Republicans how are you going win national elections with minority vote growing?

And it is socialism, not what our constitutional republic was designed for. Why can't you argue the merrits of how you want society structured without hiding under a lie for a cover?

Openly work to overturn the consitution, be truthful about what you want, be honest. Why are you so afraid it will be rejected since you're so convinced you have all the answers to create utopia?

Do you even understand what socialism is?

Are public schools socialism?
How about police and fire protection?
Is our highway infrastructure socialism?

I guess we just have to promise lots of free shit.. 'cause apparently, that's all minorities care about...
I guess we just have to promise lots of free shit.. 'cause apparently, that's all minorities care about...

I encourage you to run on will help minority turnout

Hey, you're in the party that thinks all women care about is free birth control.

And I encourage you to run on that...

I have no problem with my party running on unrestricted access to birth control. I also have no intention of interfering with a womans choice of birth control
My wife always checks with her vagina before casting a vote..... Don't all vaginas, err, I mean women do that?


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Lip service?

Social programs, healthcare, educational assistance, affirmative action, low interest business loans, childcare

All opposed by Republicans
and yet they still live in poverty, dependent on the company store. sounds like lip service to me. and what is the result of the democrats being in office? the rich get richer, the income gap between executives and workers continues to grow, corporate tax breaks continue, military spending continues, special intersts gettheir special favors. all the stuff you blame republicans for continues. but the minorities still remain in poverty

If you want to really look at a failed program, lets look at Republican trickle down economics and its failure to help the poor. That was Republican poverty programs in action. Give more money to the rich and watch it trickle down


trickle down worked fine until the great jobs exodus began under clinton. killing those quotas opened the door to massive china expansion. of course he did owe the local walmart and tyson boys
and yet they still live in poverty, dependent on the company store. sounds like lip service to me. and what is the result of the democrats being in office? the rich get richer, the income gap between executives and workers continues to grow, corporate tax breaks continue, military spending continues, special intersts gettheir special favors. all the stuff you blame republicans for continues. but the minorities still remain in poverty

If you want to really look at a failed program, lets look at Republican trickle down economics and its failure to help the poor. That was Republican poverty programs in action. Give more money to the rich and watch it trickle down


trickle down worked fine until the great jobs exodus began under clinton. killing those quotas opened the door to massive china expansion. of course he did owe the local walmart and tyson boys

It did such a good job of ensuring that the wealthiest americans became richer

I mean, who could have anticipated that when you gave the wealthy more money they would just keep it?
Democrats hate the successful. They prefer dependents.

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If you want to really look at a failed program, lets look at Republican trickle down economics and its failure to help the poor. That was Republican poverty programs in action. Give more money to the rich and watch it trickle down


trickle down worked fine until the great jobs exodus began under clinton. killing those quotas opened the door to massive china expansion. of course he did owe the local walmart and tyson boys

It did such a good job of ensuring that the wealthiest americans became richer

I mean, who could have anticipated that when you gave the wealthy more money they would just keep it?

Do you know anyone who ever got a good paying job from a poor person?

Due to the natural mechanics of compound interest, the rich will always get richer. Unless they are foolish or naive.

However, the fact that many of you left wing whiners cannot seem to get your head around, is that high taxes do very little damage to the wealthy, but they cripple those in the process of getting wealthy, and those are the job creators that our economy needs.
trickle down worked fine until the great jobs exodus began under clinton. killing those quotas opened the door to massive china expansion. of course he did owe the local walmart and tyson boys

It did such a good job of ensuring that the wealthiest americans became richer

I mean, who could have anticipated that when you gave the wealthy more money they would just keep it?

Do you know anyone who ever got a good paying job from a poor person?

Due to the natural mechanics of compound interest, the rich will always get richer. Unless they are foolish or naive.

However, the fact that many of you left wing whiners cannot seem to get your head around, is that high taxes do very little damage to the wealthy, but they cripple those in the process of getting wealthy, and those are the job creators that our economy needs.

Doesn't that one get tired after a while?

Nobody ever "gave" anyone a job. They make a profit off of every employee
Republicans how are you going win national elections with minority vote growing?
Fastest growing minority = hispanics

Hispanics = fiercely devout catholics

Fiercely devout catholoics = no gay marriage/lewd culture.

Does that answer your question?

Millions of hispanic votes can be harvested with one GOP commercial en Octubre en espanol, domingo al television'. And if the Pope himself chimes in, the dems might as well dissolve their party. They're finished...

You would think that Hispanics would naturally gravitate to the Republicans. Conservative, religious, oppose abortion

And yet, Hispanics want nothing to do with them

Why? Hate rhetoric, Blocking immigration reform, english only laws, papers please laws

In the world of Liberals, wanting the laws enforced is "hate rhetoric".
Immigration reform? That's an easy one: AMNESTY
You mean following the law drives Hispanics away? Apparently you're referring to illegal aliens, not Hispanics in general.

They are aware of the law and actually deal with the illegals on a day to day basis.They do not consider them evil. Mostly just people doing the best to support their families. They also hear the hate rhetoric coming from the right and ask....Why would we want to become part of that?

Your belief that expecting the law to be enforced constitutes "hate rhetoric" is utterly hilarious. You're trying to be a caricature of a liberal, aren't you?

Trying? He is a liberal.
Ah yes the great divide a brilliant democrat strategy. Why on earth would any non racist divide the electorate into races? Just saying 'how will republicans win the Hispanic vote' is racist. We are all Americans. No racism means no separating races by polling data.

I have to agree with you.

We the people get used and abused equally by both parties. So technically, race doesn't matter.
Fastest growing minority = hispanics

Hispanics = fiercely devout catholics

Fiercely devout catholoics = no gay marriage/lewd culture.

Does that answer your question?

Millions of hispanic votes can be harvested with one GOP commercial en Octubre en espanol, domingo al television'. And if the Pope himself chimes in, the dems might as well dissolve their party. They're finished...

You would think that Hispanics would naturally gravitate to the Republicans. Conservative, religious, oppose abortion

And yet, Hispanics want nothing to do with them

Why? Hate rhetoric, Blocking immigration reform, english only laws, papers please laws

In the world of Liberals, wanting the laws enforced is "hate rhetoric".
Immigration reform? That's an easy one: AMNESTY

Immigration reform amounts to a temporary work visa, paying of fines and an opportunity to apply for citizenship after ten years

Far from amnesty
What question? What socialism is? I understand it perfectly, apparently you do not. But it's what you want for the US economic structure, so advocate for it in the open, quit hiding behind 'the poor', 'the children', 'the sick' to rationalize your stealing from one to give to another.

Would you advocate and be in favor of enforcing wealth equality for all?

You have yet to answer the question

Is it ignorance on your part or just your way of admitting that you are wrong?

What am I wrong about? You haven't as yet addressed anything that I've posted, only asked stupid questions.
Democrats hate the successful. They prefer dependents.

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That would only be the poor democrats, the rich democrats somehow get a pass from those poor democrats who will sit and defend them to their dying breath. It is a very strange phenomenon. :cuckoo:

They believe all of those rich democrats are only trying to 'help' them. Fools, all of them.
It did such a good job of ensuring that the wealthiest americans became richer

I mean, who could have anticipated that when you gave the wealthy more money they would just keep it?

Do you know anyone who ever got a good paying job from a poor person?

Due to the natural mechanics of compound interest, the rich will always get richer. Unless they are foolish or naive.

However, the fact that many of you left wing whiners cannot seem to get your head around, is that high taxes do very little damage to the wealthy, but they cripple those in the process of getting wealthy, and those are the job creators that our economy needs.

Doesn't that one get tired after a while?

Nobody ever "gave" anyone a job. They make a profit off of every employee

Do you ever tire of being a victim? I guess it's what you use to rationalize your own failures, nothing's your fault, it's all the big mean republicans, right? :lol:

(Who haven't been in control for years!)
Do you know anyone who ever got a good paying job from a poor person?

Due to the natural mechanics of compound interest, the rich will always get richer. Unless they are foolish or naive.

However, the fact that many of you left wing whiners cannot seem to get your head around, is that high taxes do very little damage to the wealthy, but they cripple those in the process of getting wealthy, and those are the job creators that our economy needs.

Doesn't that one get tired after a while?

Nobody ever "gave" anyone a job. They make a profit off of every employee

Do you ever tire of being a victim? I guess it's what you use to rationalize your own failures, nothing's your fault, it's all the big mean republicans, right? :lol:

(Who haven't been in control for years!)

Do you ever tire of posting cliches?

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