Republicans Just Lost the Alaska House Seat

Dear Snowflakes, keep pretending Democrats are not desperate to make the 2022 Midterms about Trump instead of their and Biden's failures, crimes, and failed policies that have screwed the country / Americans...

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Why is this surprising? As the article says, Peltola is a local law maker who reportedly ran on local issues and concerns (something Cheney didn't do & it cost her).

Polls show Americans are more concerned with the economy, Inflation, etc... Avoid those, politicians, at your own risk...
Sure see MI and their republics on the state election board trying to keep the Right of Privacy off the November ballot.
Sure see MI and their republics on the state election board trying to keep the Right of Privacy off the November ballot.
Yeah, after violating the Constitution, the Patriot Act, Defrauding the FISA Court, illegally spying on Americans, and conducting an historic unprecedented heavily-armed raid on the house of the President they illegally spied on,the Democrats are a lock to win on their record of protecting Ameticans' Constitutional Rights,to include their right to.privacy...

laughing hilariously.jpg
So, middle ground then. If the GOP legislators in the various states (it now being a state and not a federal issue) agree to such reasonable limits to abortions, do you think our Dem legislators might at long last embrace life and agree to end abortion on demand for mere convenience?
I suppose that 2% reproductive freedom is better than 0%, but I doubt that would have much support among dem legislators. Most of them feel that abortion should be an inalienable right or at least a personal matter and not subject to the whims of politicians and religious zealots.
Yeah, after violating the Constitution, the Patriot Act, Defrauding the FISA Court, illegally spying on Americans, and conducting an historic unprecedented heavily-armed raid on the house of the President they illegally spied on,the Democrats are a lock to win on their record of protecting Ameticans' Constitutional Rights,to include their right to.privacy...

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What right to privacy? Didn't repugs just do away with that?
I suppose that 2% reproductive freedom is better than 0%, but I doubt that would have much support among dem legislators. Most of them feel that abortion should be an inalienable right or at least a personal matter and not subject to the whims of politicians and religious zealots.
And most republicans have this notion that life ought to be protected. Especially innocent helpless life.
Dear Republicans,

Keep pretending that Dobbs and Trump don’t matter to the electorate.


The Real World

Fake news,
Not likely....Ranked clusterfuck voting is the surest way to keep establishmentarian leftists in power....See: Janet Mills....Lost the election outright, but relied on the fractional place and show votes

Sure, which is why Susan Collins had no problem getting reelected.
Just not the lives of the mothers, the rape victims, the mass shooting victims, the hungry, the homeless, the sick, the poor, etc.
You’re waffling. If the GOP states’ legislators agreed to some limitations on the general ban on abortion (such as the life or health of the mother, cases of incest or rape, embryonic or fetal non-survivability) could we cobble an agreement out of the Dem states’ legislators?

That had been the question. Now it’s more pointed and specific. But I believe you’re not really interested in any compromise. Life? Pfft. Fuck it.

Also, this discussion isn’t about gun violence” or your “homeless” problem etc. try to focus.

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