Republicans launch election investigations in multiple states as Arizona audit forges ahead

But why you are here why are people so desperate to stop the audits? If there was no fraud what is their problem. That has never been answered.
and his owned by a known believer in the big lie.

You fucking a-holes can't even prove it WAS a lie! The Great Lie must be the only national story and accusation in the history of the world where no evidence nor proof of any lie is even offered before naming it so! What about the big lie that Trump collaborated to change the 2016 election with Russia? Tell me that the Mueller team didn't believe in THAT big lie? Or that neither of the two House impeachment manager teams didn't believe any of their big lies, and I'll give you a reason why those cases weren't suspect, too.

Democrats are FULL of big lies, they are literally experts in them.
Russia you say. Damn right there was collusion going on. Flippin Russia turned the election to Trump and Trump got on his knees for Putin. Guess he got tired of the golden showers from the Russian hookers. The Mueller investigation doesn't mean squat. Hell, Trump never did prove that he didn't do it. If he didn't, he could have easily proven it. But not him, or any of his multitude of lawyers and hanger ons even bothered to try and prove that there was no collusion. That has to mean that there was, cause he never proved there wasn't.
He did not need to prove it. Documents show there was never any credible evidence. They investigated nothing for over three years. And you talk about wasting money on audits. Let us know when they hit 35 million.
And you let me know when you have found out who is paying for the Arizona audit.
But why you are here why are people so desperate to stop the audits? If there was no fraud what is their problem. That has never been answered.
and his owned by a known believer in the big lie.

You fucking a-holes can't even prove it WAS a lie! The Great Lie must be the only national story and accusation in the history of the world where no evidence nor proof of any lie is even offered before naming it so! What about the big lie that Trump collaborated to change the 2016 election with Russia? Tell me that the Mueller team didn't believe in THAT big lie? Or that neither of the two House impeachment manager teams didn't believe any of their big lies, and I'll give you a reason why those cases weren't suspect, too.

Democrats are FULL of big lies, they are literally experts in them.
Russia you say. Damn right there was collusion going on. Flippin Russia turned the election to Trump and Trump got on his knees for Putin. Guess he got tired of the golden showers from the Russian hookers. The Mueller investigation doesn't mean squat. Hell, Trump never did prove that he didn't do it. If he didn't, he could have easily proven it. But not him, or any of his multitude of lawyers and hanger ons even bothered to try and prove that there was no collusion. That has to mean that there was, cause he never proved there wasn't.
He did not need to prove it. Documents show there was never any credible evidence. They investigated nothing for over three years. And you talk about wasting money on audits. Let us know when they hit 35 million.
And you let me know when you have found out who is paying for the Arizona audit.
I don't care who pays for it.
The AZ election board discovered that black and blue pens were on the floor in Maricopa county...not allowed....
I'm an Independent voter and I try to vote.for the best person regardless of party.

But I'm so pissed off that Biden and the dems are letting us be flooded with illegals that I'm hoping to vote straight year.

Add to that the fact that dems are in bed with the BLM traitors, and there's no way I'll vote for any Democrat asshole.

The only repub I'll never vote for is the Orange crybaby.

The biggest problem I see with repubs, is that they're off the wall with all this conspiracy shit, and they still can't accept the fuckhead's
loss of the presidential election like men. Instead, they keep whining and moaning like a bunch of BLM sissies. Grow up, dammit, it's over. Grow a pair and accept reality: lil' donnie-boy is history. It's time to move on.
An audit blitz is coming. It is supported by the citizens of these states and the representatives are going to get it done, as it should be.

The Cult of Trumpery's impotence in respecting democratic elections could well spell the end of democracy itself.

Cry Baby Loser is far too morally feeble and narcissistically insecure to respect the truth and our proud national tradition.

Seven months after Election Day, former President Donald Trump’s supporters are still auditing ballots in Arizona’s largest county and may revive legislation that would make it easier for judges in Texas to overturn election results.
In Georgia, meanwhile, the Republican-controlled state legislature passed a bill allowing it to appoint a board that can replace election officials. Trump loyalists who falsely insist he won the 2020 election are running for top election offices in several swing states. And after a pro-Trump mob staged a violent insurrection at the U.S. Capitol to halt the certification of Democrat Joe Biden’s election victory, Republicans banded together to block an independent investigation of the riot, shielding Trump from additional scrutiny of one of the darkest days of his administration.
To democracy advocates, Democrats and others, the persistence of the GOP’s election denial shows how the Republican Party is increasingly open to bucking democratic norms, particularly the bipartisan respect traditionally afforded to election results even after a bitter campaign. That’s raising the prospect that if the GOP gains power in next year’s midterms, the party may take the extraordinary step of refusing to certify future elections.
“We have to face the facts that Republicans — obviously with exceptions — have become an authoritarian party,” said Steven Levitsky, a Harvard political scientist and co-author of the book “How Democracies Die.” “It’s impossible to sustain a democracy in a two-party system when one of the parties is not willing to play by the rules of the game.”

After all legal recourses failed in court after court for lack of any credible evidence, fanatical Trumpers savaged the will of the People, ending the peaceful transfer of power that had distinguished U.S. elections since 1796:
Screen Shot 2021-05-14 at 4.39.31 PM.png

Totalitarian regimes around the world are gleeful at the sordid spectacle of Cry Baby Loser crapping on democracy.
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An audit blitz is coming. It is supported by the citizens of these states and the representatives are going to get it done, as it should be.

The Cult of Trumpery's impotence in respecting democratic elections could well spell the end of democracy itself.

Cry Baby Loser is far too morally feeble and narcissistically insecure to respect the truth and our proud national tradition.

Seven months after Election Day, former President Donald Trump’s supporters are still auditing ballots in Arizona’s largest county and may revive legislation that would make it easier for judges in Texas to overturn election results.
In Georgia, meanwhile, the Republican-controlled state legislature passed a bill allowing it to appoint a board that can replace election officials. Trump loyalists who falsely insist he won the 2020 election are running for top election offices in several swing states. And after a pro-Trump mob staged a violent insurrection at the U.S. Capitol to halt the certification of Democrat Joe Biden’s election victory, Republicans banded together to block an independent investigation of the riot, shielding Trump from additional scrutiny of one of the darkest days of his administration.
To democracy advocates, Democrats and others, the persistence of the GOP’s election denial shows how the Republican Party is increasingly open to bucking democratic norms, particularly the bipartisan respect traditionally afforded to election results even after a bitter campaign. That’s raising the prospect that if the GOP gains power in next year’s midterms, the party may take the extraordinary step of refusing to certify future elections.
“We have to face the facts that Republicans — obviously with exceptions — have become an authoritarian party,” said Steven Levitsky, a Harvard political scientist and co-author of the book “How Democracies Die.” “It’s impossible to sustain a democracy in a two-party system when one of the parties is not willing to play by the rules of the game.”

After all legal recourses failed in court after court for lack of any credible evidence, fanatical Trumpers savaged the will of the People, ending the peaceful transfer of power that had distinguished U.S. elections since 1796:

Totalitarian regimes around the world are gleeful at the sordid spectacle of Cry Baby Loser crapping on democracy.
This thread is about the audit, you pathetic shill.
It means nothing because they only reviewed one county.
One county with 2.1 million votes means nothing? Idiot.

You're fucking deranged, Loser. It means nothing in terms of flipping the state for Trump. It doesn't. Not without a legit audit of every ballot in the state.
It means nothing because they only reviewed one county.
One county with 2.1 million votes means nothing? Idiot.

You're fucking deranged, Loser. It means nothing in terms of flipping the state for Trump. It doesn't. Not without a legit audit of every ballot in the state.
Then let's do that. I do not have a problem with forensically auditing every state. I bet you do.
Not the NINJAS!!
Hey retard, just because a company uses the word "ninja" in its title does not mean it's actually staffed with ninjas. I suppose you think Apple Inc sells fresh fruit, too. Lulz.

Wow. Not much gets by you. You must be smarter than a 5th grader....maybe.
I'm making fun of the fact that an audit driven by a political agenda is being conducted
by a group of people that have the word "ninja" in their company name.

At the end of the day...he lost. Deal with it.
Not the NINJAS!!
Hey retard, just because a company uses the word "ninja" in its title does not mean it's actually staffed with ninjas. I suppose you think Apple Inc sells fresh fruit, too. Lulz.

Wow. Not much gets by you. You must be smarter than a 5th grader....maybe.
I'm making fun of the fact that an audit driven by a political agenda is being conducted
by a group of people that have the word "ninja" in their company name.

At the end of the day...he lost. Deal with it.
The audits have been stopped because of a political agenda. That agenda is losing. There will be more audits in the swing states and Lindell has proven the fraud. If what he has gets to a court it is game over.
They must check voting rolls for accuracy
They must remove any ballot with zero signature or an inaccurate one

Observers of the audit in Winham, New Hampshire have identified numerous actions by the audit team that are very suspect. One such observation is that the auditors backdated machines under review and then performed other suspicious actions.

No fraud? Why back date? More proof they are hiding whatever they can hide.

Unreliable source.

Observers of the audit in Winham, New Hampshire have identified numerous actions by the audit team that are very suspect. One such observation is that the auditors backdated machines under review and then performed other suspicious actions.

No fraud? Why back date? More proof they are hiding whatever they can hide.

Unreliable source.
You certainly are.

Observers of the audit in Winham, New Hampshire have identified numerous actions by the audit team that are very suspect. One such observation is that the auditors backdated machines under review and then performed other suspicious actions.

No fraud? Why back date? More proof they are hiding whatever they can hide.

Unreliable source.
You certainly are.
Unreliable source, rightwing lies and fake news.

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