Republicans Submit Articles To Impeach Biden As Soon As He's Sworn In

Democrats embraced and encouraged the violence that plagued our cities in 2020.... not exactly distancing themselves.

Guy, two of those quotes had nothing to do with the demonstrations.

What plagued our cities is that police brutality wasn't addressed, and people got fed up with it.
True, but then again, the republicans could have impeached Obama at least four times for all his crimes and treason, but they didn't.

Mostly because they didn't have a leg to stand on. He didn't commit any crimes.

Trump did.

Trump will be the first president prosecuted after he leaves office.
Democrats embraced and encouraged the violence that plagued our cities in 2020.... not exactly distancing themselves.

Guy, two of those quotes had nothing to do with the demonstrations.

What plagued our cities is that police brutality wasn't addressed, and people got fed up with it.

Keep telling yourself that. You are the only one who believes that.
How would it be any diff than how the GOP treated Bill Clinton? This stupid feud has been going on since the rabid Reagan Repubs started it when GWB sr lost his reelection attempt.

Go back farther. When you guys formed the KKK to oppose Lincoln's policies is when it really started.
Moonglow did not form the KKK. That is unless his name is James Crowe, Calvin Jones, John Booker Kennedy, John Lester, Frank O. McCord or Richard R. Reed and he's at least 179 years old. NOR was it formed to "oppose Lincoln's policies" (who was already dead) or for any political purpose at all.
Remember, kids, no Democrat today is responsible for the KKK, but all Republicans today are responsible for slavery in America. So pay up!

Hey, Pogo, what have you done to assuage your white guilt today?
First time I have ever heard you admit to the Southern Strategy. Good for you.
Really? I'm responsible for the slavery that Republicans ended a century and a half ago?

I'd ask you to explain that rationally, but you're incapable.
You arent responsible for anything other than yourself. I was just congratulating you on admitting to the Southern Strategy
I was mocking leftist retardery. Are you admitting leftists are retarded?

The Southern Strategy is a myth, a desperate effort by Democrats to distance themselves from their 20th Century legislative racism.

Idiots buy it. Obviously.
It is known as history, and I am old enough to remember it happening.
You remember what didn't happen, then.
I am not the only one here who remembers it.

Yep, I remember it too. Reagan kicking off his presidential campaign in of all places Philadelphia ... not the one in Pennsylvania where the Constitution came together where the Liberty Bell is, no the one in Mississippi where the infamous triple murder of civil rights activists went down in 1964, talking about "states' rights". 1964, the same year "states' rights" George Wallace offered to be Barry Goldwater's running mate because candidate Goldwater had voted against the Civil rights Act (Goldwater didn't need Wallace; he won the deep South without him).

Then there was the Republican Party strategist Lee Atwater, analyzing what Dave thinks never existed, in 1981:

>> You start out in 1954 by saying, "******, ******, ******." By 1968 you can't say "******"—that hurts you. Backfires. So you say stuff like forced busing, states' rights and all that stuff. You're getting so abstract now [that] you're talking about cutting taxes, and all these things you're talking about are totally economic things and a byproduct of them is [that] blacks get hurt worse than whites. And subconsciously maybe that is part of it. I'm not saying that. But I'm saying that if it is getting that abstract, and that coded, that we are doing away with the racial problem one way or the other. You follow me—because obviously sitting around saying, "We want to cut this," is much more abstract than even the busing thing, and a hell of a lot more abstract than "******, ******." <<​
That was the blueprint for the Republican Party to take over the one-party-rule of the South by highlighting race and how it (the RP) was going to be the device to keep black people down more so than the Democrats. And the Democrats obliged -- or we could say got it started -- by passing that 1964 Civil Rights Act, triggering both Wallace's offer and Strom Thurmond's until-then-unthinkable departure to the "party of Lincoln". Thus broke the dam.

Guess Daveward Gunnerhands never learned about all this shit while he was immersed in his guns.
I have no obligation to believe your fantasies, pussy.

Actually it's quoted history. And yes you're free to bury your head in the sand and wail to anyone who will still listen that it didn't happen. Even though it's all in the history books. Not the direction I would have taken but hey, that's just me.
The history of the Democratic Party is based on racism, and it continues to this day. You can't NUH UH your way out of it, no matter how hard you try. But you need to realize your acknowledgement is neither sought nor required.

Oh look. Daveward Gunnerhands wants to be awarded a drive-by because he can't argue with quoted history.
That's so cute. Rendered impotent by histories of fifty years ago he wants to shift to 190. Bravely ran away.
Oh look, Slogo the retarded monkey claims Dems supported the Civil Rights Act? No retard. There was almost ZERO support from Dems for that, giving blacks citizenship and the right to vote, or giving women the right to vote. All there in recorded history. Yet you choose to keep your head up your ass. Most people would be ashamed to be like you.

Next slide please


>> In this case, it becomes clear that Democrats in the north and the south were more likely to vote for the bill than Republicans in the north and south respectively. This difference in both houses is statistically significant with over 95% confidence. It just so happened southerners made up a larger percentage of the Democratic than Republican caucus, which created the initial impression than Republicans were more in favor of the act.​
Nearly 100% of Union state Democrats supported the 1964 Civil Rights Act compared to 85% of Republicans. None of the southern Republicans voted for the bill, while a small percentage of southern Democrats did. <<​

Gotta say, it's kind of amazing how y'all Bubblistas keep getting your collective ass schooled on this shit, and yet trot it right back out again looking for different results. It's as if y'all are just incapable of learning.
You mean like you pulling out the Magic Party Switch that lets you pretend Democrat racism didn't exist?
The Democrat party was the Republican party back in the day. Get a clue.

Dave can't pick up clues. He got dem guns in his hands.
What a nut job. And a hell of a liar.
You fellahs sure do get upset that people are allowed to disagree with you.
Youre allowed to disagree. I just dont want to hear you whining again about how Blacks dont support your party.
Never whined about it. You're making things up. Meanwhile, some blacks are indeed conservative.

They get treated very badly by liberal blacks and whites.
Youre always whining about why intelligent Blacks dont support your party. Thats why you deny the Southern Strategy even though the GOP leadership admitted to it.
Is that akin to the "great society" where LBJ claims that he will have them ******* voting demcrat? Wasn't George Wallace a "demcrat"?????? Robert Byrd, the former KKK member that only had a change of heart when it became politically expedient also a demcrat"?? I guess Al Gore Sr was a closet repub? Pedo Joe and the Clintons were complicit in bring black youth to "heel" by pushing statutes guaranteed to lock up black youths and deny them of a future as convicted felons for victimless crimes.
George Wallace almost ran as Vice President with Goldwater. He was the old time southern Democrat and his beliefs gil not gel with the new Democratic Party.

Wallace in fact offered to switch parties in order to join Goldwater on the Republican ticket (Goldwater declined the offer). He really would not have needed to switch parties (e.g. Lincoln's running mate was a Democrat) but had he done so it would have made Wallace, and not Thurmond, the first one of the old "Solid South" bloc to jump to the Party of Lincoln, which was up to then (1964) unthinkable.

Actually that divorce had been inching closer for decades --- I mark the first crack in the armor at 1936 when FDR at the height of his influence got the party's convention to change the nomination rules from a 2/3 majority to a simple (50% + 1) majority, which cut the legs off the South's ability to effectively veto candidates with too much talk about "civil rights", as they did infamously in 1924, the longest convention in history with over a hundred ballots. After WW2 finished dominating current events, the next convention in 1948 saw Thurmond and a Southern delegation walk out and run their own candidate, exactly because they were hearing too much of that kind of talk. Those were the "Dixiecrats". Thurmond, the losing candidate, later ran for Senate, and the Democratic Party kicked him off the ballot, whereupon he ran as a write-in (and won).

The Dale Smith post quoted not only suffers from horrendous spelling but quotes an apocryphal LBJ "quote" that no one ever verified. It's absolutely bizarre the way these yahoo posters think that having an R or a D after your name somehow morphs you into a specific ideology. This of course leaves completely unexplainable what happens when somebody switches parties --- as Thurmond and a host of others did. I don't think they have any clue in the world what a political party IS.
Goldwater did not need Wallace to carry the south. This shows that the south had already turned Republican.
How would it be any diff than how the GOP treated Bill Clinton? This stupid feud has been going on since the rabid Reagan Repubs started it when GWB sr lost his reelection attempt.

Go back farther. When you guys formed the KKK to oppose Lincoln's policies is when it really started.
Moonglow did not form the KKK. That is unless his name is James Crowe, Calvin Jones, John Booker Kennedy, John Lester, Frank O. McCord or Richard R. Reed and he's at least 179 years old. NOR was it formed to "oppose Lincoln's policies" (who was already dead) or for any political purpose at all.
Remember, kids, no Democrat today is responsible for the KKK, but all Republicans today are responsible for slavery in America. So pay up!

Hey, Pogo, what have you done to assuage your white guilt today?
First time I have ever heard you admit to the Southern Strategy. Good for you.
Really? I'm responsible for the slavery that Republicans ended a century and a half ago?

I'd ask you to explain that rationally, but you're incapable.
You arent responsible for anything other than yourself. I was just congratulating you on admitting to the Southern Strategy
I was mocking leftist retardery. Are you admitting leftists are retarded?

The Southern Strategy is a myth, a desperate effort by Democrats to distance themselves from their 20th Century legislative racism.

Idiots buy it. Obviously.
It is known as history, and I am old enough to remember it happening.
You remember what didn't happen, then.
I am not the only one here who remembers it.

Yep, I remember it too. Reagan kicking off his presidential campaign in of all places Philadelphia ... not the one in Pennsylvania where the Constitution came together where the Liberty Bell is, no the one in Mississippi where the infamous triple murder of civil rights activists went down in 1964, talking about "states' rights". 1964, the same year "states' rights" George Wallace offered to be Barry Goldwater's running mate because candidate Goldwater had voted against the Civil rights Act (Goldwater didn't need Wallace; he won the deep South without him).

Then there was the Republican Party strategist Lee Atwater, analyzing what Dave thinks never existed, in 1981:

>> You start out in 1954 by saying, "******, ******, ******." By 1968 you can't say "******"—that hurts you. Backfires. So you say stuff like forced busing, states' rights and all that stuff. You're getting so abstract now [that] you're talking about cutting taxes, and all these things you're talking about are totally economic things and a byproduct of them is [that] blacks get hurt worse than whites. And subconsciously maybe that is part of it. I'm not saying that. But I'm saying that if it is getting that abstract, and that coded, that we are doing away with the racial problem one way or the other. You follow me—because obviously sitting around saying, "We want to cut this," is much more abstract than even the busing thing, and a hell of a lot more abstract than "******, ******." <<​
That was the blueprint for the Republican Party to take over the one-party-rule of the South by highlighting race and how it (the RP) was going to be the device to keep black people down more so than the Democrats. And the Democrats obliged -- or we could say got it started -- by passing that 1964 Civil Rights Act, triggering both Wallace's offer and Strom Thurmond's until-then-unthinkable departure to the "party of Lincoln". Thus broke the dam.

Guess Daveward Gunnerhands never learned about all this shit while he was immersed in his guns.
I have no obligation to believe your fantasies, pussy.

Actually it's quoted history. And yes you're free to bury your head in the sand and wail to anyone who will still listen that it didn't happen. Even though it's all in the history books. Not the direction I would have taken but hey, that's just me.
The history of the Democratic Party is based on racism, and it continues to this day. You can't NUH UH your way out of it, no matter how hard you try. But you need to realize your acknowledgement is neither sought nor required.

Oh look. Daveward Gunnerhands wants to be awarded a drive-by because he can't argue with quoted history.
That's so cute. Rendered impotent by histories of fifty years ago he wants to shift to 190. Bravely ran away.
Oh look, Slogo the retarded monkey claims Dems supported the Civil Rights Act? No retard. There was almost ZERO support from Dems for that, giving blacks citizenship and the right to vote, or giving women the right to vote. All there in recorded history. Yet you choose to keep your head up your ass. Most people would be ashamed to be like you.
Pogo laughed at this post. Unintelligent people laugh at things they don't understand.

I laughed, because I knew at first sight what I was about to do with it.

Chuckle. I kill me.
Yes. You knew you were going to play your Bullshit Card. Because that's all you've got.

Actually that's more of that thar "history". You know, that shit that you had no clue about with the Southern Strategy and got your ass handed to you?

Dood, you ignore reality harder than anyone I ever met.

Daveward posts "note to self", mistakenly drops it on USMB.

You got schlonged, Gunnerhands. You had no idea of the history you tried to deny, and got your clock cleaned.
Nice to see you still lie as you run away retard. Noting not one mention of the ZERO votes your side gave to the 15th Amendment. History called. She says you’re a liar.

I don't have a "side", stupid, except that of Reality, which isn't really a "side" --- IT'S WHAT THE FUCK WE LIVE IN. And go learn to read ---- none of the above was about any "Amendment".
Hey dummy, take your own advice. Blacks got the right to vote in the 15th Amendment. As i mentioned blacks getting the right to vote originally, it seems your better take reading and comprehension lessons retard. Reality is no Democrats supported it. YOUR Dems united against it. Reality.
True, but then again, the republicans could have impeached Obama at least four times for all his crimes and treason, but they didn't.

Mostly because they didn't have a leg to stand on. He didn't commit any crimes.

Trump did.

Trump will be the first president prosecuted after he leaves office.
Feel free to hold your breath waiting for that. Trump committed crimes? Only in your fantasy world.
Democrats embraced and encouraged the violence that plagued our cities in 2020.... not exactly distancing themselves.

Guy, two of those quotes had nothing to do with the demonstrations.

What plagued our cities is that police brutality wasn't addressed, and people got fed up with it.
Just at the right time. Progs love them some drama. A voting block of people meant for the Broadway stage. Meanwhile we are falling behind China.
Do you think they have the nuts?
If I was in Congress that's what I'd be doing right now.
They've impeached Trump twice, cheapening the clearly impeaching a president just for general purposes is the precedent.

I think that impeaching a president, just because you can, is wrong.....and should not be tolerated.....but that's what Democrats are essentially doing.

Congress is broken.....and I don't see it recovering any time soon.

"If Joe Biden happens to be elected president this year, he will enter office more hobbled by major scandals than any president in the history of the presidency, and there is just no question that his administration will be immediately paralyzed by impeachment proceedings.
Maybe I’m missing something, but I can think of no other major presidential candidate, and certainly no other president (if he should win) who, on the day he was sworn in, would be immediately engulfed by not just one, but four — four! — impeachable scandals.
There’s just no question that if Biden wins, once he takes office, his administration will be bogged down by legitimate investigations into his actual and credibly suspected wrongdoing, corruption, self-dealing, and sexual misconduct."
The Democrats have cheapened impeachment to the point that it's become equavalent to hazing before you can join a frat.

We know the last time the Capitol was sacked was the British (or for Rumpbots, the "Canadians") in 1814. But when was the last time a POTUS stirred up a mob to attack the very government he's supposed to be the head of?

Far as I can tell that date was the Nevereth of Neverteen Neverty-Never.

If that isn't cause for impeachment with all possible speed WHAT THE FUCK IS?
The last time the capital was sacked was over the summer and shortly thereafter by Biden voters and BLM / Antifa animals, while Democrat leaders incited and encouraged them.


By the way it's Capitol, not capital.

June 19[edit]
On the night of Juneteenth protesters gathered at the Albert Pike Memorial in Judiciary Square and using ropes and chains toppled the statue of Pike. The statue was set on fire and a few minutes later local police extinguished the flames.[52] The statue was removed the following day by the National Park Service (NPS).[53] In response to the Pike statue being toppled, Trump tweeted: "The D.C. police are not doing their job as they watch a statue be ripped down & burn. These people should be immediately arrested. A disgrace to our Country!" Because the memorial is in a federal park, it is under jurisdiction of the NPS and U.S. Park Police, not the local police.[52]

June 23[edit]

Clark Mills' equestrian statue of Andrew Jackson north of the White House in May 2008.
Hundreds of protesters gathered near Clark Mills' 1842 equestrian statue of Andrew Jackson in Lafayette Square within President's Park. Protesters spray painted "killer" and other phrases on the pedestal. Rioters then affixed ropes to the statue and unsuccessfully attempted to pull it down. Police used batons and pepper spray to disperse the crowd.[54]

Several days later, the United States Department of Justice (DOJ) charged four men with destruction of federal property for allegedly trying to bring down the statue. The Justice Department alleged that a video showed one of the men breaking off and destroying the wheels of the cannons located at the base of the statue as well as pulling on ropes when trying to bring down the statue.[55]

Gaetano Trentanove's Albert Pike Memorial statue near Judiciary Square in Washington, D.C. in December 2008.
Soon afterwards, the DOJ announced the arrest and charging of a man who was not only allegedly seen on video climbing up onto the Jackson statue and affixing a rope that was then used to try to pull the statue down, but also had on June 20 helped destroy Gaetano Trentanove's 1901 Albert Pike Memorial statue near Washington's Judiciary Square by pulling it from its base and setting it on fire. The DOJ's complaint alleged that the man had been captured on video dousing the federally-owned Pike statue with a flammable liquid, igniting it as it lay on the ground and using the fire to light a cigarette.[56]

The Lincoln Memorial, the World War II Memorial, and the statue of General Casimir Pulaski were vandalized during the protests in Washington, D.C.[68]

Unknown individuals vandalized the statue of Mahatma Gandhi, the leader of the Indian independence movement. The incident prompted the Indian Embassy to register a complaint with law enforcement agencies. Taranjit Singh Sandhu, the Indian Ambassador to the United States called the vandalism "a crime against humanity".[69][70] U.S. President Donald Trump called the defacement of Mahatma Gandhi's statue in D.C. a "disgrace".[71]

STILL not seeing any reference to the Capitol. Which looks like this:

You lose.
You must be blind then.

Uh --- you DO understand that the Capitol is a building --- right? The very building in that logo in fact.
How would it be any diff than how the GOP treated Bill Clinton? This stupid feud has been going on since the rabid Reagan Repubs started it when GWB sr lost his reelection attempt.

Go back farther. When you guys formed the KKK to oppose Lincoln's policies is when it really started.
Moonglow did not form the KKK. That is unless his name is James Crowe, Calvin Jones, John Booker Kennedy, John Lester, Frank O. McCord or Richard R. Reed and he's at least 179 years old. NOR was it formed to "oppose Lincoln's policies" (who was already dead) or for any political purpose at all.
Remember, kids, no Democrat today is responsible for the KKK, but all Republicans today are responsible for slavery in America. So pay up!

Hey, Pogo, what have you done to assuage your white guilt today?
First time I have ever heard you admit to the Southern Strategy. Good for you.
Really? I'm responsible for the slavery that Republicans ended a century and a half ago?

I'd ask you to explain that rationally, but you're incapable.
You arent responsible for anything other than yourself. I was just congratulating you on admitting to the Southern Strategy
I was mocking leftist retardery. Are you admitting leftists are retarded?

The Southern Strategy is a myth, a desperate effort by Democrats to distance themselves from their 20th Century legislative racism.

Idiots buy it. Obviously.
It is known as history, and I am old enough to remember it happening.
You remember what didn't happen, then.
I am not the only one here who remembers it.

Yep, I remember it too. Reagan kicking off his presidential campaign in of all places Philadelphia ... not the one in Pennsylvania where the Constitution came together where the Liberty Bell is, no the one in Mississippi where the infamous triple murder of civil rights activists went down in 1964, talking about "states' rights". 1964, the same year "states' rights" George Wallace offered to be Barry Goldwater's running mate because candidate Goldwater had voted against the Civil rights Act (Goldwater didn't need Wallace; he won the deep South without him).

Then there was the Republican Party strategist Lee Atwater, analyzing what Dave thinks never existed, in 1981:

>> You start out in 1954 by saying, "******, ******, ******." By 1968 you can't say "******"—that hurts you. Backfires. So you say stuff like forced busing, states' rights and all that stuff. You're getting so abstract now [that] you're talking about cutting taxes, and all these things you're talking about are totally economic things and a byproduct of them is [that] blacks get hurt worse than whites. And subconsciously maybe that is part of it. I'm not saying that. But I'm saying that if it is getting that abstract, and that coded, that we are doing away with the racial problem one way or the other. You follow me—because obviously sitting around saying, "We want to cut this," is much more abstract than even the busing thing, and a hell of a lot more abstract than "******, ******." <<​
That was the blueprint for the Republican Party to take over the one-party-rule of the South by highlighting race and how it (the RP) was going to be the device to keep black people down more so than the Democrats. And the Democrats obliged -- or we could say got it started -- by passing that 1964 Civil Rights Act, triggering both Wallace's offer and Strom Thurmond's until-then-unthinkable departure to the "party of Lincoln". Thus broke the dam.

Guess Daveward Gunnerhands never learned about all this shit while he was immersed in his guns.
I have no obligation to believe your fantasies, pussy.

Actually it's quoted history. And yes you're free to bury your head in the sand and wail to anyone who will still listen that it didn't happen. Even though it's all in the history books. Not the direction I would have taken but hey, that's just me.
The history of the Democratic Party is based on racism, and it continues to this day. You can't NUH UH your way out of it, no matter how hard you try. But you need to realize your acknowledgement is neither sought nor required.

Oh look. Daveward Gunnerhands wants to be awarded a drive-by because he can't argue with quoted history.
That's so cute. Rendered impotent by histories of fifty years ago he wants to shift to 190. Bravely ran away.
Oh look, Slogo the retarded monkey claims Dems supported the Civil Rights Act? No retard. There was almost ZERO support from Dems for that, giving blacks citizenship and the right to vote, or giving women the right to vote. All there in recorded history. Yet you choose to keep your head up your ass. Most people would be ashamed to be like you.

Next slide please


>> In this case, it becomes clear that Democrats in the north and the south were more likely to vote for the bill than Republicans in the north and south respectively. This difference in both houses is statistically significant with over 95% confidence. It just so happened southerners made up a larger percentage of the Democratic than Republican caucus, which created the initial impression than Republicans were more in favor of the act.​
Nearly 100% of Union state Democrats supported the 1964 Civil Rights Act compared to 85% of Republicans. None of the southern Republicans voted for the bill, while a small percentage of southern Democrats did. <<​

Gotta say, it's kind of amazing how y'all Bubblistas keep getting your collective ass schooled on this shit, and yet trot it right back out again looking for different results. It's as if y'all are just incapable of learning.
You mean like you pulling out the Magic Party Switch that lets you pretend Democrat racism didn't exist?
The Democrat party was the Republican party back in the day. Get a clue.

Dave can't pick up clues. He got dem guns in his hands.
What a nut job. And a hell of a liar.
You fellahs sure do get upset that people are allowed to disagree with you.
Youre allowed to disagree. I just dont want to hear you whining again about how Blacks dont support your party.
Never whined about it. You're making things up. Meanwhile, some blacks are indeed conservative.

They get treated very badly by liberal blacks and whites.
Youre always whining about why intelligent Blacks dont support your party. Thats why you deny the Southern Strategy even though the GOP leadership admitted to it.
Is that akin to the "great society" where LBJ claims that he will have them ******* voting demcrat? Wasn't George Wallace a "demcrat"?????? Robert Byrd, the former KKK member that only had a change of heart when it became politically expedient also a demcrat"?? I guess Al Gore Sr was a closet repub? Pedo Joe and the Clintons were complicit in bring black youth to "heel" by pushing statutes guaranteed to lock up black youths and deny them of a future as convicted felons for victimless crimes.
George Wallace almost ran as Vice President with Goldwater. He was the old time southern Democrat and his beliefs gil not gel with the new Democratic Party.

Wallace in fact offered to switch parties in order to join Goldwater on the Republican ticket (Goldwater declined the offer). He really would not have needed to switch parties (e.g. Lincoln's running mate was a Democrat) but had he done so it would have made Wallace, and not Thurmond, the first one of the old "Solid South" bloc to jump to the Party of Lincoln, which was up to then (1964) unthinkable.

Actually that divorce had been inching closer for decades --- I mark the first crack in the armor at 1936 when FDR at the height of his influence got the party's convention to change the nomination rules from a 2/3 majority to a simple (50% + 1) majority, which cut the legs off the South's ability to effectively veto candidates with too much talk about "civil rights", as they did infamously in 1924, the longest convention in history with over a hundred ballots. After WW2 finished dominating current events, the next convention in 1948 saw Thurmond and a Southern delegation walk out and run their own candidate, exactly because they were hearing too much of that kind of talk. Those were the "Dixiecrats". Thurmond, the losing candidate, later ran for Senate, and the Democratic Party kicked him off the ballot, whereupon he ran as a write-in (and won).

The Dale Smith post quoted not only suffers from horrendous spelling but quotes an apocryphal LBJ "quote" that no one ever verified. It's absolutely bizarre the way these yahoo posters think that having an R or a D after your name somehow morphs you into a specific ideology. This of course leaves completely unexplainable what happens when somebody switches parties --- as Thurmond and a host of others did. I don't think they have any clue in the world what a political party IS.
Goldwater did not need Wallace to carry the south. This shows that the south had already turned Republican.

It hadn't quite yet, but yes Goldwater knew he didn't need Wallace to take the South. I think it more shows that the old "solid South" had already figured out that the Republican Party was closer to their aims, it's just that nobody wanted to be tagged with the word "Republican". After all the voter base had traditionally just voted for whoever had the D after their name. Same reason the same politicians did switch to R.
How would it be any diff than how the GOP treated Bill Clinton? This stupid feud has been going on since the rabid Reagan Repubs started it when GWB sr lost his reelection attempt.

Go back farther. When you guys formed the KKK to oppose Lincoln's policies is when it really started.
Moonglow did not form the KKK. That is unless his name is James Crowe, Calvin Jones, John Booker Kennedy, John Lester, Frank O. McCord or Richard R. Reed and he's at least 179 years old. NOR was it formed to "oppose Lincoln's policies" (who was already dead) or for any political purpose at all.
Remember, kids, no Democrat today is responsible for the KKK, but all Republicans today are responsible for slavery in America. So pay up!

Hey, Pogo, what have you done to assuage your white guilt today?
First time I have ever heard you admit to the Southern Strategy. Good for you.
Really? I'm responsible for the slavery that Republicans ended a century and a half ago?

I'd ask you to explain that rationally, but you're incapable.
You arent responsible for anything other than yourself. I was just congratulating you on admitting to the Southern Strategy
I was mocking leftist retardery. Are you admitting leftists are retarded?

The Southern Strategy is a myth, a desperate effort by Democrats to distance themselves from their 20th Century legislative racism.

Idiots buy it. Obviously.
It is known as history, and I am old enough to remember it happening.
You remember what didn't happen, then.
I am not the only one here who remembers it.

Yep, I remember it too. Reagan kicking off his presidential campaign in of all places Philadelphia ... not the one in Pennsylvania where the Constitution came together where the Liberty Bell is, no the one in Mississippi where the infamous triple murder of civil rights activists went down in 1964, talking about "states' rights". 1964, the same year "states' rights" George Wallace offered to be Barry Goldwater's running mate because candidate Goldwater had voted against the Civil rights Act (Goldwater didn't need Wallace; he won the deep South without him).

Then there was the Republican Party strategist Lee Atwater, analyzing what Dave thinks never existed, in 1981:

>> You start out in 1954 by saying, "******, ******, ******." By 1968 you can't say "******"—that hurts you. Backfires. So you say stuff like forced busing, states' rights and all that stuff. You're getting so abstract now [that] you're talking about cutting taxes, and all these things you're talking about are totally economic things and a byproduct of them is [that] blacks get hurt worse than whites. And subconsciously maybe that is part of it. I'm not saying that. But I'm saying that if it is getting that abstract, and that coded, that we are doing away with the racial problem one way or the other. You follow me—because obviously sitting around saying, "We want to cut this," is much more abstract than even the busing thing, and a hell of a lot more abstract than "******, ******." <<​
That was the blueprint for the Republican Party to take over the one-party-rule of the South by highlighting race and how it (the RP) was going to be the device to keep black people down more so than the Democrats. And the Democrats obliged -- or we could say got it started -- by passing that 1964 Civil Rights Act, triggering both Wallace's offer and Strom Thurmond's until-then-unthinkable departure to the "party of Lincoln". Thus broke the dam.

Guess Daveward Gunnerhands never learned about all this shit while he was immersed in his guns.
I have no obligation to believe your fantasies, pussy.

Actually it's quoted history. And yes you're free to bury your head in the sand and wail to anyone who will still listen that it didn't happen. Even though it's all in the history books. Not the direction I would have taken but hey, that's just me.
The history of the Democratic Party is based on racism, and it continues to this day. You can't NUH UH your way out of it, no matter how hard you try. But you need to realize your acknowledgement is neither sought nor required.

Oh look. Daveward Gunnerhands wants to be awarded a drive-by because he can't argue with quoted history.
That's so cute. Rendered impotent by histories of fifty years ago he wants to shift to 190. Bravely ran away.
Oh look, Slogo the retarded monkey claims Dems supported the Civil Rights Act? No retard. There was almost ZERO support from Dems for that, giving blacks citizenship and the right to vote, or giving women the right to vote. All there in recorded history. Yet you choose to keep your head up your ass. Most people would be ashamed to be like you.
Pogo laughed at this post. Unintelligent people laugh at things they don't understand.

I laughed, because I knew at first sight what I was about to do with it.

Chuckle. I kill me.
Yes. You knew you were going to play your Bullshit Card. Because that's all you've got.

Actually that's more of that thar "history". You know, that shit that you had no clue about with the Southern Strategy and got your ass handed to you?

Dood, you ignore reality harder than anyone I ever met.

Daveward posts "note to self", mistakenly drops it on USMB.

You got schlonged, Gunnerhands. You had no idea of the history you tried to deny, and got your clock cleaned.
Nice to see you still lie as you run away retard. Noting not one mention of the ZERO votes your side gave to the 15th Amendment. History called. She says you’re a liar.

I don't have a "side", stupid, except that of Reality, which isn't really a "side" --- IT'S WHAT THE FUCK WE LIVE IN. And go learn to read ---- none of the above was about any "Amendment".
Hey dummy, take your own advice. Blacks got the right to vote in the 15th Amendment. As i mentioned blacks getting the right to vote originally, it seems your better take reading and comprehension lessons retard. Reality is no Democrats supported it. YOUR Dems united against it. Reality.

Two interesting factoids for the Mongoloid Idiots:

(one) I am nowhere near 172 years old, which I would have to be in order to have been a "Democrat" in 1870; and
(two) I have no political party. Never did had one. That you're too fucking dim to figure out any more than two possibilities, even though you have ten fingers, is your problem.
The Democrats have cheapened impeachment to the point that it's become equavalent to hazing before you can join a frat.

Funny, I thought Republicans did that when they impeached Clinton over a blow job.
True, but then again, the republicans could have impeached Obama at least four times for all his crimes and treason, but they didn't.
What crimes? What treason?
Using the IRS to attack opponents, selling weapons to the cartel that ended up killing our guards, lying to the public about the cause of losing our Ambassador in BenGhazi over a stupid video (to hide his incompetence in order to get elected, what they did with Hunter and Joe Biden corruption in China and other countries), colluding with Russian intelligence by using a fake Doosier and using our law and intelligence agencies to spy on and set up the campaign and candidate of the oppositiong party, inciting riots, looting and arson in at least two name a few.

Don't forget the 45 minute meeting of Obama's attorney general on the Tarmac with Bill Clinton, while Hillary was being investigated. Remind us again, did they go after her for obstruction wiping out her hard drive, 32,0000 subpoenaed emails, and smashing 13 mobile devices of which she claimed to have only one? Nope.

If anybody deserved to be impeached, it was that divisive incompetent piece of shit enemy of state Obama. But then again, he's Black and Democrat so as usual they get the dictator fascist get out of jail pass.
Much of this is not true.
In fact, all of it is true.

Ah, you speak as the American version of either ISIS or the Taliban. If you want to live in a country with laws closer to the ones you want the rest of us to live under Try Yemen.
The American version of ISIS or Taliban is what you'll find in today's Democrat party and their foot soldiers in BLM, Antifa, Nation of Islam movements who cheered the burning and looting of our cities and destruction of the middle class and the replacement and defunding of the police with one that is an ideological puppet of the Left.

Care to check out what happened on Jan 6th? ISIS and the Taliban are attempting to overthrow legal elected Governments. And guess what, you party of the rumpsters tried to overthrow a legally elected government as well. You are being linked in with both the Taliban and ISIS because your methods are exactly the same and you intentions are exactly the same.
What happened on January 6 was Trump asked a group of about half a million people to protest and fight for their rights, while almost every Democrat leader has incited rioting, looting and arson throughout every major city of this country. A small group of morons...about a few hundred equating to less than 1% of that group had something else in their minds. I guess t hey thought they could get away with it after watching what the Biden voting animals did in the riots over the summer.

Too bad they didn't have Kamala Harris to bail them out like she did with the rioting criminals, eh?
The Democrats have cheapened impeachment to the point that it's become equavalent to hazing before you can join a frat.

Funny, I thought Republicans did that when they impeached Clinton over a blow job.
True, but then again, the republicans could have impeached Obama at least four times for all his crimes and treason, but they didn't.
What crimes? What treason?
Using the IRS to attack opponents, selling weapons to the cartel that ended up killing our guards, lying to the public about the cause of losing our Ambassador in BenGhazi over a stupid video (to hide his incompetence in order to get elected, what they did with Hunter and Joe Biden corruption in China and other countries), colluding with Russian intelligence by using a fake Doosier and using our law and intelligence agencies to spy on and set up the campaign and candidate of the oppositiong party, inciting riots, looting and arson in at least two name a few.

Don't forget the 45 minute meeting of Obama's attorney general on the Tarmac with Bill Clinton, while Hillary was being investigated. Remind us again, did they go after her for obstruction wiping out her hard drive, 32,0000 subpoenaed emails, and smashing 13 mobile devices of which she claimed to have only one? Nope.

If anybody deserved to be impeached, it was that divisive incompetent piece of shit enemy of state Obama. But then again, he's Black and Democrat so as usual they get the dictator fascist get out of jail pass.
Much of this is not true.
In fact, all of it is true.

Ah, you speak as the American version of either ISIS or the Taliban. If you want to live in a country with laws closer to the ones you want the rest of us to live under Try Yemen.
The American version of ISIS or Taliban is what you'll find in today's Democrat party and their foot soldiers in BLM, Antifa, Nation of Islam movements who cheered the burning and looting of our cities and destruction of the middle class and the replacement and defunding of the police with one that is an ideological puppet of the Left.

Care to check out what happened on Jan 6th? ISIS and the Taliban are attempting to overthrow legal elected Governments. And guess what, you party of the rumpsters tried to overthrow a legally elected government as well. You are being linked in with both the Taliban and ISIS because your methods are exactly the same and you intentions are exactly the same.
That would be your BLM and Antifa terrorists that think their cause is righteous enough to burn loot and murder (BLM) innocent people that have nothing to do with it. At least these right wing morons had the nobility to go after politicians and their place of business, and not everyday ordinary citizens minding their own business.
True, but then again, the republicans could have impeached Obama at least four times for all his crimes and treason, but they didn't.

Mostly because they didn't have a leg to stand on. He didn't commit any crimes.

Trump did.

Trump will be the first president prosecuted after he leaves office.
Yawn, impeached by a bunch of incompetent stupid Democrats that are too afraid of him running again. At this point people think more highly of their own dogs shit than today's politicians and their puppets in the media
The Democrats have cheapened impeachment to the point that it's become equavalent to hazing before you can join a frat.

Funny, I thought Republicans did that when they impeached Clinton over a blow job.
True, but then again, the republicans could have impeached Obama at least four times for all his crimes and treason, but they didn't.
What crimes? What treason?
Using the IRS to attack opponents, selling weapons to the cartel that ended up killing our guards, lying to the public about the cause of losing our Ambassador in BenGhazi over a stupid video (to hide his incompetence in order to get elected, what they did with Hunter and Joe Biden corruption in China and other countries), colluding with Russian intelligence by using a fake Doosier and using our law and intelligence agencies to spy on and set up the campaign and candidate of the oppositiong party, inciting riots, looting and arson in at least two name a few.

Don't forget the 45 minute meeting of Obama's attorney general on the Tarmac with Bill Clinton, while Hillary was being investigated. Remind us again, did they go after her for obstruction wiping out her hard drive, 32,0000 subpoenaed emails, and smashing 13 mobile devices of which she claimed to have only one? Nope.

If anybody deserved to be impeached, it was that divisive incompetent piece of shit enemy of state Obama. But then again, he's Black and Democrat so as usual they get the dictator fascist get out of jail pass.
Much of this is not true.
In fact, all of it is true.

Ah, you speak as the American version of either ISIS or the Taliban. If you want to live in a country with laws closer to the ones you want the rest of us to live under Try Yemen.
The American version of ISIS or Taliban is what you'll find in today's Democrat party and their foot soldiers in BLM, Antifa, Nation of Islam movements who cheered the burning and looting of our cities and destruction of the middle class and the replacement and defunding of the police with one that is an ideological puppet of the Left.

Care to check out what happened on Jan 6th? ISIS and the Taliban are attempting to overthrow legal elected Governments. And guess what, you party of the rumpsters tried to overthrow a legally elected government as well. You are being linked in with both the Taliban and ISIS because your methods are exactly the same and you intentions are exactly the same.
What happened on January 6 was Trump asked a group of about half a million people to protest and fight for their rights, while almost every Democrat leader has incited rioting, looting and arson throughout every major city of this country. A small group of morons...about a few hundred equating to less than 1% of that group had something else in their minds. I guess t hey thought they could get away with it after watching what the Biden voting animals did in the riots over the summer.

Too bad they didn't have Kamala Harris to bail them out like she did with the rioting criminals, eh?
But it’s more likely that those who have nothing to do with Antifa — including far-right Trump supporters — have been doing much of the violence at BLM protests and other places, according to media reports. And at least one of the groups infiltrating BLM to commit violence — the right-leaning, anti-police, pro-gun, pro-chaotic violence Boogaloo Bois — also joined many Trump supporters to storm the U.S. Capitol on January 6. Trump and sycophants escalated claims that the 2020 election was stolen from Trump without presenting any evidence, leading to the Capitol attack.

AP finds most arrested in protests aren't leftist radicals
Pushing this one sided argument of yours isn't going to work.
True, but then again, the republicans could have impeached Obama at least four times for all his crimes and treason, but they didn't.

Mostly because they didn't have a leg to stand on. He didn't commit any crimes.

Trump did.

Trump will be the first president prosecuted after he leaves office.
Yawn, impeached by a bunch of incompetent stupid Democrats that are too afraid of him running again. At this point people think more highly of their own dogs shit than today's politicians and their puppets in the media
Everyone should be afraid of someone who wants to turn our Democracy into a Fascist dictatorship.
Just how stupid is this idea that Trump Supporters staged an insurrection????
Watch this video.

Tell that to the five people who are dead.

What do you plan on telling the 30 killed in communist fueled riots over the summer? What did you say to David Dorn's family when his killer uploaded Dorn's death on You Tube?

I will tell them about the lies you were pedaling about communists in this country, and that the skinhead proud boys incited the violence. AP finds most arrested in protests aren't leftist radicals

I'll tell them they are so fucking ignorant, that they never learned what communism is.
The Democrats have cheapened impeachment to the point that it's become equavalent to hazing before you can join a frat.

Funny, I thought Republicans did that when they impeached Clinton over a blow job.
True, but then again, the republicans could have impeached Obama at least four times for all his crimes and treason, but they didn't.
What crimes? What treason?
Using the IRS to attack opponents, selling weapons to the cartel that ended up killing our guards, lying to the public about the cause of losing our Ambassador in BenGhazi over a stupid video (to hide his incompetence in order to get elected, what they did with Hunter and Joe Biden corruption in China and other countries), colluding with Russian intelligence by using a fake Doosier and using our law and intelligence agencies to spy on and set up the campaign and candidate of the oppositiong party, inciting riots, looting and arson in at least two name a few.

Don't forget the 45 minute meeting of Obama's attorney general on the Tarmac with Bill Clinton, while Hillary was being investigated. Remind us again, did they go after her for obstruction wiping out her hard drive, 32,0000 subpoenaed emails, and smashing 13 mobile devices of which she claimed to have only one? Nope.

If anybody deserved to be impeached, it was that divisive incompetent piece of shit enemy of state Obama. But then again, he's Black and Democrat so as usual they get the dictator fascist get out of jail pass.
Much of this is not true.
In fact, all of it is true.

Ah, you speak as the American version of either ISIS or the Taliban. If you want to live in a country with laws closer to the ones you want the rest of us to live under Try Yemen.
The American version of ISIS or Taliban is what you'll find in today's Democrat party and their foot soldiers in BLM, Antifa, Nation of Islam movements who cheered the burning and looting of our cities and destruction of the middle class and the replacement and defunding of the police with one that is an ideological puppet of the Left.

Care to check out what happened on Jan 6th? ISIS and the Taliban are attempting to overthrow legal elected Governments. And guess what, you party of the rumpsters tried to overthrow a legally elected government as well. You are being linked in with both the Taliban and ISIS because your methods are exactly the same and you intentions are exactly the same.
That would be your BLM and Antifa terrorists that think their cause is righteous enough to burn loot and murder (BLM) innocent people that have nothing to do with it. At least these right wing morons had the nobility to go after politicians and their place of business, and not everyday ordinary citizens minding their own business.
Your a liar; AP finds most arrested in protests aren't leftist radicals Several of the defendants are not from the Democratic-led cities that Trump has likened to “war zones” but from the suburbs the Republican president has claimed to have “saved.” Of the 93 people arrested on federal criminal charges in Portland, 18 defendants are from out of state, the Justice Department said.
The Democrats have cheapened impeachment to the point that it's become equavalent to hazing before you can join a frat.

Funny, I thought Republicans did that when they impeached Clinton over a blow job.
True, but then again, the republicans could have impeached Obama at least four times for all his crimes and treason, but they didn't.
What crimes? What treason?
Using the IRS to attack opponents, selling weapons to the cartel that ended up killing our guards, lying to the public about the cause of losing our Ambassador in BenGhazi over a stupid video (to hide his incompetence in order to get elected, what they did with Hunter and Joe Biden corruption in China and other countries), colluding with Russian intelligence by using a fake Doosier and using our law and intelligence agencies to spy on and set up the campaign and candidate of the oppositiong party, inciting riots, looting and arson in at least two name a few.

Don't forget the 45 minute meeting of Obama's attorney general on the Tarmac with Bill Clinton, while Hillary was being investigated. Remind us again, did they go after her for obstruction wiping out her hard drive, 32,0000 subpoenaed emails, and smashing 13 mobile devices of which she claimed to have only one? Nope.

If anybody deserved to be impeached, it was that divisive incompetent piece of shit enemy of state Obama. But then again, he's Black and Democrat so as usual they get the dictator fascist get out of jail pass.
Much of this is not true.
In fact, all of it is true.

Ah, you speak as the American version of either ISIS or the Taliban. If you want to live in a country with laws closer to the ones you want the rest of us to live under Try Yemen.
The American version of ISIS or Taliban is what you'll find in today's Democrat party and their foot soldiers in BLM, Antifa, Nation of Islam movements who cheered the burning and looting of our cities and destruction of the middle class and the replacement and defunding of the police with one that is an ideological puppet of the Left.

Care to check out what happened on Jan 6th? ISIS and the Taliban are attempting to overthrow legal elected Governments. And guess what, you party of the rumpsters tried to overthrow a legally elected government as well. You are being linked in with both the Taliban and ISIS because your methods are exactly the same and you intentions are exactly the same.
What happened on January 6 was Trump asked a group of about half a million people to protest and fight for their rights, while almost every Democrat leader has incited rioting, looting and arson throughout every major city of this country. A small group of morons...about a few hundred equating to less than 1% of that group had something else in their minds. I guess t hey thought they could get away with it after watching what the Biden voting animals did in the riots over the summer.

Too bad they didn't have Kamala Harris to bail them out like she did with the rioting criminals, eh?

The degree of importance is way off the scale on this one. It's like comparing a teen shop lifting a candy bar versus a Terrorist attempting to murder a yard full of school children. You can attempt to justify it but in the end, it only goes to show that you have crossed the line into a Domestic Terrorist. And I don't converse with Terrorists.
Do you think they have the nuts?
If I was in Congress that's what I'd be doing right now.
They've impeached Trump twice, cheapening the clearly impeaching a president just for general purposes is the precedent.

I think that impeaching a president, just because you can, is wrong.....and should not be tolerated.....but that's what Democrats are essentially doing.

Congress is broken.....and I don't see it recovering any time soon.

"If Joe Biden happens to be elected president this year, he will enter office more hobbled by major scandals than any president in the history of the presidency, and there is just no question that his administration will be immediately paralyzed by impeachment proceedings.
Maybe I’m missing something, but I can think of no other major presidential candidate, and certainly no other president (if he should win) who, on the day he was sworn in, would be immediately engulfed by not just one, but four — four! — impeachable scandals.
There’s just no question that if Biden wins, once he takes office, his administration will be bogged down by legitimate investigations into his actual and credibly suspected wrongdoing, corruption, self-dealing, and sexual misconduct."
They can try but it won't fly; just like Trump was found INNOCENT!!! lmao

I'dlike to see it though; lying to Congress about that shiela he fingered.


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