Republicans take the lead and reopen America!

Audrey Whitlock, organizer of a North Carolina pro-Covid rally has tested positive. We may have found an answer to our problem with idiots.
She reports asymptomatic. Don't get too disappointed! I'm sure there are other people you hate who have died of the corona virus. Your kindly humanitarian heart are noted by many.
They want lots of people to get bad cases of it. That’s what they need to run the show but I must admit they have been remarkable effective in shutting down America over a 0.1% death rate, a 70-85% benign to
Mild infection rate, and a 2-3% hospitalization rate.
Dems stuffed nothing into the bill except to demand that the virus package not only included access to the treatment but that payment for the treatment be included in the bill.
You have a lot to respond to but fortunately this one single reply I chose shows how dishonest or just plain
delusional you are. So fortunately you save me the trouble of responding to every one of your other lies.
This is by no means a conclusive list. Is There Wasteful Spending In The Coronavirus Stimulus Bill?

And yes I know, republicans in Congress went meekly along with the open candy store grab bag nature of
this all. No one in the Senate even read the legislation but nothing tops the list of pork products Nan
Pelsoi jammed into this bill taking full advantage during this national disaster.

And you have the guts to say the dems loaded no pork into this corona rescue bill.
What an absolute liar and fool!
Last edited:
Trusting Chinese numbers have nothing to do with loving China, and I have not heard anyone call Trump a liar on that subject.
Well I have and I've already responded to several of them. Look around.

And you may not say you "love" China when you don't question the numbers they release about deaths in China but at the very least we can say you trust the people who have lied about
every aspect of the Covid virus up to this point and probably forevermore.

Therefore you have demonstrated you yourself cannot be trusted and all your statements on the issue are compromised and suspect, to say the least.
In Trump you trust? How much Clorox did you drink this morning?
How long did the doctor leave the umbilical cord wrapped around your neck at birth? Much longer than advisable it seems.

Trump has a lot of scapegoats for his failures and you believe them all.
I don't believe any politician on faith and I believe leftist rats even less.
Now scurry off, rat boy.
INTEL warned Trump more than a dozen times in Jan and Feb about virus The non reading trump is an AH who is to blame for 1000's of American deaths But you morons keep supporting him
What's worse The AH president not reading his PDB or reading it an ignoring it?

Thank god for real leaders! Kemp! Thank you for your leadership!

Democrat run cities will be run like the epa runs farms! Kill off the law breakers
How do conservatives justify reopening BEFORE we know how many Americans are infected?

Magical (MAGA) thinking?

Donald Trump blames OBAMA for coronavirus testing fiasco he oversaw

Realizing the shutdown will kill more people than the virus, and it was a big mistake to listen to the media and doctors with an agenda, maybe?
if more republicans I'm all for it
Wow so much hate
you don't know the half of it
Do you need some medication? Is it because blacks could becoming more independent and that pisses you off?
Ever since I attended a HS with 3/4 black for 4 years I NEVER had a problem with people of color
So why do you hate them?
Thats dumb ,even for you I hate no one except the P's OS in our Gov't and all republican ass kissers
you forgot to add the democrat ass kissers....
ONE republican out of all those scum in congress had the nads to speak up against this rat fuk in our Presidency? That's ass kissing taken to the 10th degree
does not take away what i said ed......i see plenty of ass kissing on both sides.....but then thats the way the die hard right and left party people are...ass kissers
Have to admit you're right Harry both sides are guilty both sides have to get on board what leaders and majority want My main bitch is how can all the republicans support Jack the Ripper commonly known as D Trump?
they support him just like the way the left supported might think the guy sucks,but they dont.....just like you did not think obama sucked,they thought he did.....its called blindly following someone without questioning that person.....we see that here daily with trump just like we saw that here daily with obama....its the way the die hard party people are....
We will all soon see the failure in these moronic partisan decisions. Its likely to cost these fools their seats.

Thank god for real leaders! Kemp! Thank you for your leadership!

Democrat run cities will be run like the epa runs farms! Kill off the law breakers
How do conservatives justify reopening BEFORE we know how many Americans are infected?

Magical (MAGA) thinking?

Donald Trump blames OBAMA for coronavirus testing fiasco he oversaw

Realizing the shutdown will kill more people than the virus, and it was a big mistake to listen to the media and doctors with an agenda, maybe?
if more republicans I'm all for it
Wow so much hate
you don't know the half of it
Do you need some medication? Is it because blacks could becoming more independent and that pisses you off?
Ever since I attended a HS with 3/4 black for 4 years I NEVER had a problem with people of color
So why do you hate them?
Thats dumb ,even for you I hate no one except the P's OS in our Gov't and all republican ass kissers
you forgot to add the democrat ass kissers....
ONE republican out of all those scum in congress had the nads to speak up against this rat fuk in our Presidency? That's ass kissing taken to the 10th degree
does not take away what i said ed......i see plenty of ass kissing on both sides.....but then thats the way the die hard right and left party people are...ass kissers
Have to admit you're right Harry both sides are guilty both sides have to get on board what leaders and majority want My main bitch is how can all the republicans support Jack the Ripper commonly known as D Trump?
they support him just like the way the left supported might think the guy sucks,but they dont.....just like you did not think obama sucked,they thought he did.....its called blindly following someone without questioning that person.....we see that here daily with trump just like we saw that here daily with obama....its the way the die hard party people are....
But Harry I did question Obama It's just that a man with a heart ,with empathy with the ability to speak well with others friend or foe is the EXACT opposite of this moron trump who couldn't read a PDB warning America of danger

Thank god for real leaders! Kemp! Thank you for your leadership!

Democrat run cities will be run like the epa runs farms! Kill off the law breakers
How do conservatives justify reopening BEFORE we know how many Americans are infected?

Magical (MAGA) thinking?

Donald Trump blames OBAMA for coronavirus testing fiasco he oversaw

Realizing the shutdown will kill more people than the virus, and it was a big mistake to listen to the media and doctors with an agenda, maybe?
if more republicans I'm all for it
Wow so much hate
you don't know the half of it
Do you need some medication? Is it because blacks could becoming more independent and that pisses you off?
Ever since I attended a HS with 3/4 black for 4 years I NEVER had a problem with people of color
So why do you hate them?
Thats dumb ,even for you I hate no one except the P's OS in our Gov't and all republican ass kissers
you forgot to add the democrat ass kissers....
ONE republican out of all those scum in congress had the nads to speak up against this rat fuk in our Presidency? That's ass kissing taken to the 10th degree
does not take away what i said ed......i see plenty of ass kissing on both sides.....but then thats the way the die hard right and left party people are...ass kissers
Have to admit you're right Harry both sides are guilty both sides have to get on board what leaders and majority want My main bitch is how can all the republicans support Jack the Ripper commonly known as D Trump?
they support him just like the way the left supported might think the guy sucks,but they dont.....just like you did not think obama sucked,they thought he did.....its called blindly following someone without questioning that person.....we see that here daily with trump just like we saw that here daily with obama....its the way the die hard party people are....
But Harry I did question Obama It's just that a man with a heart ,with empathy with the ability to speak well with others friend or foe is the EXACT opposite of this moron trump who couldn't read a PDB warning America of danger
you may have ed......but during his administration right here in this forum the same people bad mouthing the right for not questioning trump today were guilty of the same thing during obamas administration.....backed him no matter what,always had an excuse for what he did or said.....just like the people today.....

Thank god for real leaders! Kemp! Thank you for your leadership!

Democrat run cities will be run like the epa runs farms! Kill off the law breakers
How do conservatives justify reopening BEFORE we know how many Americans are infected?

Magical (MAGA) thinking?

Donald Trump blames OBAMA for coronavirus testing fiasco he oversaw

Realizing the shutdown will kill more people than the virus, and it was a big mistake to listen to the media and doctors with an agenda, maybe?
if more republicans I'm all for it
Wow so much hate
you don't know the half of it
Do you need some medication? Is it because blacks could becoming more independent and that pisses you off?
Ever since I attended a HS with 3/4 black for 4 years I NEVER had a problem with people of color
So why do you hate them?
Thats dumb ,even for you I hate no one except the P's OS in our Gov't and all republican ass kissers
you forgot to add the democrat ass kissers....
ONE republican out of all those scum in congress had the nads to speak up against this rat fuk in our Presidency? That's ass kissing taken to the 10th degree
does not take away what i said ed......i see plenty of ass kissing on both sides.....but then thats the way the die hard right and left party people are...ass kissers
Have to admit you're right Harry both sides are guilty both sides have to get on board what leaders and majority want My main bitch is how can all the republicans support Jack the Ripper commonly known as D Trump?
they support him just like the way the left supported might think the guy sucks,but they dont.....just like you did not think obama sucked,they thought he did.....its called blindly following someone without questioning that person.....we see that here daily with trump just like we saw that here daily with obama....its the way the die hard party people are....
But Harry I did question Obama It's just that a man with a heart ,with empathy with the ability to speak well with others friend or foe is the EXACT opposite of this moron trump who couldn't read a PDB warning America of danger
you may have ed......but during his administration right here in this forum the same people bad mouthing the right for not questioning trump today were guilty of the same thing during obamas administration.....backed him no matter what,always had an excuse for what he did or said.....just like the people today.....
What did Obama do that you think he needed to be reprimanded by his own party for ?? I could make a list for trump

Thank god for real leaders! Kemp! Thank you for your leadership!

Democrat run cities will be run like the epa runs farms! Kill off the law breakers
How do conservatives justify reopening BEFORE we know how many Americans are infected?

Magical (MAGA) thinking?

Donald Trump blames OBAMA for coronavirus testing fiasco he oversaw

Realizing the shutdown will kill more people than the virus, and it was a big mistake to listen to the media and doctors with an agenda, maybe?
if more republicans I'm all for it
Wow so much hate
you don't know the half of it
Do you need some medication? Is it because blacks could becoming more independent and that pisses you off?
Ever since I attended a HS with 3/4 black for 4 years I NEVER had a problem with people of color
So why do you hate them?
Thats dumb ,even for you I hate no one except the P's OS in our Gov't and all republican ass kissers
you forgot to add the democrat ass kissers....
ONE republican out of all those scum in congress had the nads to speak up against this rat fuk in our Presidency? That's ass kissing taken to the 10th degree
does not take away what i said ed......i see plenty of ass kissing on both sides.....but then thats the way the die hard right and left party people are...ass kissers
Have to admit you're right Harry both sides are guilty both sides have to get on board what leaders and majority want My main bitch is how can all the republicans support Jack the Ripper commonly known as D Trump?
they support him just like the way the left supported might think the guy sucks,but they dont.....just like you did not think obama sucked,they thought he did.....its called blindly following someone without questioning that person.....we see that here daily with trump just like we saw that here daily with obama....its the way the die hard party people are....
But Harry I did question Obama It's just that a man with a heart ,with empathy with the ability to speak well with others friend or foe is the EXACT opposite of this moron trump who couldn't read a PDB warning America of danger
you may have ed......but during his administration right here in this forum the same people bad mouthing the right for not questioning trump today were guilty of the same thing during obamas administration.....backed him no matter what,always had an excuse for what he did or said.....just like the people today.....
What did Obama do that you think he needed to be reprimanded by his own party for ?? I could make a list for trump
you said you questioned him.....what for?....
Of course Republican run states are re-opening. By the numbers the “experts” love (deaths per 100,000 residents), the worst states are ALL run by DIMS. Seems the Republicans governors did a MUCH better job than these hat in hand begging for a bailout Dims.

Thank god for real leaders! Kemp! Thank you for your leadership!

Democrat run cities will be run like the epa runs farms! Kill off the law breakers
How do conservatives justify reopening BEFORE we know how many Americans are infected?

Magical (MAGA) thinking?

Donald Trump blames OBAMA for coronavirus testing fiasco he oversaw

Realizing the shutdown will kill more people than the virus, and it was a big mistake to listen to the media and doctors with an agenda, maybe?
if more republicans I'm all for it
Wow so much hate
you don't know the half of it
Do you need some medication? Is it because blacks could becoming more independent and that pisses you off?
Ever since I attended a HS with 3/4 black for 4 years I NEVER had a problem with people of color
So why do you hate them?
Thats dumb ,even for you I hate no one except the P's OS in our Gov't and all republican ass kissers
you forgot to add the democrat ass kissers....
ONE republican out of all those scum in congress had the nads to speak up against this rat fuk in our Presidency? That's ass kissing taken to the 10th degree
does not take away what i said ed......i see plenty of ass kissing on both sides.....but then thats the way the die hard right and left party people are...ass kissers
Have to admit you're right Harry both sides are guilty both sides have to get on board what leaders and majority want My main bitch is how can all the republicans support Jack the Ripper commonly known as D Trump?
they support him just like the way the left supported might think the guy sucks,but they dont.....just like you did not think obama sucked,they thought he did.....its called blindly following someone without questioning that person.....we see that here daily with trump just like we saw that here daily with obama....its the way the die hard party people are....
But Harry I did question Obama It's just that a man with a heart ,with empathy with the ability to speak well with others friend or foe is the EXACT opposite of this moron trump who couldn't read a PDB warning America of danger
you may have ed......but during his administration right here in this forum the same people bad mouthing the right for not questioning trump today were guilty of the same thing during obamas administration.....backed him no matter what,always had an excuse for what he did or said.....just like the people today.....
What did Obama do that you think he needed to be reprimanded by his own party for ?? I could make a list for trump
you said you questioned him.....what for?....
For his medical plan

Thank god for real leaders! Kemp! Thank you for your leadership!

Democrat run cities will be run like the epa runs farms! Kill off the law breakers
How do conservatives justify reopening BEFORE we know how many Americans are infected?

Magical (MAGA) thinking?

Donald Trump blames OBAMA for coronavirus testing fiasco he oversaw

Realizing the shutdown will kill more people than the virus, and it was a big mistake to listen to the media and doctors with an agenda, maybe?
if more republicans I'm all for it
Wow so much hate
you don't know the half of it
Do you need some medication? Is it because blacks could becoming more independent and that pisses you off?
Ever since I attended a HS with 3/4 black for 4 years I NEVER had a problem with people of color
So why do you hate them?
Thats dumb ,even for you I hate no one except the P's OS in our Gov't and all republican ass kissers
you forgot to add the democrat ass kissers....
ONE republican out of all those scum in congress had the nads to speak up against this rat fuk in our Presidency? That's ass kissing taken to the 10th degree
does not take away what i said ed......i see plenty of ass kissing on both sides.....but then thats the way the die hard right and left party people are...ass kissers
Have to admit you're right Harry both sides are guilty both sides have to get on board what leaders and majority want My main bitch is how can all the republicans support Jack the Ripper commonly known as D Trump?
they support him just like the way the left supported might think the guy sucks,but they dont.....just like you did not think obama sucked,they thought he did.....its called blindly following someone without questioning that person.....we see that here daily with trump just like we saw that here daily with obama....its the way the die hard party people are....
But Harry I did question Obama It's just that a man with a heart ,with empathy with the ability to speak well with others friend or foe is the EXACT opposite of this moron trump who couldn't read a PDB warning America of danger
you may have ed......but during his administration right here in this forum the same people bad mouthing the right for not questioning trump today were guilty of the same thing during obamas administration.....backed him no matter what,always had an excuse for what he did or said.....just like the people today.....
What did Obama do that you think he needed to be reprimanded by his own party for ?? I could make a list for trump
you said you questioned him.....what for?....
For his medical plan
ok thats one.....i also feel race relations got even worse than what they were during his time....and no he did not do much to help.....
Of course Republican run states are re-opening. By the numbers the “experts” love (deaths per 100,000 residents), the worst states are ALL run by DIMS. Seems the Republicans governors did a MUCH better job than these hat in hand begging for a bailout Dims.
lantern don't give me this begging for a bailout shit You want to talk bailouts?? The top 5 GIVERs to our fed are DEM states The top 5 TAKERS are republican states

Thank god for real leaders! Kemp! Thank you for your leadership!

Democrat run cities will be run like the epa runs farms! Kill off the law breakers
How do conservatives justify reopening BEFORE we know how many Americans are infected?

Magical (MAGA) thinking?

Donald Trump blames OBAMA for coronavirus testing fiasco he oversaw

Realizing the shutdown will kill more people than the virus, and it was a big mistake to listen to the media and doctors with an agenda, maybe?
if more republicans I'm all for it
Wow so much hate
you don't know the half of it
Do you need some medication? Is it because blacks could becoming more independent and that pisses you off?
Ever since I attended a HS with 3/4 black for 4 years I NEVER had a problem with people of color
So why do you hate them?
Thats dumb ,even for you I hate no one except the P's OS in our Gov't and all republican ass kissers
you forgot to add the democrat ass kissers....
ONE republican out of all those scum in congress had the nads to speak up against this rat fuk in our Presidency? That's ass kissing taken to the 10th degree
does not take away what i said ed......i see plenty of ass kissing on both sides.....but then thats the way the die hard right and left party people are...ass kissers
Have to admit you're right Harry both sides are guilty both sides have to get on board what leaders and majority want My main bitch is how can all the republicans support Jack the Ripper commonly known as D Trump?
they support him just like the way the left supported might think the guy sucks,but they dont.....just like you did not think obama sucked,they thought he did.....its called blindly following someone without questioning that person.....we see that here daily with trump just like we saw that here daily with obama....its the way the die hard party people are....
But Harry I did question Obama It's just that a man with a heart ,with empathy with the ability to speak well with others friend or foe is the EXACT opposite of this moron trump who couldn't read a PDB warning America of danger
you may have ed......but during his administration right here in this forum the same people bad mouthing the right for not questioning trump today were guilty of the same thing during obamas administration.....backed him no matter what,always had an excuse for what he did or said.....just like the people today.....
What did Obama do that you think he needed to be reprimanded by his own party for ?? I could make a list for trump
you said you questioned him.....what for?....
For his medical plan
ok thats one.....i also feel race relations got even worse than what they were during his time....and no he did not do much to help.....
A black president brought out the worst of the Republican party
US population is somewhere from 330 to 400M. So far, 1M in the USA are infected. That means 1 in 350 to 400 are infected in the USA!
it's probably closer to 10 million infected

have fun cowering under your bed


Thank god for real leaders! Kemp! Thank you for your leadership!

Democrat run cities will be run like the epa runs farms! Kill off the law breakers
How do conservatives justify reopening BEFORE we know how many Americans are infected?

Magical (MAGA) thinking?

Donald Trump blames OBAMA for coronavirus testing fiasco he oversaw

Realizing the shutdown will kill more people than the virus, and it was a big mistake to listen to the media and doctors with an agenda, maybe?
if more republicans I'm all for it
Wow so much hate
you don't know the half of it
Do you need some medication? Is it because blacks could becoming more independent and that pisses you off?
Ever since I attended a HS with 3/4 black for 4 years I NEVER had a problem with people of color
So why do you hate them?
Thats dumb ,even for you I hate no one except the P's OS in our Gov't and all republican ass kissers
you forgot to add the democrat ass kissers....
ONE republican out of all those scum in congress had the nads to speak up against this rat fuk in our Presidency? That's ass kissing taken to the 10th degree
does not take away what i said ed......i see plenty of ass kissing on both sides.....but then thats the way the die hard right and left party people are...ass kissers
Have to admit you're right Harry both sides are guilty both sides have to get on board what leaders and majority want My main bitch is how can all the republicans support Jack the Ripper commonly known as D Trump?
they support him just like the way the left supported might think the guy sucks,but they dont.....just like you did not think obama sucked,they thought he did.....its called blindly following someone without questioning that person.....we see that here daily with trump just like we saw that here daily with obama....its the way the die hard party people are....
But Harry I did question Obama It's just that a man with a heart ,with empathy with the ability to speak well with others friend or foe is the EXACT opposite of this moron trump who couldn't read a PDB warning America of danger
you may have ed......but during his administration right here in this forum the same people bad mouthing the right for not questioning trump today were guilty of the same thing during obamas administration.....backed him no matter what,always had an excuse for what he did or said.....just like the people today.....
What did Obama do that you think he needed to be reprimanded by his own party for ?? I could make a list for trump
you said you questioned him.....what for?....
For his medical plan
ok thats one.....i also feel race relations got even worse than what they were during his time....and no he did not do much to help.....
A black president brought out the worst of the Republican party
only from the far right.....regular republicans trying to give the guy the benefit of the doubt, were called racist just for being against something he wanted to do....that got pretty old real quick.....

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