Republicans lie about "explosion of spending" under Obama


I can do math
Jan 12, 2012
While giving the Republican Response to the State of the Union, Mitch Daniels repeated the lie about how government spending grew under Obama:

"In three short years, an unprecedented explosion of spending, with borrowed money, has added trillions to an already unaffordable national debt."

Well, that is a blatant lie. Here is how the spending really increased:


As anyone can see in the chart above, the government spending grew under Obama at the same rate they were growing under Bush's 8 years. There was an uptick in 2009 (that was the stimulus package), but since then there was no increase at all.

It is true, that the budget deficit exploded ten-fold around the time when Obama moved to the White House. But the reason for that were falling tax revenues as the economy tanked in the end of 2008 -- not an increase in the spending.

So why respected Republican leaders -- and not just Tea Party nuts -- keep repeating such an obvious lies? That is a good question, but it speaks a lot about the state of US democracy.
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Republicans lying? I find that hard to believe. They are so honest and truthful. Remember all the WMD's we found in Iraq? Remember "Jobs Jobs Jobs"? Remember how they help the "Middle Class"?

You don't remember? Funny, neither do I.
So the President hasnt borrowed more money in three years than all the time from George Washington to Bill Clinton?
So the President hasnt borrowed more money in three years than all the time from George Washington to Bill Clinton?

The lie is not about borrowing. It is about spending. US government had to borrow more to make up for the lost tax revenue. If it didn't, it would have to cut dramatically the spending on things like military and social security. And such a cut would be self defeating anyway, because it would further depress the economy and the government revenues.
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While giving the Republican Response to the State of the Union, Mitch Daniels repeated the lie about how government spending grew under Obama:

"In three short years, an unprecedented explosion of spending, with borrowed money, has added trillions to an already unaffordable national debt."

Well, that is a blatant lie. Here is how the spending really increased:


As anyone can see in the chart above, the government spending grew under Obama at the same rate they were growing under Bush's 8 years. There was an uptick in 2009 (that was the stimulus package), but since then there was no increase at all.

It is true, that the budget deficit exploded ten-fold around the time when Obama moved to the White House. But the reason for that were falling tax revenues as the economy tanked in the end of 2008 -- not an increase in the spending.

So why respected Republican leaders -- and not just Tea Party nuts -- keep repeating such an obvious lies? That is a good question, but it speaks a lot about the state of US democracy.

Translation: We blew a Trillion plus hole in the deficits our first year and we've been holding steady ever since. We even got our first ever credit downgrade
Translation: We blew a Trillion plus hole in the deficits our first year and we've been holding steady ever since. We even got our first ever credit downgrade

Well, at least you are not surprised at the fact that Republican leaders treat you as an idiot ;)
So the President hasnt borrowed more money in three years than all the time from George Washington to Bill Clinton?

And by the way, Reagan borrowed more money than all presidents before him. So even by this measurement Obama is doing no worse than the greatest Reagan of all times ;)
Our fucking spending was too fucking massive and too linked to borrowing and deficits BEFORE the One became President.

The ONE just jacked it up faster than others.

Nonetheless, the out of control massive spending DID get jacked-up enormously by the Obama Administration and the dumbed-down and intentionally misleading "chart" cannot even conceal that fact.
While giving the Republican Response to the State of the Union, Mitch Daniels repeated the lie about how government spending grew under Obama:

"In three short years, an unprecedented explosion of spending, with borrowed money, has added trillions to an already unaffordable national debt."

Well, that is a blatant lie. Here is how the spending really increased:


As anyone can see in the chart above, the government spending grew under Obama at the same rate they were growing under Bush's 8 years. There was an uptick in 2009 (that was the stimulus package), but since then there was no increase at all.

It is true, that the budget deficit exploded ten-fold around the time when Obama moved to the White House. But the reason for that were falling tax revenues as the economy tanked in the end of 2008 -- not an increase in the spending.

So why respected Republican leaders -- and not just Tea Party nuts -- keep repeating such an obvious lies? That is a good question, but it speaks a lot about the state of US democracy.

As anyone can see from your chart, your statement is ludicrous.
Our fucking spending was too fucking massive and too linked to borrowing and deficits BEFORE the One became President.

Wrong. The deficits and excessive borrowing came from Bush's tax cuts.

The ONE just jacked it up faster than others.

No, he didn't.

intentionally misleading "chart"

What could be misleading about it? It's just numbers, which you could have looked up on your own.

You are denying the obvious facts for a simple reason -- because otherwise you would have to admit that you have voted for a bunch of lying bastards. That you brain was so fucked up by the right wing propaganda that you cheer when the bastards rob you.
Man, I love all these new posters!

yeah they seem to be regurgitating ignorant misguided statements at will..gotta blame bush after 3yrs is just an excuse or a crutch that is a completely worn out lie.

The Weekly Standard: Obama Vs. Bush On Debt : NPR

When President Obama took office two years ago, the national debt stood at $10.626 trillion. It now stands at $14.071 trillion — a staggering increase of $3.445 trillion in just 735 days (about $5 billion a day).
So the President hasnt borrowed more money in three years than all the time from George Washington to Bill Clinton?

I'm SURE, that it has NOTHING to do with this:

The gross tax gap is defined as the amount of true tax liability faced by taxpayers that is not paid on time. For 2006 it is estimated to be $450 billion.

The growth in the tax gap over the five years was concentrated in the underreporting and underpayment forms of noncompliance, which jointly account for more than nine out of ten tax gap dollars. The nonfiling portion of the gap hardly changed. The underreporting gap grew by 32%; the underpayment gap grew by 38%; and the nonfiling gap grew by 4%. The overall gap grew by 30%, slightly more than the growth in overall tax liabilities.

More than a third of the growth in the underreporting gap was attributable to corporate income taxes.

This was from 2001-2006. So if we aren't getting the money that we need because some people aren't paying their taxes, where the hell is it going to come from to keep our head above water? And of these asshats who aren't paying their taxes, who do you think makes up the difference? You and me.

So have these taxes been collected in full yet; or has the amount continued to grow?
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The only explosion of spending has been the WELFARE we've give the BANSTERS.

And BOTH PARTIES are in on that scam.

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