Republicans Just Lost the Alaska House Seat

I don’t think any demands are being made. I think you just need to acknowledge the fact that you guys just pissed off a whole lot of people, especially women, with your abortion ruling.

Approximately 2/3 of women want abortion to be legal in most cases. There’s not much room for compromise when it comes to that. Abortion is something you don’t want, and I’m sure you’re happy with the Supreme Court ruling, but there’s a price for that. It very well may cost you the Senate.

I think a red wave was expected in 2022. I don’t see that happening now. I think Republicans take the House and Democrats hold the Senate. We’ll see. You also played right into the Democrats’ hands by giving them a political talking point that they will be able to use for decades.

“Hey remember that time Democrats didn’t vote and then Republicans were able to take away women’s rights to their own bodies? Yea. That’s what happens when you let Republicans win. Vote blue.“

Women can still get abortions. Nothing was taken away from them. All the supreme court did was decide it isn't a constitutional right and that abortions fall on the states. That's it.

Most women know that. The fewer ones that don't recognize that don't because they don't want to recognize it because they would rather have something to be mad about than be rational which makes them not worth paying attention to.

The few seem like the majority because they make it about them and putting themselves in the spotlight.

Between socializing with my neighbors, people run into day to day, all the women I work with and so on I've yet to even hear a woman talk about the subject or anyone bring it up. The majority might have some small personal opinion, but they aren't as pissed off as you make them out to be. You make them all out to be majorly upset because you want to support your side which is obvious with your last sentence. You just want to be right in your one sided argument, not be thought provoking or open minded because your final statement was "vote for my side".
Women can still get abortions. Nothing was taken away from them. All the supreme court did was decide it isn't a constitutional right and that abortions fall on the states. That's it.

Most women know that. The fewer ones that don't recognize that don't because they don't want to recognize it because they would rather have something to be mad about than be rational which makes them not worth paying attention to.

The few seem like the majority because they make it about them and putting themselves in the spotlight.

Between socializing with my neighbors, people run into day to day, all the women I work with and so on I've yet to even hear a woman talk about the subject or anyone bring it up. The majority might have some small personal opinion, but they aren't as pissed off as you make them out to be. You make them all out to be majorly upset because you want to support your side which is obvious with your last sentence. You just want to be right in your one sided argument, not be thought provoking or open minded because your final statement was "vote for my side".
You know that’s not true. It’s the right’s talking point to justify it but it is neither their goal nor the unfolding reality. We are seeing big blocks of the US banning abortion in a competition to see who can be the most draconian in stripping away a woman’s right to her own body. The fact is, if you are poor, you are unlikely to be able to travel hundreds of miles for an abortion and for those who can, states are looking at ways to prevent that as well.

That alone doesn’t account for her win though. I listened to her interviewed, she’s intelligent, knows her issues and isn’t campaigning on a national platform. A key issue she has brought up: declining salmon, a species that is a way of life and substenance for many people. Palin, by contrast, is shallow.
I think this shows what an absolute clusterfuck that ranked voting is, as it creates this kind of mess. And yes, while I'm happy with the result, it's a convoluted way to hold elections.

Probably far better to have run off elections if no one gets 50%. Then you can focus your contest into two points of view.

The version the US picked is quite confusing...

STV (Single Vote Transfer) is far simpler for voters..
This is a sample from Ireland.


Voting is only ONE day...
There is multiple counts as the lowest candidates get eliminated and there next choice is used..

Here is a simple 3 people going for one seat (president):

Brian initially led with most 1st counts...(Term is 'topped the poll).
Austin was the lowest after the first count, he was eliminated.
When his next preference (i.e. 2nd choice) was shared.
Mary was much more popular among Austin voters than Brian, Mary got 205k votes while Brian only got 37k.
Mary was elected (turned out to be a very fine President, I was supporting Brian)

So Austin voters were allowed to vote for Austin without wasting their vote.
Get ready for this, gang. Every lost election will be "rigged". And for how many cycles?

An entire party has been turned into mewing, petulant children, in the image of its "leader".
Did you miss the four years of the Trump presidency where Democrats and their puppets in the media kept whining about Trump winning because he colluded with Putin 24 hours a day seven days a week for 4 years?
Victory for Rigged Choice voting. Such a bad system
There is more to the Alaska voting system that is troublesome. You would believe the men and women are tough. The way the votes go to candidates. It is like they are rugged pussies. This from its origins seems to be planned. Electing a candidate who would fly in a doctor to operate on a toddler to change its sex by operation into the hinterlands is the finality of a nation that will collapse.
From this conservatives have to learn to refrain from putting multiple candidates on the "ranked choice" ballot. When two or three conservatives seen the same office and liberals can only muster one pitifully weak opponent it will always play out that the loser among them wins.
I’m not sure you fully understand Ranked Choice Voting …

It does not matter how many Republicans or Democrats, or Progressives or Populists, Liberals or Conservatives, vie in these elections. Also, Mary Peltola not a … “pitifully weak” candidate.

Was Ross Perot or Bill Clinton “pitifully weak” in 1992?

RCV would (assuming we had an RCV national popular vote system in place) have seen Bill Clinton defeated and most likely George Bush re-elected in 1992. Alternatively, it might conceivably have gotten Ross Perot elected, since many of his potential voters would not have feared “splitting” the conservative vote then. So long as voters give thought to their 2nd choice candidate, RCV works well and more accurately and more profoundly reflects voters’ real desires.

It also has many other advantages as well.

The key is for voters in contested elections where one supposed “voter base” seems to be split (as here between Trump-supported Republican Palin and a more traditional Conservative Republican) not to “bullet vote” for their preferred candidate and refuse to vote their second choice — unless that is specifically their intention.

The special hostility between the two Republican candidates was palpable in Alaska and on the “instant runoff” it turned out that many traditional Republicans actually chose to vote for the Democrat rather than Palin.

Of course every new system can confuse some voters initially. By November when Palin will go head-to-head again against Mary Peltola, it will become clearer how significant this particular upset victory by Democratic Peltola — outspent 4 to 1 by ex-Governor Palin — really was.
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Did you miss the four years of the Trump presidency where Democrats and their puppets in the media kept whining about Trump winning because he colluded with Putin 24 hours a day seven days a week for 4 years?
Yeah, and the way they attacked our nation's Capitol trying to stop the proceedings of a free and fair election by force!

And they way they refused to accept the results of an election, even after 65 court defeats!

And the way the entire party sold its soul and collapsed around a profoundly damaged, fast-talking, metrosexual New York City billionaire!

And they way they kept issuing thinly-veiled threats of civil war because they lost!

THAT was just CRAZY! Those crazy Dems! They're just CRAZY!

It means that America gets stupider by the minute…that’s all.
Democrats have done nothing for the poor / middle-class (all of that native shithole) but fuck their asses and the dumbmotherfuckers vote on emotion to fuck themselves….Fuck it, let it burn to the ground…I’ve lost all faith in my fellow Americans.
citygator , what have demofks done for the poor and middle class? This ought to be ripe.
The state of Alaska is compromised. And has been. How can a tough people become the weakest individuals in America? Their political rules are the culprit. the regional power families enforce it in this nation. That is why you have Murkowski as a Senator. The 17th Amendment has helped to destroy us.
I cant change the Supreme Court decision

And I cant change the fact that I agree with the decision

If politics were all that mattered I would be pro abortion

because most of the babies being aborted are from lib women

More abortions mean fewer libs in the future
Yup. You got what you wanted but there’s going to be a price for it. And it may be a long term cost for you.

I hope you‘re happy with it.
citygator , what have demofks done for the poor and middle class? This ought to be ripe.
Democrats killed off a lot of poor folks with their lab concoction called Covid….They’ve essentially taxed the living shit out of them by way of fuel prices and inflation…they’ve stopped them from buying homes with rising interest rates….Sadly, the poor and much of the middle class vote on social issues alone. They’re too stupid, they can’t get out of their own way…they are their own worst enemy.
citygator knows this like all Democrats do…but they know they can’t admit it.
Yup. You got what you wanted but there’s going to be a price for it. And it may be a long term cost for you.

I hope you‘re happy with it.
I regret that the supreme court did not wait till after the 2022 election before reversing Roe v Wade

But they didnt consult me
I could accept the existing restrictions on abortion before the SC decision. Abortions ok within the first trimester for any reason, then restricted to exceptional circumstances such as rape, incest, birth defect, viability of the fetus, health or life of the mother.
Most Americans feel that way. The radical SC does not
I regret that the supreme court did not wait till after the 2022 election before reversing Roe v Wade

But they didnt consult me
Well you got what you voted for.

If you insist on pissing off a lot of people, might as well just do it and then deal with the consequences.

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