Republicans just confirmed climate change denier Wacky Jim Bridenstine as the head of NASA

Sounds like he is the perfect guy to lead the agency who was busted several times under Obama falsifying data to push the libtards' 'religion'...
1. does the guy know how to lead a sizable organization?

2. can he light a fire under NASA's collective arse to get back out into space again on a larger scale?

3. does he want to go to Mars sooner rather than later, and back to the Moon as well?

4. will he do Cadet Bone Spurs' bidding in such an effort?

If the answer to all four is "Yes", then, that's the end of it.


NASA lost its way long ago; resting on its laurels, never progressing beyond the Shuttle program, then regressing back to the Capsule Era.

Time for somebody to get in there, kick ass on a very large scale, and bring-in new, imaginative, bold, adventuresome leadership and staff.

They've been boring the $hit out of me for twenty years now... time for an agency-wide metaphorical enema... less talk... more bold adventure.
In 2013, Jim Bridenstine made an absurd claim: that global temperatures “stopped rising 10 years ago.” In fact, the 5 hottest years have all been since 2010. 17 of the 18 hottest years on record have been since 2000.

You mean gullible warming? We just had our THIRD snowfall of the year and we aren't out of November yet. BTW, number 4 is scheduled for tomorrow morning. Our schools had never had a snow day in November in my entire lifetime, and I just turned 58! We had two already and are looking at number three in the morning.

LMAO Global warming for sure.

Hell where I used to live in NH they have already had feet of snow and the temps at 8 degrees for the day. Yup. Global warming.

Al Gore already laughed his way to the bank with his Global Warming gig.
Great news, climate change has nothing to do with NASA, and the best way to guarantee that it won't become in any way relevant in their mission is to put a denier on charge.

With this we will be populating Mars in no time.
In 2013, Jim Bridenstine made an absurd claim: that global temperatures “stopped rising 10 years ago.” In fact, the 5 hottest years have all been since 2010. 17 of the 18 hottest years on record have been since 2000.
means nothing; we are into quantum theory now and every potential possibility should be accounted for as much as possible.

Climate change Happens regardless of Man's input.

Evolution solutions may require, StarGate technology.
1. does the guy know how to lead a sizable organization?

2. can he light a fire under NASA's collective arse to get back out into space again on a larger scale?

3. does he want to go to Mars sooner rather than later, and back to the Moon as well?

4. will he do Cadet Bone Spurs' bidding in such an effort?

If the answer to all four is "Yes", then, that's the end of it.


NASA lost its way long ago; resting on its laurels, never progressing beyond the Shuttle program, then regressing back to the Capsule Era.

Time for somebody to get in there, kick ass on a very large scale, and bring-in new, imaginative, bold, adventuresome leadership and staff.

They've been boring the $hit out of me for twenty years now... time for an agency-wide metaphorical enema... less talk... more bold adventure.
He's a tRump appointee so it's highly unlikely the answers to those questions are "yes".
In 2013, Jim Bridenstine made an absurd claim: that global temperatures “stopped rising 10 years ago.” In fact, the 5 hottest years have all been since 2010. 17 of the 18 hottest years on record have been since 2000.

You mean gullible warming? We just had our THIRD snowfall of the year and we aren't out of November yet. BTW, number 4 is scheduled for tomorrow morning. Our schools had never had a snow day in November in my entire lifetime, and I just turned 58! We had two already and are looking at number three in the morning.

LMAO Global warming for sure.

Hell where I used to live in NH they have already had feet of snow and the temps at 8 degrees for the day. Yup. Global warming.

Al Gore already laughed his way to the bank with his Global Warming gig.

"Al Gore Predicts Massive Apocalypse If Billions Are Not Spent On His Books, Films


Several scientists on the panel agreed wholeheartedly with Gore’s assessment. “The evidence is irrefutable,” said Dr. Sufjan Swami of Johns Hopkins University. “To not buy Al’s books and movies at a time like this is tantamount to treason.” Various experts on the panel all agreed that it was time for all countries and communities to come together and commit all of their resources to the purchase of Al Gore’s books and movies.

At publishing time, sources had confirmed that Gore then switched to simulated footage of people melting in a massive inferno for buying the latest Stephen King or James Patterson novel instead of his books."
Al Gore Predicts Massive Apocalypse If Billions Are Not Spent On His Books, Films

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