Republicans Say Goodbye to a RINO

It was a disingenuous statement that NO ONE believed he meant

If the libs weren't going to believe the President's statement, why were they so insistent he deliver it? Sound like the left was exposed for the fraud they have been all along.
So, prove me wrong little man. Show us all those post about the debt under Trump's first two years.
Why does the FACT that Democrats controlled the House / the budget / spending / deficit for the last 2 years Bush was in office and the 1st 2 years Barry was President cause you to freak out / become triggered?

Just because I have had to correct liberal lies about how Barry inherited 'Bush's' economy does not mean I do not condemn others who added to the deficit.

I am not freaked out. I am against deficit spending no matter who is sitting in the White house or who is in congress.

you on the other hand only care when the Dems have the House or the White House.

you are a fraud and cannot provide even one time you complained about the debt during Trump's 1st year

Donald J. Trump didn't run as a deficit hawk. He ran to return America to greatness, and resolve the problem with illegals and trade and healthcare, get moderates on the courts, and barely uttered a syllable about plans to pay off the national debt. Trump saw how weakly that served previous GOP candidates and what pathetic losers McCain and Romney are.

This is true he did not, and he was voted into office by those that do not care about such things

I disagree. A lot of Republicans and others who voted for Donald J. Trump certainly do care about debt. They just realized that it was a losing issue in the 2016 election cycle so they deferred their wishes in this regard to get what they can get.

The problem is they did the same thing for Bush II, Bush I, Reagan and Nixion and...well you get the idea.
From the link:

"He calls certain countries 'sh*tholes,' tells women of color to 'go back' to where they came from and lies more than he tells the truth," he said. "We have Republican senators and representatives who look the other way and say nothing for fear that it will negatively affect their elections. No more. When the history books are written, I refuse to be someone who said nothing."

Good for him speaking out. No elected member of the GOP should have to march in lockstep with the President and his rhetoric.
You quote and agree with an article that even DEMOCRATS have publicly agreed lies. For instance, Democrats agree Trump NEVER mentioned COLOR or anyone by name when the President joined an opinion that polls show the majority agree with - 'If 'you' don't like it here GTFO'.

WHILE Trump was condemning white supremacists after the shootings, Democrats were refusing to condemn Antifa and were fund raising off the dead bodies of Americans.

Your concept of what is despicable and more vile us tainted by both your partisanship as well as extreme hatred for the President...

Again does not matter. It was clearly aimed at minorities and a majority agree it is racist to tell a minority to o back where they come from. Antifa is a smoke screen put up by you. You are a vile Trump supporter.
From the link:

"He calls certain countries 'sh*tholes,' tells women of color to 'go back' to where they came from and lies more than he tells the truth," he said. "We have Republican senators and representatives who look the other way and say nothing for fear that it will negatively affect their elections. No more. When the history books are written, I refuse to be someone who said nothing."

Good for him speaking out. No elected member of the GOP should have to march in lockstep with the President and his rhetoric.
You quote and agree with an article that even DEMOCRATS have publicly agreed lies. For instance, Democrats agree Trump NEVER mentioned COLOR or anyone by name when the President joined an opinion that polls show the majority agree with - 'If 'you' don't like it here GTFO'.

WHILE Trump was condemning white supremacists after the shootings, Democrats were refusing to condemn Antifa and were fund raising off the dead bodies of Americans.

Your concept of what is despicable and more vile us tainted by both your partisanship as well as extreme hatred for the President...

Again does not matter. It was clearly aimed at minorities and a majority agree it is racist to tell a minority to o back where they come from. Antifa is a smoke screen put up by you. You are a vile Trump supporter.
From the link:

"He calls certain countries 'sh*tholes,' tells women of color to 'go back' to where they came from and lies more than he tells the truth," he said. "We have Republican senators and representatives who look the other way and say nothing for fear that it will negatively affect their elections. No more. When the history books are written, I refuse to be someone who said nothing."

Good for him speaking out. No elected member of the GOP should have to march in lockstep with the President and his rhetoric.
You quote and agree with an article that even DEMOCRATS have publicly agreed lies. For instance, Democrats agree Trump NEVER mentioned COLOR or anyone by name when the President joined an opinion that polls show the majority agree with - 'If 'you' don't like it here GTFO'.

WHILE Trump was condemning white supremacists after the shootings, Democrats were refusing to condemn Antifa and were fund raising off the dead bodies of Americans.

Your concept of what is despicable and more vile us tainted by both your partisanship as well as extreme hatred for the President...

Again does not matter. It was clearly aimed at minorities and a majority agree it is racist to tell a minority to o back where they come from. Antifa is a smoke screen put up by you. You are a vile Trump supporter.

The remark was aimed at liberal congresspeople, not "racial minorities"

If AOC Plus 3 can't accept oversight, they are in the wrong business.
If Trump keeps allowing these RINO to run up debt he is almost as bad as BO. he got the dead economy going but now the filthy RINODEM want to crash it again with a debt bomb on top of the massive DEM 2007 runup.

Trump has his own sacred cows. We are being eaten alive by defense contractors who routinely go over budget. The Gerald Ford broke all of the spending caps put in place.
From the link:

"He calls certain countries 'sh*tholes,' tells women of color to 'go back' to where they came from and lies more than he tells the truth," he said. "We have Republican senators and representatives who look the other way and say nothing for fear that it will negatively affect their elections. No more. When the history books are written, I refuse to be someone who said nothing."

Good for him speaking out. No elected member of the GOP should have to march in lockstep with the President and his rhetoric.
You quote and agree with an article that even DEMOCRATS have publicly agreed lies. For instance, Democrats agree Trump NEVER mentioned COLOR or anyone by name when the President joined an opinion that polls show the majority agree with - 'If 'you' don't like it here GTFO'.

WHILE Trump was condemning white supremacists after the shootings, Democrats were refusing to condemn Antifa and were fund raising off the dead bodies of Americans.

Your concept of what is despicable and more vile us tainted by both your partisanship as well as extreme hatred for the President...

Again does not matter. It was clearly aimed at minorities and a majority agree it is racist to tell a minority to o back where they come from. Antifa is a smoke screen put up by you. You are a vile Trump supporter.

From the link:

"He calls certain countries 'sh*tholes,' tells women of color to 'go back' to where they came from and lies more than he tells the truth," he said. "We have Republican senators and representatives who look the other way and say nothing for fear that it will negatively affect their elections. No more. When the history books are written, I refuse to be someone who said nothing."

Good for him speaking out. No elected member of the GOP should have to march in lockstep with the President and his rhetoric.
You quote and agree with an article that even DEMOCRATS have publicly agreed lies. For instance, Democrats agree Trump NEVER mentioned COLOR or anyone by name when the President joined an opinion that polls show the majority agree with - 'If 'you' don't like it here GTFO'.

WHILE Trump was condemning white supremacists after the shootings, Democrats were refusing to condemn Antifa and were fund raising off the dead bodies of Americans.

Your concept of what is despicable and more vile us tainted by both your partisanship as well as extreme hatred for the President...

Again does not matter. It was clearly aimed at minorities and a majority agree it is racist to tell a minority to o back where they come from. Antifa is a smoke screen put up by you. You are a vile Trump supporter.

The remark was aimed at liberal congresspeople, not "racial minorities"

If AOC Plus 3 can't accept oversight, they are in the wrong business.

They are racial minorities and Trump did not discuss their politics. The Trump EEOC uses that phrase as a example of creating a hostile workplace.
He is right. Unfortunately no dissent is tolerated in the Republican Party.
Republicans will win in 2020. They will keep their base fired up, they won't let this idiot from Nebraska screw things up.

The only problem with that is that his base isn't big enough to get him re-elected, and nobody else is joining his little group

Oh, there are millions of Democrats looking at that clown car of 2020 candidates and thinking, "My bank account seems to be doing alright. Why should I vote for one of those jackasses?"

Trump is the biggest clown of them all. Except the consequences of his antics are deadly. You are going to vote for a jackass called Trump.
<<GOP tells Republican lawmaker who said party is 'enabling white supremacy' to register as Democrat>>

Don't let the door hit your ass on the way out.
Nebraska GOP tells Republican lawmaker who said party is 'enabling white supremacy' to register as Democrat

I agree

Any Republican who makes a stand against racism does not belong in the party

Apparently, RW, you didn't hear President Trump's speech this week where he denounced "white nationalism" and "white supremacy" establishing this as the party position.

If this lawmaker doesn't believe in the party's official platform, he should get the hell out.
Yea...and he almost sounded like he meany it...oh he sounded like a captive reading a hostage statement

President Trump was reading a prepared statement that was carefully written to embrace all of the liberals supposed "concerns".

Of course, the libs really didn't care about any of that, this was just a "demand" they made to try and deflect the conversation.

No it didn't. It tried to blame the El Paso shooting on mental illness instead of a evil white supremacist. That takes him off the hook on a variety of issues such as his rhetoric and used old Republican standbys such as video games. Trump has steadily cut funding to investigate white supremacists. We also need domestic terrorism laws. Nothing about that.

The only thing you are trying to hold the President accountable for is beating Hillary in 2016.

He has repeatedly denounced white supremacists while Elizabeth Warren refuses to denounce her Satan-worshipping Antifa assassin supporter's terrorist act...

....and while Democrats were fund raising in the bodies of dead Americans, politicizing and attempting to personally and politically benefit from a mass shooting.

...and if YOU can't rebuke the Democrats for that then YOU are just a despicable partisan ghoul yourself.
There is no place in today’s Republican Party for anyone who makes a stand against Racism

RINO following the law is racist.

Inciting racial hatred is not the law

He doesn't incite hatred among normal people, only those who apply their personal ideology to spin whatever he says to fit the narrative they want. He can condemn racism point blank and the left merely says he didn't mean it. It is a sickness derived from years of liberal brainwashing.
There is no place in today’s Republican Party for anyone who makes a stand against Racism

RINO following the law is racist.

Inciting racial hatred is not the law
No......sedition, human-trafficking, breaking immigration laws, planning and carrying out criminal conspiracies.......all are against the law. Some of it falls under RICO statutes and organized crime. Some fall under immigration laws. Some fall under national security and Homeland Defense.
The President's stance regarding illegal immigration is to stop the invasion and to enforce existing law....

As opposed to the Democrats who continue to facility the on-going invasion, refuse to enforce existing laws, violate existing laws, & call for eliminating existing immigration law.

They say 1 second they are against open borders and in the next breath say they want to make illegally entering the US no longer a crime....

...and they promise to give illegals free health care, free housing, free food, etc...that incentivized millions more illegals to come here....all claiming they care about the deficit while adding the cost of illegal immigration and the promise of giving out billions / trillions in deficit dollar-funded free shit to illegals...

Realistically, whose stance on illegal immigration is better...FOR THE ANERIXAN PEOPLE?

There is no invasion. Using the language of white supremacists Little wonder they are emboldened. Trump is not following laws. He is tryin to rewrite them with rule changes and EOs.

There are 2 statutes regarding crossing the border illegally. One is a criminal law and the other is a civil law. Trump has used the criminal law as a excuse to separate families. If that is true then the law either should be gotten rid of or changed.

Worth noting that Trump supporters get a lot of free things.

THE AMERICAN PEOPLE oppose Republican policies on border security and immigration policy.
There is no place in today’s Republican Party for anyone who makes a stand against Racism

RINO following the law is racist.

Inciting racial hatred is not the law

He doesn't incite hatred among normal people, only those who apply their personal ideology to spin whatever he says to fit the narrative they want. He can condemn racism point blank and the left merely says he didn't mean it. It is a sickness derived from years of liberal brainwashing.
If you want to see someone inciting violence just tune into CNN OR MSNBC on any given evening.

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