Republicans Say Goodbye to a RINO

I am still waiting for links to all those post from you complaining about the debt in Trump's first two years.
Instead of waiting for things that will never come simply because you demanded them while lying your ass off, a better use of your time would be learning from the facts pointed out to that ass kicking you just received.
I am still waiting for links to all those post from you complaining about the debt in Trump's first two years.
Instead of waiting for things that will never come simply because you demanded them while lying your ass off, a better use of your time would be learning from the facts pointed out to that ass kicking you just received.

you have provided no facts, just pretty stories.

facts have support, all you have is empty words.
So, prove me wrong little man. Show us all those post about the debt under Trump's first two years.
Why does the FACT that Democrats controlled the House / the budget / spending / deficit for the last 2 years Bush was in office and the 1st 2 years Barry was President cause you to freak out / become triggered?

Just because I have had to correct liberal lies about how Barry inherited 'Bush's' economy does not mean I do not condemn others who added to the deficit.

I am not freaked out. I am against deficit spending no matter who is sitting in the White house or who is in congress.

you on the other hand only care when the Dems have the House or the White House.

you are a fraud and cannot provide even one time you complained about the debt during Trump's 1st year
Whatever you say, you exposed hypocritical lying POS ...

So, prove me wrong little man. Show us all those post about the debt under Trump's first two years.
Why does the FACT that Democrats controlled the House / the budget / spending / deficit for the last 2 years Bush was in office and the 1st 2 years Barry was President cause you to freak out / become triggered?

Just because I have had to correct liberal lies about how Barry inherited 'Bush's' economy does not mean I do not condemn others who added to the deficit.

I am not freaked out. I am against deficit spending no matter who is sitting in the White house or who is in congress.

you on the other hand only care when the Dems have the House or the White House.

you are a fraud and cannot provide even one time you complained about the debt during Trump's 1st year
Whatever you say, you exposed hypocritical lying POS ...


And you are such a LIAR. I have condemned the growing deficit. Democrats ranted about it for 2 years, and once they took control of the Budget - spending. I, like many others, expected Democrats to do something about it.

Their condemnation of Trump and the increase of the deficit was quickly exposed as POLITICAL THEATER.

Rather than focus on reducing the deficit and on the budget the Dems they continued Obama's coup attempt / Weismann's Witch Hunt... They continued to facilitate the on-going illegal immigration and embracing the massive growing cost of 22+ million illegals already in the US and the approximately 60+,000 illegals a month they help enter and stay in the US at tax payer expense!

You think Democrats give a damn about REDUCING the deficit? If you say yes YIU ARE SUCH A LIAR!

The Democrats have been campaigning like the only ones who get in 2020 are ILLEGALS, promising them and US citizens that they will force middle class Anericans to pay for part of their plan to give illegals *free health care, housing, education, etc...and of course the rest of the cost will be added to the deficit!

These same Democrats are promising to give over $1 trillion in new 'freedies' in exchange for their votes - $1,000 to each American over 18, *free education, and several trillions in new deficit for making the internal combustion illegal, replacing air travel with solar-powered high-speed rail, and to win the war against COW FARTS! are so full of shit and continue to prove you love political theatrics

You are sooooo full of shit. You never had a negative word to say about Trump nor his minions in congress spending all that money. you did not give a flying fuck about the debt till Jan when you could blame it on the Dems.

Why would anyone in their right mind expect the focus on reducing the deficit?

Neither party, including our current POTUS, give a damn about REDUCING the deficit...and they will not as long as people like you keep giving your party a free pass
Again, you attempt to use me as a platform from which to launch your lies...but you and your BS were just exposed....

One more time....

You are sooooo full of shit. You never had a negative word to say about Trump nor his minions in congress spending all that money. you did not give a flying fuck about the debt till Jan when you could blame it on the Dems.

So, prove me wrong little man. Show us all those post about the debt under Trump's first two years.

What good words has Gamma Gator had to say about our alpha president, Donald J. Trump?

Not much, because all he can do is undermine the successful.

I have praised him for both his SCOTUS picks.

I have praised him for his changes to the Fed Employee regs to make it easier to get rid of dead weight

I have praised him for his desire to get our troops out of the ME

I have praised him for moving people out of DC and into the Heartland

I have praised him for wanting to get rid of the OPM.

You on the other hand have never said a negative thing about him whatsoever.

I know very well that Trump is in the team of Americans. No particular reason for me to violently undermine him, because I am not a Gamma.

Sure I can criticize his stance on immigration, but for starters I am not sure if he is even serious with it so...
You are sooooo full of shit. You never had a negative word to say about Trump nor his minions in congress spending all that money. you did not give a flying fuck about the debt till Jan when you could blame it on the Dems.

Why would anyone in their right mind expect the focus on reducing the deficit?

Neither party, including our current POTUS, give a damn about REDUCING the deficit...and they will not as long as people like you keep giving your party a free pass
Again, you attempt to use me as a platform from which to launch your lies...but you and your BS were just exposed....

One more time....

You are sooooo full of shit. You never had a negative word to say about Trump nor his minions in congress spending all that money. you did not give a flying fuck about the debt till Jan when you could blame it on the Dems.

So, prove me wrong little man. Show us all those post about the debt under Trump's first two years.

What good words has Gamma Gator had to say about our alpha president, Donald J. Trump?

Not much, because all he can do is undermine the successful.

I have praised him for both his SCOTUS picks.

I have praised him for his changes to the Fed Employee regs to make it easier to get rid of dead weight

I have praised him for his desire to get our troops out of the ME

I have praised him for moving people out of DC and into the Heartland

I have praised him for wanting to get rid of the OPM.

You on the other hand have never said a negative thing about him whatsoever.

I know very well that Trump is in the team of Americans. No particular reason for me to violently undermine him, because I am not a Gamma.

Sure I can criticize his stance on immigration, but for starters I am not sure if he is even serious with it so...

Maybe one day you will mature past the beta stage and into Gamma.

(4) Gamma Male
Qualities: Adventurous, Fun-Loving & Restless

Gamma males love having fun but don't shrug off their responsibilities at the same time. They're definitely adventurous and fun-loving and tend to get very restless if they're left idle for too long. It is possible an alpha male might mature into a gamma male, because gamma males are a more refined version of them.
So, prove me wrong little man. Show us all those post about the debt under Trump's first two years.
Why does the FACT that Democrats controlled the House / the budget / spending / deficit for the last 2 years Bush was in office and the 1st 2 years Barry was President cause you to freak out / become triggered?

Just because I have had to correct liberal lies about how Barry inherited 'Bush's' economy does not mean I do not condemn others who added to the deficit.

I am not freaked out. I am against deficit spending no matter who is sitting in the White house or who is in congress.

you on the other hand only care when the Dems have the House or the White House.

you are a fraud and cannot provide even one time you complained about the debt during Trump's 1st year

Donald J. Trump didn't run as a deficit hawk. He ran to return America to greatness, and resolve the problem with illegals and trade and healthcare, get moderates on the courts, and barely uttered a syllable about plans to pay off the national debt. Trump saw how weakly that served previous GOP candidates and what pathetic losers McCain and Romney are.
So, prove me wrong little man. Show us all those post about the debt under Trump's first two years.
Why does the FACT that Democrats controlled the House / the budget / spending / deficit for the last 2 years Bush was in office and the 1st 2 years Barry was President cause you to freak out / become triggered?

Just because I have had to correct liberal lies about how Barry inherited 'Bush's' economy does not mean I do not condemn others who added to the deficit.

I am not freaked out. I am against deficit spending no matter who is sitting in the White house or who is in congress.

you on the other hand only care when the Dems have the House or the White House.

you are a fraud and cannot provide even one time you complained about the debt during Trump's 1st year

Donald J. Trump didn't run as a deficit hawk. He ran to return America to greatness, and resolve the problem with illegals and trade and healthcare, get moderates on the courts, and barely uttered a syllable about plans to pay off the national debt. Trump saw how weakly that served previous GOP candidates and what pathetic losers McCain and Romney are.

This is true he did not, and he was voted into office by those that do not care about such things
The President's stance regarding illegal immigration is to stop the invasion and to enforce existing law....

As opposed to the Democrats who continue to facility the on-going invasion, refuse to enforce existing laws, violate existing laws, & call for eliminating existing immigration law.

They say 1 second they are against open borders and in the next breath say they want to make illegally entering the US no longer a crime....

...and they promise to give illegals free health care, free housing, free food, etc...that incentivized millions more illegals to come here....all claiming they care about the deficit while adding the cost of illegal immigration and the promise of giving out billions / trillions in deficit dollar-funded free shit to illegals...

Realistically, whose stance on illegal immigration is better...FOR THE ANERIXAN PEOPLE?
So, prove me wrong little man. Show us all those post about the debt under Trump's first two years.
Why does the FACT that Democrats controlled the House / the budget / spending / deficit for the last 2 years Bush was in office and the 1st 2 years Barry was President cause you to freak out / become triggered?

Just because I have had to correct liberal lies about how Barry inherited 'Bush's' economy does not mean I do not condemn others who added to the deficit.

I am not freaked out. I am against deficit spending no matter who is sitting in the White house or who is in congress.

you on the other hand only care when the Dems have the House or the White House.

you are a fraud and cannot provide even one time you complained about the debt during Trump's 1st year

Donald J. Trump didn't run as a deficit hawk. He ran to return America to greatness, and resolve the problem with illegals and trade and healthcare, get moderates on the courts, and barely uttered a syllable about plans to pay off the national debt. Trump saw how weakly that served previous GOP candidates and what pathetic losers McCain and Romney are.

This is true he did not, and he was voted into office by those that do not care about such things

I disagree. A lot of Republicans and others who voted for Donald J. Trump certainly do care about debt. They just realized that it was a losing issue in the 2016 election cycle so they deferred their wishes in this regard to get what they can get.
Again, you attempt to use me as a platform from which to launch your lies...but you and your BS were just exposed....

One more time....

You are sooooo full of shit. You never had a negative word to say about Trump nor his minions in congress spending all that money. you did not give a flying fuck about the debt till Jan when you could blame it on the Dems.

So, prove me wrong little man. Show us all those post about the debt under Trump's first two years.

What good words has Gamma Gator had to say about our alpha president, Donald J. Trump?

Not much, because all he can do is undermine the successful.

I have praised him for both his SCOTUS picks.

I have praised him for his changes to the Fed Employee regs to make it easier to get rid of dead weight

I have praised him for his desire to get our troops out of the ME

I have praised him for moving people out of DC and into the Heartland

I have praised him for wanting to get rid of the OPM.

You on the other hand have never said a negative thing about him whatsoever.

I know very well that Trump is in the team of Americans. No particular reason for me to violently undermine him, because I am not a Gamma.

Sure I can criticize his stance on immigration, but for starters I am not sure if he is even serious with it so...

Maybe one day you will mature past the beta stage and into Gamma.

(4) Gamma Male
Qualities: Adventurous, Fun-Loving & Restless

Gamma males love having fun but don't shrug off their responsibilities at the same time. They're definitely adventurous and fun-loving and tend to get very restless if they're left idle for too long. It is possible an alpha male might mature into a gamma male, because gamma males are a more refined version of them.

Is that what they told you? Well of course...

They should have added some Golfing Gamma screen caps on to the video.
It was a disingenuous statement that NO ONE believed he meant
It was a disingenuous statement that NO ONE believed he meant
According to snowflakes and Trump-haters who supported Barry's coup attempt and have undermined and tried to oust the President for e years....

He is right. Unfortunately no dissent is tolerated in the Republican Party.
Republicans will win in 2020. They will keep their base fired up, they won't let this idiot from Nebraska screw things up.

The only problem with that is that his base isn't big enough to get him re-elected, and nobody else is joining his little group

Boy are you in for a suprise. It is not just his "base" that will vote for him, particualry given the complete nut cases on the other side.
<<GOP tells Republican lawmaker who said party is 'enabling white supremacy' to register as Democrat>>

Don't let the door hit your ass on the way out.
Nebraska GOP tells Republican lawmaker who said party is 'enabling white supremacy' to register as Democrat

He is right. Unfortunately no dissent is tolerated in the Republican Party.

Yep, every Republican agreed with Trump. :iyfyus.jpg:

You got that right. That is why suburban House members in Texas are retiring. They no longer want to push the Trump garbage.
------------------------------ more likely they already made their money , have their taxpayer paid retirement perks and money secure and are just going on the big money retirement Dole BBee .
Is that what they told you? Well of course...

They should have added some Golfing Gamma screen caps on to the video.

Well, it is on youtube so it must be real! :21::21::21::21::21::290968001256257790-final:

Golfing mean like this...

He is right. Unfortunately no dissent is tolerated in the Republican Party.
Republicans will win in 2020. They will keep their base fired up, they won't let this idiot from Nebraska screw things up.

The only problem with that is that his base isn't big enough to get him re-elected, and nobody else is joining his little group

Boy are you in for a suprise. It is not just his "base" that will vote for him, particualry given the complete nut cases on the other side.

The issues of Reparations, Medicare for All and the New Green Deal will be the biggies in 2020 for sure. People are going to want to know about how Sleepy Joe or Crazy Bernie intend to pay for Reparations, Open Borders or Free Healthcare for illegals.
It was a disingenuous statement that NO ONE believed he meant

So now we are at the point that it doesn't even matter what he says? What policies has he implemented or proposed that are "racist" in your mind?

The media has twisted and taken Trump's words out of context so often that the masses are brainwashed into believing all this garbage. The Charlottesville example is the most obvouos mis-representation of Trump that many on the left STILL believe despite the clear evidence to the contrary.
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