Republicans Have A List Of Potential Crimes and Wrongdoings By The Trump Administration

Are you OK w/the Republicans protecting Trump from known wrongdoings?

  • I'm a Republican and I like the fact that this is happening

    Votes: 2 20.0%
  • I'm a Republican and I do not like the fact that this is happening

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'm a Democrat and I like the fact that this is happening

    Votes: 3 30.0%
  • I'm a Democrat and I do not like the fact that this is happening

    Votes: 5 50.0%

  • Total voters
  1. Tax Returns --- Not a requirement.
  2. Businesses --- Not a requirement.
  3. Russia --- heavy sanctions, killed 200 Russian mercs in Syria, armed Ukraine. Dealings have been fair.
  4. Stormy --- Who cares...small dollars. Combined with the other lady its less than the $375k FINE Obama paid in 08.
  5. Attorneys - His prerogative as POTUS.
  6. Steve Mnuchin - He is rich. Doesn't even need the job. Does it to help the country. Similar to Hank Paulsen.
  7. Email use - Mrs. Clinton?
  8. Travel/Office --- Tiny $$ you are nit picking.
  9. Jared --- What do you mean?
  10. EPA --- $$ wasters.
  11. Travel Ban --- That is under his power and he can envoke it if he deems it to be critical in protecting the country.
  12. Family Separation --- He ran on illegal immigration. If you don't want to be separated to cross illegally. How about all those great parents sending their kids with the morning after pill because they know they will be sexually assaulted. They are criminals. If you are caught stealing a car and your kid is with you...there will be separation, right?
  13. PR is rebuilt? Money doesn't grow on trees.
  14. That was the case under the prior administration too. Nothing was done.
  15. His right as POTUS.
  16. Comey --- Did you see Strzok? Comey was compromised in DJT's POV and again the POTUS has the right to fire him. Can fire Mueller and Rosenstein too if he wishes.
Hey, take it up w/the Republicans in Congress. It's THEIR list.

Did you even read your own link you stupid moron? Why would Trump's private tax returns, prepared by licensed CPA's and already repeatedly audited by the IRS need to be investigated by Democrats? What is your basis for the investigation? What crime is alleged?

See this OP ladies and gentlemen, THIS would be the America the left would craft if given half the chance. Presumed guilt.
To see WHO he OWES money to.

As in, possibly the Russians.
  1. Tax Returns --- Not a requirement.
  2. Businesses --- Not a requirement.
  3. Russia --- heavy sanctions, killed 200 Russian mercs in Syria, armed Ukraine. Dealings have been fair.
  4. Stormy --- Who cares...small dollars. Combined with the other lady its less than the $375k FINE Obama paid in 08.
  5. Attorneys - His prerogative as POTUS.
  6. Steve Mnuchin - He is rich. Doesn't even need the job. Does it to help the country. Similar to Hank Paulsen.
  7. Email use - Mrs. Clinton?
  8. Travel/Office --- Tiny $$ you are nit picking.
  9. Jared --- What do you mean?
  10. EPA --- $$ wasters.
  11. Travel Ban --- That is under his power and he can envoke it if he deems it to be critical in protecting the country.
  12. Family Separation --- He ran on illegal immigration. If you don't want to be separated to cross illegally. How about all those great parents sending their kids with the morning after pill because they know they will be sexually assaulted. They are criminals. If you are caught stealing a car and your kid is with you...there will be separation, right?
  13. PR is rebuilt? Money doesn't grow on trees.
  14. That was the case under the prior administration too. Nothing was done.
  15. His right as POTUS.
  16. Comey --- Did you see Strzok? Comey was compromised in DJT's POV and again the POTUS has the right to fire him. Can fire Mueller and Rosenstein too if he wishes.
Hey, take it up w/the Republicans in Congress. It's THEIR list.


You posted it.
Did you even read your own link you stupid moron? Why would Trump's private tax returns, prepared by licensed CPA's and already repeatedly audited by the IRS need to be investigated by Democrats? What is your basis for the investigation? What crime is alleged?

See this OP ladies and gentlemen, THIS would be the America the left would craft if given half the chance. Presumed guilt.
To see WHO he OWES money to.

As in, possibly the Russians.

Mueller had to get something from Trumps bean counter or he wouldn't have given an inch much less a mile. One mention of ANYTHING that raises a question$ mark from the money man, and Mueller subpoenas the tax returns Trump refused to give up ..
Did you even read your own link you stupid moron? Why would Trump's private tax returns, prepared by licensed CPA's and already repeatedly audited by the IRS need to be investigated by Democrats? What is your basis for the investigation? What crime is alleged?

See this OP ladies and gentlemen, THIS would be the America the left would craft if given half the chance. Presumed guilt.
To see WHO he OWES money to.

As in, possibly the Russians.

Its none of your business in the first place. Plus you have no basis for even suspecting he owes money to Russia, or if he does that this is an issue. You filthy scum want government agencies to invade people's privacy, investigate citizens you don't like, in the hopes of finding some dirt on them. The word sickening comes to mind.
Did you even read your own link you stupid moron? Why would Trump's private tax returns, prepared by licensed CPA's and already repeatedly audited by the IRS need to be investigated by Democrats? What is your basis for the investigation? What crime is alleged?

See this OP ladies and gentlemen, THIS would be the America the left would craft if given half the chance. Presumed guilt.
To see WHO he OWES money to.

As in, possibly the Russians.

Its none of your business in the first place. Plus you have no basis for even suspecting he owes money to Russia, or if he does that this is an issue. You filthy scum want government agencies to invade people's privacy, investigate citizens you don't like, in the hopes of finding some dirt on them. The word sickening comes to mind.

but its ok if Russia invades our privacy huh /

F-off traitor boi ..
Did you even read your own link you stupid moron? Why would Trump's private tax returns, prepared by licensed CPA's and already repeatedly audited by the IRS need to be investigated by Democrats? What is your basis for the investigation? What crime is alleged?

See this OP ladies and gentlemen, THIS would be the America the left would craft if given half the chance. Presumed guilt.
To see WHO he OWES money to.

As in, possibly the Russians.

Its none of your business in the first place. Plus you have no basis for even suspecting he owes money to Russia, or if he does that this is an issue. You filthy scum want government agencies to invade people's privacy, investigate citizens you don't like, in the hopes of finding some dirt on them. The word sickening comes to mind.

but its ok if Russia invades our privacy huh /

F-off traitor boi ..

Your pathetic deflection is sad, run along go sit in your safe space snowflake.
Why are you so concerned with the so called Trump corruption but approved of the Obama corruption? I don’t get it! Oh................I know, your ass is butt hurt! Kerry on.
Why are you so concerned with the so called Obama PAST corruption but approve of Trump's CURRENT corruption?
I asked ewe first! You gonna answer?
There was no corruption in the Obama Administration. You guys have had 8 years of trying to gin up stuff, there simply was none.

However, what we're experiencing as we type, is THEE most corrupt Administration in American history. What do you have to say about it?
You just lost all credibility.
If this is true and they actually go through with it. They will never get elected again. Hope they don't mind the unemployment line.
Why are you so concerned with the so called Trump corruption but approved of the Obama corruption? I don’t get it! Oh................I know, your ass is butt hurt! Kerry on.
You people are truly pathetic! You refuse to deal with the disaster that is the T-Rump criminal empire and think that you can get away with it by deflecting to Obama or Clinton. . Obama was in office 8 scandal free years

Comparing presidential administrations by arrests and convictions: A warning for Trump appointees

“President Obama has run an amazingly scandal-free administration, not only he himself, but the people around him. He’s chosen people who have been pretty scandal-free.”

As Obama’s administration winds to a close, that remains true. Not one criminal indictment for anyone in the Obama administration over the entire eight years of his tenure. In fact, it is the only Presidential administration since Watergate to end with zero criminal indictments.

Now shall we tally up Trumps scandals, and the criminal charges and guilty pleas obtained by Mueller against the Trump gang?
Why are you so concerned with the so called Trump corruption but approved of the Obama corruption? I don’t get it! Oh................I know, your ass is butt hurt! Kerry on.
You people are truly pathetic! You refuse to deal with the disaster that is the T-Rump criminal empire and think that you can get away with it by deflecting to Obama or Clinton. . Obama was in office 8 scandal free years

Comparing presidential administrations by arrests and convictions: A warning for Trump appointees

“President Obama has run an amazingly scandal-free administration, not only he himself, but the people around him. He’s chosen people who have been pretty scandal-free.”

As Obama’s administration winds to a close, that remains true. Not one criminal indictment for anyone in the Obama administration over the entire eight years of his tenure. In fact, it is the only Presidential administration since Watergate to end with zero criminal indictments.

Now shall we tally up Trumps scandals, and the criminal charges and guilty pleas obtained by Mueller against the Trump gang?
Liar! Try again!
Why are you so concerned with the so called Trump corruption but approved of the Obama corruption? I don’t get it! Oh................I know, your ass is butt hurt! Kerry on.
You people are truly pathetic! You refuse to deal with the disaster that is the T-Rump criminal empire and think that you can get away with it by deflecting to Obama or Clinton. . Obama was in office 8 scandal free years

Comparing presidential administrations by arrests and convictions: A warning for Trump appointees

“President Obama has run an amazingly scandal-free administration, not only he himself, but the people around him. He’s chosen people who have been pretty scandal-free.”

As Obama’s administration winds to a close, that remains true. Not one criminal indictment for anyone in the Obama administration over the entire eight years of his tenure. In fact, it is the only Presidential administration since Watergate to end with zero criminal indictments.

Now shall we tally up Trumps scandals, and the criminal charges and guilty pleas obtained by Mueller against the Trump gang?
Liar! Try again!

Thank you for that eloquent and well researched response. Now please explain....WHAT THE FUCK AM I LYING ABOUT?

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