Republicans new and creative ways to deeply screw over the American voter:

Many Native IDs Won't Be Accepted At North Dakota Polling Places

Republicans figured out a brand new way to FUK over Native Americans.

On reservations, most don't use Street Address. They us PO boxes.

Republicans say unless you have a street address, you can't FUKING vote. This cuts out Native Americans. Most of whom vote Democrat.

The last time Republicans did this, the federal judge said Republicans were wrong and wouldn't let them implement this racist and anti American brand new law. Only now, most federal judges are Republican. And they say FUK 'EM GOOD AND DEEP! And they are.

Republicans are teaching America what anti American means. How to fuk over the American Citizen. And how democracy dies.

How does democracy die if judges stand in the way of something you claim is wrong.

Even your arguments are stupid......well, I've come to expect that.
Can you imagine renting PO boxes in all '57' states without having a real address and being able to vote in all '57' states?

Wake up people it's not brain surgery
About time a state takes a stand. Does the DMV take a PO box as a legit address?

Not in my state. It's kind of fucked up, actually. I chose to live in rural America. Feel free to call me a 'redneck' if you need to get it out of your system. My gorgeous piece of property is remote and unfortunately not designated for onsite postal delivery, so the town gives me a free P.O. Box. Our population is barely 1,000. So, due to circumstances beyond my control involving geography and simple bureaucracy, me, a white male American citizen with a passport, business owner and taxpayer have to (*gasp!*) depend on giving the Department of Motor Vehicles a family member's address to legally drive and vote in my state because they don't accept P.O. Boxes for a DL verification. Yet, I can get my fishing/hunting license and even OHV tags for my ATV in a single 'no questions asked' transaction outside of any DMV. Ladies and gentlemen, our gov't at work!. Think about it this way: I basically have to commit fraud to participate in my own country's constitutionally protected right and I'm okay with it! I'm actually used to it.

So yeah, P.O. Boxes should be fucking legitimate addresses. Not everyone lives in the suburbs, snowflake. Get over yourself.
About time a state takes a stand. Does the DMV take a PO box as a legit address?

Not in my state. It's kind of fucked up, actually. I chose to live in rural America. Feel free to call me a 'redneck' if you need to get it out of your system. My gorgeous piece of property is remote and unfortunately not designated for onsite postal delivery, so the town gives me a free P.O. Box. Our population is barely 1,000. So, due to circumstances beyond my control involving geography and simple bureaucracy, me, a white male American citizen with a passport, business owner and taxpayer have to (*gasp!*) depend on giving the Department of Motor Vehicles a family member's address to legally drive and vote in my state because they don't accept P.O. Boxes for a DL verification. Yet, I can get my fishing/hunting license and even OHV tags for my ATV in a single 'no questions asked' transaction outside of any DMV. Ladies and gentlemen, our gov't at work!. Think about it this way: I basically have to commit fraud to participate in my own country's constitutionally protected right and I'm okay with it! I'm actually used to it.

So yeah, P.O. Boxes should be fucking legitimate addresses. Not everyone lives in the suburbs, snowflake. Get over yourself.
Now this is an odd one. Maybe you can clear it up. I have a friend that lives in a very remote location. The population of her closest village is only 500. She has a road that goes from the road to her house. She has a street address. There is no postal service to her address so the village gives outlying residents a PO box for collection of mail. Her driver's license and passport both reflect her street address. Her fishing license has her street address and the application also had a place for her PO box as a secondary address.

Yet you commit fraud?
Many Native IDs Won't Be Accepted At North Dakota Polling Places

Republicans figured out a brand new way to FUK over Native Americans.

On reservations, most don't use Street Address. They us PO boxes.

Republicans say unless you have a street address, you can't FUKING vote. This cuts out Native Americans. Most of whom vote Democrat.

The last time Republicans did this, the federal judge said Republicans were wrong and wouldn't let them implement this racist and anti American brand new law. Only now, most federal judges are Republican. And they say FUK 'EM GOOD AND DEEP! And they are.

Republicans are teaching America what anti American means. How to fuk over the American Citizen. And how democracy dies.

How does democracy die if judges stand in the way of something you claim is wrong.

Even your arguments are stupid......well, I've come to expect that.

How does Democracy die when we are a Republic anyway?
About time a state takes a stand. Does the DMV take a PO box as a legit address?

Not in my state. It's kind of fucked up, actually. I chose to live in rural America. Feel free to call me a 'redneck' if you need to get it out of your system. My gorgeous piece of property is remote and unfortunately not designated for onsite postal delivery, so the town gives me a free P.O. Box. Our population is barely 1,000. So, due to circumstances beyond my control involving geography and simple bureaucracy, me, a white male American citizen with a passport, business owner and taxpayer have to (*gasp!*) depend on giving the Department of Motor Vehicles a family member's address to legally drive and vote in my state because they don't accept P.O. Boxes for a DL verification. Yet, I can get my fishing/hunting license and even OHV tags for my ATV in a single 'no questions asked' transaction outside of any DMV. Ladies and gentlemen, our gov't at work!. Think about it this way: I basically have to commit fraud to participate in my own country's constitutionally protected right and I'm okay with it! I'm actually used to it.

So yeah, P.O. Boxes should be fucking legitimate addresses. Not everyone lives in the suburbs, snowflake. Get over yourself.

Why isn't the passport an acceptable ID?
When your policies are atrocious, you have to do anything you can to steal elections. Gerry mandering, russian interference, vote blocking. Nothing is beneath the traitors that call themselves Republicans.
You act like Gerry Mandering is a republican thing. The democrats use it, also.

Hey, as long as it's not illegal, it's all good right?

Gerry mandering is done by both Republicans and Democrats and is wrong no matter what.
When your policies are atrocious, you have to do anything you can to steal elections. Gerry mandering, russian interference, vote blocking. Nothing is beneath the traitors that call themselves Republicans.

What are you talking about once again the democrats had like a 100 year head start on gerrymandering, just look at the blue cities.


You don't understand what gerrymandering is, do you?
Many Native IDs Won't Be Accepted At North Dakota Polling Places

Republicans figured out a brand new way to FUK over Native Americans.

On reservations, most don't use Street Address. They us PO boxes.

Republicans say unless you have a street address, you can't FUKING vote. This cuts out Native Americans. Most of whom vote Democrat.

The last time Republicans did this, the federal judge said Republicans were wrong and wouldn't let them implement this racist and anti American brand new law. Only now, most federal judges are Republican. And they say FUK 'EM GOOD AND DEEP! And they are.

Republicans are teaching America what anti American means. How to fuk over the American Citizen. And how democracy dies.

How does democracy die if judges stand in the way of something you claim is wrong.

Even your arguments are stupid......well, I've come to expect that.
Stand in the way? They’re not standing in the way dumb dumb. They support it. Republican judges support fuking over Native Americans. Duh! I couldn’t explain it any clearer.
Republicans figured out a brand new way to FUK over Native Americans.

It's about time the Republican Party came up with some new ideas.

"The only thing dumber than a Democrat or a Republican is when those pricks work together. You see, in our two-party system, the Democrats are the party of no ideas and the Republicans are the party of bad ideas. It usually goes something like this. A Republican will stand up in Congress and say, "I've got a really bad idea." And a Democrat will immediately jump to his feet and declare, "And I can make it shittier." " -- Lewis Black
About time a state takes a stand. Does the DMV take a PO box as a legit address?

Not in my state. It's kind of fucked up, actually. I chose to live in rural America. Feel free to call me a 'redneck' if you need to get it out of your system. My gorgeous piece of property is remote and unfortunately not designated for onsite postal delivery, so the town gives me a free P.O. Box. Our population is barely 1,000. So, due to circumstances beyond my control involving geography and simple bureaucracy, me, a white male American citizen with a passport, business owner and taxpayer have to (*gasp!*) depend on giving the Department of Motor Vehicles a family member's address to legally drive and vote in my state because they don't accept P.O. Boxes for a DL verification. Yet, I can get my fishing/hunting license and even OHV tags for my ATV in a single 'no questions asked' transaction outside of any DMV. Ladies and gentlemen, our gov't at work!. Think about it this way: I basically have to commit fraud to participate in my own country's constitutionally protected right and I'm okay with it! I'm actually used to it.

So yeah, P.O. Boxes should be fucking legitimate addresses. Not everyone lives in the suburbs, snowflake. Get over yourself.
Now this is an odd one. Maybe you can clear it up. I have a friend that lives in a very remote location. The population of her closest village is only 500. She has a road that goes from the road to her house. She has a street address. There is no postal service to her address so the village gives outlying residents a PO box for collection of mail. Her driver's license and passport both reflect her street address. Her fishing license has her street address and the application also had a place for her PO box as a secondary address.

Yet you commit fraud?
Who cares about your imaginary friend? We know the truth. I was just watching native Americans talking on TV. They have a PO address because they are ranchers double triple fuking DUH!
They don’t live on a lane because they are ranchers. What the fuk is it you don’t get?
Many Native IDs Won't Be Accepted At North Dakota Polling Places

Republicans figured out a brand new way to FUK over Native Americans.

On reservations, most don't use Street Address. They us PO boxes.

Republicans say unless you have a street address, you can't FUKING vote. This cuts out Native Americans. Most of whom vote Democrat.

The last time Republicans did this, the federal judge said Republicans were wrong and wouldn't let them implement this racist and anti American brand new law. Only now, most federal judges are Republican. And they say FUK 'EM GOOD AND DEEP! And they are.

Republicans are teaching America what anti American means. How to fuk over the American Citizen. And how democracy dies.
Isn't being able to avoid listing a physical address another way for democrats to cheat?

You go straight to the race card because your communist overloards have trained you in the ways of being a useful idiot. Congrats.
"The only thing dumber than a Democrat or a Republican is when those pricks work together. You see, in our two-party system, the Democrats are the party of no ideas and the Republicans are the party of bad ideas. It usually goes something like this. A Republican will stand up in Congress and say, "I've got a really bad idea." And a Democrat will immediately jump to his feet and declare, "And I can make it shittier." " -- Lewis Black
"The word bipartisan usually means some larger-than-usual deception is being carried out."
~George Carlin

About time a state takes a stand. Does the DMV take a PO box as a legit address?

Not in my state. It's kind of fucked up, actually. I chose to live in rural America. Feel free to call me a 'redneck' if you need to get it out of your system. My gorgeous piece of property is remote and unfortunately not designated for onsite postal delivery, so the town gives me a free P.O. Box. Our population is barely 1,000. So, due to circumstances beyond my control involving geography and simple bureaucracy, me, a white male American citizen with a passport, business owner and taxpayer have to (*gasp!*) depend on giving the Department of Motor Vehicles a family member's address to legally drive and vote in my state because they don't accept P.O. Boxes for a DL verification. Yet, I can get my fishing/hunting license and even OHV tags for my ATV in a single 'no questions asked' transaction outside of any DMV. Ladies and gentlemen, our gov't at work!. Think about it this way: I basically have to commit fraud to participate in my own country's constitutionally protected right and I'm okay with it! I'm actually used to it.

So yeah, P.O. Boxes should be fucking legitimate addresses. Not everyone lives in the suburbs, snowflake. Get over yourself.

Why isn't the passport an acceptable ID?

It is. I just don't carry it on my person every day.
Most Republicans have the same contempt for the right to vote as the rule of law.
Which is we love both, oh and due you lefties...hate all 3.......

now without the supreme court you guys need to win elections pass laws.......I CAN NOT wait to see that. In the last 60 years you tried on time, and it was a spectacular failure...Obamacare
Republicans new and creative ways to deeply screw over the American voter

'The expression of one's meaning by using language that normally signifies the opposite, typically for humorous or emphatic effect.'

It is IRONIC that the word REPUBLICANS is used by the OP, especially after in 2016 Hillary and the DNC rigged primaries, cheated in debates, engaged in election fraud, violated both Election and Campaign Finance laws, stacked the deck against Bernie, stole his earned nomination, screwed his supporters....and ever other Democrat who did NOT vote for Hillary - who did NOT WIN her party's nomination but instead had it handed to her.

Hillary and the Democrats gave a big heaping bowl of 'F* YOU' to everyone in their base who did NOT want Hillary as their nominee.

In 2016 The Democrats F*ed over their base, F*ed over Bernie, F*ed over Bernie's supporters, and - In the end - F*ed over themselves and their party by GIVING the nomination to the ONE person in their ranks who could not beat Trump.


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