Republicans love to claim they're "pro-family." Do they support any of these "socialist" pro-family policies?

Tell me about these private charities providing society wide day care.
See what I mean about State worshipers, folks?

What they have is a near total disaster, but demand perfection from anyone who says cut the losses and turn it over to the private sector.

Neither perfection nor universality are options.
See what I mean about State worshipers, folks?

What they have is a near total disaster, but demand perfection from anyone who says cut the losses and turn it over to the private sector.

Neither perfection nor universality are options.

Perfection? You can't even provide a basic plan.
Perfection? You can't even provide a basic plan.
You really don't get it, do you?

Central planners created this mess.....Now we need ANOTHER, new-and-improved , centralized universal plan, before abandoning what already is clearly doing more harm than good.

Fuck my life.

You really don't get it, do you?

Central planners created this mess.....Now we need ANOTHER, new-and-improved , centralized universal plan, before abandoning what already is clearly doing more harm than good.

Fuck my life.

OK, you have no plan unlike you said.
violates the constitution and degrades the people collecting it as being useless

I love how right wingers are always ready to dismiss any government program which helps poor people get a better education as both unnecessary, and humiliating. Like maternity leave with job security. Or computers for the kids to take home. Anything to help poor people will be shot down by right wingers faster than you can say "tax cuts for billionaires".

No it most certainly does not. It's a boon to working families, both in knowing that their children are well cared for, and safe while they're working .

But this idea that government services are "degrading" to the user is downright assinine. Every family wants to provide early childhood education for their children, as a head start to their schooling. But these schools are expensive.

We have a $500 per month child tax credit in Canada to help with the cost of raising children. Something that Joe Manchon refused to support. I love how billionaires with fast Italian cars have this much power over the life of every poor child in America.
Turn it over to the private sector, and quit pretending that your catastrophe of socialistic moocher state is doing anyone any favors.

We have a private sector. Many can not find access and many can not afford what is out there.
Republicans, like the Democrats, have a hatred for poor people and consider them a weight on society. Truth be told. Nothing of course is further from the truth.
We have a private sector. Many can not find access and many can not afford what is out there.
Since when did perfection become an option?

Since when did your hallowed socialistic welfare state deliver anything better and at a lower cost?
Republicans, like the Democrats, have a hatred for poor people and consider them a weight on society. Truth be told. Nothing of course is further from the truth.
Don't hate them at all....Used to be one of them.
Since when did perfection become an option?

Since when did your hallowed socialistic welfare state deliver anything better and at a lower cost?

I'm only concerned with access. Since you seem unable to come up with a plan I'll go with those who have one.
When are the hyper rich finally going to get a break?
Most of the hyper-rich are on your team, Corky.

When are Gates, Buffett, Bezos, Hollywood drips, zillionaire jocks, going to get off their asses and do something about any of it?
Democrats have had total control of the U.S. government for two years and apparently old Brandon hasn't considered the plight of child care. So what's going on in Bernie's mind? You know what it's about, its RvW. It's a lame argument but Democrats can't run on anything but the castration of kids without parental permission and the murder of the unborn.

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