Republicans Introduce Legislation To Ban Democratic Party

I think someone should bring up legislation to ban all political parties. Candidates get elected on their own merits. And the issues become the issues, instead of who being on what side.

There is no need for political parties except to hide what the politicians are really doing.

I thought you were leaving, why are you still here?

Just to annoy you. :D
That's right, folks.

Any political party that was associated with slavery should be dismantled tomorrow.

"Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) introduced a House resolution Thursday calling on lawmakers to ban organizations or political groups that have historically supported the Confederacy or slavery in the U.S., a list he said includes the Democratic Party.

“A great portion of the history of the Democratic Party is filled with racism and hatred. Since people are demanding we rid ourselves of the entities, symbols, and reminders of the repugnant aspects of our past, then the time has come for Democrats to acknowledge their party’s loathsome and bigoted past, and consider changing their party name to something that isn’t so blatantly and offensively tied to slavery, Jim Crow, discrimination, and the Ku Klux Klan,” Gohmert said in a statement."

Gohmert's resolution seems to be incomplete...

Since the blacks are clamoring for reparations, it probably needs to accommodate them by seizing the Democrat Party's assets and diastributing them to the descendants of the party's victims....

We could start with confiscating Soros' money.
The Dimocrat party must change it's name.

Confederate monuments are being torn down, now the party of the Confederacy must do the same.
Great idea by the representative. Of course the Republican Party would likewise be given the boot. In the 1860 election they weren't politically naive. They limited their position on the slavery issue to deal only with its expansion in new western states.
Sorry bout that,

That's right, folks.

Any political party that was associated with slavery should be dismantled tomorrow.

"Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) introduced a House resolution Thursday calling on lawmakers to ban organizations or political groups that have historically supported the Confederacy or slavery in the U.S., a list he said includes the Democratic Party.

“A great portion of the history of the Democratic Party is filled with racism and hatred. Since people are demanding we rid ourselves of the entities, symbols, and reminders of the repugnant aspects of our past, then the time has come for Democrats to acknowledge their party’s loathsome and bigoted past, and consider changing their party name to something that isn’t so blatantly and offensively tied to slavery, Jim Crow, discrimination, and the Ku Klux Klan,” Gohmert said in a statement."

The Democratic Party is a domestic terrorist criminal organization that has violated the Constitution, destroyed the Rule of Law, trampled on Constitutional and Civil Rights, has and does collaborate with, facilitate, and work with terrorists and our nation's enemies - Soros, Russia, China, Iran...

They have attempted the overthrow of this govt several times and is still doing so.

In 2016 they worked with our enemies and the same BLM terrorists in an attempt to try to rip the country apart through racial hatred and violence & they are doing so in another election year, following Saul Alensky's 'Rules For Radicals' like a playbook to keep the nation divided...for their own benefit.

The President should go ahead and officially recognize the Democratic party as who they are, as we all know...

1. There really is no choice but to shut the Democratic Party down, they've done it to themselves.
2. They have systematically uprooted themselves on every issue known to man.
3. This sowing has turned into reaping, not soon enough should this crop be brought in.

Geography determined the politics more than the party. Racist ideology in the South went from the Democratic Party to the GOP.

When? With what event? What happened is that the very, very, admitted racist, Lyndon Baines Johnson, figured out how to get the blacks in America back into the Democratic plantation and keep them poor and dependent on Democrats for their lives as much as they had been a hundred years before. The Democrats filibustered the 1964 Civil Rights Act. The Democrats filibustered or otherwise prevented anti-lynching laws 240 times even though the majority, even in the south, wanted them passed:

So, once again, just when this cosmic change happen because it wasn't in 1964. It wasn't when in 2010 when both Clintons heaped praise on Robert Byrd.

It was a process:


Brilliant move..... brilliant move.
I love it, and it is justified. There is nothing else in America that has more slavery/racism history than the Democratic Party.
Yeah, this will convince minorities to change their minds about Trumpsters.

Yeah, this will convince minorities to change their minds about Trumpsters.

Mac1958.... circa 2020, all he knows

Yeah, this will convince minorities to change their minds about Trumpsters.

Mac1958.... circa 2020, all he knows

View attachment 366727
Hey, tell me:

What is the ultimate goal here? What are they trying to accomplish?

What minds will be changed, and why? What is the point of this exercise?
It is brilliant. I love it.
In Chicago, in the middle of the night while no one was looking - city workers removed a statue of Columbus.
If the Democrats are going to insist on removing all traces of America's darker past, then they should look in the mirror and remove an organization with THE most racist past in U.S. history: The Democratic Party
Yeah, this will convince minorities to change their minds about Trumpsters.

Mac1958.... circa 2020, all he knows

View attachment 366727
Hey, tell me:

What is the ultimate goal here? What are they trying to accomplish?

What minds will be changed, and why? What is the point of this exercise?
The point is simple... Expose democrats for what they are and what they have been... If were canceling everything attached to racism in america then they need to go to...
Yeah, this will convince minorities to change their minds about Trumpsters.

Mac1958.... circa 2020, all he knows

View attachment 366727
Hey, tell me:

What is the ultimate goal here? What are they trying to accomplish?

What minds will be changed, and why? What is the point of this exercise?
It is brilliant. I love it.
In Chicago, in the middle of the night while no one was looking - city workers removed a statue of Columbus.
If the Democrats are going to insist on removing all traces of America's darker past, then they should look in the mirror and remove an organization with THE most racist past in U.S. history: The Democratic Party
You didn't answer my questions.

What do you think this will accomplish?
Yeah, this will convince minorities to change their minds about Trumpsters.

Mac1958.... circa 2020, all he knows

View attachment 366727
Hey, tell me:

What is the ultimate goal here? What are they trying to accomplish?

What minds will be changed, and why? What is the point of this exercise?
The point is simple... Expose democrats for what they are and what they have been... If were canceling everything attached to racism in america then they need to go to...
And you think minorities will see this and vote for Trump?

Brilliant move..... brilliant move.
I love it, and it is justified. There is nothing else in America that has more slavery/racism history than the Democratic Party.
I guess that would be one way to win an election.

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