Republicans in Panic?

They should worry. We won't stand for their fake conservatism any longer.

Again, what happens happens. If Hillary wins we get closer to the 2nd amendment being voided by the SC (and what a reaction THAT is going to be). If Trump wins we get ????????. Either way be ready for interesting times.
:rolleyes: When is Obama going to take your guns?????????????????? It's almost been 8 years and it hasn't happened.

Do you think Hillary would appoint a SC justice who supports RKBA?

and considering I cannot get a CCW in NYC without proving to the NYPD I have a reason for one, my gun has already been taken.

People who spout that idiotic line aren't capable of actual thought. they only parrot what they hear. If they were actually able to think, they wouldn't say such stupid shit.
They should worry. We won't stand for their fake conservatism any longer.

Again, what happens happens. If Hillary wins we get closer to the 2nd amendment being voided by the SC (and what a reaction THAT is going to be). If Trump wins we get ????????. Either way be ready for interesting times.
:rolleyes: When is Obama going to take your guns?????????????????? It's almost been 8 years and it hasn't happened.

we aren't talking about taking anyone's guns, though...Why are you trying to change the subject again?
I was commenting on little Marty's post claiming Hillary is going to take your guns. Same shit you all whined about with Obama. Get some new material or continue to flail.

They said the same thing with Bill Clinton. No one lost their guns in those 8 years either.

Hey moron, listen up. Here's a clue because you seem to be sorely lack one:

The reason they didn't take our guns is because we resisted, and part of that resistance was to warn others that they want to take our guns. Anyone who denies that gun confiscation is the end goal for Democrats, is a naïve idiot.
Another denizen of the LWNJ echo chamber chimes in with inane talking points.....


you know, dear... i'm a lot of things. but a nutjob isn't one of them. in my view, you're wrong on almost every issue. and until the GOP dumps its loons on the right, no one like me (who DID vote for republican mayors and governors in the past) is going to ever vote for one of your candidates.

Sorry Jillian, but when you call everyone who supports Trump an uneducated bigot- you are a nut job.

I was wrong about Obama, but I was right about the Senate, the House and all of the state houses that Obama has handed the GOP. He has been a blessing in that regard.

There is no other explanation for supporting Trump other than being an uneducated bigot. Trump depends on both

Another LWNJ chimes in on cue.......:rofl:


There is no way anyone with a degree of intelligence could support Trump
There is also no way anyone who rejects bigotry could support Trumps antics
and I thought the last Repub Primaries went off of the rails lol. These Primaries make the last one pale in comparison using the cringe factor.
I think it would be great if Romney ran again.

Do you know he didn't do ONE not ONE conservative talk show interview?

Romney ran as a liberal. That's why he lost. Like Jeb is now.

Romney lost because he supported "personhood" laws, supported the same disasterous neocon policies as bush/cheney, offended working people and defended a senate candidate who talked about "legitimate rape"

THJAT is why Romney won.... because he pandered to the wacko right.

IOW, he did some things different than Obama. . . .
Again, what happens happens. If Hillary wins we get closer to the 2nd amendment being voided by the SC (and what a reaction THAT is going to be). If Trump wins we get ????????. Either way be ready for interesting times.
:rolleyes: When is Obama going to take your guns?????????????????? It's almost been 8 years and it hasn't happened.

Do you think Hillary would appoint a SC justice who supports RKBA?

and considering I cannot get a CCW in NYC without proving to the NYPD I have a reason for one, my gun has already been taken.
You can't get the SC to rule a constitutional amendment void. You'd have to amend the constitution.

Why? the SC created the right to abortion and gay marriage out of thin fucking air, what's to stop them from saying RKBA isn't really what the 2nd amendment was about?

You idiots opened this pandora's box where the SC basically has free reign to fuck with people, get ready to eat it.

Are you taking idiot pills or something? The SC did NOT create gay marriage or the right to abortion. Those are inherent rights. THE USA cannot take away and inherent right without a compelling reason. There is NO compelling reason to say two same sex people can't get married, nor is there a compelling reason to say the government has the right over a woman's body.

The 2nd is an enumerated right. The only way to overturn it is a constitutional amendment.


Right. . . . right. Those we all know now that the SC didn't invent those right, they were always in the constitution.

They were just written in the special invisible ink that you can only read with those special supreme court glasses they give you when you are sworn in. But yeah, we know those rights are inherent and have always been in the constitution. Of course. Absolutely, cut and dried, no interpretation.

(You just need those special glasses to read that invisible ink. But it's there, I sweat it. It has always been there, from the start.)
seems the party is concerned that the "base" is taking over the asylum

Time for GOP panic? Establishment worried Carson or Trump might win.


According to other Republicans, some in the party establishment are so desperate to change the dynamic that they are talking anew about drafting Romney — despite his insistence that he will not run again. Friends have mapped out a strategy for a late entry to pick up delegates and vie for the nomination in a convention fight, according to the Republicans who were briefed on the talks, though Romney has shown no indication of reviving his interest.

For months, the GOP professional class assumed Trump and Carson would fizzle with time. Voters would get serious, the thinking went, after seeing the outsiders share a stage with more experienced politicians at the first debate. Or when summer turned to fall, kids went back to school and parents had time to assess the candidates. Or after the second, third or fourth debates, certainly

Time for GOP panic? Establishment worried Carson or Trump might win.
For the life of me, it sounds like liberals are panicking. With Hillary as their standard-bearer and no bench whatsoever, small wonder.

You're absolutely right.

The establishment controls both parties.

If you see the writing on the wall, you KNOW that the who ever gets the Republican nomination is going to be elected POTUS. The Democrats haven't done of very good job.

Regardless of the job they have done, the establishment has some foreign policy goals it can only accomplished through the Republican party. This is why extremely intelligent and savvy Democrats and Progressives care about what is going on in the GOP. They intuitively know, who ever gets the nomination, will, in the end, get the crown.

This part of Jillian's article made me laugh, it revealed the truth behind the whole purpose of why she posted this piece, and why it was written in the first place . . . .

“We’re potentially careening down this road of nominating somebody who frankly isn’t fit to be president in terms of the basic ability and temperament to do the job,” this strategist said. “It’s not just that it could be somebody Hillary could destroy electorally, but what if Hillary hits a banana peel and this person becomes president?”

This is, quite frankly, propaganda. The establishment said the same thing about Andrew Jackson. It said the same thing about a good many other candidates back in the 1800's. Granted, a lot of them were assassinated. . . but, that's neither here nor there.

The point is, Hillary HAS already hit a banana peel in the mind of educated folk. She is done, turn her over. The only people that care about her, or give a shit about that campaign are the undead and mindless partisans. Seriously.

To say that Trump isn't "fit" to be president because he doesn't have the basic "ability" or "temperament" is a shit load of hogwash and propaganda. He couldn't have built his empire if he didn't. Seriously, do they think folks that have the reading level to read this yellow journalism can't figure this out?

If Putin and Netanyahu have the basic ability, Trump either has it, or he will beg, borrow and learn it from the folks he he hires.

Establishment propaganda is for the weak minded.
LMAO - read your final three sentences very slowly, or better yet have someone read them to you slowly.
WC was never the sharpest knife in the drawer.

Wry Catcher commented on this laughable hypocrisy:

1. I have to point out at least once a day that it amuses me when people who don't have two synapses to rub together think they can opine on other people's intellect.

2. poor dear.

3. do you even realize how very stupid you are?

In one (1) a claim is made that stupid people think they can comment on the intelligence of other people;

In two (2) he patronizes another;

And in three (3) after commenting on how stupid people comment on other people's intelligence, he comments on other people's intelligence.

It appears Mad Scientist has admitted he is one of the stupid people, and mad scientist couldn't figure that out..

Wow. That post went RIGHT OVER YOUR HEAD.

Did you even read the original?

You do realize, you are in effect, criticizing JILLIAN'S post, right? Mad Scientist was just re-posting her arrogant troll post back to her. But you didn't read it closely enough, did you?

If your analysis hold's for Mad Scientist, than it certainly hold's true for the trolling OP. Mad never admitted anything, he was merely making fun the OP's arrogance. Here, check it for yourself.

I have to point out at least once a day that it amuses me when people who don't have two synapses to rub together think they can opine on other people's intellect. poor dear. do you even realize how very stupid you are?
I have to point out at least once a day that it amuses me when people who don't have two synapses to rub together think they can opine on other people's intellect. poor dear. do you even realize how very stupid you are?

LMAO - read your final three sentences very slowly, or better yet have someone read them to you slowly.
seems the party is concerned that the "base" is taking over the asylum

Time for GOP panic? Establishment worried Carson or Trump might win.


According to other Republicans, some in the party establishment are so desperate to change the dynamic that they are talking anew about drafting Romney — despite his insistence that he will not run again. Friends have mapped out a strategy for a late entry to pick up delegates and vie for the nomination in a convention fight, according to the Republicans who were briefed on the talks, though Romney has shown no indication of reviving his interest.

For months, the GOP professional class assumed Trump and Carson would fizzle with time. Voters would get serious, the thinking went, after seeing the outsiders share a stage with more experienced politicians at the first debate. Or when summer turned to fall, kids went back to school and parents had time to assess the candidates. Or after the second, third or fourth debates, certainly

Time for GOP panic? Establishment worried Carson or Trump might win.
Isn't the "base" the asylum? If the base isn't the basis of your existence you have a problem. Kinda like the democrat base is full socialist but they try their best to claim not to be.
And here we see the proof of the bane of rightwing partisanism:

"You have a lot of people who were told that if we got a majority in the House and a majority in the Senate, then life was gonna be great,” [South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley] said in an interview Thursday. “What you’re seeing is that people are angry. Where’s the change? Why aren’t there bills on the president’s desk every day for him to veto? They’re saying, ‘Look, what you said would happen didn’t happen, so we’re going to go with anyone who hasn’t been elected.’ ”

Clearly most on the right are not interested in sound, responsible governance, they're only interested in passing 'legislation' in bad faith for the president to 'veto,' using the legislative process not to benefit the American people but as a political weapon against the president and democrats – a tactic which has clearly failed, and justifiably so.

The problem for republicans isn't the possibility of Trump becoming the nominee, the problem for republicans is their wrongheaded priorities and partisanism, placing what's best for the GOP above what's best for the country.
Again, what happens happens. If Hillary wins we get closer to the 2nd amendment being voided by the SC (and what a reaction THAT is going to be). If Trump wins we get ????????. Either way be ready for interesting times.
:rolleyes: When is Obama going to take your guns?????????????????? It's almost been 8 years and it hasn't happened.

we aren't talking about taking anyone's guns, though...Why are you trying to change the subject again?
I was commenting on little Marty's post claiming Hillary is going to take your guns. Same shit you all whined about with Obama. Get some new material or continue to flail.

They said the same thing with Bill Clinton. No one lost their guns in those 8 years either.

Hey moron, listen up. Here's a clue because you seem to be sorely lack one:

The reason they didn't take our guns is because we resisted, and part of that resistance was to warn others that they want to take our guns. Anyone who denies that gun confiscation is the end goal for Democrats, is a naïve idiot.
^ speaking of stupid people parroting
:rolleyes: When is Obama going to take your guns?????????????????? It's almost been 8 years and it hasn't happened.

Do you think Hillary would appoint a SC justice who supports RKBA?

and considering I cannot get a CCW in NYC without proving to the NYPD I have a reason for one, my gun has already been taken.
You can't get the SC to rule a constitutional amendment void. You'd have to amend the constitution.

Why? the SC created the right to abortion and gay marriage out of thin fucking air, what's to stop them from saying RKBA isn't really what the 2nd amendment was about?

You idiots opened this pandora's box where the SC basically has free reign to fuck with people, get ready to eat it.

Are you taking idiot pills or something? The SC did NOT create gay marriage or the right to abortion. Those are inherent rights. THE USA cannot take away and inherent right without a compelling reason. There is NO compelling reason to say two same sex people can't get married, nor is there a compelling reason to say the government has the right over a woman's body.

The 2nd is an enumerated right. The only way to overturn it is a constitutional amendment.


Right. . . . right. Those we all know now that the SC didn't invent those right, they were always in the constitution.

They were just written in the special invisible ink that you can only read with those special supreme court glasses they give you when you are sworn in. But yeah, we know those rights are inherent and have always been in the constitution. Of course. Absolutely, cut and dried, no interpretation.

(You just need those special glasses to read that invisible ink. But it's there, I sweat it. It has always been there, from the start.)
Another person that can't comprehend what he reads.
Do you think Hillary would appoint a SC justice who supports RKBA?

and considering I cannot get a CCW in NYC without proving to the NYPD I have a reason for one, my gun has already been taken.
You can't get the SC to rule a constitutional amendment void. You'd have to amend the constitution.

Why? the SC created the right to abortion and gay marriage out of thin fucking air, what's to stop them from saying RKBA isn't really what the 2nd amendment was about?

You idiots opened this pandora's box where the SC basically has free reign to fuck with people, get ready to eat it.

Are you taking idiot pills or something? The SC did NOT create gay marriage or the right to abortion. Those are inherent rights. THE USA cannot take away and inherent right without a compelling reason. There is NO compelling reason to say two same sex people can't get married, nor is there a compelling reason to say the government has the right over a woman's body.

The 2nd is an enumerated right. The only way to overturn it is a constitutional amendment.


Right. . . . right. Those we all know now that the SC didn't invent those right, they were always in the constitution.

They were just written in the special invisible ink that you can only read with those special supreme court glasses they give you when you are sworn in. But yeah, we know those rights are inherent and have always been in the constitution. Of course. Absolutely, cut and dried, no interpretation.

(You just need those special glasses to read that invisible ink. But it's there, I sweat it. It has always been there, from the start.)
Another person that can't comprehend what he reads.
I guess I am just one of millions. Since the founding of the nation, homosexuality has been illegal, hasn't it? So has murder, right?

So how on earth could any one read into the constitution such a right? Obviously you have no idea what the founders intent was.

YOU are the one that can't comprehend what he reads. derp derp derp. . . . :eusa_doh:
:rolleyes: When is Obama going to take your guns?????????????????? It's almost been 8 years and it hasn't happened.

we aren't talking about taking anyone's guns, though...Why are you trying to change the subject again?
I was commenting on little Marty's post claiming Hillary is going to take your guns. Same shit you all whined about with Obama. Get some new material or continue to flail.

They said the same thing with Bill Clinton. No one lost their guns in those 8 years either.

Hey moron, listen up. Here's a clue because you seem to be sorely lack one:

The reason they didn't take our guns is because we resisted, and part of that resistance was to warn others that they want to take our guns. Anyone who denies that gun confiscation is the end goal for Democrats, is a naïve idiot.
^ speaking of stupid people parroting

Idiot, that's completely original. I challenge you to find anyone else saying what I just said. Go away until you do, retard.
There is nothing to be "embarrassed" about with Trump.

Save you spin.

Maybe you're not embarrassed; Trump and Carson leading in the polls for the Nomination for POTUS should embarrass all Americans, for such polling data reflects poorly on all of us.

Another denizen of the LWNJ echo chamber chimes in with inane talking points.....


you know, dear... i'm a lot of things. but a nutjob isn't one of them. in my view, you're wrong on almost every issue. and until the GOP dumps its loons on the right, no one like me (who DID vote for republican mayors and governors in the past) is going to ever vote for one of your candidates.

Sorry Jillian, but when you call everyone who supports Trump an uneducated bigot- you are a nut job.

I was wrong about Obama, but I was right about the Senate, the House and all of the state houses that Obama has handed the GOP. He has been a blessing in that regard.

There is no other explanation for supporting Trump other than being an uneducated bigot. Trump depends on both

Why are you being such a partisan jerk?

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