Republicans newest defense: Prove it to Putin, C.I.A.!

Here is a very simple question did those hacked e-mails reveal anything about Hillary Clinton that was not already known or suspected? If it did please share it. If not how does releasing information about someone that is already known and public knowledge change an election?
The slow leaks questioning her emails was the whole goal. But you are right. In the end they had nothing on Hillary. But the whole email controversy was what the "corporate" media kept talking about and then don't forget Comey.

You Americans are so easily manipulated. Very similar to the citizens of Russia or China only you don't realize the propaganda you're swallowing.
It wasn't corporate media, Comey, Russia or anyone else who told or encouraged Hillary Clinton to set up her on private e-mail server at her home. Nor did they tell her to repeatedly lie about I lost track of how many times she had to change her story because it was discovered her claims were untrue. The truly disturbing thing here is how so many are willing to blame anything and everyone for Hillarys lose except Hillary herself.

Wow, and yet Trump can lie 10 times in 10 mins. Well your Dynasty is going to be in office soon, and you will see pay to play on steroids, already happening. Never saw his wife's papers, never saw his tax returns and he backed out of his appearance yesterday. Don't expect nothing but him enriching his family and being No. 1 on Forbes list.
Talking about his wifes papers is as stupid as talking about Obamas birth certificate so congrats on putting yourself on that level and yes I know how much Trump talked about that and it was stupid and a waste of time tax returns are private even for people running for President releasing them is not a legal requirement to run for President that apperance has been rescheduled for January before the Inauguration no exact date has been set if Trump continues to put that off I have no doubt the media will go after him as they should.
Here is a very simple question did those hacked e-mails reveal anything about Hillary Clinton that was not already known or suspected? If it did please share it. If not how does releasing information about someone that is already known and public knowledge change an election?

We don't know because they weren't authenticated. But there wasn't anything in the emails except them going OMG LOOK AT THIS EMAIL!!
Here is a very simple question did those hacked e-mails reveal anything about Hillary Clinton that was not already known or suspected? If it did please share it. If not how does releasing information about someone that is already known and public knowledge change an election?
The slow leaks questioning her emails was the whole goal. But you are right. In the end they had nothing on Hillary. But the whole email controversy was what the "corporate" media kept talking about and then don't forget Comey.

You Americans are so easily manipulated. Very similar to the citizens of Russia or China only you don't realize the propaganda you're swallowing.

Us Americans realize what is truly propaganda and what is truth! That's why Hillary lost, idjit!

You realize it as soon as Daddy Trump tells you which way is up.
Here is a very simple question did those hacked e-mails reveal anything about Hillary Clinton that was not already known or suspected? If it did please share it. If not how does releasing information about someone that is already known and public knowledge change an election?
The slow leaks questioning her emails was the whole goal. But you are right. In the end they had nothing on Hillary. But the whole email controversy was what the "corporate" media kept talking about and then don't forget Comey.

You Americans are so easily manipulated. Very similar to the citizens of Russia or China only you don't realize the propaganda you're swallowing.

Us Americans realize what is truly propaganda and what is truth! That's why Hillary lost, idjit!

You realize it as soon as Daddy Trump tells you which way is up.

You must be some kind of clown..........nice facepaint.
We let Dem's think they had the election in the bag, then we had Russia hack Hillary :laugh: then we had WikiLeaks slow drip the emails out to the public :laugh: and and then we had Comey and the FBI swift boat her ass :lmao:best election ever!:Boom2:
Crazy! Putin says prove it and were supposed to what? Show him how we tracked his hackers? ROFL.

Of course then they say "They should show it to Congress and they didnt. That's proof our intel agencies are lying on the good background of Russia" Lol whut? As if they are lying because they didn't show proof. Ok! They have shown proof to both parties in congress. Now what? They'll slither away again to a new excuse.

All for the defense of...Russia? What happened to you guys?

This is what is so hysterical about a Trump supporter. They are now required to DEFEND Russia. They have truly become his campaign's typical phyco-babble interpreters, and they'll be forced to do it for the next 4 years, (if he's not impeached first.) They flew over 16 other GOP candidates to pick Putin's puppet. So Enjoy it, they really deserve it.

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Crazy! Putin says prove it and were supposed to what? Show him how we tracked his hackers? ROFL.

Of course then they say "They should show it to Congress and they didnt. That's proof our intel agencies are lying on the good background of Russia" Lol whut? As if they are lying because they didn't show proof. Ok! They have shown proof to both parties in congress. Now what? They'll slither away again to a new excuse.

All for the defense of...Russia? What happened to you guys?

But you were all on board when bush and Intel was warning us all that Iraq had wmd's? Lol. And the multitude of lies by O concerning obamacare? So you're wringing your hands in consternation as to why our govt is being questioned?
We let Dem's think they had the election in the bag, then we had Russia hack Hillary :laugh: then we had WikiLeaks slow drip the emails out to the public :laugh: and and then we had Comey and the FBI swift boat her ass :lmao:best election ever!:Boom2:

Yupp! :clap:That took some kind of mega-coordination. Reince Priebus is a genius!!!
Crazy! Putin says prove it and were supposed to what? Show him how we tracked his hackers? ROFL.

Of course then they say "They should show it to Congress and they didnt. That's proof our intel agencies are lying on the good background of Russia" Lol whut? As if they are lying because they didn't show proof. Ok! They have shown proof to both parties in congress. Now what? They'll slither away again to a new excuse.

All for the defense of...Russia? What happened to you guys?

This is what is so hysterical about a Trump supporter. They are now required to DEFEND Russia--LOL They have truly become his campaign's typical phyco-babble interpreters, and they'll be forced to do it for the next 4 years, (if he's not impeached first.) Kind of like this: So Enjoy it, they really deserve it.

You and your ilk look wunnerful in your tinfoil hats! :eusa_shifty:
Here is a very simple question did those hacked e-mails reveal anything about Hillary Clinton that was not already known or suspected? If it did please share it. If not how does releasing information about someone that is already known and public knowledge change an election?

We don't know because they weren't authenticated. But there wasn't anything in the emails except them going OMG LOOK AT THIS EMAIL!!
Not a single person from the Clinton campaign ever said the e-mails were faked or altered if they weren't authentic surly they would know and say so Immediately.
Yeah trump was wining about rigged elections and now we know why. Trump and his best bud Putin were doing all the rigging. lol

I'm reasonably certain Trump will be the first president in our nations history perp walked out of the whitehouse and go straight to jail.
Here is a very simple question did those hacked e-mails reveal anything about Hillary Clinton that was not already known or suspected? If it did please share it. If not how does releasing information about someone that is already known and public knowledge change an election?

We don't know because they weren't authenticated. But there wasn't anything in the emails except them going OMG LOOK AT THIS EMAIL!!
Not a single person from the Clinton campaign ever said the e-mails were faked or altered if they weren't authentic surly they would know and say so Immediately.

10-4 that! They were authentically irrefutable.
Yeah trump was wining about rigged elections and now we know why. Trump and his best bud Putin were doing all the rigging. lol

I'm reasonably certain Trump will be the first president in our nations history perp walked out of the whitehouse and go straight to jail.

Ya' need to go find a 'smoking gun' detector. Otherwise, just more :bsflag:from you.

Typical Liberal retort!
Crazy! Putin says prove it and were supposed to what? Show him how we tracked his hackers? ROFL.

Of course then they say "They should show it to Congress and they didnt. That's proof our intel agencies are lying on the good background of Russia" Lol whut? As if they are lying because they didn't show proof. Ok! They have shown proof to both parties in congress. Now what? They'll slither away again to a new excuse.

All for the defense of...Russia? What happened to you guys?

But you were all on board when bush and Intel was warning us all that Iraq had wmd's? Lol. And the multitude of lies by O concerning obamacare? So you're wringing your hands in consternation as to why our govt is being questioned?

I'm asking since when did Putin become more credible than the US Intelligence Agencies to you?

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