Republicans newest defense: Prove it to Putin, C.I.A.!

Here is a very simple question did those hacked e-mails reveal anything about Hillary Clinton that was not already known or suspected? If it did please share it. If not how does releasing information about someone that is already known and public knowledge change an election?

We don't know because they weren't authenticated. But there wasn't anything in the emails except them going OMG LOOK AT THIS EMAIL!!
Not a single person from the Clinton campaign ever said the e-mails were faked or altered if they weren't authentic surly they would know and say so Immediately.

For someone to hack into a public or private computer--(it is a FELONY in this country that comes with prison time.) Meaning that there is a REWARD for committing the crime. It's just like someone going to your mailbox to open up your mail. They are not there simply to read what bills you are getting, they are there to obtain information on you so they can do an identity theft on you. That's the REWARD part. Only this mail box is called wikileaks.

This is not some 400 lb. fat guy sitting on his bed doing this. All along we have been told that these hacks and leaks were coming from within high levels of the Kremlin, and that has now been CONFIRMED.
Russian hack almost brought the U.S. military to its knees

It didn't help that for the first time ever, the Russians broke out the champagne bottles to celebrate Trump's win.
Here's what Russians think about Trump's victory

Trump has often trashed NATO--and there could be no better benefit to the Russians than that, plus the U.S. lifting sanctions on Russia, making a lot of people, like Trump's secretary of State pick, former CEO of Exon Mobile the richest guy in the world.

Crazy! Putin says prove it and were supposed to what? Show him how we tracked his hackers? ROFL.

Of course then they say "They should show it to Congress and they didnt. That's proof our intel agencies are lying on the good background of Russia" Lol whut? As if they are lying because they didn't show proof. Ok! They have shown proof to both parties in congress. Now what? They'll slither away again to a new excuse.

All for the defense of...Russia? What happened to you guys?

But you were all on board when bush and Intel was warning us all that Iraq had wmd's? Lol. And the multitude of lies by O concerning obamacare? So you're wringing your hands in consternation as to why our govt is being questioned?

I'm asking since when did Putin become more credible than the US Intelligence Agencies to you?
You mean Obama....
Crazy! Putin says prove it and were supposed to what? Show him how we tracked his hackers? ROFL.

Of course then they say "They should show it to Congress and they didnt. That's proof our intel agencies are lying on the good background of Russia" Lol whut? As if they are lying because they didn't show proof. Ok! They have shown proof to both parties in congress. Now what? They'll slither away again to a new excuse.

All for the defense of...Russia? What happened to you guys?
There is nothing to defend since nothing in the Wikileaks revelations could have conceivably influenced the election. The question is, since the allegations of Russian hacking and Wikileaks revelations are irrelevant to the election, why is Obama making such a big deal out of it? Clearly, it is all just a political stunt.

You sure do assure and assert things a whole lot.
Prove me wrong by finding the Wikileaks emails that might have influenced the election. You will find there aren't any. Clinton's email problems came from her secret private server, not from Wikileaks.
Crazy! Putin says prove it and were supposed to what? Show him how we tracked his hackers? ROFL.

Of course then they say "They should show it to Congress and they didnt. That's proof our intel agencies are lying on the good background of Russia" Lol whut? As if they are lying because they didn't show proof. Ok! They have shown proof to both parties in congress. Now what? They'll slither away again to a new excuse.

All for the defense of...Russia? What happened to you guys?
There is nothing to defend since nothing in the Wikileaks revelations could have conceivably influenced the election. The question is, since the allegations of Russian hacking and Wikileaks revelations are irrelevant to the election, why is Obama making such a big deal out of it? Clearly, it is all just a political stunt.

"Then in August, Assange threatened an October surprise – a news event deliberately timed to influence an election’s outcome – that could damage Clinton’s presidential candidacy. He told Fox News that his information was “significant” and said that the leak would include “unexpected angles.”"
But there was no October surprise.
Crazy! Putin says prove it and were supposed to what? Show him how we tracked his hackers? ROFL.

Of course then they say "They should show it to Congress and they didnt. That's proof our intel agencies are lying on the good background of Russia" Lol whut? As if they are lying because they didn't show proof. Ok! They have shown proof to both parties in congress. Now what? They'll slither away again to a new excuse.

All for the defense of...Russia? What happened to you guys?
There is nothing to defend since nothing in the Wikileaks revelations could have conceivably influenced the election. The question is, since the allegations of Russian hacking and Wikileaks revelations are irrelevant to the election, why is Obama making such a big deal out of it? Clearly, it is all just a political stunt.

Oh I know of people that sat and quoted stuff from WikiLeaks and changed their vote to Trump. Then with Trump calling here a crook and Flynn chanting "lock her up, lock her up" psychologically that affected the voters.
lol Well, if that is true, share with us the Wikileaks emails you think changed some one's mind.
Crazy! Putin says prove it and were supposed to what? Show him how we tracked his hackers? ROFL.

Of course then they say "They should show it to Congress and they didnt. That's proof our intel agencies are lying on the good background of Russia" Lol whut? As if they are lying because they didn't show proof. Ok! They have shown proof to both parties in congress. Now what? They'll slither away again to a new excuse.

All for the defense of...Russia? What happened to you guys?
There is nothing to defend since nothing in the Wikileaks revelations could have conceivably influenced the election. The question is, since the allegations of Russian hacking and Wikileaks revelations are irrelevant to the election, why is Obama making such a big deal out of it? Clearly, it is all just a political stunt.

Oh I know of people that sat and quoted stuff from WikiLeaks and changed their vote to Trump. Then with Trump calling here a crook and Flynn chanting "lock her up, lock her up" psychologically that affected the voters.
lol Well, if that is true, share with us the Wikileaks emails you think changed some one's mind.

Doesnt matter since you believe they released the emails for no reason or only for reasons you designate are valid
Crazy! Putin says prove it and were supposed to what? Show him how we tracked his hackers? ROFL.

Of course then they say "They should show it to Congress and they didnt. That's proof our intel agencies are lying on the good background of Russia" Lol whut? As if they are lying because they didn't show proof. Ok! They have shown proof to both parties in congress. Now what? They'll slither away again to a new excuse.

All for the defense of...Russia? What happened to you guys?
There is nothing to defend since nothing in the Wikileaks revelations could have conceivably influenced the election. The question is, since the allegations of Russian hacking and Wikileaks revelations are irrelevant to the election, why is Obama making such a big deal out of it? Clearly, it is all just a political stunt.

Oh I know of people that sat and quoted stuff from WikiLeaks and changed their vote to Trump. Then with Trump calling here a crook and Flynn chanting "lock her up, lock her up" psychologically that affected the voters.
lol Well, if that is true, share with us the Wikileaks emails you think changed some one's mind.

Doesnt matter since you believe they released the emails for no reason or only for reasons you designate are valid
In other words, you couldn't find any Wikileaks emails that might have influenced the election.
Crazy! Putin says prove it and were supposed to what? Show him how we tracked his hackers? ROFL.

Of course then they say "They should show it to Congress and they didnt. That's proof our intel agencies are lying on the good background of Russia" Lol whut? As if they are lying because they didn't show proof. Ok! They have shown proof to both parties in congress. Now what? They'll slither away again to a new excuse.

All for the defense of...Russia? What happened to you guys?
There is nothing to defend since nothing in the Wikileaks revelations could have conceivably influenced the election. The question is, since the allegations of Russian hacking and Wikileaks revelations are irrelevant to the election, why is Obama making such a big deal out of it? Clearly, it is all just a political stunt.

Oh I know of people that sat and quoted stuff from WikiLeaks and changed their vote to Trump. Then with Trump calling here a crook and Flynn chanting "lock her up, lock her up" psychologically that affected the voters.
lol Well, if that is true, share with us the Wikileaks emails you think changed some one's mind.

Doesnt matter since you believe they released the emails for no reason or only for reasons you designate are valid
In other words, you couldn't find any Wikileaks emails that might have influenced the election.
A lot of emails might have influenced the election. But since you're asking me to prove something that cannot be proven IDK how to answer it.

No one can say for sure which ones influenced any voter in America but what we can say is that the coverage, I think youd at least agree here, was not something that was helpful to her canpaign.
They didn't prove anything to both parties in Congress. They specifically refused to show up to Congress yesterday
They didn't prove anything to both parties in Congress. They specifically refused to show up to Congress yesterday

No one can prove anything to you because you refuse to take a position in either way and question reality.

For example: If they did present information to Congress that sounds like that would be proof. But not to you tho.
They didn't prove anything to both parties in Congress. They specifically refused to show up to Congress yesterday

I think Obama told us exactly why they didn't show up in Congress yesterday. When they do testify in Congress, that information becomes public knowledge, and the intelligence community isn't ready for that information to come out yet... they need to figure out what exactly they can release to the public without giving away how they know who hacks what and how.
They didn't prove anything to both parties in Congress. They specifically refused to show up to Congress yesterday

I think Obama told us exactly why they didn't show up in Congress yesterday. When they do testify in Congress, that information becomes public knowledge, and the intelligence community isn't ready for that information to come out yet... they need to figure out what exactly they can release to the public without giving away how they know who hacks what and how.

What they have figured the lie can't be verified either way and that it works to their advantage. The agenda of ruining this country has 35 days to go.
They didn't prove anything to both parties in Congress. They specifically refused to show up to Congress yesterday

I think Obama told us exactly why they didn't show up in Congress yesterday. When they do testify in Congress, that information becomes public knowledge, and the intelligence community isn't ready for that information to come out yet... they need to figure out what exactly they can release to the public without giving away how they know who hacks what and how.
Until they do, don't claim they've told Congress anything
Here is a very simple question did those hacked e-mails reveal anything about Hillary Clinton that was not already known or suspected? If it did please share it. If not how does releasing information about someone that is already known and public knowledge change an election?
The slow leaks questioning her emails was the whole goal. But you are right. In the end they had nothing on Hillary. But the whole email controversy was what the "corporate" media kept talking about and then don't forget Comey.

You Americans are so easily manipulated. Very similar to the citizens of Russia or China only you don't realize the propaganda you're swallowing.
It wasn't corporate media, Comey, Russia or anyone else who told or encouraged Hillary Clinton to set up her on private e-mail server at her home. Nor did they tell her to repeatedly lie about I lost track of how many times she had to change her story because it was discovered her claims were untrue. The truly disturbing thing here is how so many are willing to blame anything and everyone for Hillarys lose except Hillary herself.
Bfd. You swallowed it. Boy r u dumb sob
Your Obama just admitted Russians did not hack the

No he didn't. Why are Trump supporters so keen to deny this? Didn't Trump himself invite Vladimir Putin to hack Hillary Clinton. Why are you surprised he did it?

It's like Trump saying he grabs women by the pussy. Then when women came forward and said "Yes, he grabbed me by the pussy", you called them liars.

When people confirm what Trump says, why do you call them liars.
Crazy! Putin says prove it and were supposed to what? Show him how we tracked his hackers? ROFL.

Of course then they say "They should show it to Congress and they didnt. That's proof our intel agencies are lying on the good background of Russia" Lol whut? As if they are lying because they didn't show proof. Ok! They have shown proof to both parties in congress. Now what? They'll slither away again to a new excuse.

All for the defense of...Russia? What happened to you guys?
Our nation has obviously been attacked by a conspiracy of the Russian Fake News Bernie Bros led by James Comey. Good thing we know that Hilary's unauthorized, unprotected private server wasn't hacked, because that would mean almost anyone could be the source for Wikileaks.

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