Republicans’ narrative about Covid was always flawed

He’s not a scientist so your point is useless.
Neither was trump. Shall we dig up your comments about him?
How about this guy?
If you are vaccinated, we are saying you are safe, you can take off your mask, and you are not at risk of severe disease or hospitalization from COVID-19. If you are not vaccinated, you are not safesaid CDC’s Director Walensky.
Or this one?
When you get vaccinated, you not only protect your own health and that of the family but also you contribute to the community health by preventing the spread of the virus throughout the community,” Fauci said

My point isnt useless. This thread is useless.
You democrats have a lot of nerve, or stupidity, no, a combination of both.

First Trump wants to restrict people from China coming to the US to stop the spread of Covid, which Biden promptly said he was xenophobic for doing so.

Then democrats like Nancy Pelosi said there was nothing to fear about Covid, as she welcomed people into San Fran from all around the world and not to listen to crazy xenophobic Trump.

Then democrats turned on a dime and wanted to close everything.............forever, which helped destroy the world economy today spinning out of control, as they all said Trump had no plan about Covid and was personally murdering every person who died from it because he was so inept.

So Trump personally got the movement for a vaccine jump started, bypassing a whole slew of obstacles. In fact, Cameltoe and Diaper Joe both said that they would not take the Trump vaccine because Trump was evil

Then Trump during the Presidential debates said he would soon have a vaccine, to which Biden scoffed and said he was lying. Pfiezer and company then proceed to wait a few days after the election to release the new vaccine.

Coincidence they waited a few days after the election, after when Cameltoe and Diaper Joe promptly get the vaccine.

Then under Biden more people have died, even with the vaccine, than people died under Trump, yet not one death was the fault of Diaper Joe as where Trump was blamed by you and the media for all of it.

You sicken me. The media sickens me. The democrat party sickens me. May you all burn in eternal flame.
God you’re all so fucking stupid lol. I am not talking about democrats. I am talking about SCIENTISTS.
I never said that you brain dead moron.

Bullshit. Your cult leader Joe Biden said it and you still voted for him, dipshit. It's your fault a few hundred thousand people died because they thought they were "immune". You probably killed a few hundred yourself, running around infected, didn't you?
No see you’re all over the place. I am not talking about democrats. I am talking about the scientists. They are the ones you need to be listening to on the subject. seem to have problems with understanding the English language and keeping your own posts on track.
Your thought processes are random and have no logic to them.
Neither was trump. Shall we dig up your comments about him?
How about this guy?
If you are vaccinated, we are saying you are safe, you can take off your mask, and you are not at risk of severe disease or hospitalization from COVID-19. If you are not vaccinated, you are not safesaid CDC’s Director Walensky.
Or this one?
When you get vaccinated, you not only protect your own health and that of the family but also you contribute to the community health by preventing the spread of the virus throughout the community,” Fauci said

My point isnt useless. This thread is useless.

Or the BIG LIE that Biden told on national TV (repeatedly), and probably killed 300,000 Americans as a result:

Hey moron we are not taking about Biden. We are talking about scientists. Your own link makes that point lol
You asked. I answered. If you feel he's irrelevant, you have joined most of the population of this nation, so good on you.
This BRAND NEW virus pops up in late 2019. Scientists know nothing about it and of course research on it is brand new. Scientists trying to help the public try to make sense of it and come up with theories and predictions.

Whenever any of those theories turned out to be wrong, republicans jumped all over it in typical armchair critic fashion calling such officials hacks and calling their expertise useless. This of course ignores the many things these scientists were correct about. Republicans of course only want to cherry pick what they were wrong about and decide they don’t want to listen to the experts over, again, a BRAND NEW virus.

Because of that, the virus was made political. Republicans like to tout the low death rate and compare it to the flu. The problem with this, of course, is that if a virus is contagious enough, the low death rate becomes significant. It’s not like the normal flu kills 1 million people in the course of two years every two years. Good luck explaining that logic.

Neither was trump. Shall we dig up your comments about him?
How about this guy?
If you are vaccinated, we are saying you are safe, you can take off your mask, and you are not at risk of severe disease or hospitalization from COVID-19. If you are not vaccinated, you are not safesaid CDC’s Director Walensky.
Or this one?
When you get vaccinated, you not only protect your own health and that of the family but also you contribute to the community health by preventing the spread of the virus throughout the community,” Fauci said

My point isnt useless. This thread is useless.
Your problem is believe it or not, everything you quoted is true. The vaccine does severly cut hospitalizations and deaths from COVID.
You think the vaccine is a failure because it doesn't prevent COVID infections. Well let me point out that people that have had COVID have gotten it multiple times, meaning that natural immunity doesn't prevent the spread either.
Your problem is believe it or not, everything you quoted is true. The vaccine does severly cut hospitalizations and deaths from COVID.
You think the vaccine is a failure because it doesn't prevent COVID infections. Well let me point out that people that have had COVID have gotten it multiple times, meaning that natural immunity doesn't prevent the spread either.
If what they said was true, that would mean the vaccine cut out transmission.
If what they said was true, that would mean the vaccine cut out transmission.
If what the natural immunity folks said was true, that would mean that natural immunity would cut out transmission too.

So every narrative on COVID spread was WRONG.
Bullshit. Your cult leader Joe Biden said it and you still voted for him, dipshit. It's your fault a few hundred thousand people died because they thought they were "immune". You probably killed a few hundred yourself, running around infected, didn't you?
The stupid moron you voted for said the virus would disappear on its own so you’re a fucking moron as well.
These "scientists"? How many people did she and Joe Biden kill by telling this lie?

That’s what their current data said you idiot. She didn’t say it was impossible to happen. More importantly, that was based on the strain that was relevant at the time. Newer strains would obviously make that less certain.
You asked. I answered. If you feel he's irrelevant, you have joined most of the population of this nation, so good on you.
Uh no you didn’t answer because I was talking about scientists.
That’s what their current data said you idiot. She didn’t say it was impossible to happen. More importantly, that was based on the strain that was relevant at the time. Newer strains would obviously make that less certain.

The "scientists" were wrong or they lied. Or both. And you fell for it, and likely infected and subsequently killed hundreds of people.
If what the natural immunity folks said was true, that would mean that natural immunity would cut out transmission too.

So every narrative on COVID spread was WRONG.
They arent the top 2 doctors in the country are they?
As the OP says over and over, this is about SCIENTISTS :)
Hey moron their data said no one vaccinated had the virus. They didn’t say vaccines made transmissions impossible. How stupid are you?

Not nearly as stupid as you, since I never believed Biden's and the CDC's lies that vaccinated people can't get or spread Covid. Unlike you.

How many people did you infect and kill running around thinking you were immune?

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