Republicans, if you had the choice...

To my Republican friends-

Nikki Haley

Real possibility

With each passing day the D. Trump is POTUS I really like the fact that he is not a life long politico... His Background in the real estate business has been an asset in several different ways… The cabal that has tried to take President Trump down for the over 2 years with no success also is impressive... In a Primary challenge I would have to stick with Trump...
Oh I'm sticking with him. But 2028 a Haley/Rubio ticket will be just right. I'm fine with having a female president, but I want an HONEST one.
plus , i think she was a 'governor' and had some flag removed . Now that , that was her decision and shows her leaning if i recall accurately .

Actually it was the state house's decision. That was right after Dylann Roof massacred people in a church under that flag, and that's why they wanted to disassociate.

You got a problem with that? Or are you a big fan of church murdering?

What do you mean by "leaning"?

Trump has my vote. Haley is following Trump's lead. She took down the flag and that is unforgiveable.

Another church-murder fan huh. Why am I not surprised.
------------------------------------------------------------- i dislike all those responsible for taking down the flag because of some church shooting . And her helping to take down the flag shows her leanings . You like the flag being removed , If so you are the type that 'haley' leans toward appeasing and thats why i don;t like her . And besides , she is homely POGO .
whats effective government Nosmo ??
Having a legislative agenda and being able to shepard it through congress. Recognizing and aptly defining problems and divining pragmatic solutions for those problems. Uniting the nation in common causes. Reaching for the better angels of our nature and abandoning fear and suspicions about the 'other'. Aspirational politics rather than instigational politics.
To my Republican friends-

If there was a a Republican challenger to Donald Trump in 2020, would you consider her/him? Who would you consider the most?

hell no....I love trumps policies, but even more is how much you guys hate him

the more you hate, the more I love.....he embarrasses you guys on an hourly basis
What's more important: effective government or partisan division? Because you strike me as a divisive guy unconcerned about political results.

Democrats refuse to hold their Party to any standards of decorum anymore and they guiltlessly blame Trump.

As far as I'm concerned, other than a few exceptions, it's War on the USMB's Democratic Party hypocrites and freaks.

Call it tough love if you'd like but my lines have been crossed.... :eusa_angel:
To my Republican friends-

If there was a a Republican challenger to Donald Trump in 2020, would you consider her/him? Who would you consider the most?

Comrade, if you had a magic button that would cause the agonizing death of every white person, Christian, and Conservative in America; would you make a sandwich first, grab a beer, or both before pushing it? :dunno:

Sheeeesh. Whatever Vlad the Impaler is paying you to write this shit, it's obviously way too much.
What kind of challenger? Somebody like McCain?
Someone like Haley or Kasich or Flake
Flake is done. He can't even poll 20% in his home state and is HATED. I LIVE in his district.

Maybe that's your problem Pinkles. You see --- Senators don't have "districts". They have "states".
Two per state, they HAVE districts idiot.
Their districts are the entire state. There is no senator from northeast Ohio and another from southwest Ohio.
Democrats wouldn't know how to combat a Haley/Rubio ticket considering their current deck only has race and gender cards in it.
Oh I'm sticking with him. But 2028 a Haley/Rubio ticket will be just right. I'm fine with having a female president, but I want an HONEST one.

Logic must be a key factory if and when I ever vote for a women... There is a time and place for emotional thinking and working on a fiscal policy (example) is not the place... Please don't think I believe all women are driveling emotional wrecks... I would have married Margret Thatcher in a heart beat...
To my Republican friends-

If there was a a Republican challenger to Donald Trump in 2020, would you consider her/him? Who would you consider the most?

hell no....I love trumps policies, but even more is how much you guys hate him

the more you hate, the more I love.....he embarrasses you guys on an hourly basis
What's more important: effective government or partisan division? Because you strike me as a divisive guy unconcerned about political results.

Democrats refuse to hold their Party to any standards of decorum anymore and they guiltlessly blame Trump.

As far as I'm concerned, other than a few exceptions, it's War on the USMB's Democratic Party hypocrites and freaks.

Call it tough love if you'd like but my lines have been crossed.... :eusa_angel:
Your "war" does not enjoy the virtue of integrity if your complaint about political parties not having standards, considering the lack of standards in the GOP.
What kind of challenger? Somebody like McCain?
Someone like Haley or Kasich or Flake
Flake is done. He can't even poll 20% in his home state and is HATED. I LIVE in his district.

Maybe that's your problem Pinkles. You see --- Senators don't have "districts". They have "states".
Two per state, they HAVE districts idiot.

Nope. Congressional Reps have districts apportioned by population, while each state gets two Senators. Senators don't split them up. What are you, an immigrant here?
Trump is doing great. If he was unable or unwilling to run in 2020, I'd take a random person picked from a phone book over another career politician.
To my Republican friends-

If there was a a Republican challenger to Donald Trump in 2020, would you consider her/him? Who would you consider the most?
I would consider any serious challenger BUT if the Trump economy continues on it's current path no pussy grabbing headline will matter to me. If the economy falters then all bets are off if he gets a SERIOUS challenger
whats effective government Nosmo ??
Having a legislative agenda and being able to shepard it through congress. Recognizing and aptly defining problems and divining pragmatic solutions for those problems. Uniting the nation in common causes. Reaching for the better angels of our nature and abandoning fear and suspicions about the 'other'. Aspirational politics rather than instigational politics.
Pismoe, you asked the question. I wrote my answer, the truth as I see it. What's the reason you pasted a 'funny' rating on it? Are these things you find hard to agree with?
To my Republican friends-

If there was a a Republican challenger to Donald Trump in 2020, would you consider her/him? Who would you consider the most?

hell no....I love trumps policies, but even more is how much you guys hate him

the more you hate, the more I love.....he embarrasses you guys on an hourly basis
What's more important: effective government or partisan division? Because you strike me as a divisive guy unconcerned about political results.

Democrats refuse to hold their Party to any standards of decorum anymore and they guiltlessly blame Trump.

As far as I'm concerned, other than a few exceptions, it's War on the USMB's Democratic Party hypocrites and freaks.

Call it tough love if you'd like but my lines have been crossed.... :eusa_angel:
Your "war" does not enjoy the virtue of integrity if your complaint about political parties not having standards, considering the lack of standards in the GOP.

Well, get your blinders off and you are nice but you are a hopeless (nice) hypocrite.
To my Republican friends-

If there was a a Republican challenger to Donald Trump in 2020, would you consider her/him? Who would you consider the most?

hell no....I love trumps policies, but even more is how much you guys hate him

the more you hate, the more I love.....he embarrasses you guys on an hourly basis
What's more important: effective government or partisan division? Because you strike me as a divisive guy unconcerned about political results.

Democrats refuse to hold their Party to any standards of decorum anymore and they guiltlessly blame Trump.

As far as I'm concerned, other than a few exceptions, it's War on the USMB's Democratic Party hypocrites and freaks.

Call it tough love if you'd like but my lines have been crossed.... :eusa_angel:
Your "war" does not enjoy the virtue of integrity if your complaint about political parties not having standards, considering the lack of standards in the GOP.

Well, get your blinders off and your nice but you're a hopeless (nice) hypocrite.
You can't complain about one party abandoning standards while your party is in the midst of a political purge and civil war! That's really hypocritical.
plus , i think she was a 'governor' and had some flag removed . Now that , that was her decision and shows her leaning if i recall accurately .

Actually it was the state house's decision. That was right after Dylann Roof massacred people in a church under that flag, and that's why they wanted to disassociate.

You got a problem with that? Or are you a big fan of church murdering?

What do you mean by "leaning"?

Trump has my vote. Haley is following Trump's lead. She took down the flag and that is unforgiveable.

Another church-murder fan huh. Why am I not surprised.
------------------------------------------------------------- i dislike all those responsible for taking down the flag because of some church shooting . And her helping to take down the flag shows her leanings . You like the flag being removed , If so you are the type that 'haley' leans toward appeasing and thats why i don;t like her . And besides , she is homely POGO .

Number two, what she looks like cannot be more irrelevant than anything except your opinion. This ain't some kind of beauty "contest".

And number one, I just got done telling you the South Carolina state house voted to take the Stars & Bars down, just as the same state house voted to put it up in the past. That's their decision. Again, you don't even live in South Carolina so what you think of it is irrelevant. And number one-a, she was the Governor. She's supposed to be the figurehead in state matters.

Looks to me like you don't like the fact that the state took a dim view of church murders. And we're right back where we started.

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