Republicans Keep Cutting Social Programs and Education to Pay For...


Information isnt Advocacy
Aug 5, 2010
In Kentucky where they have cut education and medicare:
$43 million tax break approved for Ark Encounter theme park

In New Jersey where Christie is decimating School funding:
Christie Bails Out ‘American Dream’ Mall With $400 Million

In Ohio where Gov Kasich is cutting education and children's health:
Gaming Expert to Make $15 Million from State

In Texas where they are dealing with a record budget deficit and potentially laying of thousands and thousands of teachers:
Texas Taxpayers Finance Formula One Auto Races as Schools Dismiss Teachers

Republicans are showing us time and time again that they don't give a tinker's damn about the American people and only care about furthering corporate interests (and padding their own pockets)
In Kentucky where they have cut education and medicare:
$43 million tax break approved for Ark Encounter theme park

In New Jersey where Christie is decimating School funding:
Christie Bails Out ‘American Dream’ Mall With $400 Million

In Ohio where Gov Kasich is cutting education and children's health:
Gaming Expert to Make $15 Million from State

In Texas where they are dealing with a record budget deficit and potentially laying of thousands and thousands of teachers:
Texas Taxpayers Finance Formula One Auto Races as Schools Dismiss Teachers

Republicans are showing us time and time again that they don't give a tinker's damn about the American people and only care about furthering corporate interests (and padding their own pockets)

We've been knowing that for a long time. It's not like they hide it. If Americans don't know who they are voting for by now, then it's obvious, they just don't care. The Republican Leadership is "owned".

In fact, look at the Republicans on this board. They tell us, "Every man for himself". They completely agree with everything their leadership does.
In Kentucky where they have cut education and medicare:
$43 million tax break approved for Ark Encounter theme park

In New Jersey where Christie is decimating School funding:
Christie Bails Out ‘American Dream’ Mall With $400 Million

In Ohio where Gov Kasich is cutting education and children's health:
Gaming Expert to Make $15 Million from State

In Texas where they are dealing with a record budget deficit and potentially laying of thousands and thousands of teachers:
Texas Taxpayers Finance Formula One Auto Races as Schools Dismiss Teachers

Republicans are showing us time and time again that they don't give a tinker's damn about the American people and only care about furthering corporate interests (and padding their own pockets)

The United States of America spends more on public education than any other nation in the world, with poor results to show for it. Schools are awash in cash; they just don't spend it on the classroom.

Furthermore, the biggest problem with public education in this country is not and never has been money. It's cultural.
In Kentucky where they have cut education and medicare:
$43 million tax break approved for Ark Encounter theme park

In New Jersey where Christie is decimating School funding:
Christie Bails Out ‘American Dream’ Mall With $400 Million

In Ohio where Gov Kasich is cutting education and children's health:
Gaming Expert to Make $15 Million from State

In Texas where they are dealing with a record budget deficit and potentially laying of thousands and thousands of teachers:
Texas Taxpayers Finance Formula One Auto Races as Schools Dismiss Teachers

Republicans are showing us time and time again that they don't give a tinker's damn about the American people and only care about furthering corporate interests (and padding their own pockets)

The United States of America spends more on public education than any other nation in the world, with poor results to show for it. Schools are awash in cash; they just don't spend it on the classroom.

Furthermore, the biggest problem with public education in this country is not and never has been money. It's cultural.

Laying off teachers and increasing class sizes are a stupid way to fix the problem.
In Kentucky where they have cut education and medicare:
$43 million tax break approved for Ark Encounter theme park

In New Jersey where Christie is decimating School funding:
Christie Bails Out ‘American Dream’ Mall With $400 Million

In Ohio where Gov Kasich is cutting education and children's health:
Gaming Expert to Make $15 Million from State

In Texas where they are dealing with a record budget deficit and potentially laying of thousands and thousands of teachers:
Texas Taxpayers Finance Formula One Auto Races as Schools Dismiss Teachers

Republicans are showing us time and time again that they don't give a tinker's damn about the American people and only care about furthering corporate interests (and padding their own pockets)

How do you expect to make an omelet if you don't break any eggs???
The United States of America spends more on public education than any other nation in the world, with poor results to show for it. Schools are awash in cash; they just don't spend it on the classroom.

Furthermore, the biggest problem with public education in this country is not and never has been money. It's cultural.

Laying off teachers and increasing class sizes are a stupid way to fix the problem.

I don't disagree with you. They always threaten to lay off teachers, but don't focus enough into severing administration and bureaucrats who don't directly add to the education in the classroom. Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools, for instance, spends over $4 million a year on a media department, while they've been facing cuts from the State of North Carolina every year since the financial crash.

I don't have the exact figures in front of me, but for every dollar spent on public schools a very small percentage of it actually hits the classroom.
In Kentucky where they have cut education and medicare:
$43 million tax break approved for Ark Encounter theme park

In New Jersey where Christie is decimating School funding:
Christie Bails Out ‘American Dream’ Mall With $400 Million

In Ohio where Gov Kasich is cutting education and children's health:
Gaming Expert to Make $15 Million from State

In Texas where they are dealing with a record budget deficit and potentially laying of thousands and thousands of teachers:
Texas Taxpayers Finance Formula One Auto Races as Schools Dismiss Teachers

Republicans are showing us time and time again that they don't give a tinker's damn about the American people and only care about furthering corporate interests (and padding their own pockets)

The United States of America spends more on public education than any other nation in the world, with poor results to show for it. Schools are awash in cash; they just don't spend it on the classroom.

Furthermore, the biggest problem with public education in this country is not and never has been money. It's cultural.

By GDP, we rank #38. You cannot compare our spending with another nations on direct dollar basis, because of the differance in what we have and what things cost here.

The reality is, by what we are capable of doing, we spend damned little on education.
Laying off teachers and increasing class sizes are a stupid way to fix the problem.

Actually, the best way to fix the problem is to fire all the teachers and give every parent a voucher. Government schools will always be disasters. They are run for the benefit of teachers, not students and parents.
Sure, Pattycake, sure. I see from your avatar what kind of children you send to school.
In Kentucky where they have cut education and medicare:
$43 million tax break approved for Ark Encounter theme park

In New Jersey where Christie is decimating School funding:
Christie Bails Out ‘American Dream’ Mall With $400 Million

In Ohio where Gov Kasich is cutting education and children's health:
Gaming Expert to Make $15 Million from State

In Texas where they are dealing with a record budget deficit and potentially laying of thousands and thousands of teachers:
Texas Taxpayers Finance Formula One Auto Races as Schools Dismiss Teachers

Republicans are showing us time and time again that they don't give a tinker's damn about the American people and only care about furthering corporate interests (and padding their own pockets)

The United States of America spends more on public education than any other nation in the world, with poor results to show for it. Schools are awash in cash; they just don't spend it on the classroom.

Furthermore, the biggest problem with public education in this country is not and never has been money. It's cultural.

Laying off teachers and increasing class sizes are a stupid way to fix the problem.

Ever see "Waiting for Superman"? Too many union teachers are bad and need to be laid off. We're wasting way too much money on education and getting a poor return, look at the US compared to other countries' education systems as proof. The US is about 23rd and dropping. Stop wasting our money.

As for the GOP, they suck about as much as the dems, both parties protect their cash cows. Remember how the economy got fucked-up? The dems cash cows' Fannie & Freddie were at fault.
The United States of America spends more on public education than any other nation in the world, with poor results to show for it. Schools are awash in cash; they just don't spend it on the classroom.

Furthermore, the biggest problem with public education in this country is not and never has been money. It's cultural.

Laying off teachers and increasing class sizes are a stupid way to fix the problem.

Ever see "Waiting for Superman"? Too many union teachers are bad and need to be laid off. We're wasting way too much money on education and getting a poor return, look at the US compared to other countries' education systems as proof. The US is about 23rd and dropping. Stop wasting our money.

As for the GOP, they suck about as much as the dems, both parties protect their cash cows. Remember how the economy got fucked-up? The dems cash cows' Fannie & Freddie were at fault.

Sorry, but I have to disagree. One of the top countries in education is more union oriented than we in the US could even think of being.

How Finland Reached the Top of the Educational Rankings

Oh, and 95% of Finland's teachers belong to a union...
In Kentucky where they have cut education and medicare:
$43 million tax break approved for Ark Encounter theme park

In New Jersey where Christie is decimating School funding:
Christie Bails Out ‘American Dream’ Mall With $400 Million

In Ohio where Gov Kasich is cutting education and children's health:
Gaming Expert to Make $15 Million from State

In Texas where they are dealing with a record budget deficit and potentially laying of thousands and thousands of teachers:
Texas Taxpayers Finance Formula One Auto Races as Schools Dismiss Teachers

Republicans are showing us time and time again that they don't give a tinker's damn about the American people and only care about furthering corporate interests (and padding their own pockets)

Hey libturd. We the People paid big bucks to education and teacher's unions and you pissed it all away and you graduate morons who can't read or write. and the other 50% of the kids don't even graduate. so cry us a river whydonchya?
In Kentucky where they have cut education and medicare:
$43 million tax break approved for Ark Encounter theme park

In New Jersey where Christie is decimating School funding:
Christie Bails Out ‘American Dream’ Mall With $400 Million

In Ohio where Gov Kasich is cutting education and children's health:
Gaming Expert to Make $15 Million from State

In Texas where they are dealing with a record budget deficit and potentially laying of thousands and thousands of teachers:
Texas Taxpayers Finance Formula One Auto Races as Schools Dismiss Teachers

Republicans are showing us time and time again that they don't give a tinker's damn about the American people and only care about furthering corporate interests (and padding their own pockets)

Hey libturd. We the People paid big bucks to education and teacher's unions and you pissed it all away and you graduate morons who can't read or write. and the other 50% of the kids don't even graduate. so cry us a river whydonchya?
Nice try Teatard, (one good "tard" deserves another) but it ain't the unions fucking up our school system.

How Finland Reached the Top of the Educational Rankings

95% of Finland's teachers belong to a union...
In Kentucky where they have cut education and medicare:
$43 million tax break approved for Ark Encounter theme park

In New Jersey where Christie is decimating School funding:
Christie Bails Out ‘American Dream’ Mall With $400 Million

In Ohio where Gov Kasich is cutting education and children's health:
Gaming Expert to Make $15 Million from State

In Texas where they are dealing with a record budget deficit and potentially laying of thousands and thousands of teachers:
Texas Taxpayers Finance Formula One Auto Races as Schools Dismiss Teachers

Republicans are showing us time and time again that they don't give a tinker's damn about the American people and only care about furthering corporate interests (and padding their own pockets)

The United States of America spends more on public education than any other nation in the world, with poor results to show for it. Schools are awash in cash; they just don't spend it on the classroom.

Furthermore, the biggest problem with public education in this country is not and never has been money. It's cultural.
We also spend twice as much as any other nation on health care. The result is obviously pathetic.
By GDP, we rank #38. You cannot compare our spending with another nations on direct dollar basis, because of the differance in what we have and what things cost here.

The reality is, by what we are capable of doing, we spend damned little on education.

We're being beaten by great performing economies like Cuba and Lesotho. That certainly is a great endorsement for spending more money on government education.


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