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Republicans Mock, "It's the Russians!!!" Well Yeah, Actually It Is.

Liberals clinging to their Russian fake news excuse like a security blanket. *Precious*. Your epic failure couldn't have been due DNC corruption, a poor campaign strategy and an even poorer candidate, would it? No it was those dang Russkies!

Thank you...you feed my desire to hope and pray that the recount flips all three states and gets Trump to lose the election. Not because I want Clinton in office, because I want to watch you guys cry like babies when it happens.

Russia faked news to get Trump elected, and you can't understand why that's a problem.
The odds that the any recount results will change the electoral college to make Hillary the next President are the same odds you'll ever have a hard-on longer than three inches.
Just ain't ever going to happen. HAAAA HAAAA!
EC results: Trump 306. Hillary 232.
The old old drunk would need to overturn 75 EC votes to win.
Now go back to jerking off on your full size Sarah Palin poster before mommy catches you again!
All election cycle people have been pointing out how so many fake news stories have been coming out of the media... and many anti-Trump people have blamed it on the Russians only to be mocked by his supporters. Well it is time to reap what you sow, because independent reports are coming out to show just how gullible you were. It WAS the Russians, and all their fake news stories were to help Trump get elected. Not just opinions, they have traced the sites, the tweets, etc. to Russia.

Russian propaganda effort helped spread ‘fake news’ during election, experts say
"Experts say" isn't evidence of anything except that's what people called experts say. Come back with evidence.
The major problem with this country IS the two party system. So many people focus so much on what party someone is from that they don't use common sense anymore to look at the issues and what's going on around them. Russia worked HARD to get Trump elected... and you just don't care. Why? Because he ran as a Republican.
You speak for yourself, don't get all confused there. And post some evidence to back up your claims.
Was it the Russians when Barry ignored Romney and went for a funny soundbyte which proved Romney was smarter about the Russians?

Was it the Russians when Hillary goggled like a school girl, handed a Russian ambassador a plastic 'Reset' prop with a plaque on it that incompetently said 'Overcharge' in Russian on it?

Was it the Russians when Hillary helped Putin acquire 20% of the US stockpile of uranium?

Was it the Russians when Hillary tried (and failed after she got caught) to sell the Russians several Aleutian islands and their mineral rights?

Was it all the Russians who reportedly hacked Hillary's unsecured devies when she visited Russia?

That's what your signature implies. Yes.

No, no it doesn't. You can't even answer a simple fucking question in another thread. You can't understand what a sentence says. Stick to graphs kid because that's the only thing you can read.
I did answer it. Like three times. You didn't understand the answer. Just like you don't understand that your signature is calling all republicans racist. Or that you don't understand the irony of you creating a thread on propaganda when you yourself are engaging in propaganda.

Your answer was one of the dumbest 3rd grade come back answers I've read on this forum, "Do they have to ask you if they can do it?"

That wasn't third grade. This is third grade. Stop crying. The election is over.


Ahhh and the decent into madness continues. Congrats, you have officially reached troll territory.

That's ENOUGH from you!
I will not waste bandwidth on your childish 'circular' arguments any longer.
Permanent Ignore!
All election cycle people have been pointing out how so many fake news stories have been coming out of the media... and many anti-Trump people have blamed it on the Russians only to be mocked by his supporters. Well it is time to reap what you sow, because independent reports are coming out to show just how gullible you were. It WAS the Russians, and all their fake news stories were to help Trump get elected. Not just opinions, they have traced the sites, the tweets, etc. to Russia.

Russian propaganda effort helped spread ‘fake news’ during election, experts say

Actually they didn't. You have no proof other than some biased hack saying they did.
Hilarious reading the usual suspects calling legitimate news sources like the Washington Post who's articles are all vetted before publishing like any other legitimate source "fake news."

The conservatives on this forum are literally the dumbest fucking people I've ever encountered in my life. No wonder we're so fucked as a country.

These same people suffer from so much confirmation bias that the only requirement for them believing in any article is whether it aligns with their own hate and internal beliefs. Fact checking is not necessary for these mental midgets. This is becoming a very disturbing personality flaw in American conservatives.
These "flawed" "dumb" American voter elected Trump. Held the Senate and Congress.
The real dummies were the ones who snickered and sneered at the 'fly-over' rednecks.
Your side has lost 900 legislative seats since 'The First AA President was elected by the fucking 'OJ jury'.
Who are the dummies?
My experts say that's not the case at all..........it wasn't the Russians that kept people away for Hitlery's infrequent "rallies" that she couldn't draw flies to. It wasn't the Russians that backed Project Veritas where it was revealed that the DNC was paying people to "bird-dog" Trump supporters. It wasn't the Russians that leaked information to Wikileaks and the Podesta e-mails that shows his connections to Pizza-gate and "spirit cooking" using Aliester Crowley "OTO" satanic rituals. It wasn't the Russians that exposed Hitlery's speeches to Wall Street bankers about how she dreamed of open borders. It wasn't the Russians that got Weiner's lap-top that revealed Hitlery used her state department power to get Laura Silsby out of trouble when she tried to smuggle 33 Haitian children out of the country. I will be glad to school you further if you want.

BTW, I find it hilarious that leftards are so anti-Russia but have no problem with Hitlery's chummy ties to the Chi-coms.....seriously,people like you are a fucking joke in search of a punch-line....you simply don't "get it".......
Liberals clinging to their Russian fake news excuse like a security blanket. *Precious*. Your epic failure couldn't have been due DNC corruption, a poor campaign strategy and an even poorer candidate, would it? No it was those dang Russkies!

Thank you...you feed my desire to hope and pray that the recount flips all three states and gets Trump to lose the election. Not because I want Clinton in office, because I want to watch you guys cry like babies when it happens.

Russia faked news to get Trump elected, and you can't understand why that's a problem.
The odds that the any recount results will change the electoral college to make Hillary the next President are the same odds you'll ever have a hard-on longer than three inches.
Just ain't ever going to happen. HAAAA HAAAA!
EC results: Trump 306. Hillary 232.
The old old drunk would need to overturn 75 EC votes to win.
Now go back to jerking off on your full size Sarah Palin poster before mommy catches you again!

Actually 39 would do it.
Liberals clinging to their Russian fake news excuse like a security blanket. *Precious*. Your epic failure couldn't have been due DNC corruption, a poor campaign strategy and an even poorer candidate, would it? No it was those dang Russkies!

Thank you...you feed my desire to hope and pray that the recount flips all three states and gets Trump to lose the election. Not because I want Clinton in office, because I want to watch you guys cry like babies when it happens.

Russia faked news to get Trump elected, and you can't understand why that's a problem.
The odds that the any recount results will change the electoral college to make Hillary the next President are the same odds you'll ever have a hard-on longer than three inches.
Just ain't ever going to happen. HAAAA HAAAA!
EC results: Trump 306. Hillary 232.
The old old drunk would need to overturn 75 EC votes to win.
Now go back to jerking off on your full size Sarah Palin poster before mommy catches you again!

Ewe got ewe one of dem gud edumacations!@
It wasn't the email scandal. Or that she got men killed in Benghazi and then said "what does it matter". Or set 9 countries to burning and civil war through ineptitude. Or that she married a rapist and viciously attacked any woman who complained about him. Or lied about being sick. Or that she bragged about bringing in Muslims to replace Americans. Or supported open borders. Or that she pushed gay marriage and abortion. Or was humiliated by Brexit after campaigning against it. It wasn't even her screeching attacks on trump voters and name calling or her attempts to separate families and pit women against men. It wasn't the billionaires who funded her or the people witnessing every media outlet, celebrity and elitist singing her praises. She didn't lose any votes when it was discovered that she cheated Bernie Sanders and was even given debate questions by CNN. Or that her inner circle were catholic-bashing occultists as exposed by wikileaks. Or that her dyke girlfriend huma had shared emails with her pervert husband Weiner. It probably didn't hurt her that she never had a job and was a creature of Washington power. And her attackes on the FBI and our justice system were so dignified....as befits a woman who was under heavy imaginary sniper fire once.
It wasn't that her term as SOS is marred by worsening relations with a Russia after she claimed she was going to "reset relations" with them..oh wait...they are evil and she has this sanction plan to make them retreat and give up Crimea...er...someday...and lets pay Iran a ransom and let them have nukes in the meantime. And surely a little arab spring driven refugee world crisis didnt bother anyone.

Nooooo...it was these sneaky secret "fureigners" (and maybe aliens from Planet X under her bed). Boris and Natasha worked to defeat her...by releasing emails which showed her as she truly is. And then they put out a fake news story that the American president is elected by the Eletoral College and people believe it! Dastardly!

And this paranoid lunatic was a major party candidate? She has been ranting about "vast conspiracies" since her teeth were still real. Always somebody elses fault. She is a loser and attracted other losers who thought sheer venom would make them winners. And if it didn't work then surely it must be some weird conspiracy. right?

download (7).jpg
All election cycle people have been pointing out how so many fake news stories have been coming out of the media... and many anti-Trump people have blamed it on the Russians only to be mocked by his supporters. Well it is time to reap what you sow, because independent reports are coming out to show just how gullible you were. It WAS the Russians, and all their fake news stories were to help Trump get elected. Not just opinions, they have traced the sites, the tweets, etc. to Russia.

Russian propaganda effort helped spread ‘fake news’ during election, experts say
But Obama scoffed at Romney when he warned of the Russians. And then of course there was Hillary's brilliant Russian Reset, remember that?
All election cycle people have been pointing out how so many fake news stories have been coming out of the media... and many anti-Trump people have blamed it on the Russians only to be mocked by his supporters. Well it is time to reap what you sow, because independent reports are coming out to show just how gullible you were. It WAS the Russians, and all their fake news stories were to help Trump get elected. Not just opinions, they have traced the sites, the tweets, etc. to Russia.

Russian propaganda effort helped spread ‘fake news’ during election, experts say
But Obama scoffed at Romney when he warned of the Russians. And then of course there was Hillary's brilliant Russian Reset, remember that?
so now we have gone from blaming Bush to the Russians? what will it be in 2017? Aliens from Mars?
i am still convinced that it was the russians who caused that rescue ship to get stuck in 200 feet of arctict ice in the south pole
Once more the radical left shows off their bigotry and racism. Even when the freaking New York Times" admits their bias and manipulation of polls and editorials and apologizes to their readers and vows to bring back honesty to their news after the way they treated Trump and when fake news is on display in every freaking mainstream news outlet, the idiotic, incoherent left manages to blame the freaking Russians for Hillary's defeat. How stupid do they think the voters are? You gotta wonder. .

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