Republicans Just Lost the Alaska House Seat


What are you demanding that repubs do to satisfy blood thirsty lib women who want to kill innocent children?
I don’t think any demands are being made. I think you just need to acknowledge the fact that you guys just pissed off a whole lot of people, especially women, with your abortion ruling.

Approximately 2/3 of women want abortion to be legal in most cases. There’s not much room for compromise when it comes to that. Abortion is something you don’t want, and I’m sure you’re happy with the Supreme Court ruling, but there’s a price for that. It very well may cost you the Senate.

I think a red wave was expected in 2022. I don’t see that happening now. I think Republicans take the House and Democrats hold the Senate. We’ll see. You also played right into the Democrats’ hands by giving them a political talking point that they will be able to use for decades.

“Hey remember that time Democrats didn’t vote and then Republicans were able to take away women’s rights to their own bodies? Yea. That’s what happens when you let Republicans win. Vote blue.“

You’re waffling. If the GOP states’ legislators agreed to some limitations on the general ban on abortion (such as the life or health of the mother, cases of incest or rape, embryonic or fetal non-survivability) could we cobble an agreement out of the Dem states’ legislators?

That had been the question. Now it’s more pointed and specific. But I believe you’re not really interested in any compromise. Life? Pfft. Fuck it.

Also, this discussion isn’t about gun violence” or your “homeless” problem etc. try to focus.
I could accept the existing restrictions on abortion before the SC decision. Abortions ok within the first trimester for any reason, then restricted to exceptional circumstances such as rape, incest, birth defect, viability of the fetus, health or life of the mother.
I don’t think any demands are being made. I think you just need to acknowledge the fact that you guys just pissed off a whole lot of people, especially women, with your abortion ruling.

Approximately 2/3 of women want abortion to be legal in most cases. There’s not much room for compromise when it comes to that. Abortion is something you don’t want, and I’m sure you’re happy with the Supreme Court ruling, but there’s a price for that. It very well may cost you the Senate.

I think a red wave was expected in 2022. I don’t see that happening now. I think Republicans take the House and Democrats hold the Senate. We’ll see. You also played right into the Democrats’ hands by giving them a political talking point that they will be able to use for decades.

“Hey remember that time Democrats didn’t vote and then Republicans were able to take away women’s rights to their own bodies? Yea. That’s what happens when you let Republicans win. Vote blue.“

I cant change the Supreme Court decision

And I cant change the fact that I agree with the decision

If politics were all that mattered I would be pro abortion

because most of the babies being aborted are from lib women

More abortions mean fewer libs in the future
Palin has been declared the loser. Could it maybe be that she lost her patina years ago?

Anyway, one whole house seat. Yessireebob. Definitely means the red wave is doomed. Definitely. 😂

Republicans lost a swing district House seat in NY. A seat in Minnesota was held by Republicans by 4 points in a district Trump won by 15. Then you have a anti-abortion amendment losing by 18 in deep red Kansas.
Alaska doesn't like a serial quitter.

That was not her problem. The problem was that she did very little campaigning. She did not participate in any candidate forums. She refused to do any interviews. She was running as if she was the incumbent and expected to win on Trump's endorsement.
I think this shows what an absolute clusterfuck that ranked voting is, as it creates this kind of mess. And yes, while I'm happy with the result, it's a convoluted way to hold elections.

Probably far better to have run off elections if no one gets 50%. Then you can focus your contest into two points of view.
Alaska election officials carried out the instant-runoff process Wednesday for the Aug. 16 special election for the state’s only House seat, and former Democratic state Rep. Mary Peltola has scored a dramatic pickup for her party by defeating Republican Sarah Palin 51-49.

Alaska election officials carried out the instant-runoff process Wednesday for the Aug. 16 special election for the state’s only House seat, and former Democratic state Rep. Mary Peltola has scored a dramatic pickup for her party by defeating Republican Sarah Palin 51-49.

Appears the new vote ranking system AK employed had a predictable outcome. Two GOP vs 1 Dem, votes split, Dem who had 10% of the vote in the first ballot wins. GOP lose with 56% of the vote due to them splitting.

This is how it works in Canada with three parties, where NDP are generally just spoilers in federal elections.
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It is far more democratic...

This ended up a one v one so the ranked choice had nothing to do with it...

The bad system for you is democracy...

You have made it clear that if you lose democratically you will call it rigged and want the more coup system.

I don't think ranked voting is a good thing. I think it is needlessly convoluted.

Had they gone to a runoff, they would have had a completely different result.
Dear Republicans,

Keep pretending that Dobbs and Trump don’t matter to the electorate.


The Real World

um she was the incumbent…

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