Republicans storm closed-door hearing to protest impeachment inquiry

Look how this is casting democrats.. this is all going to be used against you.. I’m kinda for it lol

But we seen how embarrassed democrats are in the open hearings so I’m torn lol
I see where it's going... support for impeaching and removing trump is growing while trump's approval rate is falling.

No, bullshit polls saying support for impeachment is growing are being made up by the MSM dems in press clothing.

You go, girl.

You got nothing, hack

Aww, you don't like my reply to your, nuh-uh post?

Too bad, get over it.

Just stating the obvious reality that YOU HAVE NOTHING.

and of course, as always, FOAD.
Who's hiding? There are Democrats and Republicans participating in these hearings. Next time, try not to drop the mic on your foot.

Fascist Democrats won't allow sunlight because they can't afford to have their Witchhunt exposed.

Republicans are also demanding Democrats not destroy audio recordings of the hearings. So far, with no response.
Dumbfuck.... there are Republicans in the hearings. :eusa_doh:

It's an attempt to establish another BIG LIE. It is all the GOP and their fellow travelers have.
House Republicans stormed a closed-door hearing Wednesday morning to protest Democrats' impeachment inquiry process, breaking up the deposition of a top Defense Department official who was testifying about President Trump's dealings with Ukraine.

Republicans storm closed-door hearing to protest impeachment inquiry

Awww, poor, unruly Republicans. Crying like babies because they don't have access to those hearings -- even though there are Republicans who serve on the investigating committees; and whining that this isn't an official impeachment inquiry because there was no House vote -- even though there's never been a House rule mandating a full House vote to authorize an impeachment inquiry.
Why hide?

Mic drop


Tell us how this is different than either the Nixon or Clinton impeachment inquiries, professor.

See post 123.

mic drop

I knew you weren't able to, dope.
Leave the mic where it is and go sit down.
30,000 unretrievable emails
One phone call with transcript

How are we even talking about this?
Knock knock .. who is there! Thought police.

You are under arrest! Because of your thoughts

Huh? Lol
Who's hiding? There are Democrats and Republicans participating in these hearings. Next time, try not to drop the mic on your foot.

Fascist Democrats won't allow sunlight because they can't afford to have their Witchhunt exposed.

Republicans are also demanding Democrats not destroy audio recordings of the hearings. So far, with no response.
Dumbfuck.... there are Republicans in the hearings. :eusa_doh:

It's an attempt to establish another BIG LIE. It is all the GOP and their fellow travelers have.
You spent $40 Million Dollars trying to make America believe your Russian Collusion Hoax that you KNEW was a LIE!
Mueller bitch slapped you in the face, because he had NO OTHER CHOICE. There was NO EVIDENCE.
No one should believe a single thing you say after that.

Death Watch 2020
Over three days, February 1–3, House managers took videotaped closed-door depositions from Monica Lewinsky, Clinton's friend Vernon Jordan, and White House aide Sidney Blumenthal.

Impeachment of Bill Clinton - Wikipedia

Will Closed-Door Benghazi Hearings Keep the Circus Away?

Trey Gowdy: "I can get more information in a five-hour deposition than I can in five minutes of listening to a colleague ask questions in committee hearings," Gowdy said. "If it's about getting the information, then you want to use the investigatory tool that is most calculated and gets you the most amount of information and that's not five minutes in a committee hearing."

Comey grilled for six hours in closed-door House hearing

It's Okay When Republicans Do It!™
So, you contend that the Democrats are deposing witnesses?

Conduct of depositions[edit]
Depositions usually take place at the office of the court reporter or in the office of one of the law firms involved in a case. However, depositions are also sometimes taken at a witness's workplace or home, or in a nearby hotel's conference room. Generally, the deposition is attended by the person who is to be deposed, their attorney, court reporter, and other parties in the case who can appear personally or be represented by their counsels. Any party to the action and their attorneys have the right to be present and to ask questions.

Deposition (law) - Wikipedia

So, before you start making some silly noise about this not being a court of law, understand what it is you people are making this out to be.

No one is being deposed.

The Republicans who are permitted to "attend" are permitted under a gag order without the power to cross-examine.

That effectively bars Republicans from the process. So, those making the idiotic case that there are Republicans there are at best being disingenuous, and worst, lying for their masters.

If the GOP did have any balls, they would file a censure motion against Schiff and then open a debate on expulsion.
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House Republicans stormed a closed-door hearing Wednesday morning to protest Democrats' impeachment inquiry process, breaking up the deposition of a top Defense Department official who was testifying about President Trump's dealings with Ukraine.

Republicans storm closed-door hearing to protest impeachment inquiry

Awww, poor, unruly Republicans. Crying like babies because they don't have access to those hearings -- even though there are Republicans who serve on the investigating committees; and whining that this isn't an official impeachment inquiry because there was no House vote -- even though there's never been a House rule mandating a full House vote to authorize an impeachment inquiry.
Why hide?

Mic drop


Tell us how this is different than either the Nixon or Clinton impeachment inquiries, professor.

See post 123.

mic drop

I knew you weren't able to, dope.
Leave the mic where it is and go sit down.

I can't help that you can't read you fucking moron. The entire fucking post detailed EXACTLY what the differences were.
House Republicans stormed a closed-door hearing Wednesday morning to protest Democrats' impeachment inquiry process, breaking up the deposition of a top Defense Department official who was testifying about President Trump's dealings with Ukraine.

Republicans storm closed-door hearing to protest impeachment inquiry

Awww, poor, unruly Republicans. Crying like babies because they don't have access to those hearings -- even though there are Republicans who serve on the investigating committees; and whining that this isn't an official impeachment inquiry because there was no House vote -- even though there's never been a House rule mandating a full House vote to authorize an impeachment inquiry.
So members of Congress are not allowed to know what is going on in Congress?


We aren't talking about Nazi Germany are we, when The Nazi's took over The Weimar Democratic Republic of Germany, are we?
That's how committees function.

Didn't you mean to say that's how COMMIES function?
WHY would any one brag about getting partisan judges elected, Democracy is what judgeships are suppose to be about impartial as possible, following the laws. sad that winning is more important.
House Republicans stormed a closed-door hearing Wednesday morning to protest Democrats' impeachment inquiry process, breaking up the deposition of a top Defense Department official who was testifying about President Trump's dealings with Ukraine.

Republicans storm closed-door hearing to protest impeachment inquiry

Awww, poor, unruly Republicans. Crying like babies because they don't have access to those hearings -- even though there are Republicans who serve on the investigating committees; and whining that this isn't an official impeachment inquiry because there was no House vote -- even though there's never been a House rule mandating a full House vote to authorize an impeachment inquiry.
Glad they did. Too bad they didn't lynch all them dem scum.
So witnesses cannot co-ordinate testimony. When are grand jury inquiries public? Why are Special Prosecutor's investigated in public?

As no special prosecutor was named to investigate the Ukraine scandal, the House has to do it themselves.

Except Ukraine is not a scandal.
What happened concerning the Ukraine scandal?

Trump abused the power of his office to secure a quid pro quo benefiting his re-election campaign.

That violates the law.

You're seeing a mirage.
I'm seeing Trump's transcripts, Mulvaney's confession, Giuliani's ravings and the result of witness's opening statements.

What are you seeing?

Trump's transcript of his perfect phone call and Ukraine's leader that he spoke with backing him up 100%!
That's all we need to know as anything else is conspiratorial political bullshit!
If you don't publically announce you're conducting an investigation into Joe Biden's son, I'm not going to sell you the weapons you asked for.

Jayzus! That's a crime. Or have you forgotten what a crime is.

Imagine this scenario. Sen. Elizabeth Warren says, 'Iran, I need you to send me a report on all the activities Sonald Trump Jr. has been involved in with regard to oil and gas companies. If you don't, I will introduce a resolution putting sanctions on your economy.' What would Republicans do?
House Republicans stormed a closed-door hearing Wednesday morning to protest Democrats' impeachment inquiry process, breaking up the deposition of a top Defense Department official who was testifying about President Trump's dealings with Ukraine.

Republicans storm closed-door hearing to protest impeachment inquiry

Awww, poor, unruly Republicans. Crying like babies because they don't have access to those hearings -- even though there are Republicans who serve on the investigating committees; and whining that this isn't an official impeachment inquiry because there was no House vote -- even though there's never been a House rule mandating a full House vote to authorize an impeachment inquiry.
Why hide?

Mic drop
Who's hiding? There are Democrats and Republicans participating in these hearings. Next time, try not to drop the mic on your foot.
No transcript? No open hearings? Why can’t republicans talk about he hearings in detail?
These are closed door sessions due to the people testifying.

The Republicans on that committee are in attendance & ask questions.
House Republicans stormed a closed-door hearing Wednesday morning to protest Democrats' impeachment inquiry process, breaking up the deposition of a top Defense Department official who was testifying about President Trump's dealings with Ukraine.

Republicans storm closed-door hearing to protest impeachment inquiry

Awww, poor, unruly Republicans. Crying like babies because they don't have access to those hearings -- even though there are Republicans who serve on the investigating committees; and whining that this isn't an official impeachment inquiry because there was no House vote -- even though there's never been a House rule mandating a full House vote to authorize an impeachment inquiry.

Republicans can't call witnesses.
If Repubs had done this to the Dem's they and the media would be having a meltdown hissy fit.

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