Republicans have a good chance of doing well in 2022 because American stupidity is always reliable

Yes, the sign that people are stupid is that they disagree with you.

The hubris here is monumental.
Biden actually accomplishes shit. He passed a major infrastructure investment through congress. Trump constantly talked about investing in infrastructure and NEVER accomplished it. He’s a useless, orange sack of shit.
And if you’re being honest, why is it do you think that Trump was unable to get an infrastructure bill through Congress?
Now, I don’t say this because I think democrats are ideal. In fact, it does not at all bother me when someone tells me they dislike democrats and will refuse to vote for them.
That by itself is fine.
The Democrats still haven't figured out that they can't win by just pointing at the GOP and saying "holy shit, look at that".

And they refuse to either see or admit the fact that many of their own actions are what got Trump elected in the FIRST damn place. I've been saying this here since long before Trump rode down the escalator: Political Correctness, Identity Politics and Cancel Culture make the Democrats repugnant. Now they've added brilliant shit like "defund the police". I've even had Dems in here tell me that there is no such thing as PC or Identity Politics. What the fuck.

All of those things not only animate the Right, but they give the Right the ability to ALSO say, "holy shit, look at that".

It's clear the Dems are choosing not to learn this. So, it's going to hurt them. And what a lousy fucking time it is for that.
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The Democrats still haven't figured out that they can't win by just pointing at the GOP and saying "holy shit, look at that".

And they refuse to either see or admit the fact that many of their own actions are what got Trump elected in the FIRST damn place. I've been saying this here since long before Trump rode down the escalator: Political Correctness, Identity Politics and Cancel Culture make the Democrats repugnant. Now they've added brilliant shit like "defund the police". I've even had Dems in here tell me that there is no such thing as PC or Identity Politics. What the fuck.

All of those things not only animate the Right, but they give the Right the ability to ALSO say, "holy shit, look at that".

It's clear the Dems are choosing not to learn this. So, it's going to hurt them. And what a lousy fucking time it is for that.
Wow. Haven't seen you put that much behind a post for awhile lol.
Oh he sure did and I wonder where he thinks he will get the money to pay for this infrastructure bill that's only 45% infrastructure??

The rest is a hodge podge of green shit and more social programs we don't need.

It was a lousy bill and never should have been passed and we tax payers will get hosed to pay for this lousy bill.
Unless there is a real insurrection to take our country back, it doesn't matter in terms of party affiliation. There are what 2 or 3 Republicans who even comment on mass murderer Fauci?
History favors the GOP. Midterms tend to be brutal for the party in the WH. 2022 will not be an exception.
Yep. We had the best economy ever in the history of the United States, including a budget surplus, and the start of paying down the national debt, with a balanced budget, under Bill Clinton.

So what did America do?

Elect George W. Bush

After two wars added to the countries credit card, two tax cuts that ended the budget surplus, created a $ Trillion deficit, and end the balanced budget, and add $ 5 Trillion to the debt, not including the cost of Iraq and Afghanistan, a crashed world economy, a crashed US housing and auto industries, that were completely turned around, with 80 straight months of job growth, and 142% gain in the stock market, with stabilized energy prices, and a fully recovered housing and auto industries, under Barack Obama.

What does America do?

Elect Donald Trump

After inheriting a recovering economy, and then passing another $2 trillion tax cut for the rich, over stimulating the economy, which was warned against, which is now responsible for most of the current inflation, made worse by ignoring a global pandemic that cost a million American their lives, and squandering the previous 8 years of economic growth, overseeing the worst growth rate since the 1930's, and creating an unemployment rate of 14.8 %, and adding an additional $8 trillion to the debt in only 4 years.

What does America do.

Elect Joe Biden... And in only 10 months of putting stimulus money in peoples pockets, creating a 6% growth rate, with a 4.6% unemployment rate, and will be signing a bill into law cutting child poverty in half, and will be creating millions of new higher paying jobs fixing out crumbling infrastructure, and not even knowing whats going to happen in the next 3 years...

What is America doing?

Thinking about voting for Republicans again.

George Carlin said it best: "Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups"
Clinton was on self destruction with the help of Hillary his first two years. Bush inherited an economy on decline because the Baby Boomers started to spend less at the end of Clinton's presidency. Stop stealing the peasants money. Please stop. We are getting tired of you.
Now, I don’t say this because I think democrats are ideal. In fact, it does not at all bother me when someone tells me they dislike democrats and will refuse to vote for them.

That by itself is fine.

The problem, of course, is that people will vote for republicans. This is a party that is so corrupt, self-interested and USELESS that it is absolutely bewildering that this isn’t apparent to anyone with average intelligence.

Of course, this is apparent to some Republican voters on some level. For instance, when you ask one to defend voting for the GOP, their ONLY response is “well at least they aren’t democrats! Derp!”

See? On some level they know the truth, but they lack the emotional maturity to admit it.

Not as much stupidity, they have very short memories and poor attention span....

European Political Parties are still getting blow back from 2008 financial crisis... In US it was like another generation, a time forgotten... Trumpsters give out about Bush Jr, get real that was your guy... It was your party that got him elected... Now trying to disown him...

US need more parties, less of this type duopoly... Russias figured it out... They backed Bernie until he was out and then switched to Trump...

Get rid of one man one vote for preference voting and have multi-seat voting where possible... But I don't see the Turkeys voting for Christmas but it is the Blue states that has done more experimenting with it...
Clinton was on self destruction with the help of Hillary his first two years. Bush inherited an economy on decline because the Baby Boomers started to spend less at the end of Clinton's presidency. Stop stealing the peasants money. Please stop. We are getting tired of you.
Bush brought in a tax cut while starting a war... 101 Econ: Don't do that!!!!

Clinton was a success, simple as that... Did he make mistakes? Yes. But on the overall he did very well... He was the last Democratic President that didn't get a economy in the tank from his predecessor, actually Bush Snr made some great economic choices which was very much apart of the Economy success in the Clinton years..
Bush Jr made some major economic mistakes... It was brain dead stuff economically... He just gave money away instead of pushing money to make US more competitive... Got involved in two wars with no exit... And over saw the financial market descending into a unregulated mess...
Guess that would have nothing to do with PIssloser not bringing any infrastructure bill up for a vote under Trump, huh?

Pretty easy to get stuff through CONGRESS when your party controls BOTH HOUSES OF CONGRESS.
Trump had control of both houses but prefered to not deliver on other things and bitch on twitter...
Democrats wanted to work with him but he kept on adding unrealistic things... Why should Democrats have to give concessions for his infrastructure deal, don't think he got it...

Trump was the one that couldn't focus on it... Democrats were willing to walk and chew gum...
Now, I don’t say this because I think democrats are ideal. In fact, it does not at all bother me when someone tells me they dislike democrats and will refuse to vote for them.

That by itself is fine.

The problem, of course, is that people will vote for republicans. This is a party that is so corrupt, self-interested and USELESS that it is absolutely bewildering that this isn’t apparent to anyone with average intelligence.

Of course, this is apparent to some Republican voters on some level. For instance, when you ask one to defend voting for the GOP, their ONLY response is “well at least they aren’t democrats! Derp!”

See? On some level they know the truth, but they lack the emotional maturity to admit it.

Dem cheating is always reliable too, so there's hope.
The law would have passed 3 years ago if Democrats were not so obstructionist.

Please don't use the word logic. It offends intelligent people to see it coming off your keyboard as you lack any knowledge of the concept.

Thank the Republicans and move the fuck on.
No one is going to deny that republicans played a role in passing this law, but you not giving ANY credit to Biden is petty and obviously disingenuous.

Your logic is basically saying that no president in US history should get credit for passing a law THEY CAME UP WITH through congress simply because Congress helped pass it.

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