Republicans Have No Principles

Conservatives are defeding Putin and Hitler these days. That they have no principles has been put on grand public display. keep your principles.....

We'll keep:

The White House

The Senate

The House


You lost

Suck on it. keep your principles.....
We'll keep:
The White House
The Senate
The House
You lost
Suck on it.

Actually you lost because now you have to defend Putin.

And the last time Conservatives controlled all three branches of government, we had the worst economic collapse since the last time they controlled all three branches before that! keep your principles.....
We'll keep:
The White House
The Senate
The House
You lost
Suck on it.

Actually you lost because now you have to defend Putin.

And the last time Conservatives controlled all three branches of government, we had the worst economic collapse since the last time they controlled all three branches before that!

Well, actually I don't have to defend anyone.

The collapse came about two years after American staffed Congress with a democratic majority.
Well, actually I don't have to defend anyone./QUOTE] why have integrity when you can be lazy, since no one will hold you to account for anything?

The collapse came about two years after American staffed Congress with a democratic majority.

So then what legislation passed by that Democratic majority that Bush signed into law caused the collapse? It's not like the Democrats removed leveraging restrictions for Wall Street banks. It's not like Democrats forced GSE's to purchase risky subprime loans (Clinton's HUD actually banned them from doing so in 2000, Bush and the Conservatives reversed that in 2004). It's not like Democrats invoked an OCC rule to wipe out state protections against predatory lending. It's not like Democrats touted tax cuts as being responsible for the growth of the housing market in 2004. It's not like Democrats instructed Bush's regulators to cease enforcing lending standards. And it's not like Democrats were pretending there was no bubble when there was. That was alllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Conservatives.
Yay, team! ...



So Mac1958, still see no difference in the "two sides"?
I love those straw men.

I've never, ever, ever said I "see no difference between the two sides".

What I actually HAVE said, is that the two sides share many behaviors.

So, ya wanna try again, or do ya wanna toss out another straw man?

Ah, yes...behaviors. They do at that. They breathe and walk upright.
Among many other behaviors similar and typical with partisans on both ends, yes.
Well, actually I don't have to defend anyone./QUOTE] why have integrity when you can be lazy, since no one will hold you to account for anything?

The collapse came about two years after American staffed Congress with a democratic majority.

So then what legislation passed by that Democratic majority that Bush signed into law caused the collapse? It's not like the Democrats removed leveraging restrictions for Wall Street banks. It's not like Democrats forced GSE's to purchase risky subprime loans (Clinton's HUD actually banned them from doing so in 2000, Bush and the Conservatives reversed that in 2004). It's not like Democrats invoked an OCC rule to wipe out state protections against predatory lending. It's not like Democrats touted tax cuts as being responsible for the growth of the housing market in 2004. It's not like Democrats instructed Bush's regulators to cease enforcing lending standards. And it's not like Democrats were pretending there was no bubble when there was. That was alllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Conservatives.

And you had two years to fix it...

Who knew ?
LOL, yep TN, your problem is that you haven't succumb to the temptation to become a mindless hyper-partisan drone like the OP, come on man, get your shit together and pick one of the lemming slices to join. Just imagine how much easier life will be when you have party bosses, partisan politicians and pundits to do all your thinking for you.

That thing that just went sailing over your head was the point, jackass.

The graphic showing support for the airstrikes clearly illustrates who the "hyper-partisan drones" are.

Sitting on the fence just shows a complete lack of critical thinking skills.

I seriously doubt that any of them understood that graphic.

Or, maybe they did and, just always, lied some more.

Naw - they really didn't get it at all.
That's funny. I was just reading where a democrat city elected a democrat to city council that is a felon that has abused children, robbery and all kinds of shit. Openly stated she was a racist.
Principles you said? :D

Jumpin' Jebus on a pogo-stick ...

... a city councilwoman in Chattanooga??

That's how you're going to justify the Republican's complete lack of anything remotely resembling integrity?

TNHarley's world is carefully divided into Republicans – who are wrong – and Democrats – who are somehow, mysteriously and equally wrong all the time and in equal numbers on every issue.

And only TNHarley and the other faithful followers of bothsideriem can see the truth.

It does not matter how many millions of miles the Shining Path Republicans drag the “middle ground” to the Right.

It does not matter that the Party of Lincoln is now infested crotch-to-crown with maggoty segregationists and bigots.

It doesn’t even matter that Nixon looks like a fucking socialist compared to the positions being advocated by the GOP today.

However far into the Armageddon the wingnuts charge, TNHarley will dutifully pace off half that distance back towards where the Left (the band formerly know as “Rockefeller Republicans”) happen to be that day, drive his little stake into that shifting ground and declare that THIS is where the treasure of comity and reasonableness is buried.

And that everyone on either side of his fence is equally and oppositely wrong
Lincoln was a tyrant.
People complaining about people not being partisan hacks always makes me laugh. So thanks for that :thup:
LOL, yep TN, your problem is that you haven't succumb to the temptation to become a mindless hyper-partisan drone like the OP, come on man, get your shit together and pick one of the lemming slices to join. Just imagine how much easier life will be when you have party bosses, partisan politicians and pundits to do all your thinking for you.

you definitely have experience there bubba.
That's funny. I was just reading where a democrat city elected a democrat to city council that is a felon that has abused children, robbery and all kinds of shit. Openly stated she was a racist.
Principles you said? :D

Jumpin' Jebus on a pogo-stick ...

... a city councilwoman in Chattanooga??

That's how you're going to justify the Republican's complete lack of anything remotely resembling integrity?

TNHarley's world is carefully divided into Republicans – who are wrong – and Democrats – who are somehow, mysteriously and equally wrong all the time and in equal numbers on every issue.

And only TNHarley and the other faithful followers of bothsideriem can see the truth.

It does not matter how many millions of miles the Shining Path Republicans drag the “middle ground” to the Right.

It does not matter that the Party of Lincoln is now infested crotch-to-crown with maggoty segregationists and bigots.

It doesn’t even matter that Nixon looks like a fucking socialist compared to the positions being advocated by the GOP today.

However far into the Armageddon the wingnuts charge, TNHarley will dutifully pace off half that distance back towards where the Left (the band formerly know as “Rockefeller Republicans”) happen to be that day, drive his little stake into that shifting ground and declare that THIS is where the treasure of comity and reasonableness is buried.

And that everyone on either side of his fence is equally and oppositely wrong

One Cuckoo Flew Over the Parrots' Nests

"One partisan loony bin says that 2 + 2 = 2, the other botcreatures say it is 22. Therefore, the independent choice is that it must be 12!" Drumpf gonna take the oil for Tillerson or just keep the Raytheon stock for himself?
Given the use of chemical weapons by Assad's forces in Syria and the fact that the Dems are not supporting airstrikes against them to preclude further war crimes, one wonders under what circumstances the Dems would support ANY military actions at all. .
All Our Bodybags Should Be Stamped ROE

Losing is the only war crime. Bitter sissyboy pacifist traitors love that outcome.
And the thing is when one of the major political parties has no priniciples which the Republicans do not anymore then the entire democracy is on it's way out. The founding fathers crafted the Constitution to FORCE compromise. The Republicans have shown they will ignore the Constitution and cheat to win in all things now. You can hear it in the posts here by cons, they are not interested in morals or principles, they are only interested in 'winning' and forcing their worldview on everyone else. Fascism, communism, authoritarianism. They gravitate to all of them as long as they wield power over the population. Just like Putin, just like Assad and Kim Jong Un.

The US will have to break up into two or three countries or face civil war in the near future. Conservatives have shown they have given up on the democracy and I say fine, let them go their separate way and create their little whackjob con utopia and be happy.

They're miserable now.
And the thing is when one of the major political parties has no priniciples which the Republicans do not anymore then the entire democracy is on it's way out. The founding fathers crafted the Constitution to FORCE compromise. The Republicans have shown they will ignore the Constitution and cheat to win in all things now. You can hear it in the posts here by cons, they are not interested in morals or principles, they are only interested in 'winning' and forcing their worldview on everyone else. Fascism, communism, authoritarianism. They gravitate to all of them as long as they wield power over the population. Just like Putin, just like Assad and Kim Jong Un.

The US will have to break up into two or three countries or face civil war in the near future. Conservatives have shown they have given up on the democracy and I say fine, let them go their separate way and create their little whackjob con utopia and be happy.

They're miserable now.

After 8 years of BO and the Hildebeast's miaques you got no room to talk at all.

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