Republicans take the lead and reopen America!

It is interesting that the democrat policy has cost us 55,729 lives in America.

After all, Trump bowed to the left-wing pressure to shut down the country and we still have 55k+ deaths.
Yep, Trump’s inaction has cost the nation 55,000 lives and counting. And how about those tests?

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It was supposed to be 200,000 last week.. he doesn’t get credit? Lol
The numbers are where they are because of social distancing, you moron. They would be higher without it.
And his team took the lead and telling people to social distance but unfortunately you are correct about that too because 94% of the people that died in New York have pre-existing conditions so technically we all could’ve went back to work except for those with pre-existing conditions
Tell me how a TEST is going to stop this virus? Are you going to place everyone who tests positive in quarantine or shoot them?
You’re an idiot.

Never mind that Trump promised weeks ago that anyone that wants a test can get one.

If you believe that most people are going to feel comfortable going about their normal lives without knowing if they are infected, or if they’ve been infected and developed immunity, then you’re living in a fantasy world.
Trump had to tell the Democratic Mayors and governors the addresses of laboratories that they have in their own state because you are a fucking retarded
Most states had no disaster plan and no listing of resources if one did occur. THEY WERE DERELICT... To busy with left wing socail programs to worry about thier damn jobs... Stunning ignorance and lack of preperation... Even Wyoming got it right as did most Republican states who did prepare..
Trump had to tell the Democratic Mayors and governors the addresses of laboratories that they have in their own state because you are a fucking retarded
You’re a liar and a stupid piece of shit.
You have no logical argument. All you spew are adhominum attacks. Thanks for the admission of defeat... :aug08_031: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Stfu moron. You don’t think testing is necessary. That makes your opinion on anything, worthless.
Trump gets credit for making us #1 in Covid 19 deaths. More bragging rights? China has more than 4X our population and we left them in the dust. More winning!
Because we can all trust whatever China tells us about this pandemic plague they let loose on the world.
You probably aren't that stupid. Just incredibly dishonest and absolutely soulless.
In Trump you trust? How much Clorox did you drink this morning? Trump has a lot of scapegoats for his failures and you believe them all.
Trump had to tell the Democratic Mayors and governors the addresses of laboratories that they have in their own state because you are a fucking retarded
You’re a liar and a stupid piece of shit.
You have no logical argument. All you spew are adhominum attacks. Thanks for the admission of defeat... :aug08_031: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Stfu moron. You don’t think testing is necessary. That makes your opinion on anything, worthless.
Testing is only necessary for certain groups as the majority of people are not in danger of anything. This virus is going to spread and there isn't a damn thing anyone can do to stop it. There will be death but at this point its about three times that of an average flu season. You going to crash an economy every year for the flu? That is what your suggesting.
Audrey Whitlock, organizer of a North Carolina pro-Covid rally has tested positive. We may have found an answer to our problem with idiots.
Audrey Whitlock, organizer of a North Carolina pro-Covid rally has tested positive. We may have found an answer to our problem with idiots.
Guess what... She has NO COMORBIDITY to worry about. She is in the part of the populace that will get and recover from this virus with little or no problems... She gets to stay home for a week or two until it passes and then she is done... All the hype and wishing ill on people is very disturbing by the media.. The hype is unwarranted.
Oh, he is screwing the country over not because he is Trump but because that is what he does with his antics.
This is the first politician I've ever seen that people want removed because of his personality.

Did you notice that whatever he does, you and your ilk defend his bad behavior regardless?
I wish his behavior was less unprofessional at times but on the other hand I like a lot of his policy.
Which is more important? Pleasing the people that hate his guts or what he does for the citizenry?

What is he doing by making life decisions when the medical and scientific communities need more time to evaluate the situation.
They are the experts and he is an amateur way out of his league.
This is crazy. If anything he has done everything Fauci and that woman, whatever her name is,
have recommended. I think he has deferred too much to them and if we were smarter like Sweden
(focusing on quarantines for the medically vulnerable and letting the rest of the populace go on with their lives, more or less) we would be much much better off.

Even with all the "social distancing" shuck and jive and the over zealous cops and the spying on one another and all the businesses shut down we still have over 56,000 deaths in this country.
We can't do better than this?
It is good to have a policy and bad to ramrod that policy and chase our allies and trading partners into the lap of our adversaries due to his boorish behavior. It is bad to attack our institutions that are manned by patriots who can make twice as much in the private sector, especially when Trump abhors authority. It is bad to personally attack your opposition and threaten to prosecute them. It is bad to blame the WHO for his deplorable response to the virus warnings. He has opposed the recommendations of Dr Fauci and has gone off the wall with his disinfectant ideas. He is encouraging the opening of our country and the medical and scientific communities have vehemently opposed doing this before they have a handle on the disease.
He doesn't do for the citizenry, but, with his rhetoric, he has you believing that he does. What he does is to take care of the wealthy. His trade wars will cost American people plenty as we pay the tariffs. And he is a grifter.
Other than that, what a guy!
It is good to have a policy and bad to ramrod that policy and chase our allies and trading partners into the lap of our adversaries due to his boorish behavior. It is bad to attack our institutions that are manned by patriots who can make twice as much in the private sector, especially when Trump abhors authority. It is bad to personally attack your opposition and threaten to prosecute them. It is bad to blame the WHO for his deplorable response to the virus warnings. He has opposed the recommendations of Dr Fauci and has gone off the wall with his disinfectant ideas. He is encouraging the opening of our country and the medical and scientific communities have vehemently opposed doing this before they have a handle on the disease.
He doesn't do for the citizenry, but, with his rhetoric, he has you believing that he does. What he does is to take care of the wealthy. His trade wars will cost American people plenty as we pay the tariffs. And he is a grifter.
Other than that, what a guy!
Wow! I know we are supposed to self quarantine but it sounds like you have locked yourself in your
bomb shelter basement and you have indulged in a series of 24 hour orgies of anti Trump agitprop.
It's like the Unibomber manifesto if the Unibomber was an obsessed anti Trumper.

I'm not aware of any ally or trading partner who is now snuggling up to our adversaries due to Trump's behavior. You must supply us all with a list.

I don't agree it's bad to personally attack your opposition and threaten prosecution when your opposition
has out the brass knuckles and is trying to illegally remove you from office which as Hillary Clinton reminded us all is seditious.

Which institutions were you thinking of that Trump attacked? Maybe the FBI or the CIA? I would refer you
to my previous point. Leaders like Comey and Brennan of those institutions would do well to stick to
their assigned tasks and objectives and leave the palace plotting and intrigue to the Medicis.
What's the point of a national election if shit birds like Comey and Brennan are going to work tirelessly
behind the scenes to illegally subvert it all?

Provide the proof that Trump blamed the WHO for his responses to virus warnings. I would say the corrupt
lackeys of China in the WHO are second only to the Chinese themselves for this global pandemic.
Your scapegoating is cowardly and very misinformed.

If Trump opposes Fauci's plan and script for dealing with the Corona virus why has the entire nation
been following the social distancing mantra? Is Fauci holding a gun to Trump's head?

Trump is anxious to open the country back up. He has been equally adamant that we do that slowly and prudently. His disinfectant "ideas" have entirely been overblown and taken out of context, by folks like
you, so I'm not sure what your problem is. A question to medical experts (should we do this, should we do
that?) no matter how goofy and meritless are just that.... questions and queries designed to bring up all
the possibilities out in the open.
The uproar over all that has been ridiculous, out of proportion and all on you clowns.

Provide proof to me that you've ever been outraged by Pelosi and Congress stuffing corona virus
relief bills with copious and unconscionable amounts of pork to leftist sacred cows such as NPR,
diversity hoops for companies helped to jump through, etc. What’s in Democrats’ coronavirus bill? Arts funding, union help and more

Then I might give a crap what you moan about and the yard stick you insist Trump measure up to
that you require of no one else. Did you object when Obama was shoveling stimulus money with a
fork lift to his rich pals and cronies? I'll venture a guess and say hell no!
Audrey Whitlock, organizer of a North Carolina pro-Covid rally has tested positive. We may have found an answer to our problem with idiots.
She reports asymptomatic. Don't get too disappointed! I'm sure there are other people you hate who have died of the corona virus. Your kindly humanitarian heart are noted by many.

Thank god for real leaders! Kemp! Thank you for your leadership!

Democrat run cities will be run like the epa runs farms! Kill off the law breakers
How do conservatives justify reopening BEFORE we know how many Americans are infected?

Magical (MAGA) thinking?

Donald Trump blames OBAMA for coronavirus testing fiasco he oversaw

Realizing the shutdown will kill more people than the virus, and it was a big mistake to listen to the media and doctors with an agenda, maybe?
if more republicans I'm all for it
Wow so much hate
you don't know the half of it
Do you need some medication? Is it because blacks could becoming more independent and that pisses you off?
Ever since I attended a HS with 3/4 black for 4 years I NEVER had a problem with people of color
So why do you hate them?
Thats dumb ,even for you I hate no one except the P's OS in our Gov't and all republican ass kissers
you forgot to add the democrat ass kissers....
ONE republican out of all those scum in congress had the nads to speak up against this rat fuk in our Presidency? That's ass kissing taken to the 10th degree
does not take away what i said ed......i see plenty of ass kissing on both sides.....but then thats the way the die hard right and left party people are...ass kissers
It is good to have a policy and bad to ramrod that policy and chase our allies and trading partners into the lap of our adversaries due to his boorish behavior. It is bad to attack our institutions that are manned by patriots who can make twice as much in the private sector, especially when Trump abhors authority. It is bad to personally attack your opposition and threaten to prosecute them. It is bad to blame the WHO for his deplorable response to the virus warnings. He has opposed the recommendations of Dr Fauci and has gone off the wall with his disinfectant ideas. He is encouraging the opening of our country and the medical and scientific communities have vehemently opposed doing this before they have a handle on the disease.
He doesn't do for the citizenry, but, with his rhetoric, he has you believing that he does. What he does is to take care of the wealthy. His trade wars will cost American people plenty as we pay the tariffs. And he is a grifter.
Other than that, what a guy!
Wow! I know we are supposed to self quarantine but it sounds like you have locked yourself in your
bomb shelter basement and you have indulged in a series of 24 hour orgies of anti Trump agitprop.
It's like the Unibomber manifesto if the Unibomber was an obsessed anti Trumper.

I'm not aware of any ally or trading partner who is now snuggling up to our adversaries due to Trump's behavior. You must supply us all with a list.

I don't agree it's bad to personally attack your opposition and threaten prosecution when your opposition
has out the brass knuckles and is trying to illegally remove you from office which as Hillary Clinton reminded us all is seditious.

Which institutions were you thinking of that Trump attacked? Maybe the FBI or the CIA? I would refer you
to my previous point. Leaders like Comey and Brennan of those institutions would do well to stick to
their assigned tasks and objectives and leave the palace plotting and intrigue to the Medicis.
What's the point of a national election if shit birds like Comey and Brennan are going to work tirelessly
behind the scenes to illegally subvert it all?

Provide the proof that Trump blamed the WHO for his responses to virus warnings. I would say the corrupt
lackeys of China in the WHO are second only to the Chinese themselves for this global pandemic.
Your scapegoating is cowardly and very misinformed.

If Trump opposes Fauci's plan and script for dealing with the Corona virus why has the entire nation
been following the social distancing mantra? Is Fauci holding a gun to Trump's head?

Trump is anxious to open the country back up. He has been equally adamant that we do that slowly and prudently. His disinfectant "ideas" have entirely been overblown and taken out of context, by folks like
you, so I'm not sure what your problem is. A question to medical experts (should we do this, should we do
that?) no matter how goofy and meritless are just that.... questions and queries designed to bring up all
the possibilities out in the open.
The uproar over all that has been ridiculous, out of proportion and all on you clowns.

Provide proof to me that you've ever been outraged by Pelosi and Congress stuffing corona virus
relief bills with copious and unconscionable amounts of pork to leftist sacred cows such as NPR,
diversity hoops for companies helped to jump through, etc. What’s in Democrats’ coronavirus bill? Arts funding, union help and more

Then I might give a crap what you moan about and the yard stick you insist Trump measure up to
that you require of no one else. Did you object when Obama was shoveling stimulus money with a
fork lift to his rich pals and cronies? I'll venture a guess and say hell no!
You are clueless. Obama did no such thing. He had no choice but to give the Republicans some of the stimulus money for their pork or they would not have approved the package. Obama got us out of the worst recession since the depression and started our country on the road to recovery. Trump slashed environmental regulations that were put in place to protect you from big business polluters, and Trump did that for his buddies.
Dems stuffed nothing into the bill except to demand that the virus package not only included access to the treatment but that payment for the treatment be included in the bill.
There is no yardstick, whether you give a crap or not. Trump is a feckless grifter and is a dictator wannabe.
You are the clown, pal, for succumbing to Trump's nonsense. He sure as hell didn't want to open the economy slowly.
Fauci is not holding a gun to Trump's head. Fauci speaks common sense, something you and your ilk cannot fathom,
and the states followed his advice.
Trump has excuses for all his gaffs, including the break with the WHO. After the WHO informed the world in January, he did nothing for 2 months except to accuse the Dems of a "hoax" like the Russian "hoax". A stupid move by a stupid man, as China steps in to fill the void and gain allies. What a dope.
Comey and Brennan are patriots and did their jobs honorably. Trump had all you suckers to play to and you all bought his garbage. Comey, by exposing Clinton, may well be the reason that Trump got elected.
Finally, Trump was guilty as hell and got away with it since he's followers in the Senate allowed no witnesses.
So get off your high horse, pal, because you are being grifted by an expert con-man.

Thank god for real leaders! Kemp! Thank you for your leadership!

Democrat run cities will be run like the epa runs farms! Kill off the law breakers
How do conservatives justify reopening BEFORE we know how many Americans are infected?

Magical (MAGA) thinking?

Donald Trump blames OBAMA for coronavirus testing fiasco he oversaw

Realizing the shutdown will kill more people than the virus, and it was a big mistake to listen to the media and doctors with an agenda, maybe?
if more republicans I'm all for it
Wow so much hate
you don't know the half of it
Do you need some medication? Is it because blacks could becoming more independent and that pisses you off?
Ever since I attended a HS with 3/4 black for 4 years I NEVER had a problem with people of color
So why do you hate them?
Thats dumb ,even for you I hate no one except the P's OS in our Gov't and all republican ass kissers
you forgot to add the democrat ass kissers....
ONE republican out of all those scum in congress had the nads to speak up against this rat fuk in our Presidency? That's ass kissing taken to the 10th degree
does not take away what i said ed......i see plenty of ass kissing on both sides.....but then thats the way the die hard right and left party people are...ass kissers
Have to admit you're right Harry both sides are guilty both sides have to get on board what leaders and majority want My main bitch is how can all the republicans support Jack the Ripper commonly known as D Trump?
We know how to protect those who are vulnerable.

You can continue to hide under your bed but the testing of everyone is a straw man argument of the globalists. We test those who are symptomatic and those caring for our vulnerable populations. The rest is dog and pony show.
If we know how to protect the vulnerable, why do we have more infections than any other country on the planet, magical MAGA thinking?

The US has currently tested less than 2% of its population, largely because Trump still thinks you run government like a for-profit business

Half-a-million tests per day will be necessary (including those who display no symptoms) before it's safe to reopen; the biggest dog and pony show is in the White House which is to be expected when you elect a moron POTUS.
You are an ass hole for thinking that anybody trusts the Chinese. Get real.
Lots of leftists here do. Look around. They'll trust Chinese numbers of people killed by their bat flu
but call Trump a liar when our numbers are listed.
You are an ass hole for thinking that anybody trusts the Chinese. Get real.
Lots of leftists here do. Look around. They'll trust Chinese numbers of people killed by their bat flu
but call Trump a liar when our numbers are listed.
Trusting Chinese numbers have nothing to do with loving China, and I have not heard anyone call Trump a liar on that subject. They may disagree on the number, but guessing is in vogue right now.

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