of shit you're doing here.

Those Russian trolls use boards like this one to hone and craft their propaganda before they disseminated it across social media. USMB is a platform used by Russian trolls to craft this shit. You're probably one of them, given your profile was "created" the exact time Putin's trolls were ramping up their efforts.

Next, why would Russia prefer a president that they could not control (Trump) over one that they could blackmail into doing exactly what they wanted (Hillary) ?

They have kompromat on Trump, they don't have kompromat on Clinton. Why wouldn't Putin blackmail Clinton before, when she was taking a hard line stance against Russia, imposing sanctions, and calling their elections legitimate? Wouldn't that be the time for Putin to employ his kompromat? Why would he wait?

you are repeating talking points that have been proven false. Do you live under a rock?

You haven't proven shit. In fact, you haven't even proven you're an American.

as to your English and American comments. I speak very good English and am American by birth and have been a loyal American citizen for over 70 years. Paid a lot in taxes and never took a dime of welfare or any other kind of government largess.
30+ years ago Ronald Reagan sold America on the idea that if we just lower taxes (mostly for the 1%) the resulting economic growth would pay down the deficit, Result: The deficit grew...a lot! Bush 41 came along and told America the same lie, Result: The deficit grew...a lot! Bush 43 came along with the Bush tax cuts, promising the same economic growth and deficit reduction, Result: The deficit grew...a lot!. Does anyone notice a pattern here. Lowering taxes is not going to produce enough $$ to pay them. Now Trump and Co. is selling this same old trickle down garbage. Why do Republicans insist in living in this financial fantasy land??

Trump's shiny tax-cut plan has a $1.5 trillion problem

No, Trump’s Tax Cuts Won’t Pay for Themselves

Obama doubled the national debt without lowering taxes. That dipshit added more to the debt than all previous presidents COMBINED.

Why do you lemmings keep repeating this lie?

Only one President has every doubled the national debt and that was Reagan, and he came pretty darn close to tripling it.

The national debt went up 87% under Obama, just slightly more than the 86% it went up under Bush II.

O increased the debt more than all presidents combined.

they know that but their handlers have told them to ignore it and play word games with per centages and other meaningless bullshit.
30+ years ago Ronald Reagan sold America on the idea that if we just lower taxes (mostly for the 1%) the resulting economic growth would pay down the deficit, Result: The deficit grew...a lot! Bush 41 came along and told America the same lie, Result: The deficit grew...a lot! Bush 43 came along with the Bush tax cuts, promising the same economic growth and deficit reduction, Result: The deficit grew...a lot!. Does anyone notice a pattern here??? Lowering taxes is not going to produce enough $$ to pay them. Now Trump and Co. is selling this same old trickle down garbage. Why do Republicans insist in living in this financial fantasy land??

Trump's shiny tax-cut plan has a $1.5 trillion problem

No, Trump’s Tax Cuts Won’t Pay for Themselves
Reagan's tax cuts actually resulted in an income/wealth disparity in which the top earners paid more a % of taxes and the lesser earners a lesser %.

The Reagan Tax Cuts: Lessons for Tax Reform

And while tax receipts increased from 80-88, they did so slower than spending.

The real somparison would be between this and W's tax cuts. And there's no comparison to spending under Obama, because we had crashing revenue with a recession, followed by a return to the size of the deficits before the recession.

You can find the budget tables here.

Historical Tables

Obama continued the Bush tax cuts, so they are the bush/Obama tax cuts. If they were so bad, why did Obama continue them?[/QUOTE}

Already answered. Look at the tables
Already answered. Look at the tables.

I get it, you love Obama and hate Bush. I understand your position. Its totally stupid, but I understand it.
Fuck you asshole fish. Fact is W came in with a 235hundredmillion surplus and left with a recession and 458hundred million deficit, while Obama came in with the 458hundredmillion deficit and left with 584million dollar deficit ... and he failed in getting any entitlement reform.
30+ years ago Ronald Reagan sold America on the idea that if we just lower taxes (mostly for the 1%) the resulting economic growth would pay down the deficit, Result: The deficit grew...a lot! Bush 41 came along and told America the same lie, Result: The deficit grew...a lot! Bush 43 came along with the Bush tax cuts, promising the same economic growth and deficit reduction, Result: The deficit grew...a lot!. Does anyone notice a pattern here??? Lowering taxes is not going to produce enough $$ to pay them. Now Trump and Co. is selling this same old trickle down garbage. Why do Republicans insist in living in this financial fantasy land??

Trump's shiny tax-cut plan has a $1.5 trillion problem

No, Trump’s Tax Cuts Won’t Pay for Themselves
Reagan's tax cuts actually resulted in an income/wealth disparity in which the top earners paid more a % of taxes and the lesser earners a lesser %.

The Reagan Tax Cuts: Lessons for Tax Reform

And while tax receipts increased from 80-88, they did so slower than spending.

The real somparison would be between this and W's tax cuts. And there's no comparison to spending under Obama, because we had crashing revenue with a recession, followed by a return to the size of the deficits before the recession.

You can find the budget tables here.

Historical Tables

Obama continued the Bush tax cuts, so they are the bush/Obama tax cuts. If they were so bad, why did Obama continue them?[/QUOTE}

Already answered. Look at the tables
Already answered. Look at the tables.

I get it, you love Obama and hate Bush. I understand your position. Its totally stupid, but I understand it.
Fuck you asshole fish. Fact is W came in with a 235hundredmillion surplus and left with a recession and 458hundred million deficit, while Obama came in with the 458hundredmillion deficit and left with 584million dollar deficit ... and he failed in getting any entitlement reform.

unlike you, I cannot fuck myself and will not try. that exercise is limited to you left wing fools who cannot attract any members of the opposite sex and must take care of your desires on your own.

Deficits and debt increases are two completely different things. Look up the words, you might not make yourself look so stupid if you understand what you are talking about.

and I am not a Bushie. He made a lot of stupid mistakes and continues to make them today with his idiotic statements. The Bush dynasty is as corrupt as the Clinton dynasty. the only good thing is that both are over.
30+ years ago Ronald Reagan sold America on the idea that if we just lower taxes (mostly for the 1%) the resulting economic growth would pay down the deficit, Result: The deficit grew...a lot! Bush 41 came along and told America the same lie, Result: The deficit grew...a lot! Bush 43 came along with the Bush tax cuts, promising the same economic growth and deficit reduction, Result: The deficit grew...a lot!. Does anyone notice a pattern here. Lowering taxes is not going to produce enough $$ to pay them. Now Trump and Co. is selling this same old trickle down garbage. Why do Republicans insist in living in this financial fantasy land??

Trump's shiny tax-cut plan has a $1.5 trillion problem

No, Trump’s Tax Cuts Won’t Pay for Themselves

Obama doubled the national debt without lowering taxes. That dipshit added more to the debt than all previous presidents COMBINED.

Why do you lemmings keep repeating this lie?

Only one President has every doubled the national debt and that was Reagan, and he came pretty darn close to tripling it.

The national debt went up 87% under Obama, just slightly more than the 86% it went up under Bush II.

O increased the debt more than all presidents combined.

Why do you partisan hacks keep repeating the same lie?

Sent from my iPhone using
I never said that.

Right, because your profile was "created" during Putin's troll ramp-up. But the larger point is that Conservatives and Obama's opponents all said the worst would happen if Obama let the Bush Tax Cuts on the wealthy expire. Y'all were fuckin' wrong about that shit. Massively wrong. Embarrassingly wrong. So why the fuck would you be right about anything today?

The truth is that the tax code has so many loopholes, exemptions, and deductions that apply to the rich that it doesn't really matter what the tax rate is.

Put there by whom? Representatives bought and paid for by the wealthy. So it's a perpetual motion machine of masturbation. Y'all screech like barnyard animals how we have to cut taxes, then you cut taxes, which results in inequitable tax burdens, and your solution to that is to...cut taxes.

Fucking stupid.

Now, who put those loopholes, exemptions, and deductions in the tax code? any idea?if you check into which party has controlled congress for most of the last 100 years, you will have your answer. Hint: its not the GOP.

Those loopholes, for the most part, were inserted when the GOP controlled Congress. But this is just a Russian Active Measure on your part because we are talking about tax rates, not tax loopholes. And BTW - all the loopholes that cost us money are the ones the GOP is preserving while eliminating the "loopholes" of the mortgage interest deduction, student loan interest deduction, and state and local tax deductions.

So once again, your Russian propaganda failed. That's because Russians don't know shit about the free market. They live in an oligarch kleptocracy. So why the fuck would any of you know anything about the free market?
the truth is not propaganda. What wikileaks put out was true. The DNC and the hillary campaign cheated and got caught.

Not the propaganda I'm talking about. That DNC shit had nothing to do with why Clinton lost. She lost because you Russians bombarded social media with troll accounts that preyed on weak-minded, uneducated, inbred Conservatives.

Hillary Clinton has never taken a hard line against Russia. They own her, they have already bribed her through the Clinton foundation.

FUCKING WRONG. If you're gonna lie, at least lie convincingly. This is exactly the type of Russian bullshit I was talking about before, so thanks for proving my point that you're just here to test out propaganda before you pollute that shit across social media.

damn, do you ever listen to anything except MSNBC? Don't rely on Fox, do some checking for yourself. The Trump/Russia collusion witchhunt isn't going to find any witches, they are all surrounding Hillary and bubba.

Trump, his surrogates, his supporters, and all his Russian trolls online said there was "no contact with Russia at all". That was a lie. So why lie about it?
Why do you partisan hacks keep repeating the same lie?

He's not a partisan hack. He's a Russian propagandist whose job it is to disseminate propaganda across social media. They use boards like this one to test, craft, and hone their propaganda. Look at when his profile was created. The USMB mods don't give a shit about Russian trolls because they happen to fall along the same ideological spectrum, so they defend them here.
and I am not a Bushie. He made a lot of stupid mistakes and continues to make them today with his idiotic statements. The Bush dynasty is as corrupt as the Clinton dynasty. the only good thing is that both are over.

It's funny how all these pretend Conservatives say they never supported Bush, yet were nowhere to be seen when Bush was doing all the things they purport to oppose.

They're just fuckin' liars, nothing more.
as to your English and American comments. I speak very good English and am American by birth and have been a loyal American citizen for over 70 years. Paid a lot in taxes and never took a dime of welfare or any other kind of government largess.

Bullshit. You're lying.
they know that but their handlers have told them to ignore it and play word games with per centages and other meaningless bullshit.

The dollar was worth less in 1980 than 2017. That's why percentages matter.

But what the fuck would a Russian know about the free market? They live in an Oligarchic Kleptocracy. They literally pay people to impersonate Americans on social media and message boards like this one.
the truth is not propaganda. What wikileaks put out was true. The DNC and the hillary campaign cheated and got caught.

Not the propaganda I'm talking about. That DNC shit had nothing to do with why Clinton lost. She lost because you Russians bombarded social media with troll accounts that preyed on weak-minded, uneducated, inbred Conservatives.

Hillary Clinton has never taken a hard line against Russia. They own her, they have already bribed her through the Clinton foundation.

FUCKING WRONG. If you're gonna lie, at least lie convincingly. This is exactly the type of Russian bullshit I was talking about before, so thanks for proving my point that you're just here to test out propaganda before you pollute that shit across social media.

damn, do you ever listen to anything except MSNBC? Don't rely on Fox, do some checking for yourself. The Trump/Russia collusion witchhunt isn't going to find any witches, they are all surrounding Hillary and bubba.

Trump, his surrogates, his supporters, and all his Russian trolls online said there was "no contact with Russia at all". That was a lie. So why lie about it?

^^^^^total horseshit, 100%
they know that but their handlers have told them to ignore it and play word games with per centages and other meaningless bullshit.

The dollar was worth less in 1980 than 2017. That's why percentages matter.

But what the fuck would a Russian know about the free market? They live in an Oligarchic Kleptocracy. They literally pay people to impersonate Americans on social media and message boards like this one.

ok, then calculate the debt increases corrected for inflation. Obama still has the highest % and absolute dollars of any president in history.

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