Republicans newest defense: Prove it to Putin, C.I.A.!

What they have figured the lie can't be verified either way and that it works to their advantage. The agenda of ruining this country has 35 days to go.

The agenda to ruin your country is just getting ramped up. Trump has packed his cabinet with millionaires and trust fund babies who can't wait to start lining their pockets at YOUR expense.

You voted for a con man. He's lining up the patronage deals now.
Crazy! Putin says prove it and were supposed to what? Show him how we tracked his hackers? ROFL.

Of course then they say "They should show it to Congress and they didnt. That's proof our intel agencies are lying on the good background of Russia" Lol whut? As if they are lying because they didn't show proof. Ok! They have shown proof to both parties in congress. Now what? They'll slither away again to a new excuse.

All for the defense of...Russia? What happened to you guys?
There is nothing to defend since nothing in the Wikileaks revelations could have conceivably influenced the election. The question is, since the allegations of Russian hacking and Wikileaks revelations are irrelevant to the election, why is Obama making such a big deal out of it? Clearly, it is all just a political stunt.

You sure do assure and assert things a whole lot.
It sure would be nice to see some evidence of this alleged secret report. Or are we just supposed to take their word for it?
What they have figured the lie can't be verified either way and that it works to their advantage. The agenda of ruining this country has 35 days to go.

The agenda to ruin your country is just getting ramped up. Trump has packed his cabinet with millionaires and trust fund babies who can't wait to start lining their pockets at YOUR expense.

You voted for a con man. He's lining up the patronage deals now.
These conservatives believe these billionaires know best.

And they are going to shrink all the department to save some money but not to pay down the debt oh no. The debt will continue to rise. Republicans just spend on the rich instead of the poor.

The tip I would give the poor is don't have kids. That will help you not be so poor, it will help the planet and corporations will start wanting the birth rate to go up so they'll start offering public schools, tax breaks for kids, affordable day care and they'll start paying a wage you can raise a family with.

Who's fault is it that people who can't afford kids are having them?
Trump to Obama: Get out.

Disaster is coming in.
We are going to fucking destroy you.....:lol:
You're going to destroy us all and then blame Obama, Clinton, Carter, harry Reid, Nancy pelosi, the next 9-11 or Freddy Mack and fanny mae
Just you liberals....

You best run to your safe place now's going to get very ugly for you....
What do you do for a living? I want to track how the GOP is going to benefit someone in your position.
Crazy! Putin says prove it and were supposed to what? Show him how we tracked his hackers? ROFL.

Of course then they say "They should show it to Congress and they didnt. That's proof our intel agencies are lying on the good background of Russia" Lol whut? As if they are lying because they didn't show proof. Ok! They have shown proof to both parties in congress. Now what? They'll slither away again to a new excuse.

All for the defense of...Russia? What happened to you guys?
Trump to Obama: Get out.

Disaster is coming in.
We are going to fucking destroy you.....:lol:
You're going to destroy us all and then blame Obama, Clinton, Carter, harry Reid, Nancy pelosi, the next 9-11 or Freddy Mack and fanny mae
Just you liberals....

You best run to your safe place now's going to get very ugly for you....
What do you do for a living? I want to track how the GOP is going to benefit someone in your position.
I am an engineer.....I engineer factories and large civil works projects.....

Disaster is coming in.
We are going to fucking destroy you.....:lol:
You're going to destroy us all and then blame Obama, Clinton, Carter, harry Reid, Nancy pelosi, the next 9-11 or Freddy Mack and fanny mae
Just you liberals....

You best run to your safe place now's going to get very ugly for you....
What do you do for a living? I want to track how the GOP is going to benefit someone in your position.
I am an engineer.....I engineer factories and large civil works projects.....

I sell cmm's.

Maybe if Republicans let Obama spend on infrastructure you wouldn't be so crabby.
Crazy! Putin says prove it and were supposed to what? Show him how we tracked his hackers? ROFL.

Of course then they say "They should show it to Congress and they didnt. That's proof our intel agencies are lying on the good background of Russia" Lol whut? As if they are lying because they didn't show proof. Ok! They have shown proof to both parties in congress. Now what? They'll slither away again to a new excuse.

All for the defense of...Russia? What happened to you guys?
View attachment 102449

You are still in denial!
Crazy! Putin says prove it and were supposed to what? Show him how we tracked his hackers? ROFL.

Of course then they say "They should show it to Congress and they didnt. That's proof our intel agencies are lying on the good background of Russia" Lol whut? As if they are lying because they didn't show proof. Ok! They have shown proof to both parties in congress. Now what? They'll slither away again to a new excuse.

All for the defense of...Russia? What happened to you guys?
Crazy! Putin says prove it and were supposed to what? Show him how we tracked his hackers? ROFL.

Of course then they say "They should show it to Congress and they didnt. That's proof our intel agencies are lying on the good background of Russia" Lol whut? As if they are lying because they didn't show proof. Ok! They have shown proof to both parties in congress. Now what? They'll slither away again to a new excuse.

All for the defense of...Russia? What happened to you guys?
View attachment 102449

You are still in denial!
About what, that the media tried to give Hillary the election and failed. Now they are trying to blame it on russia?
There is nothing to defend since nothing in the Wikileaks revelations could have conceivably influenced the election. The question is, since the allegations of Russian hacking and Wikileaks revelations are irrelevant to the election, why is Obama making such a big deal out of it? Clearly, it is all just a political stunt.

Oh I know of people that sat and quoted stuff from WikiLeaks and changed their vote to Trump. Then with Trump calling here a crook and Flynn chanting "lock her up, lock her up" psychologically that affected the voters.
lol Well, if that is true, share with us the Wikileaks emails you think changed some one's mind.

Doesnt matter since you believe they released the emails for no reason or only for reasons you designate are valid
In other words, you couldn't find any Wikileaks emails that might have influenced the election.
A lot of emails might have influenced the election. But since you're asking me to prove something that cannot be proven IDK how to answer it.

No one can say for sure which ones influenced any voter in America but what we can say is that the coverage, I think youd at least agree here, was not something that was helpful to her canpaign.
It can't be proved because there is no email or group of emails from the hacks that could have conceivably influenced the contest between Clinton and Trump. All of Clinton's email problems came from her inept handling of the controversy about her secret private server.

Obama is now expanding the scope of these bizarre accusations by attacking the media for being allegedly unfair to Clinton by reporting the content of these sometimes embarrassing but innocuous emails and for mentioning Trump more often that Clinton in their coverage. It seems to have escaped Obama's notice that most of the media's mentions of Trump were negative and relatively few of the mentions of Clinton were.

We are fortunate this political hack will be out of the WH in a few weeks.
Crazy! Putin says prove it and were supposed to what? Show him how we tracked his hackers? ROFL.

Of course then they say "They should show it to Congress and they didnt. That's proof our intel agencies are lying on the good background of Russia" Lol whut? As if they are lying because they didn't show proof. Ok! They have shown proof to both parties in congress. Now what? They'll slither away again to a new excuse.

All for the defense of...Russia? What happened to you guys?
There is nothing to defend since nothing in the Wikileaks revelations could have conceivably influenced the election. The question is, since the allegations of Russian hacking and Wikileaks revelations are irrelevant to the election, why is Obama making such a big deal out of it? Clearly, it is all just a political stunt.

You sure do assure and assert things a whole lot.
It sure would be nice to see some evidence of this alleged secret report. Or are we just supposed to take their word for it?

You take Putin's word for it without question.
Did you clean your....
What? You mean with a cloth?

You lost because you chose a candidate that lies and no one likes.
As for swaying elections, Obama sent people to Israel to actively change their election and remove Netanyahu from office. And not a word from the left.
Sweep your own damn porch, then shut up..
Crazy! Putin says prove it and were supposed to what? Show him how we tracked his hackers? ROFL.

Of course then they say "They should show it to Congress and they didnt. That's proof our intel agencies are lying on the good background of Russia" Lol whut? As if they are lying because they didn't show proof. Ok! They have shown proof to both parties in congress. Now what? They'll slither away again to a new excuse.

All for the defense of...Russia? What happened to you guys?
There is nothing to defend since nothing in the Wikileaks revelations could have conceivably influenced the election. The question is, since the allegations of Russian hacking and Wikileaks revelations are irrelevant to the election, why is Obama making such a big deal out of it? Clearly, it is all just a political stunt.

You sure do assure and assert things a whole lot.
It sure would be nice to see some evidence of this alleged secret report. Or are we just supposed to take their word for it?

You take Putin's word for it without question.
Putin's word for what? I'd like to see our own government substantiate the allegations. But they don't seem very anxious to do that.
Crazy! Putin says prove it and were supposed to what? Show him how we tracked his hackers? ROFL.

Of course then they say "They should show it to Congress and they didnt. That's proof our intel agencies are lying on the good background of Russia" Lol whut? As if they are lying because they didn't show proof. Ok! They have shown proof to both parties in congress. Now what? They'll slither away again to a new excuse.

All for the defense of...Russia? What happened to you guys?

Yeah, indeed. You can't just assume they did it, without proof you know. No matter how butthurt you are (very) you still need EVIDENCE for your assertions.

So far, there has been none.
Crazy! Putin says prove it and were supposed to what? Show him how we tracked his hackers? ROFL.

Of course then they say "They should show it to Congress and they didnt. That's proof our intel agencies are lying on the good background of Russia" Lol whut? As if they are lying because they didn't show proof. Ok! They have shown proof to both parties in congress. Now what? They'll slither away again to a new excuse.

All for the defense of...Russia? What happened to you guys?
It's the Alt White. They have infected America.
Crazy! Putin says prove it and were supposed to what? Show him how we tracked his hackers? ROFL.

Of course then they say "They should show it to Congress and they didnt. That's proof our intel agencies are lying on the good background of Russia" Lol whut? As if they are lying because they didn't show proof. Ok! They have shown proof to both parties in congress. Now what? They'll slither away again to a new excuse.

All for the defense of...Russia? What happened to you guys?
There is nothing to defend since nothing in the Wikileaks revelations could have conceivably influenced the election. The question is, since the allegations of Russian hacking and Wikileaks revelations are irrelevant to the election, why is Obama making such a big deal out of it? Clearly, it is all just a political stunt.

You sure do assure and assert things a whole lot.
It sure would be nice to see some evidence of this alleged secret report. Or are we just supposed to take their word for it?

You take Putin's word for it without question.
Putin's word for what? I'd like to see our own government substantiate the allegations. But they don't seem very anxious to do that.
The CIA said the Russians did it.

Russia said prove it but didn't deny it

You rush to defend Putin non denial.
There is nothing to defend since nothing in the Wikileaks revelations could have conceivably influenced the election. The question is, since the allegations of Russian hacking and Wikileaks revelations are irrelevant to the election, why is Obama making such a big deal out of it? Clearly, it is all just a political stunt.

You sure do assure and assert things a whole lot.
It sure would be nice to see some evidence of this alleged secret report. Or are we just supposed to take their word for it?

You take Putin's word for it without question.
Putin's word for what? I'd like to see our own government substantiate the allegations. But they don't seem very anxious to do that.
The CIA said the Russians did it.

Russia said prove it but didn't deny it

You rush to defend Putin non denial.
When can we have some kind of independent verification of this "secret report"?

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