Republicans in Panic?

:rolleyes: When is Obama going to take your guns?????????????????? It's almost been 8 years and it hasn't happened.

Do you think Hillary would appoint a SC justice who supports RKBA?

and considering I cannot get a CCW in NYC without proving to the NYPD I have a reason for one, my gun has already been taken.
You can't get the SC to rule a constitutional amendment void. You'd have to amend the constitution.

Why? the SC created the right to abortion and gay marriage out of thin fucking air, what's to stop them from saying RKBA isn't really what the 2nd amendment was about?

You idiots opened this pandora's box where the SC basically has free reign to fuck with people, get ready to eat it.

Are you taking idiot pills or something? The SC did NOT create gay marriage or the right to abortion. Those are inherent rights. THE USA cannot take away and inherent right without a compelling reason. There is NO compelling reason to say two same sex people can't get married, nor is there a compelling reason to say the government has the right over a woman's body.

The 2nd is an enumerated right. The only way to overturn it is a constitutional amendment.


there is no "inherent right" to an abortion, I do not see it espoused in any texts, of any revolutions that had the goal of a free society. It's made up, flim flam, the imaginations of 5 of 9 unelected lawyers.

Gay marriage is another made up right, purely because 5 of 9 unelected lawyers decided to speed things up and overrrule the will of the people of several states.

and as for your last statement, I simply don't trust YOU or the government to stick to that view.

You idiots change your views on things faster than a cat in a small pet store changes his appetite.

the 2d applies to WELL-REGULATED MILITIA to defend the country (since there was no standing army at the time) and every justice until scalia knew that. but heller is what it is.... as stupid a decision as it is.

and I don't trust wingers with my rights. it's really simple. I guess it just depends on what your priorities are. of course, the difference is that no one has outlawed guns or tried to (since regulation is STILL ok even scalia said so in heller). yet, your guys routinely try to take away others' rights
It doesn't matter who the GOP puts up. The Dimocrats have the #'s to win the one national election we have.
The only concern they should have is getting their voters to the polls.

if democrats have the numbers, wouldn't you say that's because your rightwingnut only play to angry white men?

No, because you libs have been importing the Third World to support your Third World policies.

So, Jillian, you have repeatedly accused Trump and Trump supporters of being bigots.

What is the most "bigoted" Trump policy, in your opinion?
It doesn't matter who the GOP puts up. The Dimocrats have the #'s to win the one national election we have.
The only concern they should have is getting their voters to the polls.

if democrats have the numbers, wouldn't you say that's because your rightwingnut only play to angry white men?

Umm nooooo. It's because you have one party that is fixated on creating as many government entitlements as possible, and once Americans begin using government for all of their needs the party has a continually growing base.
I mean, for instance how on earth do you compete with a party that wants to give your kids breakfast lunch and dinner at school so you can worry about other things, like making sure your medical marijuana prescription lasts through the weekend ?
It doesn't matter who the GOP puts up. The Dimocrats have the #'s to win the one national election we have.
The only concern they should have is getting their voters to the polls.

if democrats have the numbers, wouldn't you say that's because your rightwingnut only play to angry white men?

Umm nooooo. It's because you have one party that is fixated on creating as many government entitlements as possible, and once Americans begin using government for all of their needs the party has a continually growing base.
I mean, for instance how on earth do you compete with a party that wants to give your kids breakfast lunch and dinner at school so you can worry about other things, like making sure your medical marijuana prescription lasts through the weekend ?

ummmm... if you don't have the votes ... it's because your policies are unappealing. period.
If Republicans allow George Soros to choose their candidate as well as The Democrat Party candidate then, yeah, America loses.


I was really kind of hoping for some actual responses... you know, where people think.
Good luck w/that what w/ the rampant ODS on display daily here.

As to the OP- yeah- thinking Repubs should be worried. No elctorate is going to give the codes to a reality show star.

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Guns Rights aren't limited a well regulated militia.

First Amendment is backed up and enforced with? The second amendment. That's why they're one and two. If you don't have guns you can't protect your Life Liberty or Persuit of Happiness.

Don't EVER let some liberal homosexual tell you otherwise.
If Republicans allow George Soros to choose their candidate as well as The Democrat Party candidate then, yeah, America loses.


I was really kind of hoping for some actual responses... you know, where people think.

Then I suggest more than a 1 line "statement" followed by a link.

the link is there for the article to be read. copyright and all that. :)

you don't think the grownups in the party should be concerned?
hyperpartisan agitprop only "concerns" those trying to use it and those naive enough to believe it.

your uninformed subliterate rightwingnut is showing again, freak boy.
If Republicans allow George Soros to choose their candidate as well as The Democrat Party candidate then, yeah, America loses.


I was really kind of hoping for some actual responses... you know, where people think.
Good luck w/that what w/ the rampant ODS on display daily here.

As to the OP- yeah- thinking Repubs should be worried. No elctorate is going to give the codes to a reality show star.

Sent from my BN NookHD+ using Tapatalk

He was a billionaire entrepreneur running dozens of businesses nationally and internationally before he started having fun on television. ...and he made millions of dollars doing THAT.

The "empty suit" scenario you're trying to create won't fly.
Guns Rights aren't limited a well regulated militia.

First Amendment is backed up and enforced with? The second amendment. That's why they're one and two. If you don't have guns you can't protect your Life Liberty or Persuit of Happiness.

Don't EVER let some liberal homosexual tell you otherwise.

they were until scalia and his minions got hold of the law. you understand that for hundreds of years justices laughed at the thought that the constitution protected a private right of gun ownership.

guns were not supposed to defend anything other than the government or the only crime defined in the constitution wouldn't have been treason. you understand that, don't you?

the idea that arms were to let you fight the government is absurd.

you think a pea shooter can defend against bombs?

If Republicans allow George Soros to choose their candidate as well as The Democrat Party candidate then, yeah, America loses.


I was really kind of hoping for some actual responses... you know, where people think.

Then I suggest more than a 1 line "statement" followed by a link.

the link is there for the article to be read. copyright and all that. :)

you don't think the grownups in the party should be concerned?
hyperpartisan agitprop only "concerns" those trying to use it and those naive enough to believe it.

your uninformed subliterate rightwingnut is showing again, freak boy.
Well, that's just fascinating!...but we aren't talking about what you might think of me, though.
but look at you changing the subject again and stringing syllables together and name calling! How witty!..and deep, too! :rolleyes:
It doesn't matter who the GOP puts up. The Dimocrats have the #'s to win the one national election we have.
The only concern they should have is getting their voters to the polls.

if democrats have the numbers, wouldn't you say that's because your rightwingnut only play to angry white men?

Umm nooooo. It's because you have one party that is fixated on creating as many government entitlements as possible, and once Americans begin using government for all of their needs the party has a continually growing base.
I mean, for instance how on earth do you compete with a party that wants to give your kids breakfast lunch and dinner at school so you can worry about other things, like making sure your medical marijuana prescription lasts through the weekend ?

ummmm... if you don't have the votes ... it's because your policies are unappealing. period.

Or because the dem lie machine is very effective.

So, you keep saying that Trump and/or his supporters are bigoted.

So, which of Trumps policy proposals do you consider most "bigoted"?
As a member of the republican party I'm not in a panic at all. In fact, I am planning to vote for Carson at this point with Cruz a close second. I'm looking forward to it because current leadership needs to change
It doesn't matter who the GOP puts up. The Dimocrats have the #'s to win the one national election we have.
The only concern they should have is getting their voters to the polls.

if democrats have the numbers, wouldn't you say that's because your rightwingnut only play to angry white men?

Umm nooooo. It's because you have one party that is fixated on creating as many government entitlements as possible, and once Americans begin using government for all of their needs the party has a continually growing base.
I mean, for instance how on earth do you compete with a party that wants to give your kids breakfast lunch and dinner at school so you can worry about other things, like making sure your medical marijuana prescription lasts through the weekend ?

ummmm... if you don't have the votes ... it's because your policies are unappealing. period.

There's no doubt it's "appealing" to have other people pay for many of your families needs.
A. Back in 1776 both sides had "pea shooters".
B. After that, we weren't supposed to let Govt gain and maintain such a HUGE peacetime army.

If you wanna' be Liberal Pussies that's fine, just don't don't demand others do so and don't lie about U.S. History.

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