Republicans so worried about the debt, yet they cause most of it.

Quite a bit. Quite a bit.
Quite a bit... Quite a bit... Economics is not an exact science and your questions are simply obstructionist and stupid and exactly what the dupes can't get past. But Republicans and Reagan did not ask that these questions when they drop the top rate to 50 and then 28%... It's obvious to any unbrainwashed person that the rich pay too little and the rest are paying too much.
Quite a bit. Quite a bit.
Quite a bit... Quite a bit... Economics is not an exact science and your questions are simply obstructionist and stupid and exactly what the dupes can't get past. But Republicans and Reagan did not ask that these questions when they drop the top rate to 50 and then 28%... It's obvious to any unbrainwashed person that the rich pay too little and the rest are paying too much.
Ok - since you seem to be incapable of actually analyzing your proposal, I have taken the opportunity to do that. Keeping in mind that I am forced to use exact income numbers, we found this:

1) There are 125.32 million households.
2) Therefore, the top 1% constitutes 1.25 million households.
3) The "average" top 1% taxpayer earned $380,000/year or more. How Much Money Do The Top Income Earners Make By Percentage?
4) Approxiymately 1.1 million (of those 1.25 million households) made between $300K and $999K Beyond the 1 percent
5) If we assume statistical distribution, that means that each of those 1.1 million earned $655K on average.
6) Since those 1.1 million households cover your 40% tax bracket, that means they generated $282 billion in taxes.
7) The remaining 1% ers (125,000) averaged $6 million per year income. Beyond the 1 percent
8) Thus, they would generate $375 billion in taxes.

Therefore, the top two tiers of your proposal would generate $657 billion in revenue.

9) The remaining 124.07 million households populate your final two tax brackets.
10) We know that the average household income in the US is about $53,000/year. Opinion | $250,000 a Year Is Not Middle Class
11) Given that your cutoff was $50K to pay taxes, for estimating purposes, we will simply estimate that one half of the households will pay no taxes (62 million households)
12) The remaining 61 million households will pay taxes at the 25% rate, according to your plan.
13) If you extrapolate, that means that those households will average about $73K in household income, with each paying $18,250 in taxes

Therefore, your third tax rate will generate $1.12 trillion.

Thus, your total tax plan will generate $1.76 trillion - far short of the current $4 trillion budget. If you were to raise the rates to 100% of everything above $1m, 80% of everything between $ 300K and $1M, and 50% of everything between $50K and $300K, you STILL wouldn't generate enough tax revenue.

Guess that didn't work, did it?

Further, that's assuming linear taxation from first dollar to last dollar - not something we do.

By the way, the CURRENT revenue projections say $2.2 trillion in income tax, and $582 billion in corporate taxes - still not enough to meet the proposed budget.

The point isn't that your plan was faulty, or that liberals who call for taxes on the rich as the panacea to fix all things, aren't thinking it through. The simple truth is we are outspending our capacity to generate revenue. We have a spending problem - pure and simple. There is NO way to generate the income needed to operate the government in its current configuration.

What!!! Your guessing franco can understand logic?
Actually, I'm hoping everybody else can.
Tax the rich and giant corporations more like their fair share and things will get better, dingbat.

All the blather and nonsensical proposals in the world aren't going to change one single fact - there just isn't enough money available.
Our greedy rich people are so bloated at this point, middle class is so screwed over for 35 years it control has been wrecking the country 4 years
and yet want to give the rich tax cuts, (how ignorant is that) :banghead: They must have brain damage.

and what will happen to global terrorism they ask , since they do not want to do anything about gun laws in the US, who by the way most mass shooters are white males and US citizens and even some vets, who in the hell cares.

USA.INC owes the debt to the Federal Reserve foreign owned central bank and unless you are a de-facto employee of USA.INC in one of their U.S territories? You don't owe any of it. Composite government is the majority shareholder of nearly every Fortune 500 corporation and their subsidiaries. Every city, county, town and the majority of burgs are "incorporated" and according to their CAFRs? They are sitting on TRILLIONS in stocks, bonds and other holdings like amusement parks, golf courses and real estate while giving us their credit card bill to pay.

What you don't know could fill several libraries. They have kept the masses dumbed down and distracted while the owners of USA.INC have used your sweat equity and labor to move this fiat currency backed by nothing of an intrinsic value. You are nothing but a debt slave and you own NOTHING that they can't take away from you. House Joint Resolution 192 Congressional Record, March 9, 1933 on HR 1491 p. 83. "Under the new law the money is issued to the banks in return for government obligations, bills of exchange, drafts, notes, trade acceptances, and bankers acceptances. The money will be worth 100 cents on the dollar, because it is backed by the credit of the nation. It will represent a mortgage on all the homes, and other property of all the people of the nation."

Senate Document No. 43, 73rd Congress, 1st Session, which states: "The ownership of all property is in the state; individual so-called 'ownership' is only by virtue of the government, i.e., law, amounting to mere user; and use must be in accordance with law and subordinate to the necessities of the state."
Ok, you're part way ..... under your scheme, how much tax revenue will the federal government receive over the next 35 years? How much extra money does that make available to programs?
Quite a bit. Quite a bit.
Ok, you're part way ..... under your scheme, how much tax revenue will the federal government receive over the next 35 years? How much extra money does that make available to programs?
Quite a bit... Quite a bit... Economics is not an exact science and your questions are simply obstructionist and stupid and exactly what the dupes can't get past. But Republicans and Reagan did not ask that these questions when they drop the top rate to 50 and then 28%... It's obvious to any unbrainwashed person that the rich pay too little and the rest are paying too much.
Actually, the questions are germane and appropriate, and require an intelligent analysis of the proposal. You seem to be satisfied that those answers "look good" rather than "are good"

But, not to worry ---- the adults are going to take your suggestion and see what the answer is. I'll get back to you.
Blah blah. The important thing to remember is that rich Republicans of today are the worst rich people ever. They don't care about people they're brainwashed fools like you. Oh sorry how about those Indians?
You have been summarily shamed in this thread several times.

You make accusations without a iota of factual basis. You offer nonsensical solutions that are, in a word, a joke. Yet, you continue to spew the same ideological sewage, without concern for accuracy or facts.

Brainwashed? Clearly --- you need treatment.
Wake up and smell the coffee for Christ's sake lol. Reaganism Pander to the rich Like you has been wrecking the country for 35 years... Read my signature paragraph one. fact for 35 years now.
Show me the money!!

It's not more difficult than that. The budget is $4.1 trillion --- the national debt is $20 trillion - the deficit is $544 billion. Where the fuck are you going to get the money??

The answer - you can't.

You can whine, you can bitch, and you can moan. None of it makes one iota of difference. THERE AIN'T NO MONEY.

As for that pathetic little diatribe that you call a "signature" - there's not one substantive fact in the whole thing. It's nothing more than a sophomoric screed by someone who is in danger of being rejected for lack of substance.

Just go away ---- I've tried to make you understand. I've tried to understand what you propose. None of it matters.

Quite a bit. Quite a bit.
Quite a bit... Quite a bit... Economics is not an exact science and your questions are simply obstructionist and stupid and exactly what the dupes can't get past. But Republicans and Reagan did not ask that these questions when they drop the top rate to 50 and then 28%... It's obvious to any unbrainwashed person that the rich pay too little and the rest are paying too much.
Actually, the questions are germane and appropriate, and require an intelligent analysis of the proposal. You seem to be satisfied that those answers "look good" rather than "are good"

But, not to worry ---- the adults are going to take your suggestion and see what the answer is. I'll get back to you.
Blah blah. The important thing to remember is that rich Republicans of today are the worst rich people ever. They don't care about people they're brainwashed fools like you. Oh sorry how about those Indians?
You have been summarily shamed in this thread several times.

You make accusations without a iota of factual basis. You offer nonsensical solutions that are, in a word, a joke. Yet, you continue to spew the same ideological sewage, without concern for accuracy or facts.

Brainwashed? Clearly --- you need treatment.
Wake up and smell the coffee for Christ's sake lol. Reaganism Pander to the rich Like you has been wrecking the country for 35 years... Read my signature paragraph one. fact for 35 years now.
Show me the money!!

It's not more difficult than that. The budget is $4.1 trillion --- the national debt is $20 trillion - the deficit is $544 billion. Where the fuck are you going to get the money??

The answer - you can't.

You can whine, you can bitch, and you can moan. None of it makes one iota of difference. THERE AIN'T NO MONEY.

As for that pathetic little diatribe that you call a "signature" - there's not one substantive fact in the whole thing. It's nothing more than a sophomoric screed by someone who is in danger of being rejected for lack of substance.

Just go away ---- I've tried to make you understand. I've tried to understand what you propose. None of it matters.

After 35 years of Pander to the rich, the rich are totally bloated. No, not you... The mega rich the .1%...
Quite a bit. Quite a bit.
Quite a bit... Quite a bit... Economics is not an exact science and your questions are simply obstructionist and stupid and exactly what the dupes can't get past. But Republicans and Reagan did not ask that these questions when they drop the top rate to 50 and then 28%... It's obvious to any unbrainwashed person that the rich pay too little and the rest are paying too much.
Actually, the questions are germane and appropriate, and require an intelligent analysis of the proposal. You seem to be satisfied that those answers "look good" rather than "are good"

But, not to worry ---- the adults are going to take your suggestion and see what the answer is. I'll get back to you.
Blah blah. The important thing to remember is that rich Republicans of today are the worst rich people ever. They don't care about people they're brainwashed fools like you. Oh sorry how about those Indians?
You have been summarily shamed in this thread several times.

You make accusations without a iota of factual basis. You offer nonsensical solutions that are, in a word, a joke. Yet, you continue to spew the same ideological sewage, without concern for accuracy or facts.

Brainwashed? Clearly --- you need treatment.
Wake up and smell the coffee for Christ's sake lol. Reaganism Pander to the rich Like you has been wrecking the country for 35 years... Read my signature paragraph one. fact for 35 years now.
Show me the money!!

It's not more difficult than that. The budget is $4.1 trillion --- the national debt is $20 trillion - the deficit is $544 billion. Where the fuck are you going to get the money??

The answer - you can't.

You can whine, you can bitch, and you can moan. None of it makes one iota of difference. THERE AIN'T NO MONEY.

As for that pathetic little diatribe that you call a "signature" - there's not one substantive fact in the whole thing. It's nothing more than a sophomoric screed by someone who is in danger of being rejected for lack of substance.

Just go away ---- I've tried to make you understand. I've tried to understand what you propose. None of it matters.


The money of the people was confiscated in March of 1933 when USA.INC declared bankruptcy and the people under penalty of imprisonment and a huge fine had to turn in their gold (real money) in exchange for federal reserve debt notes backed by nothing but our labor. The greatest gold robbery in history......thanks a lot, FDR.....
Actually, the questions are germane and appropriate, and require an intelligent analysis of the proposal. You seem to be satisfied that those answers "look good" rather than "are good"

But, not to worry ---- the adults are going to take your suggestion and see what the answer is. I'll get back to you.
Blah blah. The important thing to remember is that rich Republicans of today are the worst rich people ever. They don't care about people they're brainwashed fools like you. Oh sorry how about those Indians?
You have been summarily shamed in this thread several times.

You make accusations without a iota of factual basis. You offer nonsensical solutions that are, in a word, a joke. Yet, you continue to spew the same ideological sewage, without concern for accuracy or facts.

Brainwashed? Clearly --- you need treatment.
Wake up and smell the coffee for Christ's sake lol. Reaganism Pander to the rich Like you has been wrecking the country for 35 years... Read my signature paragraph one. fact for 35 years now.
Show me the money!!

It's not more difficult than that. The budget is $4.1 trillion --- the national debt is $20 trillion - the deficit is $544 billion. Where the fuck are you going to get the money??

The answer - you can't.

You can whine, you can bitch, and you can moan. None of it makes one iota of difference. THERE AIN'T NO MONEY.

As for that pathetic little diatribe that you call a "signature" - there's not one substantive fact in the whole thing. It's nothing more than a sophomoric screed by someone who is in danger of being rejected for lack of substance.

Just go away ---- I've tried to make you understand. I've tried to understand what you propose. None of it matters.


The money of the people was confiscated in March of 1933 when USA.INC declared bankruptcy and the people under penalty of imprisonment and a huge fine had to turn in their gold (real money) in exchange for federal reserve debt notes backed by nothing but our labor. The greatest gold robbery in history......thanks a lot, FDR.....
Quite a bit. Quite a bit.
Quite a bit... Quite a bit... Economics is not an exact science and your questions are simply obstructionist and stupid and exactly what the dupes can't get past. But Republicans and Reagan did not ask that these questions when they drop the top rate to 50 and then 28%... It's obvious to any unbrainwashed person that the rich pay too little and the rest are paying too much.
Actually, the questions are germane and appropriate, and require an intelligent analysis of the proposal. You seem to be satisfied that those answers "look good" rather than "are good"

But, not to worry ---- the adults are going to take your suggestion and see what the answer is. I'll get back to you.
Blah blah. The important thing to remember is that rich Republicans of today are the worst rich people ever. They don't care about people they're brainwashed fools like you. Oh sorry how about those Indians?
You have been summarily shamed in this thread several times.

You make accusations without a iota of factual basis. You offer nonsensical solutions that are, in a word, a joke. Yet, you continue to spew the same ideological sewage, without concern for accuracy or facts.

Brainwashed? Clearly --- you need treatment.
Wake up and smell the coffee for Christ's sake lol. Reaganism Pander to the rich Like you has been wrecking the country for 35 years... Read my signature paragraph one. fact for 35 years now.
Show me the money!!

It's not more difficult than that. The budget is $4.1 trillion --- the national debt is $20 trillion - the deficit is $544 billion. Where the fuck are you going to get the money??

The answer - you can't.

You can whine, you can bitch, and you can moan. None of it makes one iota of difference. THERE AIN'T NO MONEY.

As for that pathetic little diatribe that you call a "signature" - there's not one substantive fact in the whole thing. It's nothing more than a sophomoric screed by someone who is in danger of being rejected for lack of substance.

Just go away ---- I've tried to make you understand. I've tried to understand what you propose. None of it matters.

Any evidence my signature is wrong, Pub troll? All proven facts... Paragraph 1 that is before you go off on another tangent....
Come on, Progs...

What is the specific tax structure you want?

Here, I'll lay it out for you....just add your numbers:

Income Tax Rate

I don't know how many tax rates you guys want.

So, what are your numbers, Progs?
OK lets do it

< $50 k..... 0
$50k- $300k......25%
$300k -1 mil......40%
$1 million plus....50%

Ok, you're part way ..... under your scheme, how much tax revenue will the federal government receive over the next 35 years? How much extra money does that make available to programs?
Quite a bit. Quite a bit.
Come on, Progs...

What is the specific tax structure you want?

Here, I'll lay it out for you....just add your numbers:

Income Tax Rate

I don't know how many tax rates you guys want.

So, what are your numbers, Progs?
OK lets do it

< $50 k..... 0
$50k- $300k......25%
$300k -1 mil......40%
$1 million plus....50%

Ok, you're part way ..... under your scheme, how much tax revenue will the federal government receive over the next 35 years? How much extra money does that make available to programs?
Quite a bit... Quite a bit... Economics is not an exact science and your questions are simply obstructionist and stupid and exactly what the dupes can't get past. But Republicans and Reagan did not ask that these questions when they drop the top rate to 50 and then 28%... It's obvious to any unbrainwashed person that the rich pay too little and the rest are paying too much.
Come on, Progs...

What is the specific tax structure you want?

Here, I'll lay it out for you....just add your numbers:

Income Tax Rate

I don't know how many tax rates you guys want.

So, what are your numbers, Progs?
OK lets do it

< $50 k..... 0
$50k- $300k......25%
$300k -1 mil......40%
$1 million plus....50%

Ok, you're part way ..... under your scheme, how much tax revenue will the federal government receive over the next 35 years? How much extra money does that make available to programs?
Quite a bit. Quite a bit.
Come on, Progs...

What is the specific tax structure you want?

Here, I'll lay it out for you....just add your numbers:

Income Tax Rate

I don't know how many tax rates you guys want.

So, what are your numbers, Progs?
OK lets do it

< $50 k..... 0
$50k- $300k......25%
$300k -1 mil......40%
$1 million plus....50%

Ok, you're part way ..... under your scheme, how much tax revenue will the federal government receive over the next 35 years? How much extra money does that make available to programs?
Quite a bit... Quite a bit... Economics is not an exact science and your questions are simply obstructionist and stupid and exactly what the dupes can't get past. But Republicans and Reagan did not ask that these questions when they drop the top rate to 50 and then 28%... It's obvious to any unbrainwashed person that the rich pay too little and the rest are paying too much.
Ok - since you seem to be incapable of actually analyzing your proposal, I have taken the opportunity to do that. Keeping in mind that I am forced to use exact income numbers, we found this:

1) There are 125.32 million households.
2) Therefore, the top 1% constitutes 1.25 million households.
3) The "average" top 1% taxpayer earned $380,000/year or more. How Much Money Do The Top Income Earners Make By Percentage?
4) Approxiymately 1.1 million (of those 1.25 million households) made between $300K and $999K Beyond the 1 percent
5) If we assume statistical distribution, that means that each of those 1.1 million earned $655K on average.
6) Since those 1.1 million households cover your 40% tax bracket, that means they generated $282 billion in taxes.
7) The remaining 1% ers (125,000) averaged $6 million per year income. Beyond the 1 percent
8) Thus, they would generate $375 billion in taxes.

Therefore, the top two tiers of your proposal would generate $657 billion in revenue.

9) The remaining 124.07 million households populate your final two tax brackets.
10) We know that the average household income in the US is about $53,000/year. Opinion | $250,000 a Year Is Not Middle Class
11) Given that your cutoff was $50K to pay taxes, for estimating purposes, we will simply estimate that one half of the households will pay no taxes (62 million households)
12) The remaining 61 million households will pay taxes at the 25% rate, according to your plan.
13) If you extrapolate, that means that those households will average about $73K in household income, with each paying $18,250 in taxes

Therefore, your third tax rate will generate $1.12 trillion.

Thus, your total tax plan will generate $1.76 trillion - far short of the current $4 trillion budget. If you were to raise the rates to 100% of everything above $1m, 80% of everything between $ 300K and $1M, and 50% of everything between $50K and $300K, you STILL wouldn't generate enough tax revenue.

Guess that didn't work, did it?

Further, that's assuming linear taxation from first dollar to last dollar - not something we do.

By the way, the CURRENT revenue projections say $2.2 trillion in income tax, and $582 billion in corporate taxes - still not enough to meet the proposed budget.

The point isn't that your plan was faulty, or that liberals who call for taxes on the rich as the panacea to fix all things, aren't thinking it through. The simple truth is we are outspending our capacity to generate revenue. We have a spending problem - pure and simple. There is NO way to generate the income needed to operate the government in its current configuration.
My plan works just fine, it will take a little while to fix 35 years of GOP Pander to the rich garbage, dingbat.
and yet want to give the rich tax cuts, (how ignorant is that) :banghead: They must have brain damage.

and what will happen to global terrorism they ask , since they do not want to do anything about gun laws in the US, who by the way most mass shooters are white males and US citizens and even some vets, who in the hell cares.
Republicans have caused almost all of our current debt, and all of our current deficit - Bill Clinton left them with a SURPLUS!

Rip!! Rip?? Is that you???? Been asleep for the past 8 years??? How's Mrs. VanWinkle?

Don't throw nonsensical bullshit like that out and expect any sane person to buy into it.
At least 80% of Obama's debt was caused by bailouts and assistance for the victims that were already in law, stupid. So many brainwashed functional morons and greedy a-holes...

$8 trillion was spent on "bailouts and assistance"?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Come on, Progs...

What is the specific tax structure you want?

Here, I'll lay it out for you....just add your numbers:

Income Tax Rate

I don't know how many tax rates you guys want.

So, what are your numbers, Progs?
OK lets do it

< $50 k..... 0
$50k- $300k......25%
$300k -1 mil......40%
$1 million plus....50%

Ok, you're part way ..... under your scheme, how much tax revenue will the federal government receive over the next 35 years? How much extra money does that make available to programs?
Quite a bit. Quite a bit.
Come on, Progs...

What is the specific tax structure you want?

Here, I'll lay it out for you....just add your numbers:

Income Tax Rate

I don't know how many tax rates you guys want.

So, what are your numbers, Progs?
OK lets do it

< $50 k..... 0
$50k- $300k......25%
$300k -1 mil......40%
$1 million plus....50%

Ok, you're part way ..... under your scheme, how much tax revenue will the federal government receive over the next 35 years? How much extra money does that make available to programs?
Quite a bit... Quite a bit... Economics is not an exact science and your questions are simply obstructionist and stupid and exactly what the dupes can't get past. But Republicans and Reagan did not ask that these questions when they drop the top rate to 50 and then 28%... It's obvious to any unbrainwashed person that the rich pay too little and the rest are paying too much.
Come on, Progs...

What is the specific tax structure you want?

Here, I'll lay it out for you....just add your numbers:

Income Tax Rate

I don't know how many tax rates you guys want.

So, what are your numbers, Progs?
OK lets do it

< $50 k..... 0
$50k- $300k......25%
$300k -1 mil......40%
$1 million plus....50%

Ok, you're part way ..... under your scheme, how much tax revenue will the federal government receive over the next 35 years? How much extra money does that make available to programs?
Quite a bit. Quite a bit.
Come on, Progs...

What is the specific tax structure you want?

Here, I'll lay it out for you....just add your numbers:

Income Tax Rate

I don't know how many tax rates you guys want.

So, what are your numbers, Progs?
OK lets do it

< $50 k..... 0
$50k- $300k......25%
$300k -1 mil......40%
$1 million plus....50%

Ok, you're part way ..... under your scheme, how much tax revenue will the federal government receive over the next 35 years? How much extra money does that make available to programs?
Quite a bit... Quite a bit... Economics is not an exact science and your questions are simply obstructionist and stupid and exactly what the dupes can't get past. But Republicans and Reagan did not ask that these questions when they drop the top rate to 50 and then 28%... It's obvious to any unbrainwashed person that the rich pay too little and the rest are paying too much.
Ok - since you seem to be incapable of actually analyzing your proposal, I have taken the opportunity to do that. Keeping in mind that I am forced to use exact income numbers, we found this:

1) There are 125.32 million households.
2) Therefore, the top 1% constitutes 1.25 million households.
3) The "average" top 1% taxpayer earned $380,000/year or more. How Much Money Do The Top Income Earners Make By Percentage?
4) Approxiymately 1.1 million (of those 1.25 million households) made between $300K and $999K Beyond the 1 percent
5) If we assume statistical distribution, that means that each of those 1.1 million earned $655K on average.
6) Since those 1.1 million households cover your 40% tax bracket, that means they generated $282 billion in taxes.
7) The remaining 1% ers (125,000) averaged $6 million per year income. Beyond the 1 percent
8) Thus, they would generate $375 billion in taxes.

Therefore, the top two tiers of your proposal would generate $657 billion in revenue.

9) The remaining 124.07 million households populate your final two tax brackets.
10) We know that the average household income in the US is about $53,000/year. Opinion | $250,000 a Year Is Not Middle Class
11) Given that your cutoff was $50K to pay taxes, for estimating purposes, we will simply estimate that one half of the households will pay no taxes (62 million households)
12) The remaining 61 million households will pay taxes at the 25% rate, according to your plan.
13) If you extrapolate, that means that those households will average about $73K in household income, with each paying $18,250 in taxes

Therefore, your third tax rate will generate $1.12 trillion.

Thus, your total tax plan will generate $1.76 trillion - far short of the current $4 trillion budget. If you were to raise the rates to 100% of everything above $1m, 80% of everything between $ 300K and $1M, and 50% of everything between $50K and $300K, you STILL wouldn't generate enough tax revenue.

Guess that didn't work, did it?

Further, that's assuming linear taxation from first dollar to last dollar - not something we do.

By the way, the CURRENT revenue projections say $2.2 trillion in income tax, and $582 billion in corporate taxes - still not enough to meet the proposed budget.

The point isn't that your plan was faulty, or that liberals who call for taxes on the rich as the panacea to fix all things, aren't thinking it through. The simple truth is we are outspending our capacity to generate revenue. We have a spending problem - pure and simple. There is NO way to generate the income needed to operate the government in its current configuration.
My plan works just fine, it will take a little while to fix 35 years of GOP Pander to the rich garbage, dingbat.

Those poor useless democrats.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
OK lets do it

< $50 k..... 0
$50k- $300k......25%
$300k -1 mil......40%
$1 million plus....50%

Ok, you're part way ..... under your scheme, how much tax revenue will the federal government receive over the next 35 years? How much extra money does that make available to programs?
Quite a bit. Quite a bit.
OK lets do it

< $50 k..... 0
$50k- $300k......25%
$300k -1 mil......40%
$1 million plus....50%

Ok, you're part way ..... under your scheme, how much tax revenue will the federal government receive over the next 35 years? How much extra money does that make available to programs?
Quite a bit... Quite a bit... Economics is not an exact science and your questions are simply obstructionist and stupid and exactly what the dupes can't get past. But Republicans and Reagan did not ask that these questions when they drop the top rate to 50 and then 28%... It's obvious to any unbrainwashed person that the rich pay too little and the rest are paying too much.
OK lets do it

< $50 k..... 0
$50k- $300k......25%
$300k -1 mil......40%
$1 million plus....50%

Ok, you're part way ..... under your scheme, how much tax revenue will the federal government receive over the next 35 years? How much extra money does that make available to programs?
Quite a bit. Quite a bit.
OK lets do it

< $50 k..... 0
$50k- $300k......25%
$300k -1 mil......40%
$1 million plus....50%

Ok, you're part way ..... under your scheme, how much tax revenue will the federal government receive over the next 35 years? How much extra money does that make available to programs?
Quite a bit... Quite a bit... Economics is not an exact science and your questions are simply obstructionist and stupid and exactly what the dupes can't get past. But Republicans and Reagan did not ask that these questions when they drop the top rate to 50 and then 28%... It's obvious to any unbrainwashed person that the rich pay too little and the rest are paying too much.
Ok - since you seem to be incapable of actually analyzing your proposal, I have taken the opportunity to do that. Keeping in mind that I am forced to use exact income numbers, we found this:

1) There are 125.32 million households.
2) Therefore, the top 1% constitutes 1.25 million households.
3) The "average" top 1% taxpayer earned $380,000/year or more. How Much Money Do The Top Income Earners Make By Percentage?
4) Approxiymately 1.1 million (of those 1.25 million households) made between $300K and $999K Beyond the 1 percent
5) If we assume statistical distribution, that means that each of those 1.1 million earned $655K on average.
6) Since those 1.1 million households cover your 40% tax bracket, that means they generated $282 billion in taxes.
7) The remaining 1% ers (125,000) averaged $6 million per year income. Beyond the 1 percent
8) Thus, they would generate $375 billion in taxes.

Therefore, the top two tiers of your proposal would generate $657 billion in revenue.

9) The remaining 124.07 million households populate your final two tax brackets.
10) We know that the average household income in the US is about $53,000/year. Opinion | $250,000 a Year Is Not Middle Class
11) Given that your cutoff was $50K to pay taxes, for estimating purposes, we will simply estimate that one half of the households will pay no taxes (62 million households)
12) The remaining 61 million households will pay taxes at the 25% rate, according to your plan.
13) If you extrapolate, that means that those households will average about $73K in household income, with each paying $18,250 in taxes

Therefore, your third tax rate will generate $1.12 trillion.

Thus, your total tax plan will generate $1.76 trillion - far short of the current $4 trillion budget. If you were to raise the rates to 100% of everything above $1m, 80% of everything between $ 300K and $1M, and 50% of everything between $50K and $300K, you STILL wouldn't generate enough tax revenue.

Guess that didn't work, did it?

Further, that's assuming linear taxation from first dollar to last dollar - not something we do.

By the way, the CURRENT revenue projections say $2.2 trillion in income tax, and $582 billion in corporate taxes - still not enough to meet the proposed budget.

The point isn't that your plan was faulty, or that liberals who call for taxes on the rich as the panacea to fix all things, aren't thinking it through. The simple truth is we are outspending our capacity to generate revenue. We have a spending problem - pure and simple. There is NO way to generate the income needed to operate the government in its current configuration.
My plan works just fine, it will take a little while to fix 35 years of GOP Pander to the rich garbage, dingbat.

Those poor useless democrats.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Typical brainwashed ignorant GOP dupe. You have nothing but idiotic talking points and stupid insults. But thanks for Wrecking the middle class and the country, the stupidest Wars ever and the corrupt world depression. And now the strangest president ever, though I'm still hoping for the best. If he would just change the channel...
and yet want to give the rich tax cuts, (how ignorant is that) :banghead: They must have brain damage.

and what will happen to global terrorism they ask , since they do not want to do anything about gun laws in the US, who by the way most mass shooters are white males and US citizens and even some vets, who in the hell cares.
Republicans have caused almost all of our current debt, and all of our current deficit - Bill Clinton left them with a SURPLUS!

Rip!! Rip?? Is that you???? Been asleep for the past 8 years??? How's Mrs. VanWinkle?

Don't throw nonsensical bullshit like that out and expect any sane person to buy into it.
At least 80% of Obama's debt was caused by bailouts and assistance for the victims that were already in law, stupid. So many brainwashed functional morons and greedy a-holes...

$8 trillion was spent on "bailouts and assistance"?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Around that much in 2010. it was about 800 million on unemployment and Welfare it's still about 200 billion a year in excess of normal. And because of already existing law... Blaming Obama is stupid.
and yet want to give the rich tax cuts, (how ignorant is that) :banghead: They must have brain damage.

and what will happen to global terrorism they ask , since they do not want to do anything about gun laws in the US, who by the way most mass shooters are white males and US citizens and even some vets, who in the hell cares.
Republicans have caused almost all of our current debt, and all of our current deficit - Bill Clinton left them with a SURPLUS!

Rip!! Rip?? Is that you???? Been asleep for the past 8 years??? How's Mrs. VanWinkle?

Don't throw nonsensical bullshit like that out and expect any sane person to buy into it.
At least 80% of Obama's debt was caused by bailouts and assistance for the victims that were already in law, stupid. So many brainwashed functional morons and greedy a-holes...

$8 trillion was spent on "bailouts and assistance"?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Around that much in 2010. it was about 800 million on unemployment and Welfare it's still about 200 billion a year in excess of normal. And because of already existing law... Blaming Obama is stupid.
The last 3 words of your post is absolutely correct.
and yet want to give the rich tax cuts, (how ignorant is that) :banghead: They must have brain damage.

and what will happen to global terrorism they ask , since they do not want to do anything about gun laws in the US, who by the way most mass shooters are white males and US citizens and even some vets, who in the hell cares.

Get rid of the AMT and inheritance tax, say goodbye to billions. Just the opposite of Robbin Hood, take from the working class, aged, disabled , and those working min wage in cheap GOP states, and give to the rich.

makes so much sense. Republicans are shameless wonders. Those who vote for the shameless Pubs are just as bad.

What do you say we get real agressive on illegal immigration, cut that $100 billion per year we spend on filthy wetbacks and funnel it through the hands of REAL Americans?
I mean, after all, you are genuinely concerned about legit Americans....RIGHT?
Republicans have caused almost all of our current debt, and all of our current deficit - Bill Clinton left them with a SURPLUS!

Rip!! Rip?? Is that you???? Been asleep for the past 8 years??? How's Mrs. VanWinkle?

Don't throw nonsensical bullshit like that out and expect any sane person to buy into it.
At least 80% of Obama's debt was caused by bailouts and assistance for the victims that were already in law, stupid. So many brainwashed functional morons and greedy a-holes...

$8 trillion was spent on "bailouts and assistance"?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Around that much in 2010. it was about 800 million on unemployment and Welfare it's still about 200 billion a year in excess of normal. And because of already existing law... Blaming Obama is stupid.
The last 3 words of your post is absolutely correct.
Nothing as usual? Check.
Ok, you're part way ..... under your scheme, how much tax revenue will the federal government receive over the next 35 years? How much extra money does that make available to programs?
Quite a bit. Quite a bit.
Ok, you're part way ..... under your scheme, how much tax revenue will the federal government receive over the next 35 years? How much extra money does that make available to programs?
Quite a bit... Quite a bit... Economics is not an exact science and your questions are simply obstructionist and stupid and exactly what the dupes can't get past. But Republicans and Reagan did not ask that these questions when they drop the top rate to 50 and then 28%... It's obvious to any unbrainwashed person that the rich pay too little and the rest are paying too much.
Ok, you're part way ..... under your scheme, how much tax revenue will the federal government receive over the next 35 years? How much extra money does that make available to programs?
Quite a bit. Quite a bit.
Ok, you're part way ..... under your scheme, how much tax revenue will the federal government receive over the next 35 years? How much extra money does that make available to programs?
Quite a bit... Quite a bit... Economics is not an exact science and your questions are simply obstructionist and stupid and exactly what the dupes can't get past. But Republicans and Reagan did not ask that these questions when they drop the top rate to 50 and then 28%... It's obvious to any unbrainwashed person that the rich pay too little and the rest are paying too much.
Ok - since you seem to be incapable of actually analyzing your proposal, I have taken the opportunity to do that. Keeping in mind that I am forced to use exact income numbers, we found this:

1) There are 125.32 million households.
2) Therefore, the top 1% constitutes 1.25 million households.
3) The "average" top 1% taxpayer earned $380,000/year or more. How Much Money Do The Top Income Earners Make By Percentage?
4) Approxiymately 1.1 million (of those 1.25 million households) made between $300K and $999K Beyond the 1 percent
5) If we assume statistical distribution, that means that each of those 1.1 million earned $655K on average.
6) Since those 1.1 million households cover your 40% tax bracket, that means they generated $282 billion in taxes.
7) The remaining 1% ers (125,000) averaged $6 million per year income. Beyond the 1 percent
8) Thus, they would generate $375 billion in taxes.

Therefore, the top two tiers of your proposal would generate $657 billion in revenue.

9) The remaining 124.07 million households populate your final two tax brackets.
10) We know that the average household income in the US is about $53,000/year. Opinion | $250,000 a Year Is Not Middle Class
11) Given that your cutoff was $50K to pay taxes, for estimating purposes, we will simply estimate that one half of the households will pay no taxes (62 million households)
12) The remaining 61 million households will pay taxes at the 25% rate, according to your plan.
13) If you extrapolate, that means that those households will average about $73K in household income, with each paying $18,250 in taxes

Therefore, your third tax rate will generate $1.12 trillion.

Thus, your total tax plan will generate $1.76 trillion - far short of the current $4 trillion budget. If you were to raise the rates to 100% of everything above $1m, 80% of everything between $ 300K and $1M, and 50% of everything between $50K and $300K, you STILL wouldn't generate enough tax revenue.

Guess that didn't work, did it?

Further, that's assuming linear taxation from first dollar to last dollar - not something we do.

By the way, the CURRENT revenue projections say $2.2 trillion in income tax, and $582 billion in corporate taxes - still not enough to meet the proposed budget.

The point isn't that your plan was faulty, or that liberals who call for taxes on the rich as the panacea to fix all things, aren't thinking it through. The simple truth is we are outspending our capacity to generate revenue. We have a spending problem - pure and simple. There is NO way to generate the income needed to operate the government in its current configuration.
My plan works just fine, it will take a little while to fix 35 years of GOP Pander to the rich garbage, dingbat.

Those poor useless democrats.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Typical brainwashed ignorant GOP dupe. You have nothing but idiotic talking points and stupid insults. But thanks for Wrecking the middle class and the country, the stupidest Wars ever and the corrupt world depression. And now the strangest president ever, though I'm still hoping for the best. If he would just change the channel...

Those poor useless democrats. They slither into office and do what? Apparently nothing at all. Poor useless things.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Quite a bit. Quite a bit.
Quite a bit... Quite a bit... Economics is not an exact science and your questions are simply obstructionist and stupid and exactly what the dupes can't get past. But Republicans and Reagan did not ask that these questions when they drop the top rate to 50 and then 28%... It's obvious to any unbrainwashed person that the rich pay too little and the rest are paying too much.
Quite a bit. Quite a bit.
Quite a bit... Quite a bit... Economics is not an exact science and your questions are simply obstructionist and stupid and exactly what the dupes can't get past. But Republicans and Reagan did not ask that these questions when they drop the top rate to 50 and then 28%... It's obvious to any unbrainwashed person that the rich pay too little and the rest are paying too much.
Ok - since you seem to be incapable of actually analyzing your proposal, I have taken the opportunity to do that. Keeping in mind that I am forced to use exact income numbers, we found this:

1) There are 125.32 million households.
2) Therefore, the top 1% constitutes 1.25 million households.
3) The "average" top 1% taxpayer earned $380,000/year or more. How Much Money Do The Top Income Earners Make By Percentage?
4) Approxiymately 1.1 million (of those 1.25 million households) made between $300K and $999K Beyond the 1 percent
5) If we assume statistical distribution, that means that each of those 1.1 million earned $655K on average.
6) Since those 1.1 million households cover your 40% tax bracket, that means they generated $282 billion in taxes.
7) The remaining 1% ers (125,000) averaged $6 million per year income. Beyond the 1 percent
8) Thus, they would generate $375 billion in taxes.

Therefore, the top two tiers of your proposal would generate $657 billion in revenue.

9) The remaining 124.07 million households populate your final two tax brackets.
10) We know that the average household income in the US is about $53,000/year. Opinion | $250,000 a Year Is Not Middle Class
11) Given that your cutoff was $50K to pay taxes, for estimating purposes, we will simply estimate that one half of the households will pay no taxes (62 million households)
12) The remaining 61 million households will pay taxes at the 25% rate, according to your plan.
13) If you extrapolate, that means that those households will average about $73K in household income, with each paying $18,250 in taxes

Therefore, your third tax rate will generate $1.12 trillion.

Thus, your total tax plan will generate $1.76 trillion - far short of the current $4 trillion budget. If you were to raise the rates to 100% of everything above $1m, 80% of everything between $ 300K and $1M, and 50% of everything between $50K and $300K, you STILL wouldn't generate enough tax revenue.

Guess that didn't work, did it?

Further, that's assuming linear taxation from first dollar to last dollar - not something we do.

By the way, the CURRENT revenue projections say $2.2 trillion in income tax, and $582 billion in corporate taxes - still not enough to meet the proposed budget.

The point isn't that your plan was faulty, or that liberals who call for taxes on the rich as the panacea to fix all things, aren't thinking it through. The simple truth is we are outspending our capacity to generate revenue. We have a spending problem - pure and simple. There is NO way to generate the income needed to operate the government in its current configuration.
My plan works just fine, it will take a little while to fix 35 years of GOP Pander to the rich garbage, dingbat.

Those poor useless democrats.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Typical brainwashed ignorant GOP dupe. You have nothing but idiotic talking points and stupid insults. But thanks for Wrecking the middle class and the country, the stupidest Wars ever and the corrupt world depression. And now the strangest president ever, though I'm still hoping for the best. If he would just change the channel...

Those poor useless democrats. They slither into office and do what? Apparently nothing at all. Poor useless things.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Just Social Security unemployment workers compensation Obamacare the biggest step forward in 50 years. Republicans? The biggest b******* lying cheating propaganda Hate Machine ever and Wrecking the middle class all to Pander to the greedy idiot rich. Great job dupes!
Ok - since you seem to be incapable of actually analyzing your proposal, I have taken the opportunity to do that. Keeping in mind that I am forced to use exact income numbers, we found this:

1) There are 125.32 million households.
2) Therefore, the top 1% constitutes 1.25 million households.
3) The "average" top 1% taxpayer earned $380,000/year or more. How Much Money Do The Top Income Earners Make By Percentage?
4) Approxiymately 1.1 million (of those 1.25 million households) made between $300K and $999K Beyond the 1 percent
5) If we assume statistical distribution, that means that each of those 1.1 million earned $655K on average.
6) Since those 1.1 million households cover your 40% tax bracket, that means they generated $282 billion in taxes.
7) The remaining 1% ers (125,000) averaged $6 million per year income. Beyond the 1 percent
8) Thus, they would generate $375 billion in taxes.

Therefore, the top two tiers of your proposal would generate $657 billion in revenue.

9) The remaining 124.07 million households populate your final two tax brackets.
10) We know that the average household income in the US is about $53,000/year. Opinion | $250,000 a Year Is Not Middle Class
11) Given that your cutoff was $50K to pay taxes, for estimating purposes, we will simply estimate that one half of the households will pay no taxes (62 million households)
12) The remaining 61 million households will pay taxes at the 25% rate, according to your plan.
13) If you extrapolate, that means that those households will average about $73K in household income, with each paying $18,250 in taxes

Therefore, your third tax rate will generate $1.12 trillion.

Thus, your total tax plan will generate $1.76 trillion - far short of the current $4 trillion budget. If you were to raise the rates to 100% of everything above $1m, 80% of everything between $ 300K and $1M, and 50% of everything between $50K and $300K, you STILL wouldn't generate enough tax revenue.

Guess that didn't work, did it?

Further, that's assuming linear taxation from first dollar to last dollar - not something we do.

By the way, the CURRENT revenue projections say $2.2 trillion in income tax, and $582 billion in corporate taxes - still not enough to meet the proposed budget.

The point isn't that your plan was faulty, or that liberals who call for taxes on the rich as the panacea to fix all things, aren't thinking it through. The simple truth is we are outspending our capacity to generate revenue. We have a spending problem - pure and simple. There is NO way to generate the income needed to operate the government in its current configuration.
My plan works just fine, it will take a little while to fix 35 years of GOP Pander to the rich garbage, dingbat.

Those poor useless democrats.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Typical brainwashed ignorant GOP dupe. You have nothing but idiotic talking points and stupid insults. But thanks for Wrecking the middle class and the country, the stupidest Wars ever and the corrupt world depression. And now the strangest president ever, though I'm still hoping for the best. If he would just change the channel...

Those poor useless democrats. They slither into office and do what? Apparently nothing at all. Poor useless things.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Just Social Security unemployment workers compensation Obamacare the biggest step forward in 50 years. Republicans? The biggest b******* lying cheating propaganda Hate Machine ever and Wrecking the middle class all to Pander to the greedy idiot rich. Great job dupes!

And yet Reaganism reigns supreme? Poor useless democrats.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Ok, you're part way ..... under your scheme, how much tax revenue will the federal government receive over the next 35 years? How much extra money does that make available to programs?
Quite a bit. Quite a bit.
Ok, you're part way ..... under your scheme, how much tax revenue will the federal government receive over the next 35 years? How much extra money does that make available to programs?
Quite a bit... Quite a bit... Economics is not an exact science and your questions are simply obstructionist and stupid and exactly what the dupes can't get past. But Republicans and Reagan did not ask that these questions when they drop the top rate to 50 and then 28%... It's obvious to any unbrainwashed person that the rich pay too little and the rest are paying too much.
Ok, you're part way ..... under your scheme, how much tax revenue will the federal government receive over the next 35 years? How much extra money does that make available to programs?
Quite a bit. Quite a bit.
Ok, you're part way ..... under your scheme, how much tax revenue will the federal government receive over the next 35 years? How much extra money does that make available to programs?
Quite a bit... Quite a bit... Economics is not an exact science and your questions are simply obstructionist and stupid and exactly what the dupes can't get past. But Republicans and Reagan did not ask that these questions when they drop the top rate to 50 and then 28%... It's obvious to any unbrainwashed person that the rich pay too little and the rest are paying too much.
Ok - since you seem to be incapable of actually analyzing your proposal, I have taken the opportunity to do that. Keeping in mind that I am forced to use exact income numbers, we found this:

1) There are 125.32 million households.
2) Therefore, the top 1% constitutes 1.25 million households.
3) The "average" top 1% taxpayer earned $380,000/year or more. How Much Money Do The Top Income Earners Make By Percentage?
4) Approxiymately 1.1 million (of those 1.25 million households) made between $300K and $999K Beyond the 1 percent
5) If we assume statistical distribution, that means that each of those 1.1 million earned $655K on average.
6) Since those 1.1 million households cover your 40% tax bracket, that means they generated $282 billion in taxes.
7) The remaining 1% ers (125,000) averaged $6 million per year income. Beyond the 1 percent
8) Thus, they would generate $375 billion in taxes.

Therefore, the top two tiers of your proposal would generate $657 billion in revenue.

9) The remaining 124.07 million households populate your final two tax brackets.
10) We know that the average household income in the US is about $53,000/year. Opinion | $250,000 a Year Is Not Middle Class
11) Given that your cutoff was $50K to pay taxes, for estimating purposes, we will simply estimate that one half of the households will pay no taxes (62 million households)
12) The remaining 61 million households will pay taxes at the 25% rate, according to your plan.
13) If you extrapolate, that means that those households will average about $73K in household income, with each paying $18,250 in taxes

Therefore, your third tax rate will generate $1.12 trillion.

Thus, your total tax plan will generate $1.76 trillion - far short of the current $4 trillion budget. If you were to raise the rates to 100% of everything above $1m, 80% of everything between $ 300K and $1M, and 50% of everything between $50K and $300K, you STILL wouldn't generate enough tax revenue.

Guess that didn't work, did it?

Further, that's assuming linear taxation from first dollar to last dollar - not something we do.

By the way, the CURRENT revenue projections say $2.2 trillion in income tax, and $582 billion in corporate taxes - still not enough to meet the proposed budget.

The point isn't that your plan was faulty, or that liberals who call for taxes on the rich as the panacea to fix all things, aren't thinking it through. The simple truth is we are outspending our capacity to generate revenue. We have a spending problem - pure and simple. There is NO way to generate the income needed to operate the government in its current configuration.
My plan works just fine, it will take a little while to fix 35 years of GOP Pander to the rich garbage, dingbat.

Those poor useless democrats.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Typical brainwashed ignorant GOP dupe. You have nothing but idiotic talking points and stupid insults. But thanks for Wrecking the middle class and the country, the stupidest Wars ever and the corrupt world depression. And now the strangest president ever, though I'm still hoping for the best. If he would just change the channel...

Their was no wrecking the middle class, republicans where trying to save the middle class from the inevitable, the writing was on the wall after WWII was a fluke in history
Ok - since you seem to be incapable of actually analyzing your proposal, I have taken the opportunity to do that. Keeping in mind that I am forced to use exact income numbers, we found this:

1) There are 125.32 million households.
2) Therefore, the top 1% constitutes 1.25 million households.
3) The "average" top 1% taxpayer earned $380,000/year or more. How Much Money Do The Top Income Earners Make By Percentage?
4) Approxiymately 1.1 million (of those 1.25 million households) made between $300K and $999K Beyond the 1 percent
5) If we assume statistical distribution, that means that each of those 1.1 million earned $655K on average.
6) Since those 1.1 million households cover your 40% tax bracket, that means they generated $282 billion in taxes.
7) The remaining 1% ers (125,000) averaged $6 million per year income. Beyond the 1 percent
8) Thus, they would generate $375 billion in taxes.

Therefore, the top two tiers of your proposal would generate $657 billion in revenue.

9) The remaining 124.07 million households populate your final two tax brackets.
10) We know that the average household income in the US is about $53,000/year. Opinion | $250,000 a Year Is Not Middle Class
11) Given that your cutoff was $50K to pay taxes, for estimating purposes, we will simply estimate that one half of the households will pay no taxes (62 million households)
12) The remaining 61 million households will pay taxes at the 25% rate, according to your plan.
13) If you extrapolate, that means that those households will average about $73K in household income, with each paying $18,250 in taxes

Therefore, your third tax rate will generate $1.12 trillion.

Thus, your total tax plan will generate $1.76 trillion - far short of the current $4 trillion budget. If you were to raise the rates to 100% of everything above $1m, 80% of everything between $ 300K and $1M, and 50% of everything between $50K and $300K, you STILL wouldn't generate enough tax revenue.

Guess that didn't work, did it?

Further, that's assuming linear taxation from first dollar to last dollar - not something we do.

By the way, the CURRENT revenue projections say $2.2 trillion in income tax, and $582 billion in corporate taxes - still not enough to meet the proposed budget.

The point isn't that your plan was faulty, or that liberals who call for taxes on the rich as the panacea to fix all things, aren't thinking it through. The simple truth is we are outspending our capacity to generate revenue. We have a spending problem - pure and simple. There is NO way to generate the income needed to operate the government in its current configuration.
My plan works just fine, it will take a little while to fix 35 years of GOP Pander to the rich garbage, dingbat.

Those poor useless democrats.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Typical brainwashed ignorant GOP dupe. You have nothing but idiotic talking points and stupid insults. But thanks for Wrecking the middle class and the country, the stupidest Wars ever and the corrupt world depression. And now the strangest president ever, though I'm still hoping for the best. If he would just change the channel...

Those poor useless democrats. They slither into office and do what? Apparently nothing at all. Poor useless things.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Just Social Security unemployment workers compensation Obamacare the biggest step forward in 50 years. Republicans? The biggest b******* lying cheating propaganda Hate Machine ever and Wrecking the middle class all to Pander to the greedy idiot rich. Great job dupes!

Obama care was no step forward it was trickle up poor and was democrats trying to destroy the middle class and make everyone poor.
and yet want to give the rich tax cuts, (how ignorant is that) :banghead: They must have brain damage.

and what will happen to global terrorism they ask , since they do not want to do anything about gun laws in the US, who by the way most mass shooters are white males and US citizens and even some vets, who in the hell cares.
When obama left office the debt was higher than it's ever been. Next lie.

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