Republicans Killed Obama Co-Sponsored Media Shield Law That Would Have Protected AP


Radical Centrist
Apr 14, 2012
Republicans In Congress Killed A Media Shield Law That Would Have Protected The Associated Press

Republicans are basically punching themselves in the face and trying to make us believe that it's Obama's fault.

In a strange twist of irony, Obama co-sponsored legislation that would have better protected journalists from government intrusion.

Republicans blocked it from passage over 5 years ago, because we all know that's how they roll these days. Plus, it would have been inconvenient to shield the media, since they typically hate it for being "liberal".

So now a lead investigator in Obama's Justice Department uses the Patriot Act to subpoena phone records from the AP and Republicans are SHOCKED! SHOCKED!, including none other than Darrell Issa, the biggest hypocrite around, who voted against legislation that Obama co-sponsored, which would have made the Justice Department official go to court to obtain the subpoena.

Republicans are basically doing it to themselves now and trying to scapegoat it all on Obama.
Spoken like a true Obamabot apologist. Stop deflecting.
Nope they shouldnt need that law. Why should they get an exemption. Maybe just follow the law to begin with, eh comrade?
Under what pretense did the DOJ obtain the phone records, national security, or politically motivated intention to intimidate and manipulate the press? Abuse of power, regardless of political affiliation, remains abuse of power. As with everything that doesn't go your way you blame the republicans. It is rather pathetic and tiresome wouldn't you say?
Republicans In Congress Killed A Media Shield Law That Would Have Protected The Associated Press

Republicans are basically punching themselves in the face and trying to make us believe that it's Obama's fault.

In a strange twist of irony, Obama co-sponsored legislation that would have better protected journalists from government intrusion.

Republicans blocked it from passage over 5 years ago, because we all know that's how they roll these days. Plus, it would have been inconvenient to shield the media, since they typically hate it for being "liberal".

So now a lead investigator in Obama's Justice Department uses the Patriot Act to subpoena phone records from the AP and Republicans are SHOCKED! SHOCKED!, including none other than Darrell Issa, the biggest hypocrite around, who voted against legislation that Obama co-sponsored, which would have made the Justice Department official go to court to obtain the subpoena.

Republicans are basically doing it to themselves now and trying to scapegoat it all on Obama.

so if Obama truly believed in that Bill he co-sponsored he wouldn't have let his Justice Dept. does this, would he?
Spoken like a true Obamabot apologist. Stop deflecting.

No, I speak for the defense of journalistic freedoms because that's what I do for a living.

I'm pointing out that the false outrage on the right is hypocritical, since they themselves passed the big government intrusion into freedom of the press, and were more than happy to use it to investigate journalists, to creep journalists, and to jail them.

So now when a lead investigator at the Justice Department of the administration in the rival party uses the very same law that Republicans championed, they act like Obama did it all himself, when that is not the case.

I speak for the truth, not for knee-jerk partisan hacks like yourself who speak in tired one-liners.
Spoken like a true Obamabot apologist. Stop deflecting.

No, I speak for the defense of journalistic freedoms because that's what I do for a living.

I'm pointing out that the false outrage on the right is hypocritical, since they themselves passed the big government intrusion into freedom of the press, and were more than happy to use it to investigate journalists, to creep journalists, and to jail them.

So now when a lead investigator at the Justice Department of the administration in the rival party uses the very same law that Republicans championed, they act like Obama did it all himself, when that is not the case.

I speak for the truth, not for knee-jerk partisan hacks like yourself who speak in tired one-liners.

suprise suprise...a libtard in journalism, color me shocked!

What journalists did the right investigate? Did I miss it? OR was it buried under blaming Bush for know that "objective" journalists like youself did.
from the op's own link:

UPDATE: The Senate roll call for the cloture vote on the Free Flow of Information Act shows that Senator Obama, who was then in the midst of his first campaign for the presidency, missed the vote. Despite his absence, Obama was a public supporter and cosponsor of that 2007 bill. In 2009, after winning the White House, Obama reversed course on a similar media shield law measure, contributing to its death in 2010.
Republicans In Congress Killed A Media Shield Law That Would Have Protected The Associated Press

Republicans are basically punching themselves in the face and trying to make us believe that it's Obama's fault.

In a strange twist of irony, Obama co-sponsored legislation that would have better protected journalists from government intrusion.

Republicans blocked it from passage over 5 years ago, because we all know that's how they roll these days. Plus, it would have been inconvenient to shield the media, since they typically hate it for being "liberal".

So now a lead investigator in Obama's Justice Department uses the Patriot Act to subpoena phone records from the AP and Republicans are SHOCKED! SHOCKED!, including none other than Darrell Issa, the biggest hypocrite around, who voted against legislation that Obama co-sponsored, which would have made the Justice Department official go to court to obtain the subpoena.

Republicans are basically doing it to themselves now and trying to scapegoat it all on Obama.

so if Obama truly believed in that Bill he co-sponsored he wouldn't have let his Justice Dept. does this, would he?

Are you saying the POTUS should be an omni-present police force on everything that the huge federal government and its lieutenants are doing?

When a lead investigator is conducting an investigation, they use the laws they have been given. I highly doubt that the President is able to follow the actions of every single person working for the federal government.

Had Obama's co-sponsored bill been passed, the lead investigator would have had to go through a much more difficult process to obtain phone records from journalists.

It seems that what this story is really about is the short-sightedness of Republicans, who never dreamed that Democrats would ever hold power ever again.

If someone is using a law that you passed to their benefit, you're not allowed to act all false outragey about it.

Change the law or stfu.
Under what pretense did the DOJ obtain the phone records, national security, or politically motivated intention to intimidate and manipulate the press? Abuse of power, regardless of political affiliation, remains abuse of power. As with everything that doesn't go your way you blame the republicans. It is rather pathetic and tiresome wouldn't you say?

National Security.

Many covert ops have been leaked to the media, including the StuxNet operation.

And you folks were sorta peeved about it.

Now that the Obama administration is trying to get to the bottom of it, you folks are um, peeved.

Are there any right answers for this guy?
Repubs have been Big Gov't/anti- 1st & 4th Amendment for quite some time now.
from the op's own link:

UPDATE: The Senate roll call for the cloture vote on the Free Flow of Information Act shows that Senator Obama, who was then in the midst of his first campaign for the presidency, missed the vote. Despite his absence, Obama was a public supporter and cosponsor of that 2007 bill. In 2009, after winning the White House, Obama reversed course on a similar media shield law measure, contributing to its death in 2010.

That part of the story gets it wrong. Obama didn't "reverse course". He simply gave up because he knew it would never get through the Republican filibuster.

It also explains his absence from the initial vote 6 years ago. They do the math in the Senate going into the vote, and when Republicans said they were going to block it, Obama stayed out on the campaign trail. If it had a chance at 60 votes, he would have been there to cast the vote. This happens all the time.
Under what pretense did the DOJ obtain the phone records, national security, or politically motivated intention to intimidate and manipulate the press? Abuse of power, regardless of political affiliation, remains abuse of power. As with everything that doesn't go your way you blame the republicans. It is rather pathetic and tiresome wouldn't you say?

National Security.

Many covert ops have been leaked to the media, including the StuxNet operation.

And you folks were sorta peeved about it.

Now that the Obama administration is trying to get to the bottom of it, you folks are um, peeved.

Are there any right answers for this guy?

It doesn't matter what Obama does, they hate him anyway.

They couldn't even pat him on the back for one day when we killed Bin Laden.
from the op's own link:

UPDATE: The Senate roll call for the cloture vote on the Free Flow of Information Act shows that Senator Obama, who was then in the midst of his first campaign for the presidency, missed the vote. Despite his absence, Obama was a public supporter and cosponsor of that 2007 bill. In 2009, after winning the White House, Obama reversed course on a similar media shield law measure, contributing to its death in 2010.

That part of the story gets it wrong. Obama didn't "reverse course". He simply gave up because he knew it would never get through the Republican filibuster.

It also explains his absence from the initial vote 6 years ago. They do the math in the Senate going into the vote, and when Republicans said they were going to block it, Obama stayed out on the campaign trail. If it had a chance at 60 votes, he would have been there to cast the vote. This happens all the time.

Oh please what bullshit. they had 60 members and even after Brown, i'm sure you could have pulled NE republican. lets hear the arguments about the law. Details!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
from the op's own link:

UPDATE: The Senate roll call for the cloture vote on the Free Flow of Information Act shows that Senator Obama, who was then in the midst of his first campaign for the presidency, missed the vote. Despite his absence, Obama was a public supporter and cosponsor of that 2007 bill. In 2009, after winning the White House, Obama reversed course on a similar media shield law measure, contributing to its death in 2010.

That part of the story gets it wrong. Obama didn't "reverse course". He simply gave up because he knew it would never get through the Republican filibuster.

It also explains his absence from the initial vote 6 years ago. They do the math in the Senate going into the vote, and when Republicans said they were going to block it, Obama stayed out on the campaign trail. If it had a chance at 60 votes, he would have been there to cast the vote. This happens all the time.
Bwahahahahahahhahahahhahh! dont make me laugh, you didnt read your own link.
Nope they shouldnt need that law. Why should they get an exemption. Maybe just follow the law to begin with, eh comrade?

Wait, what? :eusa_eh:

Swallow, why do liberals like you always insist on an exception?

They shouldnt need the exception, if Obama followed the law.

Yeah, but the creepy thing is that they DID follow the law as it is written now, which gives the government greater power to eavesdrop and to collect information from the press.

In the end, this story will probably be too complex for the general public to understand, but for all of us junkies, we know that the right thing to do is to quash the Patriot Act and all the bullshit ways it harms our democracy.
from the op's own link:

That part of the story gets it wrong. Obama didn't "reverse course". He simply gave up because he knew it would never get through the Republican filibuster.

It also explains his absence from the initial vote 6 years ago. They do the math in the Senate going into the vote, and when Republicans said they were going to block it, Obama stayed out on the campaign trail. If it had a chance at 60 votes, he would have been there to cast the vote. This happens all the time.
Bwahahahahahahhahahahhahh! dont make me laugh, you didnt read your own link.

I did read my own link, you moron, and I'm not defending Obama from the fact that this law shouldn't even be on the books to give either Dems or Repubs such power.


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