Republicans running for office have a bizarre obsession with Hillary still

Much like this forum.

Republicans NEED Hillary. They can’t function without her. Liberals have very much moved on from her, but republicans can’t let go. They desperately need a “what-about-ism” to deflect from how pathetic their own polices and president are.

“According to data compiled by USA Today, Clinton has been mentioned more than 5,000 times in television ads in the Ohio gubernatorial race in the past four months.

In West Virginia’s U.S. Senate race, Clinton has been featured in TV spots that aired 3,751 times, while in Indiana’s Senate contest, she’s appeared 2,222 times, USA Today reports.

The only Democratic politician to appear in more television ads is former President Barack Obama, who has turned up in 18,971 spots paid for by Republicans and 3,976 paid for by Democrats. Clinton has been portrayed negatively in 12,864 ads nationally — a stunning figure for a politician who lost and doesn’t plan to run again.”

Republicans are still running against Hillary Clinton
Ya, I do not get it! No office means no power means no relivance. They also want to still blame things that are happening today on her. The fact of the matter is, she is now just an old lady watching the circus like the rest of us!
No she isn't! She's a vicious corrupt bitch and the SECOND the Mueller witch hunt is over a SC WILL begin to bring criminal charges against a few dozen corrupt leaders in LE and Hillary.
"the SECOND the Mueller witch hunt is over"? Why wait? We have a thread that started all the way in late July that claimed that a Special Counsel was going to be appointed any day to investigate H. Clinton. What's taking so long? Can't RWrs focus on more than one thing at a time?
I don't know if Trump did -- but I CERTAINLY know that Hillary/DNC commissioned and paid for misinformation from Russian Intel folks TRAINED in disinformation. And then used a VAST network of US Agency leaders to re-brand and market that dogcrap as "an official US Intel document". Involved not only the political hacks and pranksters around Hillary, but elements of the FBI, DNI, CIA and probably State Dept.

So yeah --- she colluded with the Russians --- BIGLY. And in fact, her Campaign Mgr probably should be investigated also for representing and lobbying for SberBank during the election. A bank that literally OWNS 1/3 of ALL Russian assets. And has 100s of nasty Oligarchs and mafioso with ties to the Kremlin as bank clients.

THAT'S why Hillary is not history yet. She hasn't faced justice for that OR the National Security laws that she knowingly and willfully violated. See my sigline for her hypocrisy on THAT issue..
Oh for fuck's sake... :eusa_doh:

To claim Hillary colluded with Russia because of Steele's dossier would require you have evidence she was aware her money went to Russians.

Good luck ever proving that.

Ok, how about we settle for money laundering and fraudulent campaign finance reports. Would that make you happy?

`All ya have to do is prove it.

You seriously think those lawyers and people at Fusion won't sing like little birdies? Hell they may already have.

Great, then it should be easy for you to quote any of them saying Hillary knew her money was going to Steele to collect intel from Russians....

No need for that, using regressive standards, supposition, speculation and innuendo is all that's required to prove guilt. You only need look at all the Trump Russia collusion threads to see that.

Much like this forum.

Republicans NEED Hillary. They can’t function without her. Liberals have very much moved on from her, but republicans can’t let go. They desperately need a “what-about-ism” to deflect from how pathetic their own polices and president are.

“According to data compiled by USA Today, Clinton has been mentioned more than 5,000 times in television ads in the Ohio gubernatorial race in the past four months.

In West Virginia’s U.S. Senate race, Clinton has been featured in TV spots that aired 3,751 times, while in Indiana’s Senate contest, she’s appeared 2,222 times, USA Today reports.

The only Democratic politician to appear in more television ads is former President Barack Obama, who has turned up in 18,971 spots paid for by Republicans and 3,976 paid for by Democrats. Clinton has been portrayed negatively in 12,864 ads nationally — a stunning figure for a politician who lost and doesn’t plan to run again.”

Republicans are still running against Hillary Clinton
Ya, I do not get it! No office means no power means no relivance. They also want to still blame things that are happening today on her. The fact of the matter is, she is now just an old lady watching the circus like the rest of us!

Hillary Clinton Will Campaign for Democrats in 2018 Despite Being Even Less Popular Than Trump

Much like this forum.

Republicans NEED Hillary. They can’t function without her. Liberals have very much moved on from her, but republicans can’t let go. They desperately need a “what-about-ism” to deflect from how pathetic their own polices and president are.

“According to data compiled by USA Today, Clinton has been mentioned more than 5,000 times in television ads in the Ohio gubernatorial race in the past four months.

In West Virginia’s U.S. Senate race, Clinton has been featured in TV spots that aired 3,751 times, while in Indiana’s Senate contest, she’s appeared 2,222 times, USA Today reports.

The only Democratic politician to appear in more television ads is former President Barack Obama, who has turned up in 18,971 spots paid for by Republicans and 3,976 paid for by Democrats. Clinton has been portrayed negatively in 12,864 ads nationally — a stunning figure for a politician who lost and doesn’t plan to run again.”

Republicans are still running against Hillary Clinton
Ya, I do not get it! No office means no power means no relivance. They also want to still blame things that are happening today on her. The fact of the matter is, she is now just an old lady watching the circus like the rest of us!

Hillary Clinton Will Campaign for Democrats in 2018 Despite Being Even Less Popular Than Trump

Exactly how much diference do you suppose she will make! Does any one think she will take another crack at pres? I sure have not heard anything about it! The more you focus on yesterday the better the chances of wool over your eyes today!
Much like this forum.

Republicans NEED Hillary. They can’t function without her. Liberals have very much moved on from her, but republicans can’t let go. They desperately need a “what-about-ism” to deflect from how pathetic their own polices and president are.

“According to data compiled by USA Today, Clinton has been mentioned more than 5,000 times in television ads in the Ohio gubernatorial race in the past four months.

In West Virginia’s U.S. Senate race, Clinton has been featured in TV spots that aired 3,751 times, while in Indiana’s Senate contest, she’s appeared 2,222 times, USA Today reports.

The only Democratic politician to appear in more television ads is former President Barack Obama, who has turned up in 18,971 spots paid for by Republicans and 3,976 paid for by Democrats. Clinton has been portrayed negatively in 12,864 ads nationally — a stunning figure for a politician who lost and doesn’t plan to run again.”

Republicans are still running against Hillary Clinton

They just want real justice. She DID collude with Russians to influence an election after all. It's completely understandable.
Okay so you’re saying Hillary colluded with Russians but Trump didn’t? Let’s make this clear.

I don't know if Trump did -- but I CERTAINLY know that Hillary/DNC commissioned and paid for misinformation from Russian Intel folks TRAINED in disinformation. And then used a VAST network of US Agency leaders to re-brand and market that dogcrap as "an official US Intel document". Involved not only the political hacks and pranksters around Hillary, but elements of the FBI, DNI, CIA and probably State Dept.

So yeah --- she colluded with the Russians --- BIGLY. And in fact, her Campaign Mgr probably should be investigated also for representing and lobbying for SberBank during the election. A bank that literally OWNS 1/3 of ALL Russian assets. And has 100s of nasty Oligarchs and mafioso with ties to the Kremlin as bank clients.

THAT'S why Hillary is not history yet. She hasn't faced justice for that OR the National Security laws that she knowingly and willfully violated. See my sigline for her hypocrisy on THAT issue..
Oh for fuck's sake... :eusa_doh:

To claim Hillary colluded with Russia because of Steele's dossier would require you have evidence she was aware her money went to Russians.

Good luck ever proving that.

Don't need luck. They (Hillary and DNC) were the clients. It was THEIR product. It got DELIVERED to them. And they loved it. In fact, the FBI loved it SOOO much they offered to pay Steele to continue his work and used that product to get a FISC warrant to spy on an opposition Party political team.

If the DNC/Hillary were OUTRAGED to find out that their project relied almost exclusively on made-up shit from professional Russian Intel disinformation experts --- I'd expect to see a LAWSUIT against Fusion and C. Steele. After all, using FOREIGN intelligence in a political campaign IS illegal.

Truth is --- it's you party warriors (on both sides) that do Putin's work of destroying the American political system for him. The destruction that you combatants do daily makes him thrilled that he hardly lifts a finger. And those informants for Steele are "Forever Heroes" in the halls of the GRU/FSB in Russia. Great covert break-in into lighting up domestic political conflict in America Russia has ever acheived. And Hillary started that project.
Much like this forum.

Republicans NEED Hillary. They can’t function without her. Liberals have very much moved on from her, but republicans can’t let go. They desperately need a “what-about-ism” to deflect from how pathetic their own polices and president are.

“According to data compiled by USA Today, Clinton has been mentioned more than 5,000 times in television ads in the Ohio gubernatorial race in the past four months.

In West Virginia’s U.S. Senate race, Clinton has been featured in TV spots that aired 3,751 times, while in Indiana’s Senate contest, she’s appeared 2,222 times, USA Today reports.

The only Democratic politician to appear in more television ads is former President Barack Obama, who has turned up in 18,971 spots paid for by Republicans and 3,976 paid for by Democrats. Clinton has been portrayed negatively in 12,864 ads nationally — a stunning figure for a politician who lost and doesn’t plan to run again.”

Republicans are still running against Hillary Clinton
Ya, I do not get it! No office means no power means no relivance. They also want to still blame things that are happening today on her. The fact of the matter is, she is now just an old lady watching the circus like the rest of us!

Hillary Clinton Will Campaign for Democrats in 2018 Despite Being Even Less Popular Than Trump

Exactly how much diference do you suppose she will make! Does any one think she will take another crack at pres? I sure have not heard anything about it! The more you focus on yesterday the better the chances of wool over your eyes today!

If you think the bitch is just fading away, you're dreaming.

Hillary Clinton launches Onward Together PAC

She's out there raising money and trying to sell what influence she has remaining.

Much like this forum.

Republicans NEED Hillary. They can’t function without her. Liberals have very much moved on from her, but republicans can’t let go. They desperately need a “what-about-ism” to deflect from how pathetic their own polices and president are.

“According to data compiled by USA Today, Clinton has been mentioned more than 5,000 times in television ads in the Ohio gubernatorial race in the past four months.

In West Virginia’s U.S. Senate race, Clinton has been featured in TV spots that aired 3,751 times, while in Indiana’s Senate contest, she’s appeared 2,222 times, USA Today reports.

The only Democratic politician to appear in more television ads is former President Barack Obama, who has turned up in 18,971 spots paid for by Republicans and 3,976 paid for by Democrats. Clinton has been portrayed negatively in 12,864 ads nationally — a stunning figure for a politician who lost and doesn’t plan to run again.”

Republicans are still running against Hillary Clinton

They just want real justice. She DID collude with Russians to influence an election after all. It's completely understandable.
Indictments any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now..any day now...any day now.....

Probably.. 10 of the highest placed folks in the FBI have been fired, demoted, or skidaddled since this all this became known. Didya miss all that? The lying from McCabe that got him fired by his own Ethics group? It's about to happen. Would have happened by now if the media was doing it's job..
Republicans running for office have a bizarre obsession with Hillary still

its called Clintonitis - incurable mental disorder common to idiots.
"Itis" means inflammation and is typically used as a component for forming names of diseases, not disorders... considering this bit of information, I don't think your adhom worked as intended. Though, typically when a person wastes an entire post on a single adhom, readers can come to the conclusion that your opinion isn't worth anything, whether you screw this up or not.

itis, in this case, is swelling of the brain- exclusive to RW's

rare, very rare- it only shows up in a small minority of idiots.

glad I could help.
Inflammation of the brain would still be a disease, not a disorder, so the context you're using it in is still incorrect, especially since "itis" is still only used as components for a disease. The fact that you didn't understand that when what I'm typing to you is a clear and concise explanation, in plain English, only goes to show your ability for reading comprehension and critical thinking. Glad I can help.
Much like this forum.

Republicans NEED Hillary. They can’t function without her. Liberals have very much moved on from her, but republicans can’t let go. They desperately need a “what-about-ism” to deflect from how pathetic their own polices and president are.

“According to data compiled by USA Today, Clinton has been mentioned more than 5,000 times in television ads in the Ohio gubernatorial race in the past four months.

In West Virginia’s U.S. Senate race, Clinton has been featured in TV spots that aired 3,751 times, while in Indiana’s Senate contest, she’s appeared 2,222 times, USA Today reports.

The only Democratic politician to appear in more television ads is former President Barack Obama, who has turned up in 18,971 spots paid for by Republicans and 3,976 paid for by Democrats. Clinton has been portrayed negatively in 12,864 ads nationally — a stunning figure for a politician who lost and doesn’t plan to run again.”

Republicans are still running against Hillary Clinton
Ya, I do not get it! No office means no power means no relivance. They also want to still blame things that are happening today on her. The fact of the matter is, she is now just an old lady watching the circus like the rest of us!

Hillary Clinton Will Campaign for Democrats in 2018 Despite Being Even Less Popular Than Trump

Exactly how much diference do you suppose she will make! Does any one think she will take another crack at pres? I sure have not heard anything about it! The more you focus on yesterday the better the chances of wool over your eyes today!

If you think the bitch is just fading away, you're dreaming.

Hillary Clinton launches Onward Together PAC

She's out there raising money and trying to sell what influence she has remaining.

You are still much better off watching the powers of today, they have a much greater influence on your life! Learn from the past but keep your eye on the fucker with the purse strings today!
Without Mrs. Clinton, conservatives have only the idiot trump they must defend constantly.

As Mueller closes in, it becomes more and more difficult for them to invent their bullsh!t defense claims. Just the other day, the liars at Fox Noise tried to shut the idiot trump up as the content of his rant did nothing but incriminate him. (Mueller took notes.)

All the GOP committee inquiries, the hours of her testimony, under oath, could uncover no wrongdoing by Mrs.Clinton. But, did draw an admission from House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy, that the Benghazi investigations were politically motivated witch hunts.

Republicans CANNOT run on their records. If any of them try, they can only expect votes from the devoted right-wing chumps. So, their campaigns will be tax cuts for the rich, deregulation, and all the other failed policies associated with Reagan's "trickle down snake oil. That, and the many "crimes" committed by Hillary Clinton, which only exist in the alternate reality of conservatism.


Yeah, record low unemployment for women and minorities, more money in their pockets by way of bonuses and pay raises are irrelevant. In the infamous words of wild willie, IT'S THE ECONOMY STUPID.

Yeah, and that part of the economy began improving 8 years ago....


Thanks, Obama!

By the way, it's not a record low for women.

And wages were stagnant or declining all that time, now people are coming off the welfare rolls and SNAP to the tune of about 2 million each at last count.

Hey, look ^^^ it took me only 1 post to get you to run away from employment figures. That might be a new record.

At any rate, real median income is up since 2012...


SNAP recipients began falling in 2013...


Run away, hardly, I said all I had to say. I also notice neither of your graphs cover the period under discussion.

Food stamp recipients down 2M under Trump, USDA figures show

I said, run away from the unemployment rate.

And I already showed SNAP usage has been falling for years.
Oh for fuck's sake... :eusa_doh:

To claim Hillary colluded with Russia because of Steele's dossier would require you have evidence she was aware her money went to Russians.

Good luck ever proving that.

Ok, how about we settle for money laundering and fraudulent campaign finance reports. Would that make you happy?

`All ya have to do is prove it.

You seriously think those lawyers and people at Fusion won't sing like little birdies? Hell they may already have.

Great, then it should be easy for you to quote any of them saying Hillary knew her money was going to Steele to collect intel from Russians....

No need for that, using regressive standards, supposition, speculation and innuendo is all that's required to prove guilt. You only need look at all the Trump Russia collusion threads to see that.

No worries, I knew you couldn’t prove your nonsense.

Much like this forum.

Republicans NEED Hillary. They can’t function without her. Liberals have very much moved on from her, but republicans can’t let go. They desperately need a “what-about-ism” to deflect from how pathetic their own polices and president are.

“According to data compiled by USA Today, Clinton has been mentioned more than 5,000 times in television ads in the Ohio gubernatorial race in the past four months.

In West Virginia’s U.S. Senate race, Clinton has been featured in TV spots that aired 3,751 times, while in Indiana’s Senate contest, she’s appeared 2,222 times, USA Today reports.

The only Democratic politician to appear in more television ads is former President Barack Obama, who has turned up in 18,971 spots paid for by Republicans and 3,976 paid for by Democrats. Clinton has been portrayed negatively in 12,864 ads nationally — a stunning figure for a politician who lost and doesn’t plan to run again.”

Republicans are still running against Hillary Clinton

They just want real justice. She DID collude with Russians to influence an election after all. It's completely understandable.
Okay so you’re saying Hillary colluded with Russians but Trump didn’t? Let’s make this clear.

I don't know if Trump did -- but I CERTAINLY know that Hillary/DNC commissioned and paid for misinformation from Russian Intel folks TRAINED in disinformation. And then used a VAST network of US Agency leaders to re-brand and market that dogcrap as "an official US Intel document". Involved not only the political hacks and pranksters around Hillary, but elements of the FBI, DNI, CIA and probably State Dept.

So yeah --- she colluded with the Russians --- BIGLY. And in fact, her Campaign Mgr probably should be investigated also for representing and lobbying for SberBank during the election. A bank that literally OWNS 1/3 of ALL Russian assets. And has 100s of nasty Oligarchs and mafioso with ties to the Kremlin as bank clients.

THAT'S why Hillary is not history yet. She hasn't faced justice for that OR the National Security laws that she knowingly and willfully violated. See my sigline for her hypocrisy on THAT issue..
Oh for fuck's sake... :eusa_doh:

To claim Hillary colluded with Russia because of Steele's dossier would require you have evidence she was aware her money went to Russians.

Good luck ever proving that.

Don't need luck. They (Hillary and DNC) were the clients. It was THEIR product. It got DELIVERED to them. And they loved it. In fact, the FBI loved it SOOO much they offered to pay Steele to continue his work and used that product to get a FISC warrant to spy on an opposition Party political team.

If the DNC/Hillary were OUTRAGED to find out that their project relied almost exclusively on made-up shit from professional Russian Intel disinformation experts --- I'd expect to see a LAWSUIT against Fusion and C. Steele. After all, using FOREIGN intelligence in a political campaign IS illegal.

Truth is --- it's you party warriors (on both sides) that do Putin's work of destroying the American political system for him. The destruction that you combatants do daily makes him thrilled that he hardly lifts a finger. And those informants for Steele are "Forever Heroes" in the halls of the GRU/FSB in Russia. Great covert break-in into lighting up domestic political conflict in America Russia has ever acheived. And Hillary started that project.
Nope, Hillary was not a client of Steele’s. Fusion GPS was.

Dayam, your luck already ran out.

Much like this forum.

Republicans NEED Hillary. They can’t function without her. Liberals have very much moved on from her, but republicans can’t let go. They desperately need a “what-about-ism” to deflect from how pathetic their own polices and president are.

“According to data compiled by USA Today, Clinton has been mentioned more than 5,000 times in television ads in the Ohio gubernatorial race in the past four months.

In West Virginia’s U.S. Senate race, Clinton has been featured in TV spots that aired 3,751 times, while in Indiana’s Senate contest, she’s appeared 2,222 times, USA Today reports.

The only Democratic politician to appear in more television ads is former President Barack Obama, who has turned up in 18,971 spots paid for by Republicans and 3,976 paid for by Democrats. Clinton has been portrayed negatively in 12,864 ads nationally — a stunning figure for a politician who lost and doesn’t plan to run again.”

Republicans are still running against Hillary Clinton
Ya, I do not get it! No office means no power means no relivance. They also want to still blame things that are happening today on her. The fact of the matter is, she is now just an old lady watching the circus like the rest of us!

Hillary Clinton Will Campaign for Democrats in 2018 Despite Being Even Less Popular Than Trump

Exactly how much diference do you suppose she will make! Does any one think she will take another crack at pres? I sure have not heard anything about it! The more you focus on yesterday the better the chances of wool over your eyes today!

If you think the bitch is just fading away, you're dreaming.

Hillary Clinton launches Onward Together PAC

She's out there raising money and trying to sell what influence she has remaining.

Good, that’ll keep you yahoos here where you’re harmless.

Oh, and when did it get delivered to Hillary?
Much like this forum.

Republicans NEED Hillary. They can’t function without her. Liberals have very much moved on from her, but republicans can’t let go. They desperately need a “what-about-ism” to deflect from how pathetic their own polices and president are.

“According to data compiled by USA Today, Clinton has been mentioned more than 5,000 times in television ads in the Ohio gubernatorial race in the past four months.

In West Virginia’s U.S. Senate race, Clinton has been featured in TV spots that aired 3,751 times, while in Indiana’s Senate contest, she’s appeared 2,222 times, USA Today reports.

The only Democratic politician to appear in more television ads is former President Barack Obama, who has turned up in 18,971 spots paid for by Republicans and 3,976 paid for by Democrats. Clinton has been portrayed negatively in 12,864 ads nationally — a stunning figure for a politician who lost and doesn’t plan to run again.”

Republicans are still running against Hillary Clinton
Ya, I do not get it! No office means no power means no relivance. They also want to still blame things that are happening today on her. The fact of the matter is, she is now just an old lady watching the circus like the rest of us!

Hillary Clinton Will Campaign for Democrats in 2018 Despite Being Even Less Popular Than Trump

Exactly how much diference do you suppose she will make! Does any one think she will take another crack at pres? I sure have not heard anything about it! The more you focus on yesterday the better the chances of wool over your eyes today!

If you think the bitch is just fading away, you're dreaming.

Hillary Clinton launches Onward Together PAC

She's out there raising money and trying to sell what influence she has remaining.

You are still much better off watching the powers of today, they have a much greater influence on your life! Learn from the past but keep your eye on the fucker with the purse strings today!

What ever, the fact is the bitch is still involved pushing commie candidates. Pointing that out isn't living in the past.

Yeah, record low unemployment for women and minorities, more money in their pockets by way of bonuses and pay raises are irrelevant. In the infamous words of wild willie, IT'S THE ECONOMY STUPID.

Yeah, and that part of the economy began improving 8 years ago....


Thanks, Obama!

By the way, it's not a record low for women.

And wages were stagnant or declining all that time, now people are coming off the welfare rolls and SNAP to the tune of about 2 million each at last count.

Hey, look ^^^ it took me only 1 post to get you to run away from employment figures. That might be a new record.

At any rate, real median income is up since 2012...


SNAP recipients began falling in 2013...


Run away, hardly, I said all I had to say. I also notice neither of your graphs cover the period under discussion.

Food stamp recipients down 2M under Trump, USDA figures show

I said, run away from the unemployment rate.

And I already showed SNAP usage has been falling for years.

The facts are minority UE is the lowest ever and for women the lowest in almost two decades and SNAP usage is falling faster than previous years because States are now allowed to implement work requirements for qualification.

Much like this forum.

Republicans NEED Hillary. They can’t function without her. Liberals have very much moved on from her, but republicans can’t let go. They desperately need a “what-about-ism” to deflect from how pathetic their own polices and president are.

“According to data compiled by USA Today, Clinton has been mentioned more than 5,000 times in television ads in the Ohio gubernatorial race in the past four months.

In West Virginia’s U.S. Senate race, Clinton has been featured in TV spots that aired 3,751 times, while in Indiana’s Senate contest, she’s appeared 2,222 times, USA Today reports.

The only Democratic politician to appear in more television ads is former President Barack Obama, who has turned up in 18,971 spots paid for by Republicans and 3,976 paid for by Democrats. Clinton has been portrayed negatively in 12,864 ads nationally — a stunning figure for a politician who lost and doesn’t plan to run again.”

Republicans are still running against Hillary Clinton
Ya, I do not get it! No office means no power means no relivance. They also want to still blame things that are happening today on her. The fact of the matter is, she is now just an old lady watching the circus like the rest of us!

Hillary Clinton Will Campaign for Democrats in 2018 Despite Being Even Less Popular Than Trump

Exactly how much diference do you suppose she will make! Does any one think she will take another crack at pres? I sure have not heard anything about it! The more you focus on yesterday the better the chances of wool over your eyes today!

If you think the bitch is just fading away, you're dreaming.

Hillary Clinton launches Onward Together PAC

She's out there raising money and trying to sell what influence she has remaining.

Good, that’ll keep you yahoos here where you’re harmless.

Oh, and when did it get delivered to Hillary?


Ya, I do not get it! No office means no power means no relivance. They also want to still blame things that are happening today on her. The fact of the matter is, she is now just an old lady watching the circus like the rest of us!

Hillary Clinton Will Campaign for Democrats in 2018 Despite Being Even Less Popular Than Trump

Exactly how much diference do you suppose she will make! Does any one think she will take another crack at pres? I sure have not heard anything about it! The more you focus on yesterday the better the chances of wool over your eyes today!

If you think the bitch is just fading away, you're dreaming.

Hillary Clinton launches Onward Together PAC

She's out there raising money and trying to sell what influence she has remaining.

You are still much better off watching the powers of today, they have a much greater influence on your life! Learn from the past but keep your eye on the fucker with the purse strings today!

What ever, the fact is the bitch is still involved pushing commie candidates. Pointing that out isn't living in the past.

Hillary is not a commie! Next to no one is a commie! Already proven failed system! When you actualy look at how they voted the CLintons were likely the most pro coporation democrats to hold the white house in a very long while!Go back and look how many times the Clinton White house voted with a majority of republicans. It was likely the last time there was any real across the isle support. Say what you want about Clinton and Reagon, when you look at how they voted back then those were the two best presidents in recent history at getting the other sides votes!
Yeah, and that part of the economy began improving 8 years ago....


Thanks, Obama!

By the way, it's not a record low for women.

And wages were stagnant or declining all that time, now people are coming off the welfare rolls and SNAP to the tune of about 2 million each at last count.

Hey, look ^^^ it took me only 1 post to get you to run away from employment figures. That might be a new record.

At any rate, real median income is up since 2012...


SNAP recipients began falling in 2013...


Run away, hardly, I said all I had to say. I also notice neither of your graphs cover the period under discussion.

Food stamp recipients down 2M under Trump, USDA figures show

I said, run away from the unemployment rate.

And I already showed SNAP usage has been falling for years.

The facts are minority UE is the lowest ever and for women the lowest in almost two decades and SNAP usage is falling faster than previous years because States are now allowed to implement work requirements for qualification.


fact is there is a 4% unemployment rate.

ponder that brain swell.
Exactly how much diference do you suppose she will make! Does any one think she will take another crack at pres? I sure have not heard anything about it! The more you focus on yesterday the better the chances of wool over your eyes today!

If you think the bitch is just fading away, you're dreaming.

Hillary Clinton launches Onward Together PAC

She's out there raising money and trying to sell what influence she has remaining.

You are still much better off watching the powers of today, they have a much greater influence on your life! Learn from the past but keep your eye on the fucker with the purse strings today!

What ever, the fact is the bitch is still involved pushing commie candidates. Pointing that out isn't living in the past.

Hillary is not a commie! Next to no one is a commie! Already proven failed system! When you actualy look at how they voted the CLintons were likely the most pro coporation democrats to hold the white house in a very long while!Go back and look how many times the Clinton White house voted with a majority of republicans. It was likely the last time there was any real across the isle support. Say what you want about Clinton and Reagon, when you look at how they voted back then those were the two best presidents in recent history at getting the other sides votes!

Yeah, you keep believing that. And look where all that got us.


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