Republicans Have No Plan to Fix Inflation

The republicns have no plan. Being in the minority doesn't stop them from having ideas.
have no plan on what? It's really quite simple, nationalism, gas refineries ship only in the US. Don't export any products and set your own price. It's really quite simple.
Really? Read it again. Never said that. You are slipping more and more. Pitiful
post #734, you should reread your own posts. Funny you forget so fast. Says all anyone needs to know about you. no attention span.

Myth 3: Biden killed oil production​

Fox News has been arguing that Biden’s so-called extremist green agenda is the real problem. In March, Republicans on the Senate Natural Resources Committee sent a letter to Biden claiming that he has shut down leasing for oil and gas and is holding back more production. “There has not been one lease sale on federal lands since you imposed a ban in violation of federal law,” the letter said. “No other major oil-producing nation shuts off its own reserves to production.” Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) echoed the myth at a hearing: “The time for leasing pauses has come & gone.”

To repeat it again: Biden has done nothing to halt oil leasing. In fact, the Biden administration has outpaced Trump in issuing drilling permits on public lands and water in its first year, according to federal data analyzed by the Center for Biological Diversity. His administration set a record for the largest offshore lease sale ever in the Gulf of Mexico last year, before a federal court blocked the lease sale for not considering climate impacts.

These canceled leases, and even a temporary pause on new federal leases in the first few months of Biden’s administration wouldn’t have helped in the current situation. Even if a lease sale is successful and finalized, it would take years to ramp up production. The marginal Biden measures — like reversing Trump-era environmental rollbacks — haven’t made any kind of dent in the global oil market.

“The constraints are within the industry itself, and have very little to do with any policies from the federal government,” Ori said. Oil companies are having other issues, too, such as accessing the labor and materials like steel needed for putting pipes in the ground.

Meanwhile, the president has done nothing to prevent the vast amount of gas production that occurs on private lands or halt existing oil leases on federal lands. The moratorium is now irrelevant, anyway, because a Louisiana federal judge ruled against it last June. (There’s a second, temporary pause on new lease sales because another court invalidated the administration’s use of a social cost of carbon.) The US also became the world’s largest exporter of liquified natural gas (LNG) for the first time in 2021.

Republican critics of Biden aren’t engaging with the consequences of their own ideology. “There’s an irony here: We’re seeing many people with strong pro-free market ideologies expecting politicians to intervene when markets don’t produce the results they like,” Clark Williams-Derry, a researcher at the Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis said. “Perhaps what they’re really in favor of, then, isn’t free markets, it’s simply cheap gas.”
this entire inflation cycle was caused by Biden closing keystone and stopping new drilling permits, thereby making the price of energy go up artificially. Like it or not, the price of everything is controlled by the price of energy. Now the senile idiot is trying to buy oil from countries that hate us. stupidity.
I see you failed to mention most of the red states are trying like heck to redistrict and do other measures to ensure that those who do make it to the polls are whiter than rice. Again, do your research. Stop cutting and pasting long enough to get to the heart of the matter.

Topic is really inflation -- not redistricting. But I'll just point out, Repubs just TURNED LAST WEEK a district on the Texas border that they haven't represented in over a 100 years. THEY redistricted TO ADD more Hispanics INTO that district, to make adjacent districts SAFER for them. All this monkey-wrenching is not as effective as it seems if an 80% 1st thru 8th generation Hispanic Dem stronghold can LOSE a seat it's had for 100 years BECAUSE of INFLATION, THE BORDER, and a dozen other WELL KNOWN screw-ups from this Brandon Admin -- after adding MORE Hispanics into it.

Go fix YOUR party's sucky choice of policies and stop worrying about stuff "around the edges" of the problems people SEE DAILY.
post #734, you should reread your own posts. Funny you forget so fast. Says all anyone needs to know about you. no attention span.
As always Mr Attention span. Read it again and then hurry back so you don't forget. LOL It says. Through Redistricting AND other methods. Why do you always stop as soon as you think you have a gotcha. Very childish.
Topic is really inflation -- not redistricting. But I'll just point out, Repubs just TURNED LAST WEEK a district on the Texas border that they haven't represented in over a 100 years. THEY redistricted TO ADD more Hispanics INTO that district, to make adjacent districts SAFER for them. All this monkey-wrenching is not as effective as it seems if an 80% 1st thru 8th generation Hispanic Dem stronghold can LOSE a seat it's had for 100 years BECAUSE of INFLATION, THE BORDER, and a dozen other WELL KNOWN screw-ups from this Brandon Admin -- after adding MORE Hispanics into it.

Go fix YOUR party's sucky choice of policies and stop worrying about stuff "around the edges" of the problems people SEE DAILY.
Yes and they also change the rules like demanding ID's, Asking personal questions, restricting voting hours, trimming the number of poll stations, positioning them in hard to get to places. etc etc. Discouraging mail in and absentee ballots etc. Don't even try to pretend that this isn't also going on. They (GOP) understand clearly that the more that blacks get an easy road to voting, the more votes for the democrats. If you tell me that's not true then you are being dismissive of the obvious. Never miss a chance to shit on Biden. You are smarter than to think these are circumstances of his choice. It happens to both parties and the elements that bring it about are largely out of a President's reach and influence. Right now it is Corporate gouging.
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The solution is cut spending and borrowing - the two things Democrats absolutely refuse to do.
Oh! Check the history. Biden has a long way to go to reach 7.8 trillion and much of the Biden spending is trying to soften the blow of unemployment and Covid mismanagement. You GOPers care SO DAMN MUCH about spending but only when it's democrat spending.
Running out of material? That's it? Lame.
Yes. You are lame. Thanks for signing your work.

By the way, dickless, it is actually both allowed and encouraged to post on topic.

So, maybe you can share your insights into how the Dumbocrap Party plans to fix what they’ve created in terms of inflation — especially since that is the Party presently holding the Executive Branch and both houses of Congress.

Anything? No?

I didn’t imagine you would.

Myth 3: Biden killed oil production​

Fox News has been arguing that Biden’s so-called extremist green agenda is the real problem. In March, Republicans on the Senate Natural Resources Committee sent a letter to Biden claiming that he has shut down leasing for oil and gas and is holding back more production. “There has not been one lease sale on federal lands since you imposed a ban in violation of federal law,” the letter said. “No other major oil-producing nation shuts off its own reserves to production.” Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) echoed the myth at a hearing: “The time for leasing pauses has come & gone.”

To repeat it again: Biden has done nothing to halt oil leasing. In fact, the Biden administration has outpaced Trump in issuing drilling permits on public lands and water in its first year, according to federal data analyzed by the Center for Biological Diversity. His administration set a record for the largest offshore lease sale ever in the Gulf of Mexico last year, before a federal court blocked the lease sale for not considering climate impacts.

These canceled leases, and even a temporary pause on new federal leases in the first few months of Biden’s administration wouldn’t have helped in the current situation. Even if a lease sale is successful and finalized, it would take years to ramp up production. The marginal Biden measures — like reversing Trump-era environmental rollbacks — haven’t made any kind of dent in the global oil market.

“The constraints are within the industry itself, and have very little to do with any policies from the federal government,” Ori said. Oil companies are having other issues, too, such as accessing the labor and materials like steel needed for putting pipes in the ground.

Meanwhile, the president has done nothing to prevent the vast amount of gas production that occurs on private lands or halt existing oil leases on federal lands. The moratorium is now irrelevant, anyway, because a Louisiana federal judge ruled against it last June. (There’s a second, temporary pause on new lease sales because another court invalidated the administration’s use of a social cost of carbon.) The US also became the world’s largest exporter of liquified natural gas (LNG) for the first time in 2021.

Republican critics of Biden aren’t engaging with the consequences of their own ideology. “There’s an irony here: We’re seeing many people with strong pro-free market ideologies expecting politicians to intervene when markets don’t produce the results they like,” Clark Williams-Derry, a researcher at the Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis said. “Perhaps what they’re really in favor of, then, isn’t free markets, it’s simply cheap gas.”
Lol. Your wall of bullshit text won’t save your anti-energy party in the midterms. I know it, you know it.
As always Mr Attention span. Read it again and then hurry back so you don't forget. LOL It says. Through Redistricting AND other methods. Why do you always stop as soon as you think you have a gotcha. Very childish.
can't even read your own posts correctly eh? hahahahahahahahha. The convenience of chopping off the final phrase of the sentence, here let me finish it for you since you are incapable of it yourself....
to ensure that those who do make it to the polls are whiter than rice.
Whiter than rice. dude, hilarious racism right there.
Republicans are very patient people and inflation will eventually fix itself as did the 50 year old Roe v Wade.

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