Republicans in Panic?

If Republicans allow George Soros to choose their candidate as well as The Democrat Party candidate then, yeah, America loses.


I was really kind of hoping for some actual responses... you know, where people think.

Then I suggest more than a 1 line "statement" followed by a link.

the link is there for the article to be read. copyright and all that. :)

you don't think the grownups in the party should be concerned?

you don't think the grownups in the party should be concerned?

The grownups realize Trump and Carson arent' going to reach the finish line

doesn't seem that way. we're not far away from the early states and they're not shaking trump and carson yet. it's embarrassing as an American to see. pity that once again the base is going to reject the candidate who can actually win. last time it was Huntsman, this time Kasich. They're too decent for the vitriol spewing, foaming at the mouth base. yet, Kasich would bring ohio with him and no republican has ever won without Ohio.

There is nothing to be "embarrassed" about with Trump.

Save you spin.
The GOP establishment is worried.They want a candidate they can control. A nice, polite, moderate, candidate who will quietly and politely lose.

Voters are excited, about Trump.


not "voters".... gross ignorant classless bigots are excited about trump.

everyone else is embarrassed at the thought that you all are taking him seriously.
I was really kind of hoping for some actual responses... you know, where people think.

Then I suggest more than a 1 line "statement" followed by a link.

the link is there for the article to be read. copyright and all that. :)

you don't think the grownups in the party should be concerned?

you don't think the grownups in the party should be concerned?

The grownups realize Trump and Carson arent' going to reach the finish line

doesn't seem that way. we're not far away from the early states and they're not shaking trump and carson yet. it's embarrassing as an American to see. pity that once again the base is going to reject the candidate who can actually win. last time it was Huntsman, this time Kasich. They're too decent for the vitriol spewing, foaming at the mouth base. yet, Kasich would bring ohio with him and no republican has ever won without Ohio.

There is nothing to be "embarrassed" about with Trump.

Save you spin.

there is EVERYTHING to be embarrassed about with trump.

save your delusions.
I have to point out at least once a day that it amuses me when people who don't have two synapses to rub together think they can opine on other people's intellect. poor dear. do you even realize how very stupid you are?
I have to point out at least once a day that it amuses me when people who don't have two synapses to rub together think they can opine on other people's intellect. poor dear. do you even realize how very stupid you are?
Then I suggest more than a 1 line "statement" followed by a link.

the link is there for the article to be read. copyright and all that. :)

you don't think the grownups in the party should be concerned?

you don't think the grownups in the party should be concerned?

The grownups realize Trump and Carson arent' going to reach the finish line

doesn't seem that way. we're not far away from the early states and they're not shaking trump and carson yet. it's embarrassing as an American to see. pity that once again the base is going to reject the candidate who can actually win. last time it was Huntsman, this time Kasich. They're too decent for the vitriol spewing, foaming at the mouth base. yet, Kasich would bring ohio with him and no republican has ever won without Ohio.

There is nothing to be "embarrassed" about with Trump.

Save you spin.

there is EVERYTHING to be embarrassed about with trump.

save your delusions.

Like what? Because he has the audacity to call people who are here illegally illegals?

Oh, the horror!!!!!!!
The GOP establishment is worried.They want a candidate they can control. A nice, polite, moderate, candidate who will quietly and politely lose.

Voters are excited, about Trump.


not "voters".... gross ignorant classless bigots are excited about trump.

everyone else is embarrassed at the thought that you all are taking him seriously.

Is that another one of those "thoughtful" posts?

And you can stick your Race Card where the Sun does not shine.
not "voters".... gross ignorant classless bigots are excited about trump.

everyone else is embarrassed at the thought that you all are taking him seriously.
You like Hillary because she's a Lesbian, that's all. Everyone is embarrassed that you all take Hillary even slightly seriously.
I was really kind of hoping for some actual responses... you know, where people think.

Then I suggest more than a 1 line "statement" followed by a link.

the link is there for the article to be read. copyright and all that. :)

you don't think the grownups in the party should be concerned?

you don't think the grownups in the party should be concerned?

The grownups realize Trump and Carson arent' going to reach the finish line

doesn't seem that way. we're not far away from the early states and they're not shaking trump and carson yet. it's embarrassing as an American to see. pity that once again the base is going to reject the candidate who can actually win. last time it was Huntsman, this time Kasich. They're too decent for the vitriol spewing, foaming at the mouth base. yet, Kasich would bring ohio with him and no republican has ever won without Ohio.

There is nothing to be "embarrassed" about with Trump.

Save you spin.

Maybe you're not embarrassed; Trump and Carson leading in the polls for the Nomination for POTUS should embarrass all Americans, for such polling data reflects poorly on all of us.
The GOP establishment is worried.They want a candidate they can control. A nice, polite, moderate, candidate who will quietly and politely lose.

Voters are excited, about Trump.


not "voters".... gross ignorant classless bigots are excited about trump.

everyone else is embarrassed at the thought that you all are taking him seriously.

You live in a bubble dear, a LWNJ echo chamber.

You and your ilk have been wrong about Trump since day 1.

He's been dead and buried at least a dozen times now.....:rofl:
The GOP establishment is worried.They want a candidate they can control. A nice, polite, moderate, candidate who will quietly and politely lose.

Voters are excited, about Trump.


not "voters".... gross ignorant classless bigots are excited about trump.

everyone else is embarrassed at the thought that you all are taking him seriously.

I feel sorry for the dems:

'not "voters".... gross ignorant classless sheep are excited about hillary.

everyone else is embarrassed at the thought that you all are taking her seriously.'
Then I suggest more than a 1 line "statement" followed by a link.

the link is there for the article to be read. copyright and all that. :)

you don't think the grownups in the party should be concerned?

you don't think the grownups in the party should be concerned?

The grownups realize Trump and Carson arent' going to reach the finish line

doesn't seem that way. we're not far away from the early states and they're not shaking trump and carson yet. it's embarrassing as an American to see. pity that once again the base is going to reject the candidate who can actually win. last time it was Huntsman, this time Kasich. They're too decent for the vitriol spewing, foaming at the mouth base. yet, Kasich would bring ohio with him and no republican has ever won without Ohio.

There is nothing to be "embarrassed" about with Trump.

Save you spin.

Maybe you're not embarrassed; Trump and Carson leading in the polls for the Nomination for POTUS should embarrass all Americans, for such polling data reflects poorly on all of us.

he's not embarrassed because those candidates appeal to the lowest common denominator.... venom spewing bigots.
Then I suggest more than a 1 line "statement" followed by a link.

the link is there for the article to be read. copyright and all that. :)

you don't think the grownups in the party should be concerned?

you don't think the grownups in the party should be concerned?

The grownups realize Trump and Carson arent' going to reach the finish line

doesn't seem that way. we're not far away from the early states and they're not shaking trump and carson yet. it's embarrassing as an American to see. pity that once again the base is going to reject the candidate who can actually win. last time it was Huntsman, this time Kasich. They're too decent for the vitriol spewing, foaming at the mouth base. yet, Kasich would bring ohio with him and no republican has ever won without Ohio.

There is nothing to be "embarrassed" about with Trump.

Save you spin.

Maybe you're not embarrassed; Trump and Carson leading in the polls for the Nomination for POTUS should embarrass all Americans, for such polling data reflects poorly on all of us.

Another denizen of the LWNJ echo chamber chimes in with inane talking points.....

The GOP establishment is worried.They want a candidate they can control. A nice, polite, moderate, candidate who will quietly and politely lose.

Voters are excited, about Trump.


not "voters".... gross ignorant classless bigots are excited about trump.

everyone else is embarrassed at the thought that you all are taking him seriously.

You live in a bubble dear, a LWNJ echo chamber.

You and your ilk have been wrong about Trump since day 1.

He's been dead and buried at least a dozen times now.....:rofl:

and yet, Z you've been wrong the last two presidential cycles. i'm not saying they're GOING to get the nomination. i'm saying, and what the Washington Post is saying is that the party can't figure out how to put a silver bullet into those candidacies. and they're more frightened about the idea that cruz is coming up behind them. and it's a big late for trump to maintain a lead for this long. it isn't what happened with the musical chairs game of the last presidential election.
seems the party is concerned that the "base" is taking over the asylum

Time for GOP panic? Establishment worried Carson or Trump might win.


According to other Republicans, some in the party establishment are so desperate to change the dynamic that they are talking anew about drafting Romney — despite his insistence that he will not run again. Friends have mapped out a strategy for a late entry to pick up delegates and vie for the nomination in a convention fight, according to the Republicans who were briefed on the talks, though Romney has shown no indication of reviving his interest.

For months, the GOP professional class assumed Trump and Carson would fizzle with time. Voters would get serious, the thinking went, after seeing the outsiders share a stage with more experienced politicians at the first debate. Or when summer turned to fall, kids went back to school and parents had time to assess the candidates. Or after the second, third or fourth debates, certainly

Time for GOP panic? Establishment worried Carson or Trump might win.
For the life of me, it sounds like liberals are panicking. With Hillary as their standard-bearer and no bench whatsoever, small wonder.
Then I suggest more than a 1 line "statement" followed by a link.

the link is there for the article to be read. copyright and all that. :)

you don't think the grownups in the party should be concerned?

you don't think the grownups in the party should be concerned?

The grownups realize Trump and Carson arent' going to reach the finish line

doesn't seem that way. we're not far away from the early states and they're not shaking trump and carson yet. it's embarrassing as an American to see. pity that once again the base is going to reject the candidate who can actually win. last time it was Huntsman, this time Kasich. They're too decent for the vitriol spewing, foaming at the mouth base. yet, Kasich would bring ohio with him and no republican has ever won without Ohio.

There is nothing to be "embarrassed" about with Trump.

Save you spin.

Maybe you're not embarrassed; Trump and Carson leading in the polls for the Nomination for POTUS should embarrass all Americans, for such polling data reflects poorly on all of us.

I'm more embarrassed that HIllary is leading in the polls, than Carson or Trump leading.
Then I suggest more than a 1 line "statement" followed by a link.

the link is there for the article to be read. copyright and all that. :)

you don't think the grownups in the party should be concerned?

you don't think the grownups in the party should be concerned?

The grownups realize Trump and Carson arent' going to reach the finish line

doesn't seem that way. we're not far away from the early states and they're not shaking trump and carson yet. it's embarrassing as an American to see. pity that once again the base is going to reject the candidate who can actually win. last time it was Huntsman, this time Kasich. They're too decent for the vitriol spewing, foaming at the mouth base. yet, Kasich would bring ohio with him and no republican has ever won without Ohio.

There is nothing to be "embarrassed" about with Trump.

Save you spin.

Maybe you're not embarrassed; Trump and Carson leading in the polls for the Nomination for POTUS should embarrass all Americans, for such polling data reflects poorly on all of us.

After Obama's brilliant presidency, a half-wit ape should feel comfortable running for prez of this country, as millions of idiots (like you) will blindly line up and vote for the ape because he has a "D" after his name. Extra points and balls washed with tongue and mouth if black.

Then I suggest more than a 1 line "statement" followed by a link.

the link is there for the article to be read. copyright and all that. :)

you don't think the grownups in the party should be concerned?

you don't think the grownups in the party should be concerned?

The grownups realize Trump and Carson arent' going to reach the finish line

doesn't seem that way. we're not far away from the early states and they're not shaking trump and carson yet. it's embarrassing as an American to see. pity that once again the base is going to reject the candidate who can actually win. last time it was Huntsman, this time Kasich. They're too decent for the vitriol spewing, foaming at the mouth base. yet, Kasich would bring ohio with him and no republican has ever won without Ohio.

There is nothing to be "embarrassed" about with Trump.

Save you spin.

Maybe you're not embarrassed; Trump and Carson leading in the polls for the Nomination for POTUS should embarrass all Americans, for such polling data reflects poorly on all of us.


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