Republicans like to think they understand the concept of “free shit” but actually don’t

Why is California constantly crying for more federal money???

But I have a solution, since the state can't declare bankruptcy...

We can just give it to Mexico and they can have all the Mexican citizens they want... Heck, they can even have all the "migrants" from Central America, since Mexico has offered THEM asylum!!!
California pays more into the Federal coffers than they receive.
Expecting more in return is crying?
Wow, have you got anything else you can pull out of your ass???
How much money does your state receive from the federal government? Check out this list.

The total amount the federal government collected from each state in the 2017 fiscal year ranged from $5.6 billion from Vermont to $435.6 billion from California. The majority of states – including Vermont and California – ultimately get more money back than they contribute.
By your link, California is 40 at a whopping $12 per resident
My state, NJ pays a whopping $2,600 more per resident than they receive

Most of the top ten in receiving federal funds are red states

The only thing that defines a red state and blue state is how they voted last presidential election. Nothing else.

When I watch HGTV and house sales or renovations, I'm stunned at what homes cost in blue states. For what you buy there for 800K, you can get for less than 300K here. Because the cost of living is so high in blue states, wages have to pay more to be middle class, and of course, that means higher tax contributions to the federal government. It's not that they have anything more than we do, it's just that for what they have, they pay much more for it.

View attachment 302456
Which amounts to blue states contributing significantly more than red states do. If the cost of living is so high in blue states, you would think they would receive MORE in federal funding

They don’t, that funding goes to Red States

States don't need federal funding, people do. Per capita tell us an entirely different story about who the real moochers are.


Do Red States Really Take the Most Welfare? – Dan Bongino
California pays more into the Federal coffers than they receive.
Expecting more in return is crying?
Wow, have you got anything else you can pull out of your ass???
How much money does your state receive from the federal government? Check out this list.

The total amount the federal government collected from each state in the 2017 fiscal year ranged from $5.6 billion from Vermont to $435.6 billion from California. The majority of states – including Vermont and California – ultimately get more money back than they contribute.
By your link, California is 40 at a whopping $12 per resident
My state, NJ pays a whopping $2,600 more per resident than they receive

Most of the top ten in receiving federal funds are red states

The only thing that defines a red state and blue state is how they voted last presidential election. Nothing else.

When I watch HGTV and house sales or renovations, I'm stunned at what homes cost in blue states. For what you buy there for 800K, you can get for less than 300K here. Because the cost of living is so high in blue states, wages have to pay more to be middle class, and of course, that means higher tax contributions to the federal government. It's not that they have anything more than we do, it's just that for what they have, they pay much more for it.

View attachment 302456
Which amounts to blue states contributing significantly more than red states do. If the cost of living is so high in blue states, you would think they would receive MORE in federal funding

They don’t, that funding goes to Red States

States don't need federal funding, people do. Per capita tell us an entirely different story about who the real moochers are.

View attachment 302468

Do Red States Really Take the Most Welfare? – Dan Bongino
I didn’t say welfare, I said Federal Funding which can include public works projects, jobs, subsidies...

Red States receive more than they put in
Rural areas are supported by urban areas
Wow, have you got anything else you can pull out of your ass???
How much money does your state receive from the federal government? Check out this list.

The total amount the federal government collected from each state in the 2017 fiscal year ranged from $5.6 billion from Vermont to $435.6 billion from California. The majority of states – including Vermont and California – ultimately get more money back than they contribute.
By your link, California is 40 at a whopping $12 per resident
My state, NJ pays a whopping $2,600 more per resident than they receive

Most of the top ten in receiving federal funds are red states

The only thing that defines a red state and blue state is how they voted last presidential election. Nothing else.

When I watch HGTV and house sales or renovations, I'm stunned at what homes cost in blue states. For what you buy there for 800K, you can get for less than 300K here. Because the cost of living is so high in blue states, wages have to pay more to be middle class, and of course, that means higher tax contributions to the federal government. It's not that they have anything more than we do, it's just that for what they have, they pay much more for it.

View attachment 302456
Which amounts to blue states contributing significantly more than red states do. If the cost of living is so high in blue states, you would think they would receive MORE in federal funding

They don’t, that funding goes to Red States

States don't need federal funding, people do. Per capita tell us an entirely different story about who the real moochers are.

View attachment 302468

Do Red States Really Take the Most Welfare? – Dan Bongino
I didn’t say welfare, I said Federal Funding which can include public works projects, jobs, subsidies...

Red States receive more than they put in
Rural areas are supported by urban areas

And yet you haven't provided any evidence of that. As I stated, cities don't support the sticks. It may come from the state or it may come from federal, but not cities.

As it's been pointed out, military is also included in federal funding, and as I have pointed out, blue states pay more because their cost of living is more. That's why when Trump put a limit on mortgage interest rate deductions, nobody from red states complained. It was the blue states who copped a bitch.
By your link, California is 40 at a whopping $12 per resident
My state, NJ pays a whopping $2,600 more per resident than they receive

Most of the top ten in receiving federal funds are red states

The only thing that defines a red state and blue state is how they voted last presidential election. Nothing else.

When I watch HGTV and house sales or renovations, I'm stunned at what homes cost in blue states. For what you buy there for 800K, you can get for less than 300K here. Because the cost of living is so high in blue states, wages have to pay more to be middle class, and of course, that means higher tax contributions to the federal government. It's not that they have anything more than we do, it's just that for what they have, they pay much more for it.

View attachment 302456
Which amounts to blue states contributing significantly more than red states do. If the cost of living is so high in blue states, you would think they would receive MORE in federal funding

They don’t, that funding goes to Red States

States don't need federal funding, people do. Per capita tell us an entirely different story about who the real moochers are.

View attachment 302468

Do Red States Really Take the Most Welfare? – Dan Bongino
I didn’t say welfare, I said Federal Funding which can include public works projects, jobs, subsidies...

Red States receive more than they put in
Rural areas are supported by urban areas

And yet you haven't provided any evidence of that. As I stated, cities don't support the sticks. It may come from the state or it may come from federal, but not cities.

As it's been pointed out, military is also included in federal funding, and as I have pointed out, blue states pay more because their cost of living is more. That's why when Trump put a limit on mortgage interest rate deductions, nobody from red states complained. It was the blue states who copped a bitch.

Let’s look at a simple example......Electrical Power

If a power company runs a mile of cable in an urban area, thousands of families draw off of it
If a power company runs a mile of cable in a rural area, two or three families may draw power of it

Why would a power company ever run power to rural areas? There is no profit in it.

So, why do they do it? Because urban customers paid a rural electrification fee to subsidize providing power to rural areas. Power companies also received federal funding to provide power in rural areas
Wow, have you got anything else you can pull out of your ass???
How much money does your state receive from the federal government? Check out this list.

The total amount the federal government collected from each state in the 2017 fiscal year ranged from $5.6 billion from Vermont to $435.6 billion from California. The majority of states – including Vermont and California – ultimately get more money back than they contribute.
By your link, California is 40 at a whopping $12 per resident
My state, NJ pays a whopping $2,600 more per resident than they receive

Most of the top ten in receiving federal funds are red states

The only thing that defines a red state and blue state is how they voted last presidential election. Nothing else.

When I watch HGTV and house sales or renovations, I'm stunned at what homes cost in blue states. For what you buy there for 800K, you can get for less than 300K here. Because the cost of living is so high in blue states, wages have to pay more to be middle class, and of course, that means higher tax contributions to the federal government. It's not that they have anything more than we do, it's just that for what they have, they pay much more for it.

View attachment 302456
Which amounts to blue states contributing significantly more than red states do. If the cost of living is so high in blue states, you would think they would receive MORE in federal funding

They don’t, that funding goes to Red States

States don't need federal funding, people do. Per capita tell us an entirely different story about who the real moochers are.

View attachment 302468

Do Red States Really Take the Most Welfare? – Dan Bongino
I didn’t say welfare, I said Federal Funding which can include public works projects, jobs, subsidies...

Red States receive more than they put in
Rural areas are supported by urban areas

So like Paul Krugman, you're a liar trying to paint military personnel as moochers. :thup:
Last edited:
The only thing that defines a red state and blue state is how they voted last presidential election. Nothing else.

When I watch HGTV and house sales or renovations, I'm stunned at what homes cost in blue states. For what you buy there for 800K, you can get for less than 300K here. Because the cost of living is so high in blue states, wages have to pay more to be middle class, and of course, that means higher tax contributions to the federal government. It's not that they have anything more than we do, it's just that for what they have, they pay much more for it.

View attachment 302456
Which amounts to blue states contributing significantly more than red states do. If the cost of living is so high in blue states, you would think they would receive MORE in federal funding

They don’t, that funding goes to Red States

States don't need federal funding, people do. Per capita tell us an entirely different story about who the real moochers are.

View attachment 302468

Do Red States Really Take the Most Welfare? – Dan Bongino
I didn’t say welfare, I said Federal Funding which can include public works projects, jobs, subsidies...

Red States receive more than they put in
Rural areas are supported by urban areas

And yet you haven't provided any evidence of that. As I stated, cities don't support the sticks. It may come from the state or it may come from federal, but not cities.

As it's been pointed out, military is also included in federal funding, and as I have pointed out, blue states pay more because their cost of living is more. That's why when Trump put a limit on mortgage interest rate deductions, nobody from red states complained. It was the blue states who copped a bitch.

Let’s look at a simple example......Electrical Power

If a power company runs a mile of cable in an urban area, thousands of families draw off of it
If a power company runs a mile of cable in a rural area, two or three families may draw power of it

Why would a power company ever run power to rural areas? There is no profit in it.

So, why do they do it? Because urban customers paid a rural electrification fee to subsidize providing power to rural areas. Power companies also received federal funding to provide power in rural areas

Which is exactly what I said. The money comes from feds, not the city. If there is such thing as a rural subsidization tax in your utility bills, it was a federal or state program, and everybody in the US or state pays.
Red States are supported by Blue States
One of the left's favorite little lies. Detroit (red) filed bankruptcy. California (red) is drowning in hundreds of billions in debt and will soon follow. Wherever left-wing policy is implemented, collapse and poverty soon follow (as does moral bankruptcy).
it’s a phrase used by republicans to denigrate the left for wanting tuition free college or socialized healthcare, but they don’t really understand how these concepts are no different than programs already in place.

When a republican’s house is on fire or they need police assistance do they pay the responders personally? Uh no. They keep the “free shit”. You see, something like free tuition or socialized medicine are no different. All of these programs are paid for with tax payer revenue. Bernie, after all, has tax proposals to pay for his ideas.
"Free shit" is what the Democrat/Socialists want us all to think is Socialism.
Socialism is all about the takeover of private property by the federal government.
Doing things to help people is not Socialism

Of course not.

Placing the means of production in the hands of the state or central authority as you desire is socialism.
Bernie, after all, has tax proposals to pay for his ideas.

Democratic Economists Say Bernie Sanders’s Math Doesn’t Add Up

"Four leading Democratic economists sharply criticized Sen. Bernie Sanders for citing “extreme claims” about the economic effects of his campaign proposals, the latest in a stream of critiques from Democrats over details of his platform.

Criticism has also been directed at Mr. Sanders’s plan for a single-payer, government-run health-care plan, with critics saying he underestimates the costs of providing health care to all Americans and overestimates the revenue his plan would generate."

I would add that every single new spending program over the past 20 years has ended up costing way way more than it was "estimated," and a good reason why is the Hunter Biden effect, that the politicians, especially Dems, STEAL.... and STEAL AND STEAL AND STEAL....
If they are bankrupt, why are they forced to support red states?
Why is California constantly crying for more federal money???

But I have a solution, since the state can't declare bankruptcy...

We can just give it to Mexico and they can have all the Mexican citizens they want... Heck, they can even have all the "migrants" from Central America, since Mexico has offered THEM asylum!!!
California pays more into the Federal coffers than they receive.
Expecting more in return is crying?
Wow, have you got anything else you can pull out of your ass???
How much money does your state receive from the federal government? Check out this list.

The total amount the federal government collected from each state in the 2017 fiscal year ranged from $5.6 billion from Vermont to $435.6 billion from California. The majority of states – including Vermont and California – ultimately get more money back than they contribute.
By your link, California is 40 at a whopping $12 per resident
My state, NJ pays a whopping $2,600 more per resident than they receive

Most of the top ten in receiving federal funds are red states

The only thing that defines a red state and blue state is how they voted last presidential election. Nothing else.

When I watch HGTV and house sales or renovations, I'm stunned at what homes cost in blue states. For what you buy there for 800K, you can get for less than 300K here. Because the cost of living is so high in blue states, wages have to pay more to be middle class, and of course, that means higher tax contributions to the federal government. It's not that they have anything more than we do, it's just that for what they have, they pay much more for it.

View attachment 302456

WV has a Republican governor.
Bernie, after all, has tax proposals to pay for his ideas.

Democratic Economists Say Bernie Sanders’s Math Doesn’t Add Up

"Four leading Democratic economists sharply criticized Sen. Bernie Sanders for citing “extreme claims” about the economic effects of his campaign proposals, the latest in a stream of critiques from Democrats over details of his platform.

Criticism has also been directed at Mr. Sanders’s plan for a single-payer, government-run health-care plan, with critics saying he underestimates the costs of providing health care to all Americans and overestimates the revenue his plan would generate."

I would add that every single new spending program over the past 20 years has ended up costing way way more than it was "estimated," and a good reason why is the Hunter Biden effect, that the politicians, especially Dems, STEAL.... and STEAL AND STEAL AND STEAL....

Right on brother, demorats are thieving scum according to 99% of the right wing posters here. Duncan Hunter just resigned his seat and is awaiting his trial for stealing. link below...whoooops, duncan be a republican...never mind.
GOP Rep. Duncan Hunter Resigns After Corruption Conviction
Duncan HuntER is a Post 1998 "Republican," meaning he cares about Israel and nothing else...
The "free market" worked really well in the 1990s when we cut both taxes and spending.

The "free market" didn't work so well under W when taxes were cut and spending skyrocketed....

Logical conclusion = government spending is the problem
Bernie, after all, has tax proposals to pay for his ideas.

Democratic Economists Say Bernie Sanders’s Math Doesn’t Add Up

"Four leading Democratic economists sharply criticized Sen. Bernie Sanders for citing “extreme claims” about the economic effects of his campaign proposals, the latest in a stream of critiques from Democrats over details of his platform.

Criticism has also been directed at Mr. Sanders’s plan for a single-payer, government-run health-care plan, with critics saying he underestimates the costs of providing health care to all Americans and overestimates the revenue his plan would generate."

I would add that every single new spending program over the past 20 years has ended up costing way way more than it was "estimated," and a good reason why is the Hunter Biden effect, that the politicians, especially Dems, STEAL.... and STEAL AND STEAL AND STEAL....
I don’t think his tax plan is solid, but the idea of a single payer system is still very much realistic. The program can easily be paid for if we make cuts to our defense spending as well as higher tax rate. It wouldn’t need to be as high as Bernie is suggesting.
Bernie, after all, has tax proposals to pay for his ideas.

Democratic Economists Say Bernie Sanders’s Math Doesn’t Add Up

"Four leading Democratic economists sharply criticized Sen. Bernie Sanders for citing “extreme claims” about the economic effects of his campaign proposals, the latest in a stream of critiques from Democrats over details of his platform.

Criticism has also been directed at Mr. Sanders’s plan for a single-payer, government-run health-care plan, with critics saying he underestimates the costs of providing health care to all Americans and overestimates the revenue his plan would generate."

I would add that every single new spending program over the past 20 years has ended up costing way way more than it was "estimated," and a good reason why is the Hunter Biden effect, that the politicians, especially Dems, STEAL.... and STEAL AND STEAL AND STEAL....
I don’t think his tax plan is solid, but the idea of a single payer system is still very much realistic. The program can easily be paid for if we make cuts to our defense spending as well as higher tax rate. It wouldn’t need to be as high as Bernie is suggesting.

Then let's do it with a consumption tax, say 30 cents on the dollar? The rich pay, the middle-class pay, the poor pay, everybody pays.

I always bring up this situation that actually took place when talking about government healthcare. I was in a line at the post office during DumBama's first term. The elderly black lady in front of me said aloud "We have all these people here standing in this long line, and only one post office worker. Does this make sense?" To that I replied "Don't look now, but these are the same people that want to run your healthcare in this country." Obviously an Obama supporter, she just turned around and gave me the dirtiest look.

Government healthcare will create more problems than it solves. For one, there are good doctors and bad doctors. There are good hospitals and not so good hospitals. If we all had the same healthcare, who would decide who gets the good doctors and hospitals, and who gets the not so good ones? After all, we all want the best for our care, don't we?

In our current system, if you don't have the money or are on a government program, you are probably not getting the best of both. If you have good insurance or have a lot of money, you likely have the best. So who will decide who gets the best and worst healthcare? That's right, the same people that work at the post office.
it’s a phrase used by republicans to denigrate the left for wanting tuition free college or socialized healthcare, but they don’t really understand how these concepts are no different than programs already in place.

When a republican’s house is on fire or they need police assistance do they pay the responders personally? Uh no. They keep the “free shit”. You see, something like free tuition or socialized medicine are no different. All of these programs are paid for with tax payer revenue. Bernie, after all, has tax proposals to pay for his ideas.
"Free shit" is what the Democrat/Socialists want us all to think is Socialism.
Socialism is all about the takeover of private property by the federal government.
Doing things to help people is not Socialism
No...that charity.
Socialists aren't into charity.....they're into forcing compliance.
it’s a phrase used by republicans to denigrate the left for wanting tuition free college or socialized healthcare, but they don’t really understand how these concepts are no different than programs already in place.

When a republican’s house is on fire or they need police assistance do they pay the responders personally? Uh no. They keep the “free shit”. You see, something like free tuition or socialized medicine are no different. All of these programs are paid for with tax payer revenue. Bernie, after all, has tax proposals to pay for his ideas.
"Free shit" is what the Democrat/Socialists want us all to think is Socialism.
Socialism is all about the takeover of private property by the federal government.
Doing things to help people is not Socialism
No...that charity.
Socialists aren't into charity.....they're into forcing compliance.
No, that is what modern governments do
it’s a phrase used by republicans to denigrate the left for wanting tuition free college or socialized healthcare, but they don’t really understand how these concepts are no different than programs already in place.

When a republican’s house is on fire or they need police assistance do they pay the responders personally? Uh no. They keep the “free shit”. You see, something like free tuition or socialized medicine are no different. All of these programs are paid for with tax payer revenue. Bernie, after all, has tax proposals to pay for his ideas.
"Free shit" is what the Democrat/Socialists want us all to think is Socialism.
Socialism is all about the takeover of private property by the federal government.
Doing things to help people is not Socialism
No...that charity.
Socialists aren't into charity.....they're into forcing compliance.
No, that is what modern governments do
Sad, but true

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