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Republicans Mock, "It's the Russians!!!" Well Yeah, Actually It Is.

Once more the radical left shows off their bigotry and racism. Even when the freaking New York Times" admits their bias and manipulation of polls and editorials and apologizes to their readers and vows to bring back honesty to their news after the way they treated Trump and when fake news is on display in every freaking mainstream news outlet, the idiotic, incoherent left manages to blame the freaking Russians for Hillary's defeat. How stupid do they think the voters are? You gotta wonder. .

You mean the same New York Times that Trumped talked about as being trash and then a few weeks later said it was a jewel? Jesus why is it bad whenever anyone BUT Trump does it?
And the MSM tried to use their influence to elect Clinton - who was in turn funded heavily by various countries. So?
did you read about that on infowars? or breitbart?

Wikileaks. Wow, looky there, WaPo is right there in that list. :eusa_think:

Hilarious reading the usual suspects calling legitimate news sources like the Washington Post who's articles are all vetted before publishing like any other legitimate source "fake news."

The conservatives on this forum are literally the dumbest fucking people I've ever encountered in my life. No wonder we're so fucked as a country.

These same people suffer from so much confirmation bias that the only requirement for them believing in any article is whether it aligns with their own hate and internal beliefs. Fact checking is not necessary for these mental midgets. This is becoming a very disturbing personality flaw in American conservatives.

Hilarious reading the usual suspects calling legitimate news sources like the Washington Post who's articles are all vetted before publishing like any other legitimate source "fake news."

No kidding, that would be like accusing Dan Rather of reporting a fake story.
Liberals clinging to their Russian fake news excuse like a security blanket. *Precious*. Your epic failure couldn't have been due DNC corruption, a poor campaign strategy and an even poorer candidate, would it? No it was those dang Russkies!

Thank you...you feed my desire to hope and pray that the recount flips all three states and gets Trump to lose the election. Not because I want Clinton in office, because I want to watch you guys cry like babies when it happens.

Russia faked news to get Trump elected, and you can't understand why that's a problem.
The odds that the any recount results will change the electoral college to make Hillary the next President are the same odds you'll ever have a hard-on longer than three inches.
Just ain't ever going to happen. HAAAA HAAAA!
EC results: Trump 306. Hillary 232.
The old old drunk would need to overturn 75 EC votes to win.
Now go back to jerking off on your full size Sarah Palin poster before mommy catches you again!

Ewe got ewe one of dem gud edumacations!@

Hey, no making fun of the Russian propagandists, mmmkay? :lmao:

Zooks. You're so dumb, you wouldn't even be able to recognize if one actually did crawl out of the woodwork. :rofl:

And who's to say they wouldn't be more interested in global peace rather than the Zionists and Anglo-American NWO?

It all really does depend on how one spins the other guys POV, doesn't it?
Here is another great article talking about Trump's ability to continue to lie, Steve Bannon running Breitbart as a Trump campaign site, and how fake news helped mold the election.



I can't read this out of principle in this thread. That previous article you linked me to linked me to another site that told me that this was fake news. Sorry.

I think you must have an agenda. You probably do, don't you?

Are you a spy?
And the MSM tried to use their influence to elect Clinton - who was in turn funded heavily by various countries. So?
did you read about that on infowars? or breitbart?

Wikileaks. Wow, looky there, WaPo is right there in that list. :eusa_think:


ONE journalist from the Washington Post is on the list.
One is all it takes to show that a source is discredited and working with the establishment. What's the upshot? It means a source is no better than RT or Sputnik. I could link you to wikipedia's membership roster on the CFR, but what good would it do? You have an agenda, and you clearly don't know what you are talking about.

None the less, thank you for the informative article. It doesn't tell me much other than what I knew, Americans have much more freedom of information and much more accurate information than we have had since the formation of the CFR.

If you don't know that journalists and editors of WaPo, along with the Clintons are part of the CFR, then you really don't know much about how the establishment works. Not much at all.
Here is another great article talking about Trump's ability to continue to lie, Steve Bannon running Breitbart as a Trump campaign site, and how fake news helped mold the election.



I can't read this out of principle in this thread. That previous article you linked me to linked me to another site that told me that this was fake news. Sorry.

I think you must have an agenda. You probably do, don't you?

Are you a spy?
Here is another great article talking about Trump's ability to continue to lie, Steve Bannon running Breitbart as a Trump campaign site, and how fake news helped mold the election.



When seeking honest journalism pieces about the geo-political scene, the leftard slanted website isn't anywhere on my radar. I don't meed anyone to tell me how to think or what to think. I will know all I need to know about Trump's honesty about changing the political climate by whom he picks for cabinet positions. There is no fucking way that I would EVER back the leftard clown posse communist, satan worshiping pedophile party....and you can etch that in stone.
Do democrat 'tards really think falsely blaming the Ruskies for hacking the pedophile Podesta matters to anyone? :p From a logical fallacy perspective, it does not matter who informed the world that the democrats, their fake news media, and Crooked Hillary are the most corrupt enterprise in world history. It is what is called an ad hominem. A logical fallacy. But interestingly, the implication is that US intelligence sent Wikileaks the content to save America from Crooked Hillary's potential regime.
All election cycle people have been pointing out how so many fake news stories have been coming out of the media... and many anti-Trump people have blamed it on the Russians only to be mocked by his supporters. Well it is time to reap what you sow, because independent reports are coming out to show just how gullible you were. It WAS the Russians, and all their fake news stories were to help Trump get elected. Not just opinions, they have traced the sites, the tweets, etc. to Russia.

Russian propaganda effort helped spread ‘fake news’ during election, experts say
OMG...you fucking lost because Hillary was out of touch with the people.
^^ As someone who's watched Trump for her entire grown life, yes the MSM's hit pieces on Trump were absolutely fake news.
My experts say that's not the case at all..........it wasn't the Russians that kept people away for Hitlery's infrequent "rallies" that she couldn't draw flies to. It wasn't the Russians that backed Project Veritas where it was revealed that the DNC was paying people to "bird-dog" Trump supporters. It wasn't the Russians that leaked information to Wikileaks and the Podesta e-mails that shows his connections to Pizza-gate and "spirit cooking" using Aliester Crowley "OTO" satanic rituals. It wasn't the Russians that exposed Hitlery's speeches to Wall Street bankers about how she dreamed of open borders. It wasn't the Russians that got Weiner's lap-top that revealed Hitlery used her state department power to get Laura Silsby out of trouble when she tried to smuggle 33 Haitian children out of the country. I will be glad to school you further if you want.

BTW, I find it hilarious that leftards are so anti-Russia but have no problem with Hitlery's chummy ties to the Chi-coms.....seriously,people like you are a fucking joke in search of a punch-line....you simply don't "get it".......

I can't thank you enough for this post.

We both can't be every where all the time.

With each day, I get more and more disappointed with Trump.

None the less, it is good that he won. I haven't been paying attention to how truly corrupt things have gotten. Do you know how I found this thread?

I have been pretty busy lately, so I haven't been able to keep up with the news. When I sat down late last night to catch up on things, before I even came to USMB, something caught my attention. . . Pizzagate. So I came here to do a search to see if any threads were discussing it. Nothing, the only thing that really came up, was a post by you. Thanks.

I can't really tell yet if Pizzagate is real, or if it is only a fiction in the mind of those who are paranoid. I'm beginning to think it is noise. Though that Podesta email about the handkerchiefs certainly IS cryptic and doesn't make any sense what so ever. If the NYT or WaPo could explain it for me, then I would be more willing to dismiss Vigilant Citizen.

This post by Mr. Barrett seems the most sober on the subject:

Jade Helm, too, was a panic based on legitimate fears. Plans for mass internment and martial law undoubtedly do exist, and the police state is completely out of control.

As for African-Americans and Church’s Fried Chicken, Rockefeller-funded eugenics efforts really have targeted black people in sinister ways. And don’t get me started about the Tuskegee syphilis studies.

Assuming all three of these cases – DC Pizzagate, Jade Helm, and Church’s Fried Chicken Sterilization – are urban legends, should we interpret them as purely spontaneous public panics? Or might these and/or other “false and harmful conspiracy theories” actually be conspiracies to spread bad conspiracy theories?

We are seeing major pushback against “fake news.” The government, big media, and internet giants like Facebook and Google are being pressured to put a lid on alternative media. Bogus “conspiracy theories” that harm innocent people are a perfect excuse to ban all “conspiracy theories” including the true ones. Next thing you know, “WTC-7 a Controlled Demolition” will be scrubbed from the internet as “fake news.”

This is exactly what Cass Sunstein meant when he argued that the government should “disable the purveyors of (9/11) conspiracy theories” by “cognitively infiltrating” conspiracy groups and spreading “beneficial cognitive diversity.” Panic and confusion spread by urban legends like Jade Helm and DC Pizzagate “disable” the “purveyors of conspiracy theories” (the alternative media) not only by promoting irrationality, but also by preparing the way for a crackdown on “fake news.”

Then there is the partisan political dirty tricks angle. Somebody seeded the Jade Helm panic. Why? Could it have been a right-wing anti-Obama political move? “Get very, very angry, conservative white people! That evil black President is coming to take your guns and – get this – lock you up in Wal-Mart!”

Might this pizza-gate thing also be a synthetically manufactured urban legend, another anti-Democrat dirty trick from the usual suspects? A key figure in pizza-gate — and a rather tenuous connection between Comet Pizza and the Clinton campaign – is David Brock, a former Republican dirty trickster turned whistleblower. Is Brock being punished for blowing the whistle on the likes of Karl Rove? Are his old colleagues pulling a fast one on him?
Pizzahoax: DC Pizza conspiracy theory is a hoax designed to discredit alt media - Vigilant Citizen Forums
Is it really worth /not/ looking into this weird ass pizzagate thing? I hope it's a damn conspiracy theory, the idea of this being true makes me sick and embarrassed as fuck to be an American, but when you look at all the /convicted/ pedo's (five at present count and some 30 folks liking and posting creepy images of kids and weird pedo related comments) that are connected to this - and I mean /directly/ connected to Comet Pizza to these people who were mentioned in the Wikileaks, even in the Clinton emails from the FBI, connected to child traffic rings in disaster zones around the world... I mean if this is all a hoax then these folks are hoax gods to put together these thousands of pieces and not even tell us the connections - it's not some group thats figuring all this out - its hundreds of different people all over the world that are trying to figure it out. There's no "unified group" that will benefit from this, there's no singular entity that will gain anything, it's not just in the US, it's not just in EU, it's not just in RU or Asia, it's people all over the world who are individually and collaboratively all coming to the same thought and accusation. MSM tries to say it's just Trump Supporters, or it's just "Fake" news sites, but it's not.

Even if you disbelieve it all, even if you think it's a conspiracy theory, how can we /not/ investigate it given what is at stake and the convicted pedo's and child traffickers who are connected to it?
All election cycle people have been pointing out how so many fake news stories have been coming out of the media... and many anti-Trump people have blamed it on the Russians only to be mocked by his supporters. Well it is time to reap what you sow, because independent reports are coming out to show just how gullible you were. It WAS the Russians, and all their fake news stories were to help Trump get elected. Not just opinions, they have traced the sites, the tweets, etc. to Russia.

Russian propaganda effort helped spread ‘fake news’ during election, experts say
OMG...you fucking lost because Hillary was out of touch with the people.

OMG... I didn't vote for Hillary. You won however because you voted for a lying fraud buffoon that is backed by the Russians.
Is it really worth /not/ looking into this weird ass pizzagate thing? I hope it's a damn conspiracy theory, the idea of this being true makes me sick and embarrassed as fuck to be an American, but when you look at all the /convicted/ pedo's (five at present count and some 30 folks liking and posting creepy images of kids and weird pedo related comments) that are connected to this - and I mean /directly/ connected to Comet Pizza to these people who were mentioned in the Wikileaks, even in the Clinton emails from the FBI, connected to child traffic rings in disaster zones around the world... I mean if this is all a hoax then these folks are hoax gods to put together these thousands of pieces and not even tell us the connections - it's not some group thats figuring all this out - its hundreds of different people all over the world that are trying to figure it out. There's no "unified group" that will benefit from this, there's no singular entity that will gain anything, it's not just in the US, it's not just in EU, it's not just in RU or Asia, it's people all over the world who are individually and collaboratively all coming to the same thought and accusation. MSM tries to say it's just Trump Supporters, or it's just "Fake" news sites, but it's not.

Even if you disbelieve it all, even if you think it's a conspiracy theory, how can we /not/ investigate it given what is at stake and the convicted pedo's and child traffickers who are connected to it?

I'm not sure.

The FBI refuses to comment on the story either way at this point.

Here is a link to the WaPo and NYT article. Also the link to the VC article. You decide.

The argument is, that if it is fake, it is hurting real folks. OTH, the power of elites could be covering up some real corruption.

And then, the angle I like best, which I posted, is that, yes, there are small instances where this type of shit goes on, but on this scale?

If it isn't true, but then powerful interests manufacture such a story, it would be a major coup in order to discredit the alternative press, which often times don't have the resources, capital, and standards to vet stories like the establishment press more often times does.

Note, this is an opinion piece;
‘Pizzagate’ shows how fake news hurts real people

That opinion piece was based off of this technology piece;

That technology piece was an effort to spin in a different way the bad image of these pictures, images, artist connections, and Wikileaks. Granted, nothing in this trove is concrete, nor can it be nailed down. But, if you know the nature of the occult and these folks, that is what you would expect to find. So who is to say? In America we believe in innocent till proven guilty. However, for decent salt of the earth folks, everything going on in these circles seems to stink.

As they say, if it walks like a duck, talks like a duck, and well, you get the drift. It could be a planted story, it could just be a bunch of odd folks, it could be some twisted people, it could be. . who the hell knows?
"Pizzagate": How 4Chan Uncovered the Sick World of Washington's Occult Elite - The Vigilant Citizen - Symbols Rule the World
All election cycle people have been pointing out how so many fake news stories have been coming out of the media... and many anti-Trump people have blamed it on the Russians only to be mocked by his supporters. Well it is time to reap what you sow, because independent reports are coming out to show just how gullible you were. It WAS the Russians, and all their fake news stories were to help Trump get elected. Not just opinions, they have traced the sites, the tweets, etc. to Russia.

Russian propaganda effort helped spread ‘fake news’ during election, experts say
OMG...you fucking lost because Hillary was out of touch with the people.

OMG... I didn't vote for Hillary. You won however because you voted for a lying fraud buffoon that is backed by the Russians.

Did it ever occur to you, that maybe, just maybe, the Russian press, media, and establishment, might be more interested in what is best for the American people than the corrupt globalist elites?

Now, I am not saying that is necessarily true, but have you considered it?

I have seen liberals push this video to many conservative leaning folks, have you seen it?

A healthy middle class is necessary for the functioning of any good republic, and ours has been systematically destroyed.

The elites that own this nation, also own the media. Or didn't you know? What on earth makes you think they have the nation's interests at heart, rather than their own interests? What makes you think they wouldn't hesitate to take the whole damn nation to war to protect the way the establishment is run?

This is the nature of the current media concentration. This monopoly over how we receive our information has dominated the information process which has selected, yes, that's right, selected candidates, rather than providing us with accurate information for nearly a hundred years. Now they want to shut down any alternative information, deciding that Americans can't tell which information is real, and which is fake.


We have something called the first Amendment. I can't believe you are actually on a United States message board, trying tell Americans that you are against it.

First you need to demonstrate that the Russians are, indeed, our enemies. Are they oppressive to their own people? I have no doubt. Is their own media controlled, are they less free than we are here? Maybe. Who the hell knows. We sure as hell can't trust our own establishment media to tell us the truth.

I am pretty sure that their leader and government have more support of their population than ours do. On top of that, there is probably less income inequality, and less people in prison. They have not started wars all over the planet, nor do they have military bases in hundreds of different nations.

I would much rather see our nation be friends with Russian than have an adversarial relationship with them.

Please, do point out what it is you have against Russians, not their government, the Russian people. Your whole thread is based on this. You have assumed that "Russians are bad," like that is a given. I'm calling you out. PROVE IT. They are no better, nor are they any worse, than any other nation on the planet.

IMO the US was a much more noble nation, but that time has passed. The Soviet system has fallen b/c of the basic intelligence and goodness of the Russian people. The US system has now been shown to be corrupted. It's now our turn.

If the JFK assassination, 9/11, and the preemptive terror war, based on lies did not show you that, you are living in a fantasy world. The CFR, RIIA, the IMF and World Bank, the Vatican and the UN and all of their attendant globalist schemes are being shown to be the incarnate evil that they are. As long as the globalist/corporatism power structure that has put a strangle hold on the US, UK and the rest of the western establishment continue to look more and more like Huxley's Brave New World or Orwell's 1984; then Russia, China, India, and Brazil will continue to more and more look like the sane and rational acting nations by comparison.

(P.S. You probably struggled with geometry proofs, didn't you?) :badgrin:

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