Republicans in Panic?

LMAO - read your final three sentences very slowly, or better yet have someone read them to you slowly.
WC was never the sharpest knife in the drawer.

Wry Catcher commented on this laughable hypocrisy:

1. I have to point out at least once a day that it amuses me when people who don't have two synapses to rub together think they can opine on other people's intellect.

2. poor dear.

3. do you even realize how very stupid you are?

In one (1) a claim is made that stupid people think they can comment on the intelligence of other people;

In two (2) he patronizes another;

And in three (3) after commenting on how stupid people comment on other people's intelligence, he comments on other people's intelligence.

It appears Mad Scientist has admitted he is one of the stupid people, and mad scientist couldn't figure that out..
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As a member of the republican party I'm not in a panic at all. In fact, I am planning to vote for Carson at this point with Cruz a close second. I'm looking forward to it because current leadership needs to change

That is so cool....either one would doom the party
A. Back in 1776 both sides had "pea shooters".
B. After that, we weren't supposed to let Govt gain and maintain such a HUGE peacetime army.

If you wanna' be Liberal Pussies that's fine, just don't don't demand others do so and don't lie about U.S. History.

They really didn't understand what military would become did they? But it was 1782 and they did the best they could with what they knew
there is EVERYTHING to be embarrassed about with trump.

save your delusions.

Hate men much, bigot?

no, sock. but I can see where to make yourself feel like you have genitalia, you'd make comments like that.

don't project sockboy, there is nothing bigoted in anything I've posted.


Well, you certainly have issues. If it's not bigotry, what is it? Obamacare might cover it.
It's called ...stick up ass disease. :)
It is not just the Republican establishment, it is all of Washington DC! The establishment of BOTH parties wants status quo, or they lose their easy ride. Big business also loses their power if the tax code is trashed and simplified.

You know the left is worried. How? Because Jilly and her friends have used every buzzword the left has to stop you from arguing with her/him. Bigot, etc.

Keep on, you know they are sweating when they try and convince you it is in your best interest to put in a more formidable candidate, and they tell you that because they are so kind and want you to have a better chance of winning, duh, lolololol!
The grownups realize Trump and Carson arent' going to reach the finish line

doesn't seem that way. we're not far away from the early states and they're not shaking trump and carson yet. it's embarrassing as an American to see. pity that once again the base is going to reject the candidate who can actually win. last time it was Huntsman, this time Kasich. They're too decent for the vitriol spewing, foaming at the mouth base. yet, Kasich would bring ohio with him and no republican has ever won without Ohio.

There is nothing to be "embarrassed" about with Trump.

Save you spin.

Maybe you're not embarrassed; Trump and Carson leading in the polls for the Nomination for POTUS should embarrass all Americans, for such polling data reflects poorly on all of us.

Another denizen of the LWNJ echo chamber chimes in with inane talking points.....


you know, dear... i'm a lot of things. but a nutjob isn't one of them. in my view, you're wrong on almost every issue. and until the GOP dumps its loons on the right, no one like me (who DID vote for republican mayors and governors in the past) is going to ever vote for one of your candidates.

Sorry Jillian, but when you call everyone who supports Trump an uneducated bigot- you are a nut job.

I was wrong about Obama, but I was right about the Senate, the House and all of the state houses that Obama has handed the GOP. He has been a blessing in that regard.
doesn't seem that way. we're not far away from the early states and they're not shaking trump and carson yet. it's embarrassing as an American to see. pity that once again the base is going to reject the candidate who can actually win. last time it was Huntsman, this time Kasich. They're too decent for the vitriol spewing, foaming at the mouth base. yet, Kasich would bring ohio with him and no republican has ever won without Ohio.

There is nothing to be "embarrassed" about with Trump.

Save you spin.

Maybe you're not embarrassed; Trump and Carson leading in the polls for the Nomination for POTUS should embarrass all Americans, for such polling data reflects poorly on all of us.

Another denizen of the LWNJ echo chamber chimes in with inane talking points.....


you know, dear... i'm a lot of things. but a nutjob isn't one of them. in my view, you're wrong on almost every issue. and until the GOP dumps its loons on the right, no one like me (who DID vote for republican mayors and governors in the past) is going to ever vote for one of your candidates.

Sorry Jillian, but when you call everyone who supports Trump an uneducated bigot- you are a nut job.

I was wrong about Obama, but I was right about the Senate, the House and all of the state houses that Obama has handed the GOP. He has been a blessing in that regard.

There is no other explanation for supporting Trump other than being an uneducated bigot. Trump depends on both
who cares what the "establishment" is "worried" about?
american patriots are tired of the same old okey doke career politicians. The country will survive just fine if either or both parties fact it would be an improvement.

well, the "establishment" IS the party. the teatards are the interlopers who should probably start their own party instead of being a minority that is hijacking what used to be a great party.

the only thing that is going to collapse are GOP chances to win national elections.

so keep it up.

And yet they keep winning more and more at the State level.... Why is that?

seems the party is concerned that the "base" is taking over the asylum

Time for GOP panic? Establishment worried Carson or Trump might win.


According to other Republicans, some in the party establishment are so desperate to change the dynamic that they are talking anew about drafting Romney — despite his insistence that he will not run again. Friends have mapped out a strategy for a late entry to pick up delegates and vie for the nomination in a convention fight, according to the Republicans who were briefed on the talks, though Romney has shown no indication of reviving his interest.

For months, the GOP professional class assumed Trump and Carson would fizzle with time. Voters would get serious, the thinking went, after seeing the outsiders share a stage with more experienced politicians at the first debate. Or when summer turned to fall, kids went back to school and parents had time to assess the candidates. Or after the second, third or fourth debates, certainly

Time for GOP panic? Establishment worried Carson or Trump might win.
Carson would be great. Trump would be a disaster.

Folks are just tired of tweedledee and tweedledum. They want real choices. They are tired of PC. It is going to be a very interesting tear.

And Romney wouldn't get any votes. Not after that horrible campaign he ran last time.
seems the party is concerned that the "base" is taking over the asylum

Time for GOP panic? Establishment worried Carson or Trump might win.


According to other Republicans, some in the party establishment are so desperate to change the dynamic that they are talking anew about drafting Romney — despite his insistence that he will not run again. Friends have mapped out a strategy for a late entry to pick up delegates and vie for the nomination in a convention fight, according to the Republicans who were briefed on the talks, though Romney has shown no indication of reviving his interest.

For months, the GOP professional class assumed Trump and Carson would fizzle with time. Voters would get serious, the thinking went, after seeing the outsiders share a stage with more experienced politicians at the first debate. Or when summer turned to fall, kids went back to school and parents had time to assess the candidates. Or after the second, third or fourth debates, certainly

Time for GOP panic? Establishment worried Carson or Trump might win.
Carson would be great. Trump would be a disaster.

Folks are just tired of tweedledee and tweedledum. They want real choices. They are tired of PC. It is going to be a very interesting tear.

And Romney wouldn't get any votes. Not after that horrible campaign he ran last time.

they'd both be disasters. carson is one of those people who says the most disgusting things but does it in a wimpy little voice so everyone pretend he's nice. but let's break it down.... abortion is not naziism and health insurance is not slavery and the pyramids were not built by joseph for grain storage. and that is before we start getting into his psychopathy.

trump is just a bully and a bigot. i have to say i'm disappointed in him. i figured he'd be bombastic and interesting. i didn't think he'd be a pig.
seems the party is concerned that the "base" is taking over the asylum

Time for GOP panic? Establishment worried Carson or Trump might win.


According to other Republicans, some in the party establishment are so desperate to change the dynamic that they are talking anew about drafting Romney — despite his insistence that he will not run again. Friends have mapped out a strategy for a late entry to pick up delegates and vie for the nomination in a convention fight, according to the Republicans who were briefed on the talks, though Romney has shown no indication of reviving his interest.

For months, the GOP professional class assumed Trump and Carson would fizzle with time. Voters would get serious, the thinking went, after seeing the outsiders share a stage with more experienced politicians at the first debate. Or when summer turned to fall, kids went back to school and parents had time to assess the candidates. Or after the second, third or fourth debates, certainly

Time for GOP panic? Establishment worried Carson or Trump might win.
Rinos(the Establishment) own the republican party, unfortunately...

Because somehow it’s more dangerous and a bigger threat when individuals from other countries attack the U.S. — but homegrown extremists who walk into American organizations and kill don’t fit into Ryan’s big picture? Is it just a little picture then?

RELATED: Fox ‘News’ Claims Planned Parenthood Is ‘Politicizing’ Colorado Springs Attack
Are the people who were shot and killed by an American not just as dead as those shot and killed by “worldwide terrorists”?

As Charles Topher pointed out on Addicting Info:

Never mind that your party has embraced doctored videos of atrocities that didn’t happen or the false narrative that Planned Parenthood does nothing but abort third trimester babies, creating bands of zealots who are willing to harm others to save zygotes. Let’s forget about that completely and instead sell the fear of “real” terrorists who are just itching to walk through the door.
What would happen if Republicans picked the most embarrassing candidate in history?

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