Republicans newest defense: Prove it to Putin, C.I.A.!

Putin to his useful idiots.

Crazy! Putin says prove it and were supposed to what? Show him how we tracked his hackers? ROFL.

Of course then they say "They should show it to Congress and they didnt. That's proof our intel agencies are lying on the good background of Russia" Lol whut? As if they are lying because they didn't show proof. Ok! They have shown proof to both parties in congress. Now what? They'll slither away again to a new excuse.

All for the defense of...Russia? What happened to you guys?

Obama's new point of attack:

Evidence? what is that? My butt hurts.

Crazy! Putin says prove it and were supposed to what? Show him how we tracked his hackers? ROFL.

Of course then they say "They should show it to Congress and they didnt. That's proof our intel agencies are lying on the good background of Russia" Lol whut? As if they are lying because they didn't show proof. Ok! They have shown proof to both parties in congress. Now what? They'll slither away again to a new excuse.

All for the defense of...Russia? What happened to you guys?

Obama's new point of attack:

Evidence? what is that? My butt hurts.


Your new line of defense: They showed both parties evidence but I was told not to believe they have evidence because Putin hasn't seen it.
Crazy! Putin says prove it and were supposed to what? Show him how we tracked his hackers? ROFL.

Of course then they say "They should show it to Congress and they didnt. That's proof our intel agencies are lying on the good background of Russia" Lol whut? As if they are lying because they didn't show proof. Ok! They have shown proof to both parties in congress. Now what? They'll slither away again to a new excuse.

All for the defense of...Russia? What happened to you guys?

Reminds me of Joe McCarthy..."I have a list of commies right here" [sticks list back in pocket without showing anyone] and yet no one believed him and now we have liberalism run amok...when will we learn to just take the politicians word for it.
Putin did not hack voting machines.

Putin did not change votes once cast.

SOMEONE stole, leaked, and exposed DNC / Hillary racism, sexism, homophobia, anti-Semitism, collusion / rigging their own Primary which only solidified peoples' view of Hillary and the DNC - it did NOT cause Hillary to lose.

HILLARY caused Hillary to lose.

Any nation / foreign leader that intervenes in another nation's election s out of line and deserves condemnation.

That includes Barak Obama who injected himself in Israel's election to try to oust Israel's leader.

That's 3 election losses for Barry, btw - 2014, 2016, & Israel's election.
Show us this report that details the hacks.....put up or shut up.
They're classified you fucking dolt!
Obama just admitted the Russians did not hack the election.....

Obama said they didn't hack voting machines or to be more percise there was no proof at the time that they did....

This is a different, Russians backed a candidate and he is appointed a guy who was looking $500bn deal with Russia...
And the democrats backed a person who got money from Iran.

Are still listening to Russian fake news...

At this stage you have been told it was made up, totally fabricated to put a Putin Friendly Government in charge of US...

But don't hold back, keep doubling down...
Here is a very simple question did those hacked e-mails reveal anything about Hillary Clinton that was not already known or suspected? If it did please share it. If not how does releasing information about someone that is already known and public knowledge change an election?
The damn thing is the liberal press can come out and LIE to try and change an election and that's okay by them. But you bring the TRUTH and its wrong? That IS screwed up.

I've never been prouder of my fellow Americans for seeing through the propaganda and voting Trump in......:salute::salute::salute:......

The propaganda was from Russia, that has now benn told to you by nearly all the US intelligence agencies...

Must be something when so called patriots believe a ex-KGB war criminal over the very agencies that gave lives to keep them safe for decades...

How do you justify that to yourself? You sell out your country for a few empty promises...
Here is a very simple question did those hacked e-mails reveal anything about Hillary Clinton that was not already known or suspected? If it did please share it. If not how does releasing information about someone that is already known and public knowledge change an election?
The slow leaks questioning her emails was the whole goal. But you are right. In the end they had nothing on Hillary. But the whole email controversy was what the "corporate" media kept talking about and then don't forget Comey.

You Americans are so easily manipulated. Very similar to the citizens of Russia or China only you don't realize the propaganda you're swallowing.
It wasn't corporate media, Comey, Russia or anyone else who told or encouraged Hillary Clinton to set up her on private e-mail server at her home. Nor did they tell her to repeatedly lie about I lost track of how many times she had to change her story because it was discovered her claims were untrue. The truly disturbing thing here is how so many are willing to blame anything and everyone for Hillarys lose except Hillary herself.

Wow, and yet Trump can lie 10 times in 10 mins. Well your Dynasty is going to be in office soon, and you will see pay to play on steroids, already happening. Never saw his wife's papers, never saw his tax returns and he backed out of his appearance yesterday. Don't expect nothing but him enriching his family and being No. 1 on Forbes list.

Well No. 2, Putin get No. 1.... And has a huge lead and he gets his cut of the $500bn...
Crazy! Putin says prove it and were supposed to what? Show him how we tracked his hackers? ROFL.

Of course then they say "They should show it to Congress and they didnt. That's proof our intel agencies are lying on the good background of Russia" Lol whut? As if they are lying because they didn't show proof. Ok! They have shown proof to both parties in congress. Now what? They'll slither away again to a new excuse.

All for the defense of...Russia? What happened to you guys?
There is nothing to defend since nothing in the Wikileaks revelations could have conceivably influenced the election. The question is, since the allegations of Russian hacking and Wikileaks revelations are irrelevant to the election, why is Obama making such a big deal out of it? Clearly, it is all just a political stunt.

"Then in August, Assange threatened an October surprise – a news event deliberately timed to influence an election’s outcome – that could damage Clinton’s presidential candidacy. He told Fox News that his information was “significant” and said that the leak would include “unexpected angles.”"
But there was no October surprise.

Of course there wasn't Comrade.....

Did you sell out your country intentionally or did you wake up this morning and discover it was gone....

I suggest you go find a grave of an intelligence office so you can go for piss on his grave...

This is where you are pissing on....
They didn't prove anything to both parties in Congress. They specifically refused to show up to Congress yesterday

I think Obama told us exactly why they didn't show up in Congress yesterday. When they do testify in Congress, that information becomes public knowledge, and the intelligence community isn't ready for that information to come out yet... they need to figure out what exactly they can release to the public without giving away how they know who hacks what and how.

Both parties have had a classified briefing... Choosing to ignore that doesn't mean it didn't happen...
Trump to Obama: Get out.

Disaster is coming in.
We are going to fucking destroy you.....:lol:
You're going to destroy us all and then blame Obama, Clinton, Carter, harry Reid, Nancy pelosi, the next 9-11 or Freddy Mack and fanny mae
Just you liberals....

You best run to your safe place now's going to get very ugly for you....

Hey Comrade,

You are taking orders from the ex-KGB facist.... Well done...
Crazy! Putin says prove it and were supposed to what? Show him how we tracked his hackers? ROFL.

Of course then they say "They should show it to Congress and they didnt. That's proof our intel agencies are lying on the good background of Russia" Lol whut? As if they are lying because they didn't show proof. Ok! They have shown proof to both parties in congress. Now what? They'll slither away again to a new excuse.

All for the defense of...Russia? What happened to you guys?
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You are still in denial!
About what, that the media tried to give Hillary the election and failed. Now they are trying to blame it on russia?

Who the Media, Hillary....

Because it is the CIA (and others) who said the Russians were involved....

But Trump already knew and was directing them...
Crazy! Putin says prove it and were supposed to what? Show him how we tracked his hackers? ROFL.

Of course then they say "They should show it to Congress and they didnt. That's proof our intel agencies are lying on the good background of Russia" Lol whut? As if they are lying because they didn't show proof. Ok! They have shown proof to both parties in congress. Now what? They'll slither away again to a new excuse.

All for the defense of...Russia? What happened to you guys?
View attachment 102449

You are still in denial!
About what, that the media tried to give Hillary the election and failed. Now they are trying to blame it on russia?

Who the Media, Hillary....

Because it is the CIA (and others) who said the Russians were involved....

But Trump already knew and was directing them...
Crazy! Putin says prove it and were supposed to what? Show him how we tracked his hackers? ROFL.

Of course then they say "They should show it to Congress and they didnt. That's proof our intel agencies are lying on the good background of Russia" Lol whut? As if they are lying because they didn't show proof. Ok! They have shown proof to both parties in congress. Now what? They'll slither away again to a new excuse.

All for the defense of...Russia? What happened to you guys?
View attachment 102449

You are still in denial!
About what, that the media tried to give Hillary the election and failed. Now they are trying to blame it on russia?

Who the Media, Hillary....

Because it is the CIA (and others) who said the Russians were involved....

But Trump already knew and was directing them...
View attachment 102732

The Comrade Russians will be happy with you, they created a lot of theses MEMEs...

What Americans gave their blood and lives for you gave away so easily by being played.
Crazy! Putin says prove it and were supposed to what? Show him how we tracked his hackers? ROFL.

Of course then they say "They should show it to Congress and they didnt. That's proof our intel agencies are lying on the good background of Russia" Lol whut? As if they are lying because they didn't show proof. Ok! They have shown proof to both parties in congress. Now what? They'll slither away again to a new excuse.

All for the defense of...Russia? What happened to you guys?

What's wrong with wanting proof?

Sorry man, not everything works on your social justice Marxism. Just calling someone a racist doesn't make it so, maybe in your fucked up world, but sane people would like to have information. YOU made the charge, YOU need to prove until you do, go fuck yourself.
Crazy! Putin says prove it and were supposed to what? Show him how we tracked his hackers? ROFL.

Of course then they say "They should show it to Congress and they didnt. That's proof our intel agencies are lying on the good background of Russia" Lol whut? As if they are lying because they didn't show proof. Ok! They have shown proof to both parties in congress. Now what? They'll slither away again to a new excuse.

All for the defense of...Russia? What happened to you guys?
These are the same agencies on whose intel we launched a war against Saddam Hussein. Now we're supposed to just accept "We're pretty sure they did something, but we're not going to tell you what exactly they did or how they did it, and if you quote me by name I'll deny everything" as enough to overturn the results of the election?
Crazy! Putin says prove it and were supposed to what? Show him how we tracked his hackers? ROFL.

Of course then they say "They should show it to Congress and they didnt. That's proof our intel agencies are lying on the good background of Russia" Lol whut? As if they are lying because they didn't show proof. Ok! They have shown proof to both parties in congress. Now what? They'll slither away again to a new excuse.

All for the defense of...Russia? What happened to you guys?

What's wrong with wanting proof?

Sorry man, not everything works on your social justice Marxism. Just calling someone a racist doesn't make it so, maybe in your fucked up world, but sane people would like to have information. YOU made the charge, YOU need to prove until you do, go fuck yourself.

A guy supporting an ex-KGB war criminal calls someone else a Marxist, Irony...

Regan must be spinning in his grave as he party turns to traitors...
About what, that the media tried to give Hillary the election and failed. Now they are trying to blame it on russia?

Who the Media, Hillary....

Because it is the CIA (and others) who said the Russians were involved....

But Trump already knew and was directing them...
View attachment 102732

The Comrade Russians will be happy with you, they created a lot of theses MEMEs...

What Americans gave their blood and lives for you gave away so easily by being played.
No the media was in for Hillary, they even admitted it. But please tell me, exactly how did Russia influenced Americans?

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