Republicans Introduce Legislation To Ban Democratic Party

Yes he did. And that's all you can ask from anyone. We see by the republicans here what the republican party is about. They are racist, yet try gaslighting every chance they get. Colin Powell started to run for president in 1996 but got threats from people who were going to expose his wife's mental problems. He certainly was qualified so Blaylock is lying.

Colin Powell was a liberal and no thinking Republican or conservative wanted him as president - it wasn't because of his skin color. The problem with racists is that they see everything through race-colored lenses. If you walk past my car and I lock my door, it's because you're black. But you don't see that if anyone, even white men in suits and ties, walks past my car and my door is not locke, I lock my door. There's plenty of individual racists and racism in all races but not everything that happens between people of different races is about race. It's only about race to the racist.

Exactly HOW was he a liberal?
That's right, folks.

Any political party that was associated with slavery should be dismantled tomorrow.

"Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) introduced a House resolution Thursday calling on lawmakers to ban organizations or political groups that have historically supported the Confederacy or slavery in the U.S., a list he said includes the Democratic Party.

“A great portion of the history of the Democratic Party is filled with racism and hatred. Since people are demanding we rid ourselves of the entities, symbols, and reminders of the repugnant aspects of our past, then the time has come for Democrats to acknowledge their party’s loathsome and bigoted past, and consider changing their party name to something that isn’t so blatantly and offensively tied to slavery, Jim Crow, discrimination, and the Ku Klux Klan,” Gohmert said in a statement."

Republicans, being mostly uneducated idiots, seem to be outlawing themselves, since their candidate, and president, U.S. Grant, was a slaveholder. Then again, I shouldn't have mentioned it, since we depend on the GOP to self-destruct through ignorance on a regular basis.

  • Grant was a slaveholder through his wife Julia. When Richmond fell to the Union army, only one person was allowed to be escorted through the streets of Richmond by a servant. That person was Julia Dent Grant and she openly flaunted that fact.

Sorry petunia, Grant and Lincoln freed the slaves and you can't just rewrite history to make you feel all warn and fuzzy.
Geography determined the politics more than the party. Racist ideology in the South went from the Democratic Party to the GOP.

When? With what event? What happened is that the very, very, admitted racist, Lyndon Baines Johnson, figured out how to get the blacks in America back into the Democratic plantation and keep them poor and dependent on Democrats for their lives as much as they had been a hundred years before. The Democrats filibustered the 1964 Civil Rights Act. The Democrats filibustered or otherwise prevented anti-lynching laws 240 times even though the majority, even in the south, wanted them passed:

So, once again, just when this cosmic change happen because it wasn't in 1964. It wasn't when in 2010 when both Clintons heaped praise on Robert Byrd.
This has to be the four hundred and eight seventh time that republicans try to convince that they're clean and pure and are of the same breed of people that freed the slaves. Not true guys. If it were, republicans wouldn't try to keep blacks from voting like they do.
I think someone should bring up legislation to ban all political parties. Candidates get elected on their own merits. And the issues become the issues, instead of who being on what side.

There is no need for political parties except to hide what the politicians are really doing.

I thought you were leaving, why are you still here?
Yes he did. And that's all you can ask from anyone. We see by the republicans here what the republican party is about. They are racist, yet try gaslighting every chance they get. Colin Powell started to run for president in 1996 but got threats from people who were going to expose his wife's mental problems. He certainly was qualified so Blaylock is lying.

Colin Powell was a liberal and no thinking Republican or conservative wanted him as president - it wasn't because of his skin color. The problem with racists is that they see everything through race-colored lenses. If you walk past my car and I lock my door, it's because you're black. But you don't see that if anyone, even white men in suits and ties, walks past my car and my door is not locke, I lock my door. There's plenty of individual racists and racism in all races but not everything that happens between people of different races is about race. It's only about race to the racist.

Exactly HOW was he a liberal?

He convinced Bush 41 to stop short of eliminating Saddam Hussein's rule in Iraq, leading to the death of hundreds of thousands of Iraqis even before his son started another war to clean up his father's legacy. Add to those deaths the hundreds of thousands more, including Americans dead because of Powell's peacenik views.

He's pro abortion.

He supports open borders.

He created the don't-ask-don't-tell program that brought homosexuality into the armed forces.

Oh, and for a poor man who made it in the Army, he's somehow worth 45 million dollars...typical crooked politician.
Yes he did. And that's all you can ask from anyone. We see by the republicans here what the republican party is about. They are racist, yet try gaslighting every chance they get. Colin Powell started to run for president in 1996 but got threats from people who were going to expose his wife's mental problems. He certainly was qualified so Blaylock is lying.

Colin Powell was a liberal and no thinking Republican or conservative wanted him as president - it wasn't because of his skin color. The problem with racists is that they see everything through race-colored lenses. If you walk past my car and I lock my door, it's because you're black. But you don't see that if anyone, even white men in suits and ties, walks past my car and my door is not locke, I lock my door. There's plenty of individual racists and racism in all races but not everything that happens between people of different races is about race. It's only about race to the racist.
No that's not how things work. Whites like yourself like believing that but when you live your life facing racism, you pretty much know what racism is. Colin Powell was a republican who could have beaten Clinton in 1996. Maybe YOU didn't consider Powell's color, but a whole lot of republicans did. I know, because I lived in a republican state when he was considering. You talk that individual racism in all races shit but you won't find but one race that turned it's racism into laws.
This has to be the four hundred and eight seventh time that republicans try to convince that they're clean and pure and are of the same breed of people that freed the slaves. Not true guys. If it were, republicans wouldn't try to keep blacks from voting like they do.

Republicans have no desire to prevent blacks from voting. Some republicans pretend to have a desire to keep non-citizens from voting. They don't really mean it, of course, but they pretend.
Yes he did. And that's all you can ask from anyone. We see by the republicans here what the republican party is about. They are racist, yet try gaslighting every chance they get. Colin Powell started to run for president in 1996 but got threats from people who were going to expose his wife's mental problems. He certainly was qualified so Blaylock is lying.

Colin Powell was a liberal and no thinking Republican or conservative wanted him as president - it wasn't because of his skin color. The problem with racists is that they see everything through race-colored lenses. If you walk past my car and I lock my door, it's because you're black. But you don't see that if anyone, even white men in suits and ties, walks past my car and my door is not locke, I lock my door. There's plenty of individual racists and racism in all races but not everything that happens between people of different races is about race. It's only about race to the racist.

Exactly HOW was he a liberal?

He convinced Bush 41 to stop short of eliminating Saddam Hussein's rule in Iraq, leading to the death of hundreds of thousands of Iraqis even before his son started another war to clean up his father's legacy. Add to those deaths the hundreds of thousands more, including Americans dead because of Powell's peacenik views.

He's pro abortion.

He supports open borders.

He created the don't-ask-don't-tell program that brought homosexuality into the armed forces.

Oh, and for a poor man who made it in the Army, he's somehow worth 45 million dollars...typical crooked politician.
The Black General on Mars Attacks was exactly like Colin Powell :D
Republicans, being mostly uneducated idiots, seem to be outlawing themselves, since their candidate, and president, U.S. Grant, was a slaveholder. Then again, I shouldn't have mentioned it, since we depend on the GOP to self-destruct through ignorance on a regular basis.

  • Grant was a slaveholder through his wife Julia. When Richmond fell to the Union army, only one person was allowed to be escorted through the streets of Richmond by a servant. That person was Julia Dent Grant and she openly flaunted that fact.

Republicans didn't create the cancel culture; leftists and Democrats did. Funny, though, that they still don't want to cancel their own - especially including Joe Biden.
Yes he did. And that's all you can ask from anyone. We see by the republicans here what the republican party is about. They are racist, yet try gaslighting every chance they get. Colin Powell started to run for president in 1996 but got threats from people who were going to expose his wife's mental problems. He certainly was qualified so Blaylock is lying.

Colin Powell was a liberal and no thinking Republican or conservative wanted him as president - it wasn't because of his skin color. The problem with racists is that they see everything through race-colored lenses. If you walk past my car and I lock my door, it's because you're black. But you don't see that if anyone, even white men in suits and ties, walks past my car and my door is not locke, I lock my door. There's plenty of individual racists and racism in all races but not everything that happens between people of different races is about race. It's only about race to the racist.

Exactly HOW was he a liberal?

He convinced Bush 41 to stop short of eliminating Saddam Hussein's rule in Iraq, leading to the death of hundreds of thousands of Iraqis even before his son started another war to clean up his father's legacy. Add to those deaths the hundreds of thousands more, including Americans dead because of Powell's peacenik views.

He's pro abortion.

He supports open borders.

He created the don't-ask-don't-tell program that brought homosexuality into the armed forces.

Oh, and for a poor man who made it in the Army, he's somehow worth 45 million dollars...typical crooked politician.
He was a soldier who knew what it would take to fight in Iraq. The rest of your bullshit is irrelevant. Gays have always been in the military. Powell is 83 years old and has written books and been paid for speaking engagements after he left office. And Generals are paid very well. You are here because Native Americans had open borders and who cares if Powell was pro abortion.
Republicans, being mostly uneducated idiots, seem to be outlawing themselves, since their candidate, and president, U.S. Grant, was a slaveholder. Then again, I shouldn't have mentioned it, since we depend on the GOP to self-destruct through ignorance on a regular basis.

  • Grant was a slaveholder through his wife Julia. When Richmond fell to the Union army, only one person was allowed to be escorted through the streets of Richmond by a servant. That person was Julia Dent Grant and she openly flaunted that fact.

Republicans didn't create the cancel culture; leftists and Democrats did. Funny, though, that they still don't want to cancel their own - especially including Joe Biden.
The cancel culture began with the founders who literally cancelled all non white cultures from citizenship.
Yes he did. And that's all you can ask from anyone. We see by the republicans here what the republican party is about. They are racist, yet try gaslighting every chance they get. Colin Powell started to run for president in 1996 but got threats from people who were going to expose his wife's mental problems. He certainly was qualified so Blaylock is lying.

Colin Powell was a liberal and no thinking Republican or conservative wanted him as president - it wasn't because of his skin color. The problem with racists is that they see everything through race-colored lenses. If you walk past my car and I lock my door, it's because you're black. But you don't see that if anyone, even white men in suits and ties, walks past my car and my door is not locke, I lock my door. There's plenty of individual racists and racism in all races but not everything that happens between people of different races is about race. It's only about race to the racist.

Exactly HOW was he a liberal?

He convinced Bush 41 to stop short of eliminating Saddam Hussein's rule in Iraq, leading to the death of hundreds of thousands of Iraqis even before his son started another war to clean up his father's legacy. Add to those deaths the hundreds of thousands more, including Americans dead because of Powell's peacenik views.

He's pro abortion.

He supports open borders.

He created the don't-ask-don't-tell program that brought homosexuality into the armed forces.

Oh, and for a poor man who made it in the Army, he's somehow worth 45 million dollars...typical crooked politician.

Yes. Because he and Bush were wiser then those who followed - what happens AFTER you topple a dictator? A years long bloody civil war that cost how many lives and that we are still emeshed in? You would seriously question that?

Not all Republicans are social conservatives.
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That's right, folks.

Any political party that was associated with slavery should be dismantled tomorrow.

"Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) introduced a House resolution Thursday calling on lawmakers to ban organizations or political groups that have historically supported the Confederacy or slavery in the U.S., a list he said includes the Democratic Party.

“A great portion of the history of the Democratic Party is filled with racism and hatred. Since people are demanding we rid ourselves of the entities, symbols, and reminders of the repugnant aspects of our past, then the time has come for Democrats to acknowledge their party’s loathsome and bigoted past, and consider changing their party name to something that isn’t so blatantly and offensively tied to slavery, Jim Crow, discrimination, and the Ku Klux Klan,” Gohmert said in a statement."

Republicans, being mostly uneducated idiots, seem to be outlawing themselves, since their candidate, and president, U.S. Grant, was a slaveholder. Then again, I shouldn't have mentioned it, since we depend on the GOP to self-destruct through ignorance on a regular basis.

  • Grant was a slaveholder through his wife Julia. When Richmond fell to the Union army, only one person was allowed to be escorted through the streets of Richmond by a servant. That person was Julia Dent Grant and she openly flaunted that fact.

Sorry petunia, Grant and Lincoln freed the slaves and you can't just rewrite history to make you feel all warn and fuzzy.

Well, pal, I did not see anything in the GOP bill being proposed that exempted Grant from having his party banned for getting a slaveholder elected. But, then, the GOP seldom mentions Grant, since he had the single most corrupt administration up to 2016.
  • Thanks
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Republicans, being mostly uneducated idiots, seem to be outlawing themselves, since their candidate, and president, U.S. Grant, was a slaveholder. Then again, I shouldn't have mentioned it, since we depend on the GOP to self-destruct through ignorance on a regular basis.

  • Grant was a slaveholder through his wife Julia. When Richmond fell to the Union army, only one person was allowed to be escorted through the streets of Richmond by a servant. That person was Julia Dent Grant and she openly flaunted that fact.

Republicans didn't create the cancel culture; leftists and Democrats did. Funny, though, that they still don't want to cancel their own - especially including Joe Biden.

Actually, wrong again. All the statues of confederate heroes were erected around the turn of the century through the 1920's, as a direct response to the rise of the KKK during that time..That, dear sir, is "cancel culture". It is a shame more parents do not include history in home schooling.
Yes he did. And that's all you can ask from anyone. We see by the republicans here what the republican party is about. They are racist, yet try gaslighting every chance they get. Colin Powell started to run for president in 1996 but got threats from people who were going to expose his wife's mental problems. He certainly was qualified so Blaylock is lying.

Colin Powell was a liberal and no thinking Republican or conservative wanted him as president - it wasn't because of his skin color. The problem with racists is that they see everything through race-colored lenses. If you walk past my car and I lock my door, it's because you're black. But you don't see that if anyone, even white men in suits and ties, walks past my car and my door is not locke, I lock my door. There's plenty of individual racists and racism in all races but not everything that happens between people of different races is about race. It's only about race to the racist.
That's right, folks.

Any political party that was associated with slavery should be dismantled tomorrow.

"Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) introduced a House resolution Thursday calling on lawmakers to ban organizations or political groups that have historically supported the Confederacy or slavery in the U.S., a list he said includes the Democratic Party.

“A great portion of the history of the Democratic Party is filled with racism and hatred. Since people are demanding we rid ourselves of the entities, symbols, and reminders of the repugnant aspects of our past, then the time has come for Democrats to acknowledge their party’s loathsome and bigoted past, and consider changing their party name to something that isn’t so blatantly and offensively tied to slavery, Jim Crow, discrimination, and the Ku Klux Klan,” Gohmert said in a statement."

Republicans, being mostly uneducated idiots, seem to be outlawing themselves, since their candidate, and president, U.S. Grant, was a slaveholder. Then again, I shouldn't have mentioned it, since we depend on the GOP to self-destruct through ignorance on a regular basis.

  • Grant was a slaveholder through his wife Julia. When Richmond fell to the Union army, only one person was allowed to be escorted through the streets of Richmond by a servant. That person was Julia Dent Grant and she openly flaunted that fact.

Sorry petunia, Grant and Lincoln freed the slaves and you can't just rewrite history to make you feel all warn and fuzzy.

Well, pal, I did not see anything in the GOP bill being proposed that exempted Grant from having his party banned for getting a slaveholder elected. But, then, the GOP seldom mentions Grant, since he had the single most corrupt administration up to 2016.

You can sit around penning revisionist history all you want but it can't change the fact that Lincoln and Grant freed the slaves and kicked you Democrats to the curb.

My only question is why are you now toppling your participation trophy statues of the Civil War? Is it so you can rewrite history without them? That's all you've been doing.
This confirms why Gohmert is widely considered to be America's dumbest congressman.

“widely considered” - by whom?

Factually speaking, the South was largely Democrat and held firm on Slavery. Democrats resisted Republican reconstruction post civil wae and fought against voting and civil rights via Jim Crow through the 1960s. The KKK was started by Democrats. All of this is factually part of Democrat legacy. It’s time to rename the Party.
That's right, folks.

Any political party that was associated with slavery should be dismantled tomorrow.

"Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) introduced a House resolution Thursday calling on lawmakers to ban organizations or political groups that have historically supported the Confederacy or slavery in the U.S., a list he said includes the Democratic Party.

“A great portion of the history of the Democratic Party is filled with racism and hatred. Since people are demanding we rid ourselves of the entities, symbols, and reminders of the repugnant aspects of our past, then the time has come for Democrats to acknowledge their party’s loathsome and bigoted past, and consider changing their party name to something that isn’t so blatantly and offensively tied to slavery, Jim Crow, discrimination, and the Ku Klux Klan,” Gohmert said in a statement."

Gohmert's resolution seems to be incomplete...

Since the blacks are clamoring for reparations, it probably needs to accommodate them by seizing the Democrat Party's assets and diastributing them to the descendants of the party's victims....

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