Republicans in Panic?

Again, what happens happens. If Hillary wins we get closer to the 2nd amendment being voided by the SC (and what a reaction THAT is going to be). If Trump wins we get ????????. Either way be ready for interesting times.
:rolleyes: When is Obama going to take your guns?????????????????? It's almost been 8 years and it hasn't happened.

we aren't talking about taking anyone's guns, though...Why are you trying to change the subject again?
I was commenting on little Marty's post claiming Hillary is going to take your guns. Same shit you all whined about with Obama. Get some new material or continue to flail.

If Hillary appoints a SC judge that reduces the 2nd amendment, you don't think several States will jump to ban weapons outright?

and here's a hint twat, saying I can't get a certain firearm, but allowing "grandfathered" weapons in, is the same as taking the gun out of my hands.

My goodness you are touchy. Continue your whining, it's tasty.

Anger in the face of tyranny is never wrong, and tyranny is what you idiots support.
Their leading candidates are Trump, Carson and Cruz

Why should Republicans panic?
They should worry. We won't stand for their fake conservatism any longer.

Again, what happens happens. If Hillary wins we get closer to the 2nd amendment being voided by the SC (and what a reaction THAT is going to be). If Trump wins we get ????????. Either way be ready for interesting times.
:rolleyes: When is Obama going to take your guns?????????????????? It's almost been 8 years and it hasn't happened.

we aren't talking about taking anyone's guns, though...Why are you trying to change the subject again?
I was commenting on little Marty's post claiming Hillary is going to take your guns. Same shit you all whined about with Obama. Get some new material or continue to flail.

If Hillary appoints a SC judge that reduces the 2nd amendment, you don't think several States will jump to ban weapons outright?

and here's a hint twat, saying I can't get a certain firearm, but allowing "grandfathered" weapons in, is the same as taking the gun out of my hands.


Using profane and misogynist language strongly suggests you don't have the temperament or self control to ever own, possess or have in your custody and control a gun.
Again, what happens happens. If Hillary wins we get closer to the 2nd amendment being voided by the SC (and what a reaction THAT is going to be). If Trump wins we get ????????. Either way be ready for interesting times.
:rolleyes: When is Obama going to take your guns?????????????????? It's almost been 8 years and it hasn't happened.

we aren't talking about taking anyone's guns, though...Why are you trying to change the subject again?
I was commenting on little Marty's post claiming Hillary is going to take your guns. Same shit you all whined about with Obama. Get some new material or continue to flail.

If Hillary appoints a SC judge that reduces the 2nd amendment, you don't think several States will jump to ban weapons outright?

and here's a hint twat, saying I can't get a certain firearm, but allowing "grandfathered" weapons in, is the same as taking the gun out of my hands.


Using profane and misogynist language strongly suggests you don't have the temperament or self control to ever own, possess or have in your custody and control a gun.
Again, what happens happens. If Hillary wins we get closer to the 2nd amendment being voided by the SC (and what a reaction THAT is going to be). If Trump wins we get ????????. Either way be ready for interesting times.
:rolleyes: When is Obama going to take your guns?????????????????? It's almost been 8 years and it hasn't happened.

we aren't talking about taking anyone's guns, though...Why are you trying to change the subject again?
I was commenting on little Marty's post claiming Hillary is going to take your guns. Same shit you all whined about with Obama. Get some new material or continue to flail.

If Hillary appoints a SC judge that reduces the 2nd amendment, you don't think several States will jump to ban weapons outright?

and here's a hint twat, saying I can't get a certain firearm, but allowing "grandfathered" weapons in, is the same as taking the gun out of my hands.


Using profane and misogynist language strongly suggests you don't have the temperament or self control to ever own, possess or have in your custody and control a gun.

1. No, it doesn't. There is a difference between message board anger and actionable anger.

2. You don't get to decide that, and neither does the government unless I get convicted of a felony, or mentally adjudicated.
the link is there for the article to be read. copyright and all that. :)

you don't think the grownups in the party should be concerned?

you don't think the grownups in the party should be concerned?

The grownups realize Trump and Carson arent' going to reach the finish line

doesn't seem that way. we're not far away from the early states and they're not shaking trump and carson yet. it's embarrassing as an American to see. pity that once again the base is going to reject the candidate who can actually win. last time it was Huntsman, this time Kasich. They're too decent for the vitriol spewing, foaming at the mouth base. yet, Kasich would bring ohio with him and no republican has ever won without Ohio.

There is nothing to be "embarrassed" about with Trump.

Save you spin.

Maybe you're not embarrassed; Trump and Carson leading in the polls for the Nomination for POTUS should embarrass all Americans, for such polling data reflects poorly on all of us.

Another denizen of the LWNJ echo chamber chimes in with inane talking points.....


you know, dear... i'm a lot of things. but a nutjob isn't one of them. in my view, you're wrong on almost every issue. and until the GOP dumps its loons on the right, no one like me (who DID vote for republican mayors and governors in the past) is going to ever vote for one of your candidates.
They should worry. We won't stand for their fake conservatism any longer.

Again, what happens happens. If Hillary wins we get closer to the 2nd amendment being voided by the SC (and what a reaction THAT is going to be). If Trump wins we get ????????. Either way be ready for interesting times.
:rolleyes: When is Obama going to take your guns?????????????????? It's almost been 8 years and it hasn't happened.

Do you think Hillary would appoint a SC justice who supports RKBA?

and considering I cannot get a CCW in NYC without proving to the NYPD I have a reason for one, my gun has already been taken.
You can't get the SC to rule a constitutional amendment void. You'd have to amend the constitution.

Why? the SC created the right to abortion and gay marriage out of thin fucking air, what's to stop them from saying RKBA isn't really what the 2nd amendment was about?

You idiots opened this pandora's box where the SC basically has free reign to fuck with people, get ready to eat it.

Are you taking idiot pills or something? The SC did NOT create gay marriage or the right to abortion. Those are inherent rights. THE USA cannot take away and inherent right without a compelling reason. There is NO compelling reason to say two same sex people can't get married, nor is there a compelling reason to say the government has the right over a woman's body.

The 2nd is an enumerated right. The only way to overturn it is a constitutional amendment.

:rolleyes: When is Obama going to take your guns?????????????????? It's almost been 8 years and it hasn't happened.

we aren't talking about taking anyone's guns, though...Why are you trying to change the subject again?
I was commenting on little Marty's post claiming Hillary is going to take your guns. Same shit you all whined about with Obama. Get some new material or continue to flail.

If Hillary appoints a SC judge that reduces the 2nd amendment, you don't think several States will jump to ban weapons outright?

and here's a hint twat, saying I can't get a certain firearm, but allowing "grandfathered" weapons in, is the same as taking the gun out of my hands.


Using profane and misogynist language strongly suggests you don't have the temperament or self control to ever own, possess or have in your custody and control a gun.

Using an emoticon as a rebuttal is childish, and likely a commentary on your lack of education.
Again, what happens happens. If Hillary wins we get closer to the 2nd amendment being voided by the SC (and what a reaction THAT is going to be). If Trump wins we get ????????. Either way be ready for interesting times.
:rolleyes: When is Obama going to take your guns?????????????????? It's almost been 8 years and it hasn't happened.

Do you think Hillary would appoint a SC justice who supports RKBA?

and considering I cannot get a CCW in NYC without proving to the NYPD I have a reason for one, my gun has already been taken.
You can't get the SC to rule a constitutional amendment void. You'd have to amend the constitution.

Why? the SC created the right to abortion and gay marriage out of thin fucking air, what's to stop them from saying RKBA isn't really what the 2nd amendment was about?

You idiots opened this pandora's box where the SC basically has free reign to fuck with people, get ready to eat it.

Are you taking idiot pills or something? The SC did NOT create gay marriage or the right to abortion. Those are inherent rights. THE USA cannot take away and inherent right without a compelling reason. There is NO compelling reason to say two same sex people can't get married, nor is there a compelling reason to say the government has the right over a woman's body.

The 2nd is an enumerated right. The only way to overturn it is a constitutional amendment.


there is no "inherent right" to an abortion, I do not see it espoused in any texts, of any revolutions that had the goal of a free society. It's made up, flim flam, the imaginations of 5 of 9 unelected lawyers.

Gay marriage is another made up right, purely because 5 of 9 unelected lawyers decided to speed things up and overrrule the will of the people of several states.

and as for your last statement, I simply don't trust YOU or the government to stick to that view.

You idiots change your views on things faster than a cat in a small pet store changes his appetite.
:rolleyes: When is Obama going to take your guns?????????????????? It's almost been 8 years and it hasn't happened.

Do you think Hillary would appoint a SC justice who supports RKBA?

and considering I cannot get a CCW in NYC without proving to the NYPD I have a reason for one, my gun has already been taken.
You can't get the SC to rule a constitutional amendment void. You'd have to amend the constitution.

Why? the SC created the right to abortion and gay marriage out of thin fucking air, what's to stop them from saying RKBA isn't really what the 2nd amendment was about?

You idiots opened this pandora's box where the SC basically has free reign to fuck with people, get ready to eat it.

Are you taking idiot pills or something? The SC did NOT create gay marriage or the right to abortion. Those are inherent rights. THE USA cannot take away and inherent right without a compelling reason. There is NO compelling reason to say two same sex people can't get married, nor is there a compelling reason to say the government has the right over a woman's body.

The 2nd is an enumerated right. The only way to overturn it is a constitutional amendment.


there is no "inherent right" to an abortion, I do not see it espoused in any texts, of any revolutions that had the goal of a free society. It's made up, flim flam, the imaginations of 5 of 9 unelected lawyers.

Gay marriage is another made up right, purely because 5 of 9 unelected lawyers decided to speed things up and overrrule the will of the people of several states.

and as for your last statement, I simply don't trust YOU or the government to stick to that view.

You idiots change your views on things faster than a cat in a small pet store changes his appetite.

"inherent right" is a philosophical construct having no relationship to reality.

and I do have an INHERANT RIGHT to control over my own body. "gay marriage" is not the right at issue... MARRIAGE IS... and the HIGH COURT said that was a FUNDAMENTAL RIGHT back in Loving v Virginia. We've had this discussion.

Again, this is why women and minorities won't vote for your winger candidates. there are actual important issues facing us now. My right to reproductive choice or my gay friends' right to have a family aren't those important issues.
Do you think Hillary would appoint a SC justice who supports RKBA?

and considering I cannot get a CCW in NYC without proving to the NYPD I have a reason for one, my gun has already been taken.
You can't get the SC to rule a constitutional amendment void. You'd have to amend the constitution.

Why? the SC created the right to abortion and gay marriage out of thin fucking air, what's to stop them from saying RKBA isn't really what the 2nd amendment was about?

You idiots opened this pandora's box where the SC basically has free reign to fuck with people, get ready to eat it.

Are you taking idiot pills or something? The SC did NOT create gay marriage or the right to abortion. Those are inherent rights. THE USA cannot take away and inherent right without a compelling reason. There is NO compelling reason to say two same sex people can't get married, nor is there a compelling reason to say the government has the right over a woman's body.

The 2nd is an enumerated right. The only way to overturn it is a constitutional amendment.


there is no "inherent right" to an abortion, I do not see it espoused in any texts, of any revolutions that had the goal of a free society. It's made up, flim flam, the imaginations of 5 of 9 unelected lawyers.

Gay marriage is another made up right, purely because 5 of 9 unelected lawyers decided to speed things up and overrrule the will of the people of several states.

and as for your last statement, I simply don't trust YOU or the government to stick to that view.

You idiots change your views on things faster than a cat in a small pet store changes his appetite.

"inherent right" is a philosophical construct having no relationship to reality.

and I do have an INHERANT RIGHT to control over my own body. "gay marriage" is not the right at issue... MARRIAGE IS... and the HIGH COURT said that was a FUNDAMENTAL RIGHT back in Loving v Virginia. We've had this discussion.

Again, this is why women and minorities won't vote for your winger candidates. there are actual important issues facing us now. My right to reproductive choice or my gay friends' right to have a family aren't those important issues.
It's not just your body when a baby is in it.
:rolleyes: When is Obama going to take your guns?????????????????? It's almost been 8 years and it hasn't happened.

Do you think Hillary would appoint a SC justice who supports RKBA?

and considering I cannot get a CCW in NYC without proving to the NYPD I have a reason for one, my gun has already been taken.
You can't get the SC to rule a constitutional amendment void. You'd have to amend the constitution.

Why? the SC created the right to abortion and gay marriage out of thin fucking air, what's to stop them from saying RKBA isn't really what the 2nd amendment was about?

You idiots opened this pandora's box where the SC basically has free reign to fuck with people, get ready to eat it.

Are you taking idiot pills or something? The SC did NOT create gay marriage or the right to abortion. Those are inherent rights. THE USA cannot take away and inherent right without a compelling reason. There is NO compelling reason to say two same sex people can't get married, nor is there a compelling reason to say the government has the right over a woman's body.

The 2nd is an enumerated right. The only way to overturn it is a constitutional amendment.


there is no "inherent right" to an abortion, I do not see it espoused in any texts, of any revolutions that had the goal of a free society. It's made up, flim flam, the imaginations of 5 of 9 unelected lawyers.

Gay marriage is another made up right, purely because 5 of 9 unelected lawyers decided to speed things up and overrrule the will of the people of several states.

and as for your last statement, I simply don't trust YOU or the government to stick to that view.

You idiots change your views on things faster than a cat in a small pet store changes his appetite.
Next time you respond to me, respond to what I said, not your strawman bullshit.
Do you think Hillary would appoint a SC justice who supports RKBA?

and considering I cannot get a CCW in NYC without proving to the NYPD I have a reason for one, my gun has already been taken.
You can't get the SC to rule a constitutional amendment void. You'd have to amend the constitution.

Why? the SC created the right to abortion and gay marriage out of thin fucking air, what's to stop them from saying RKBA isn't really what the 2nd amendment was about?

You idiots opened this pandora's box where the SC basically has free reign to fuck with people, get ready to eat it.

Are you taking idiot pills or something? The SC did NOT create gay marriage or the right to abortion. Those are inherent rights. THE USA cannot take away and inherent right without a compelling reason. There is NO compelling reason to say two same sex people can't get married, nor is there a compelling reason to say the government has the right over a woman's body.

The 2nd is an enumerated right. The only way to overturn it is a constitutional amendment.


there is no "inherent right" to an abortion, I do not see it espoused in any texts, of any revolutions that had the goal of a free society. It's made up, flim flam, the imaginations of 5 of 9 unelected lawyers.

Gay marriage is another made up right, purely because 5 of 9 unelected lawyers decided to speed things up and overrrule the will of the people of several states.

and as for your last statement, I simply don't trust YOU or the government to stick to that view.

You idiots change your views on things faster than a cat in a small pet store changes his appetite.

"inherent right" is a philosophical construct having no relationship to reality.

and I do have an INHERANT RIGHT to control over my own body. "gay marriage" is not the right at issue... MARRIAGE IS... and the HIGH COURT said that was a FUNDAMENTAL RIGHT back in Loving v Virginia. We've had this discussion.

Again, this is why women and minorities won't vote for your winger candidates. there are actual important issues facing us now. My right to reproductive choice or my gay friends' right to have a family aren't those important issues.

The Age of Enlightenment concept is the basis of the US BIl of Rights and, for those of you who care, the UN Declaration of Human Rights.

What do you consider Trumps most "Bigoted" policy?
I have to point out at least once a day that it amuses me when people who don't have two synapses to rub together think they can opine on other people's intellect. poor dear. do you even realize how very stupid you are?
I have to point out at least once a day that it amuses me when people who don't have two synapses to rub together think they can opine on other people's intellect. poor dear. do you even realize how very stupid you are?
USMB must be scraping the bottom of the barrel having Jillian troll for them :)
It doesn't matter who the GOP puts up. The Dimocrats have the #'s to win the one national election we have.
The only concern they should have is getting their voters to the polls.

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