Republicans running for office have a bizarre obsession with Hillary still

Much like this forum.

Republicans NEED Hillary. They can’t function without her. Liberals have very much moved on from her, but republicans can’t let go. They desperately need a “what-about-ism” to deflect from how pathetic their own polices and president are.

“According to data compiled by USA Today, Clinton has been mentioned more than 5,000 times in television ads in the Ohio gubernatorial race in the past four months.

In West Virginia’s U.S. Senate race, Clinton has been featured in TV spots that aired 3,751 times, while in Indiana’s Senate contest, she’s appeared 2,222 times, USA Today reports.

The only Democratic politician to appear in more television ads is former President Barack Obama, who has turned up in 18,971 spots paid for by Republicans and 3,976 paid for by Democrats. Clinton has been portrayed negatively in 12,864 ads nationally — a stunning figure for a politician who lost and doesn’t plan to run again.”

Republicans are still running against Hillary Clinton

As states Republicans don't have anything positive in their policies to run on, even their tax cuts for the wealthy dropped to the ground like a sack of potatoes and made a dull thud. They NEED a boogeyman to run against. Republican politics is built around the straw man.
Much like this forum.

Republicans NEED Hillary. They can’t function without her. Liberals have very much moved on from her, but republicans can’t let go. They desperately need a “what-about-ism” to deflect from how pathetic their own polices and president are.

“According to data compiled by USA Today, Clinton has been mentioned more than 5,000 times in television ads in the Ohio gubernatorial race in the past four months.

In West Virginia’s U.S. Senate race, Clinton has been featured in TV spots that aired 3,751 times, while in Indiana’s Senate contest, she’s appeared 2,222 times, USA Today reports.

The only Democratic politician to appear in more television ads is former President Barack Obama, who has turned up in 18,971 spots paid for by Republicans and 3,976 paid for by Democrats. Clinton has been portrayed negatively in 12,864 ads nationally — a stunning figure for a politician who lost and doesn’t plan to run again.”

Republicans are still running against Hillary Clinton

The Clintons is all they have to talk about. There is no policy to discuss as tax cuts are done. Beyond that there is no more policy for Republicans.
Much like this forum.

Republicans NEED Hillary. They can’t function without her. Liberals have very much moved on from her, but republicans can’t let go. They desperately need a “what-about-ism” to deflect from how pathetic their own polices and president are.

“According to data compiled by USA Today, Clinton has been mentioned more than 5,000 times in television ads in the Ohio gubernatorial race in the past four months.

In West Virginia’s U.S. Senate race, Clinton has been featured in TV spots that aired 3,751 times, while in Indiana’s Senate contest, she’s appeared 2,222 times, USA Today reports.

The only Democratic politician to appear in more television ads is former President Barack Obama, who has turned up in 18,971 spots paid for by Republicans and 3,976 paid for by Democrats. Clinton has been portrayed negatively in 12,864 ads nationally — a stunning figure for a politician who lost and doesn’t plan to run again.”

Republicans are still running against Hillary Clinton

Without Mrs. Clinton, conservatives have only the idiot trump they must defend constantly.

As Mueller closes in, it becomes more and more difficult for them to invent their bullsh!t defense claims. Just the other day, the liars at Fox Noise tried to shut the idiot trump up as the content of his rant did nothing but incriminate him. (Mueller took notes.)

All the GOP committee inquiries, the hours of her testimony, under oath, could uncover no wrongdoing by Mrs.Clinton. But, did draw an admission from House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy, that the Benghazi investigations were politically motivated witch hunts.

Republicans CANNOT run on their records. If any of them try, they can only expect votes from the devoted right-wing chumps. So, their campaigns will be tax cuts for the rich, deregulation, and all the other failed policies associated with Reagan's "trickle down snake oil. That, and the many "crimes" committed by Hillary Clinton, which only exist in the alternate reality of conservatism.

Lol, you have a pornstar and a seventeen year old boy representing your party. You just need to shut up and sit down.
Much like this forum.

Republicans NEED Hillary. They can’t function without her. Liberals have very much moved on from her, but republicans can’t let go. They desperately need a “what-about-ism” to deflect from how pathetic their own polices and president are.

“According to data compiled by USA Today, Clinton has been mentioned more than 5,000 times in television ads in the Ohio gubernatorial race in the past four months.

In West Virginia’s U.S. Senate race, Clinton has been featured in TV spots that aired 3,751 times, while in Indiana’s Senate contest, she’s appeared 2,222 times, USA Today reports.

The only Democratic politician to appear in more television ads is former President Barack Obama, who has turned up in 18,971 spots paid for by Republicans and 3,976 paid for by Democrats. Clinton has been portrayed negatively in 12,864 ads nationally — a stunning figure for a politician who lost and doesn’t plan to run again.”

Republicans are still running against Hillary Clinton

They just want real justice. She DID collude with Russians to influence an election after all. It's completely understandable.
Okay so you’re saying Hillary colluded with Russians but Trump didn’t? Let’s make this clear.
The moment 'Golden Boy' Mueller reports that Trump "colluded" with the Russians you can be the first one to post it.........OK asshole?
Until then STFU.
You're only adding more helpings to 'crow' you'll have to eat.
(Any luck selling all those 'Hands Up Don't Shoot' hoodies on Ebay).........LOSER!
Much like this forum.

Republicans NEED Hillary. They can’t function without her. Liberals have very much moved on from her, but republicans can’t let go. They desperately need a “what-about-ism” to deflect from how pathetic their own polices and president are.

“According to data compiled by USA Today, Clinton has been mentioned more than 5,000 times in television ads in the Ohio gubernatorial race in the past four months.

In West Virginia’s U.S. Senate race, Clinton has been featured in TV spots that aired 3,751 times, while in Indiana’s Senate contest, she’s appeared 2,222 times, USA Today reports.

The only Democratic politician to appear in more television ads is former President Barack Obama, who has turned up in 18,971 spots paid for by Republicans and 3,976 paid for by Democrats. Clinton has been portrayed negatively in 12,864 ads nationally — a stunning figure for a politician who lost and doesn’t plan to run again.”

Republicans are still running against Hillary Clinton
Ya, I do not get it! No office means no power means no relivance. They also want to still blame things that are happening today on her. The fact of the matter is, she is now just an old lady watching the circus like the rest of us!
No she isn't! She's a vicious corrupt bitch and the SECOND the Mueller witch hunt is over a SC WILL begin to bring criminal charges against a few dozen corrupt leaders in LE and Hillary.
'Republicans running for office have a bizarre obsession with Hillary still'

'Bizarre Obsession'?

Hillary ran for President not 2 years ago for the DNC, although she failed to actually 'WIN' the nomination.

During her campaign run she was under multiple FBI investigations that included charges of 'Espionage', 'Criminal Negligence', Illegal Possession / Handling / Storage / Dissemination / Destruction of Classified information, over 30,000 criminal violations of the FOIA and the Federal Records Act, Obstruction, and more...and was proven undeniably to have committed enough crimes to never see the light of day as a free person ever again. Even the FBI Director publicly declared she had broken the law.

She refused to go away, became a thorn in EVERYONE'S arse - to include Democrats and the DMC who publicly opined she needed to just go away after writing her infamous book 'This is who I blame for my loss'. Even NOW she just declared 'she is gearing up' to participate in the Mid-Term elections...even though the DNC / Democrats just want her to GO AWAY....STILL.

(Hillary has proven she won't do ANYTHING without BEING PAID - I recommend to the Democrats they try PAYING he to go away. That might work... :p )

LESS THAN 2 YEARS....and talking about the Democrat Party's felon scandal queen who is 'relevant', who will NOT go away, and snowflakes call that a 'Bizarre Obsession'?


No, a 'Bizarre Obsession' is Democrats - a decade after he left office - still invoking the name of and blaming Bush for everything.
Much like this forum.

Republicans NEED Hillary. They can’t function without her. Liberals have very much moved on from her, but republicans can’t let go. They desperately need a “what-about-ism” to deflect from how pathetic their own polices and president are.

“According to data compiled by USA Today, Clinton has been mentioned more than 5,000 times in television ads in the Ohio gubernatorial race in the past four months.

In West Virginia’s U.S. Senate race, Clinton has been featured in TV spots that aired 3,751 times, while in Indiana’s Senate contest, she’s appeared 2,222 times, USA Today reports.

The only Democratic politician to appear in more television ads is former President Barack Obama, who has turned up in 18,971 spots paid for by Republicans and 3,976 paid for by Democrats. Clinton has been portrayed negatively in 12,864 ads nationally — a stunning figure for a politician who lost and doesn’t plan to run again.”

Republicans are still running against Hillary Clinton

Mueller is trying to make Hillary President...somehow
Much like this forum.

Republicans NEED Hillary. They can’t function without her. Liberals have very much moved on from her, but republicans can’t let go. They desperately need a “what-about-ism” to deflect from how pathetic their own polices and president are.

“According to data compiled by USA Today, Clinton has been mentioned more than 5,000 times in television ads in the Ohio gubernatorial race in the past four months.

In West Virginia’s U.S. Senate race, Clinton has been featured in TV spots that aired 3,751 times, while in Indiana’s Senate contest, she’s appeared 2,222 times, USA Today reports.

The only Democratic politician to appear in more television ads is former President Barack Obama, who has turned up in 18,971 spots paid for by Republicans and 3,976 paid for by Democrats. Clinton has been portrayed negatively in 12,864 ads nationally — a stunning figure for a politician who lost and doesn’t plan to run again.”

Republicans are still running against Hillary Clinton

As states Republicans don't have anything positive in their policies to run on, even their tax cuts for the wealthy dropped to the ground like a sack of potatoes and made a dull thud. They NEED a boogeyman to run against. Republican politics is built around the straw man.

Dems build around hatred and division and boogeymen. Both parties are rotten.
Hillary exemplifies the depravity of the democrat party.
She is the poster child.
Like it or not she is the face of the democrat party.
Much like this forum.

Republicans NEED Hillary. They can’t function without her. Liberals have very much moved on from her, but republicans can’t let go. They desperately need a “what-about-ism” to deflect from how pathetic their own polices and president are.

“According to data compiled by USA Today, Clinton has been mentioned more than 5,000 times in television ads in the Ohio gubernatorial race in the past four months.

In West Virginia’s U.S. Senate race, Clinton has been featured in TV spots that aired 3,751 times, while in Indiana’s Senate contest, she’s appeared 2,222 times, USA Today reports.

The only Democratic politician to appear in more television ads is former President Barack Obama, who has turned up in 18,971 spots paid for by Republicans and 3,976 paid for by Democrats. Clinton has been portrayed negatively in 12,864 ads nationally — a stunning figure for a politician who lost and doesn’t plan to run again.”

Republicans are still running against Hillary Clinton

It's all part of the vast right winged conspiracy.
Much like this forum.

Republicans NEED Hillary. They can’t function without her. Liberals have very much moved on from her, but republicans can’t let go. They desperately need a “what-about-ism” to deflect from how pathetic their own polices and president are.

“According to data compiled by USA Today, Clinton has been mentioned more than 5,000 times in television ads in the Ohio gubernatorial race in the past four months.

In West Virginia’s U.S. Senate race, Clinton has been featured in TV spots that aired 3,751 times, while in Indiana’s Senate contest, she’s appeared 2,222 times, USA Today reports.

The only Democratic politician to appear in more television ads is former President Barack Obama, who has turned up in 18,971 spots paid for by Republicans and 3,976 paid for by Democrats. Clinton has been portrayed negatively in 12,864 ads nationally — a stunning figure for a politician who lost and doesn’t plan to run again.”

Republicans are still running against Hillary Clinton

They just want real justice. She DID collude with Russians to influence an election after all. It's completely understandable.
Indictments any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now..any day now...any day now.....
Much like this forum.

Republicans NEED Hillary. They can’t function without her. Liberals have very much moved on from her, but republicans can’t let go. They desperately need a “what-about-ism” to deflect from how pathetic their own polices and president are.

“According to data compiled by USA Today, Clinton has been mentioned more than 5,000 times in television ads in the Ohio gubernatorial race in the past four months.

In West Virginia’s U.S. Senate race, Clinton has been featured in TV spots that aired 3,751 times, while in Indiana’s Senate contest, she’s appeared 2,222 times, USA Today reports.

The only Democratic politician to appear in more television ads is former President Barack Obama, who has turned up in 18,971 spots paid for by Republicans and 3,976 paid for by Democrats. Clinton has been portrayed negatively in 12,864 ads nationally — a stunning figure for a politician who lost and doesn’t plan to run again.”

Republicans are still running against Hillary Clinton

Mueller is trying to make Hillary President...somehow

It's you dopes that are trying to impeach her.

The GOP Just Can't Quit the Clintons
"Crooked Hillary sent word to the White House that she wanted to speak with President Obama. Alone. Without Valerie or Michelle, who frequently meddled in such meetings. Hillary didn't like or trust them, and she knew the feeling was mutual. Crooked Hillary believed that Valerie was behind the leaks about the Clinton Foundation and Crooked Hillary's emails.

Horny Bill Clinton told Crooked Hillary he couldn't intervene to help her even if he wanted to, and he clearly didn't want to.

'he has a visceral dislike of you' Horny Bill bellowed.

The Clintons had one of their usual knock-down, drag-out shouting matches, and, as so often happened in the past, when it was over, Crooked Hillary ignored Horny Bill's advice.

Obama dreaded the prospect of being alone with Crooked Hillary.

Crooked Hillary had allowed the detested Sid Blumenthal to poke his nose into State Department business. insulted and outraged, Obama had given Jarrett the green light to leak stories to the press about Crooked Hillary's crimes and misdemeanors. And Jarrett gladly embraced her role as leaker in chief. her explicit intention was to sabotage Crooked Hillary's chances of winning the Democrat nomination. Obama told Valerie and Michelle he was tired of listening to Crooked Hillary vent. his answer to her request was a flat no. there would be no meeting.

bitterly and reluctantly, Obama agreed to meet with Crooked Hillary. Obama found Crooked Hillary's attitude to be imperious and condescending. in a bit of gamesmanship, he purposely kept Crooked Hillary waiting for more than half an hour. At first, Crooked Hillary pretended not to care. but when Crooked Hillary was ushered into the oval office, she was shocked to find Valerie standing next to Obama. He did not greet her. Obama was almost being deliberately dense. it really angered her. everyone, including Obama, knew that Crooked Hillary had a self-righteous side and a ferocious temper. she told friends that her father had been volcanic and that she had inherited the trait. now, she lost the struggle to contain her composure.


Crooked Hillary later said she regretted blowing up, because she had revealed how much the charges against her had upset her. she let her antagonists see her vulnerability.

for a brief moment, Obama look stunned.

"your problems are, frankly, of your own making. if you had been honest..." obama meekly said before Crooked Hillary interupted him.

"There are always haters out there to get the Clintons".

Crooked Hillary abruptly left."
Much like this forum.

Republicans NEED Hillary. They can’t function without her. Liberals have very much moved on from her, but republicans can’t let go. They desperately need a “what-about-ism” to deflect from how pathetic their own polices and president are.

“According to data compiled by USA Today, Clinton has been mentioned more than 5,000 times in television ads in the Ohio gubernatorial race in the past four months.

In West Virginia’s U.S. Senate race, Clinton has been featured in TV spots that aired 3,751 times, while in Indiana’s Senate contest, she’s appeared 2,222 times, USA Today reports.

The only Democratic politician to appear in more television ads is former President Barack Obama, who has turned up in 18,971 spots paid for by Republicans and 3,976 paid for by Democrats. Clinton has been portrayed negatively in 12,864 ads nationally — a stunning figure for a politician who lost and doesn’t plan to run again.”

Republicans are still running against Hillary Clinton
Well that makes sense. Look at how the left wing can't stop talking about Mitt Romney.
And all the mean things about McCain.
Much like this forum.

Republicans NEED Hillary. They can’t function without her. Liberals have very much moved on from her, but republicans can’t let go. They desperately need a “what-about-ism” to deflect from how pathetic their own polices and president are.

“According to data compiled by USA Today, Clinton has been mentioned more than 5,000 times in television ads in the Ohio gubernatorial race in the past four months.

In West Virginia’s U.S. Senate race, Clinton has been featured in TV spots that aired 3,751 times, while in Indiana’s Senate contest, she’s appeared 2,222 times, USA Today reports.

The only Democratic politician to appear in more television ads is former President Barack Obama, who has turned up in 18,971 spots paid for by Republicans and 3,976 paid for by Democrats. Clinton has been portrayed negatively in 12,864 ads nationally — a stunning figure for a politician who lost and doesn’t plan to run again.”

Republicans are still running against Hillary Clinton

They just want real justice. She DID collude with Russians to influence an election after all. It's completely understandable.
Okay so you’re saying Hillary colluded with Russians but Trump didn’t? Let’s make this clear.

I don't know if Trump did -- but I CERTAINLY know that Hillary/DNC commissioned and paid for misinformation from Russian Intel folks TRAINED in disinformation. And then used a VAST network of US Agency leaders to re-brand and market that dogcrap as "an official US Intel document". Involved not only the political hacks and pranksters around Hillary, but elements of the FBI, DNI, CIA and probably State Dept.

So yeah --- she colluded with the Russians --- BIGLY. And in fact, her Campaign Mgr probably should be investigated also for representing and lobbying for SberBank during the election. A bank that literally OWNS 1/3 of ALL Russian assets. And has 100s of nasty Oligarchs and mafioso with ties to the Kremlin as bank clients.

THAT'S why Hillary is not history yet. She hasn't faced justice for that OR the National Security laws that she knowingly and willfully violated. See my sigline for her hypocrisy on THAT issue..

I know you want us to believe this nonsense, but do YOU actually believe this?
Much like this forum.

Republicans NEED Hillary. They can’t function without her. Liberals have very much moved on from her, but republicans can’t let go. They desperately need a “what-about-ism” to deflect from how pathetic their own polices and president are.

“According to data compiled by USA Today, Clinton has been mentioned more than 5,000 times in television ads in the Ohio gubernatorial race in the past four months.

In West Virginia’s U.S. Senate race, Clinton has been featured in TV spots that aired 3,751 times, while in Indiana’s Senate contest, she’s appeared 2,222 times, USA Today reports.

The only Democratic politician to appear in more television ads is former President Barack Obama, who has turned up in 18,971 spots paid for by Republicans and 3,976 paid for by Democrats. Clinton has been portrayed negatively in 12,864 ads nationally — a stunning figure for a politician who lost and doesn’t plan to run again.”

Republicans are still running against Hillary Clinton

They just want real justice. She DID collude with Russians to influence an election after all. It's completely understandable.
Okay so you’re saying Hillary colluded with Russians but Trump didn’t? Let’s make this clear.

I don't know if Trump did -- but I CERTAINLY know that Hillary/DNC commissioned and paid for misinformation from Russian Intel folks TRAINED in disinformation. And then used a VAST network of US Agency leaders to re-brand and market that dogcrap as "an official US Intel document". Involved not only the political hacks and pranksters around Hillary, but elements of the FBI, DNI, CIA and probably State Dept.

So yeah --- she colluded with the Russians --- BIGLY. And in fact, her Campaign Mgr probably should be investigated also for representing and lobbying for SberBank during the election. A bank that literally OWNS 1/3 of ALL Russian assets. And has 100s of nasty Oligarchs and mafioso with ties to the Kremlin as bank clients.

THAT'S why Hillary is not history yet. She hasn't faced justice for that OR the National Security laws that she knowingly and willfully violated. See my sigline for her hypocrisy on THAT issue..

I know you want us to believe this nonsense, but do YOU actually believe this?
If I was Mueller I'd say to you: "Prove that it didn't happen".
Much like this forum.

Republicans NEED Hillary. They can’t function without her. Liberals have very much moved on from her, but republicans can’t let go. They desperately need a “what-about-ism” to deflect from how pathetic their own polices and president are.

“According to data compiled by USA Today, Clinton has been mentioned more than 5,000 times in television ads in the Ohio gubernatorial race in the past four months.

In West Virginia’s U.S. Senate race, Clinton has been featured in TV spots that aired 3,751 times, while in Indiana’s Senate contest, she’s appeared 2,222 times, USA Today reports.

The only Democratic politician to appear in more television ads is former President Barack Obama, who has turned up in 18,971 spots paid for by Republicans and 3,976 paid for by Democrats. Clinton has been portrayed negatively in 12,864 ads nationally — a stunning figure for a politician who lost and doesn’t plan to run again.”

Republicans are still running against Hillary Clinton

Without Mrs. Clinton, conservatives have only the idiot trump they must defend constantly.

As Mueller closes in, it becomes more and more difficult for them to invent their bullsh!t defense claims. Just the other day, the liars at Fox Noise tried to shut the idiot trump up as the content of his rant did nothing but incriminate him. (Mueller took notes.)

All the GOP committee inquiries, the hours of her testimony, under oath, could uncover no wrongdoing by Mrs.Clinton. But, did draw an admission from House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy, that the Benghazi investigations were politically motivated witch hunts.

Republicans CANNOT run on their records. If any of them try, they can only expect votes from the devoted right-wing chumps. So, their campaigns will be tax cuts for the rich, deregulation, and all the other failed policies associated with Reagan's "trickle down snake oil. That, and the many "crimes" committed by Hillary Clinton, which only exist in the alternate reality of conservatism.


Yeah, record low unemployment for women and minorities, more money in their pockets by way of bonuses and pay raises are irrelevant. In the infamous words of wild willie, IT'S THE ECONOMY STUPID.

Yeah, and that part of the economy began improving 8 years ago....


Thanks, Obama!

By the way, it's not a record low for women.

And wages were stagnant or declining all that time, now people are coming off the welfare rolls and SNAP to the tune of about 2 million each at last count.

Hey, look ^^^ it took me only 1 post to get you to run away from employment figures. That might be a new record.

At any rate, real median income is up since 2012...


SNAP recipients began falling in 2013...


Run away, hardly, I said all I had to say. I also notice neither of your graphs cover the period under discussion.

Food stamp recipients down 2M under Trump, USDA figures show


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