Republicans love to claim they're "pro-family." Do they support any of these "socialist" pro-family policies?

The best "pro family" concept there is is to teach children self determination and the right to chart their own course as we did... and not to be hampered by over zealous government....
Freedom provided in our founding is pro family....
because it doesnt produce the outcome you claimed it did,,

If you say so.

You asked me why I support things, not make you agree.

handouts keep the poor poor while jobs allow the poor to work themselves out of poverty,,

A young woman knowing she can have her baby and keep her job because she has some help in watching that baby in no way keeps her poor.
If you say so.

You asked me why I support things, not make you agree.

A young woman knowing she can have her baby and keep her job because she has some help in watching that baby in no way keeps her poor.
its worse,, it makes her dependent,,

if she cant afford the child she would know that before getting prego,,

why do you hate the poor so much,,
If you say so.

You asked me why I support things, not make you agree.

A young woman knowing she can have her baby and keep her job because she has some help in watching that baby in no way keeps her poor.
and what about the father?? why arent you considering him in this??
its worse,, it makes her dependent,,

if she cant afford the child she would know that before getting prego,,

why do you hate the poor so much,,

Rant away.............that's how these always end.

“The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’

Matthew 25:40

We pretend to be a Capitalist country and we pretend to be a Christian country when we are neither.
Lefties are (usually) big on the FREEDOM part of citizenship, but are out to lunch on its counterpart: RESPONSIBILITY.

To the Left it is unreasonable to expect "birthing humans" and their spouses, if applicable, to make a rational decision about whether to procreate, when to procreate, and how to care for their offspring. Every middle-class couple in the country carefully considers whether to have children, how they are going to be taken care of, what the costs will be, and decides whether or not to procreate based on an assessment of those factors. Sometimes (often) they delay having children until they have the resources to nurture them in the way that they choose. Sometimes - good heavens! - they decide NOT TO HAVE KIDS, because they can't afford it.

But to a Leftist, kids are sprinkled around the population like some sort of an unavoidable communicable disease, and it is Government's role to ensure that the offspring are taken care of - funded of course by the middle class folks who have acted prudently.

The Left is evil. No denying it.
And people wonder why some turn to abortion.

We can't make a pregnant young woman feel secure that she can keep her baby and her job but we can give corporations billions.

There are more wellness care centers for a pregnant women than there are abortion clinics. They educate and provide resources for young mothers.

You may have heard of them. They were being bombed by leftists during the Roe ruling.
Democrats have been in charge for the last two years. Did they just discover "the outrageous cost of child care" now that Biden's polls are in the toilet? Pretty soon Americans won't be able to afford the gas that it takes to get to child care.
well for thousands of yrs its worked that a person provided for themselves and didnt expect the government to steal for them,,

how about we go with what got us here??

If you say so. The government has been collecting taxes forever.
Come up with a better way that works and I'm happy to listen.
No, you quit insisting that you get to wave a gun in my face to support your "charity", as a matter of compulsion.

You claim that you care, then it's YOUR responsibility to do something.

There are more wellness care centers for a pregnant women than there are abortion clinics. They educate and provide resources for young mothers.

You may have heard of them. There were being bombed by leftists during the Roe ruling.

Wellness care centers are not day care center. I support wellness care centers.

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